=General Information=
Capital City: Pekevdorog
Spoken Languages:
-Varkanian (Minor)
-Muoaran (Minor)
Demonym: Zemnalkovian
-Cesvaii (Minor)
Government: Federal Republic
-Baskozh: Veedan Hasmukich
A Federation of City States ruled over by Kulskiel Goblins and their Burivengi Bugbear minions, Zemnalkov was mostly populated by Humans and Elves until the Goblinoids, collectively known as the Zemnal had invaded the land as a horde of fleets and raiders from the west. Now they rule over the land as City States and leagues banded together under a Federation led by the central leader, the Baskozh. It is a primarily matriarchal society, in which women hold most of the positions of office, and it is mostly focused on expanding through trade, although they have been known to be hostile militarily as well.

Goblins that barely stand over 4 feet tall, they commonly have greenish yellow skin, and are known to have various dark hair colors, such as black, brown, dark green, and on rare occasions dark blue. Their eyes come in red, green, blue, and yellow, and are highly reflective, making them appear as though they glow, especially in the dark. Their hands have three fingers which bare dark, almost black claws upon them, although these are rarely used. A striking feature of these goblins is that they have small tusks and fangs protruding from their mouths. They are also known for giving birth in litters of up to four, and it is this very fact that they are the largest growing race within Zamnelkov, and are in fact more numerous than the other races. They are also the masters of the land, holding the majority of political power and having created the current government. They are located throughout all the land, although mainly reside within the cities and towns, as well as in the mountains and hills of Zamnelkov. They are considered to be ambitious, devious, and reckless, almost to the point where some even deem them suicidal when they are rallied beyond a certain cause. They are foreigners, having coming to these lands roughly three centuries prior from a land called Stestemya, originally as explorers, then raiders, and eventually conquerors.

The larger of the two goblinoid species, the Bugbears stand on average at 6’8”. Unlike the Kulskiel goblins they have yellowish skin, sometimes bordering on green, causing some to confuse them as orcs. Like their goblin cousins they have tusks and fangs protruding from the mouths, and three fingers on each hand ending in black claws. Their eyes come in red, yellow, blue, and green, and heavily reflect light to the point where they seem to glow, especially in the dark. Their hair colors typically come in brown, black, and red, which extends to their bodies, which are particularly hairy and fur covered. Other than their height and their larger muscle mass, what does set them apart from their goblin compatriots is the fact that they have a bear like nose. Their primary role within Zamnelkov comes in the form of enforcers, soldiers, body guards, and hunter, typically being valued for their brawn rather than their brains by their goblin masters. They commonly live near goblins, but it is also fairly common for them to live in their own villages in the hills.

A Wood Elven people, they typically stand around 5’7” and have olive skin, and are known for having brown to sometimes auburn hair. Their eye colors range from blue, green, to amethyst, with their facial features commonly being sharp and slender. Unlike Elves of other lands, Anqualan elves live up to 500 years, potentially more if they use magic to extend their life spans. Anqualan Elves physically age until, in comparison to humans, to their 40s, at which point their hair and eyes will begin to lose color, with the eldest having pure white hair and eyes. Anqualans also typically live in the north of Zamnelkov in the region of Teriasevo, and most prefer to live in more rural environments, especially within the forests. They are the oldest race to be present in Zamnelkov, once lording over one of the corelands of the Muha Imperium and later their own realm. They have since fallen from grace, many retreating to the woods both before and after the Zamnel Wars.

Standing at 5’9” tall on average, these humans are olive skinned with brown or black hair, only very rarely holding auburn hair. The Gsomvrosians have slender and sharp features, much like the Anqualans, although this is from centuries of interbreeding with them. Because of this they also share their eye colors, which are commonly green and blue, but also amethyst at times. These humans are present throughout much of Southern Zemnalkov, particularly the regions of Gsokevnia and Kremrelvka, they are the descendants of the Elkadan that traveled north and integrated for a time in Anqualan society. They primarily live in the cities, rural villages, and farmlands, serving as a sort of worker’s class.
Also known as Varkans, the Varkovnians are a rather recent addition to Zemnalkov, having been the native people of the region that the Zemnal call Semelia, and can also be found in the southern western parts of Krenirelvka. They are a dusky olive to light brown skinned people with predominantly dark hair, and thick stocky builds. Those that do live in Zemnalkov are a rural people, living in villages and hamlets in the woods and grasslands of the west.
The Elkadan are the original humans to have settled in the country that is now Zemnalkov, primarily settling its southern lands. They are a mixed people, having pale to olive skin, usually standing around 5’11” on average, and are known for their black hair and blue eyes. They are a minority even among the Gsomvrosians, and most of them live in the very south of Zemnalkov, usually migrating from southern lands. They primarily live in small clan based hamlets and villages spread throughout the hills of Krenirelvka

Goblins that barely stand over 4 feet tall, they commonly have greenish yellow skin, and are known to have various dark hair colors, such as black, brown, dark green, and on rare occasions dark blue. Their eyes come in red, green, blue, and yellow, and are highly reflective, making them appear as though they glow, especially in the dark. Their hands have three fingers which bare dark, almost black claws upon them, although these are rarely used. A striking feature of these goblins is that they have small tusks and fangs protruding from their mouths. They are also known for giving birth in litters of up to four, and it is this very fact that they are the largest growing race within Zamnelkov, and are in fact more numerous than the other races. They are also the masters of the land, holding the majority of political power and having created the current government. They are located throughout all the land, although mainly reside within the cities and towns, as well as in the mountains and hills of Zamnelkov. They are considered to be ambitious, devious, and reckless, almost to the point where some even deem them suicidal when they are rallied beyond a certain cause. They are foreigners, having coming to these lands roughly three centuries prior from a land called Stestemya, originally as explorers, then raiders, and eventually conquerors.

The larger of the two goblinoid species, the Bugbears stand on average at 6’8”. Unlike the Kulskiel goblins they have yellowish skin, sometimes bordering on green, causing some to confuse them as orcs. Like their goblin cousins they have tusks and fangs protruding from the mouths, and three fingers on each hand ending in black claws. Their eyes come in red, yellow, blue, and green, and heavily reflect light to the point where they seem to glow, especially in the dark. Their hair colors typically come in brown, black, and red, which extends to their bodies, which are particularly hairy and fur covered. Other than their height and their larger muscle mass, what does set them apart from their goblin compatriots is the fact that they have a bear like nose. Their primary role within Zamnelkov comes in the form of enforcers, soldiers, body guards, and hunter, typically being valued for their brawn rather than their brains by their goblin masters. They commonly live near goblins, but it is also fairly common for them to live in their own villages in the hills.

A Wood Elven people, they typically stand around 5’7” and have olive skin, and are known for having brown to sometimes auburn hair. Their eye colors range from blue, green, to amethyst, with their facial features commonly being sharp and slender. Unlike Elves of other lands, Anqualan elves live up to 500 years, potentially more if they use magic to extend their life spans. Anqualan Elves physically age until, in comparison to humans, to their 40s, at which point their hair and eyes will begin to lose color, with the eldest having pure white hair and eyes. Anqualans also typically live in the north of Zamnelkov in the region of Teriasevo, and most prefer to live in more rural environments, especially within the forests. They are the oldest race to be present in Zamnelkov, once lording over one of the corelands of the Muha Imperium and later their own realm. They have since fallen from grace, many retreating to the woods both before and after the Zamnel Wars.

Standing at 5’9” tall on average, these humans are olive skinned with brown or black hair, only very rarely holding auburn hair. The Gsomvrosians have slender and sharp features, much like the Anqualans, although this is from centuries of interbreeding with them. Because of this they also share their eye colors, which are commonly green and blue, but also amethyst at times. These humans are present throughout much of Southern Zemnalkov, particularly the regions of Gsokevnia and Kremrelvka, they are the descendants of the Elkadan that traveled north and integrated for a time in Anqualan society. They primarily live in the cities, rural villages, and farmlands, serving as a sort of worker’s class.
Also known as Varkans, the Varkovnians are a rather recent addition to Zemnalkov, having been the native people of the region that the Zemnal call Semelia, and can also be found in the southern western parts of Krenirelvka. They are a dusky olive to light brown skinned people with predominantly dark hair, and thick stocky builds. Those that do live in Zemnalkov are a rural people, living in villages and hamlets in the woods and grasslands of the west.
The Elkadan are the original humans to have settled in the country that is now Zemnalkov, primarily settling its southern lands. They are a mixed people, having pale to olive skin, usually standing around 5’11” on average, and are known for their black hair and blue eyes. They are a minority even among the Gsomvrosians, and most of them live in the very south of Zemnalkov, usually migrating from southern lands. They primarily live in small clan based hamlets and villages spread throughout the hills of Krenirelvka
=The First Age| The Muha Imperium=
Much of what is now the eastern lands of Zemnalkov was once called Anqualith, ruled by the Anqualans, a race of Wood Elves who had a great respect for the woods, typically living in harmony with it in accordance with the doctrines of their god Pericar. That was until the Muha Imperium came marching through their hills and woods, giving the Anqualans two choices, join them or die. Those that refused, had their forest homes burned and their children enslaved. This would be one of Muha’s first major conquests outside of their home territories, and as both peoples were elves, the Muha attempted integration in one of their first new territories. Given their proximity and elvish bloodlines, the Anqualans slowly but surely became an integral part within the Muha Imperium, becoming one of her core territories the further the Imperium expanded, her sons and daughters fighting first and foremost for the Imperial Crown rather than the forests of their homeland. While the Anqualans still respected their old ways and the forests, they took more and more to the urbanizing ways of the Muha, making them a well developed and stable land.
=2nd Age, 1-223| The Fall of Muha and the Elkadan Migration=
Despite their loyalty to the empire, the continued corruption and atrocities that had sprung from Muha, against Anqualans amongst many others no less, rebellion had stirred in the heart of Anqualith, being one of the last of its client states to turn on the Imperium. Anqualith gained its sovereignty although this sovereignty would be challenged when the Elkadan, a race of men, had sacked the Muha capital of Muhakim. The Elkadan were not satisified with their conquests to the south, and as they divvied up their conquered land, more and more ambitious clans headed north, into Anqualith, confusing the the Anqualans for the Muha. This began the barbarian invasions that the Regency of Anqualith was ill prepared for, and much of their southern lands were taken by the human scourge, who quickly turned it into a mass of petty kingdoms and dukedoms as they had in the south, no one kingdom remaining large for long due to the gavelkind inheritance laws that the Elkadan partook. This era saw a loss in power and influence in Anqualith, as outlying cities broke off on their own as city states, creating a fractured and decentralized region where the Elkadan and Anqualans shared a tense peace that was typically broken by minor states warring with each other over land and trade disputes.
=2nd Age, 234-244| The Olman War of Aggression=
Further south, one of the Elkadan realms calling itself Olma, began a campaign of rapid expansion after its king, Pelom the Bold had gathered enough wealth and influence to create an army whose backbone was made of heavy units and cavalry, quickly conquering many of the southern Elkadan realms. This conquest did not stop in the south however, as Pelom wanted to unite all Elkadans under his power, which included those that had created their realms in Gsokevnia, Krenirelvka, and Southern Teriasevo. While the realms in Krenirelvka had been easily conquered, the further and further the Olmans attempted to push into Gsokevnia and Teriasevo, the more difficult the terrain was for their cavalry, and the more and more the Anqualan Elves had joined with their Elkadan neighbors to push off the Olman invasion. This created a deeper bond between the Elkadan and Anqualans of the region.
=2nd Age, 244-310| Rise of Anqualan Power=
The Olman invasion, while it had left most of Krenirelvka and Gsokevnia under the rule of Olma, also granted Anqualith a great deal of influence as the largest nation capable of standing against Olma. Most of the Anqualan states had rejoined the Regency of Anqualith as client states, and those remaining Elkadan kingdoms that had resisted Olman invasion turned to the Anqualans for protection and guidance, becoming marches under the rule of Regent Protector Naethala Caesthil. This began an age of peace for Anqualith, and their culture and religion of Pericaran spread to the Elkadan, who began to intermarry with the Anqualan people. Pogroms that occurred against the elves in Olman territory ensured that many of these Elves fled to Anqualith, integrating into their society and bringing new trades and greater population.
=2nd Age, 312-377| The Olman Wars of Humiliation=
As Anqualith’s power waxed, Olma’s power began to wane. To further increase their wealth and power, the Kingdom of Olma under the leadership of King Pelom IV began a new series of wars to expand Olman territory. Their first targets were in the north of Olma, namely the lands of Ok’Va and the remaining Elkadan Marches, now loyal to Anqualith. Pelom’s personally led the campaign into Ok’Va expecting an easy victory, while his Generals invaded the Elkadan Marches. Both campaigns were met with failure, as Anqualith was quick to send her armies south to defend the Marches, and sent warriors and supplies into Ok’Va as mercenaries to aid in their unconventional war. This was further expediated when King Pelom IV was killed in Ok’Va and his successor, Kelvad instead opted to invade the remnants of Muha. Anqualith allied with Muha and attacked Olma in the north as Muha raided the south.
=2nd Age, 377-422| The Naethalan Reconquests=
As the Olman Wars of Humiliation ended, and the Olman Civil War began, Regent Protector Naethala saw this as an opporunity to fully reconquer the lands that Anqualith had lost for centuries ago. She launched a full on invasion of the Olman lands in the regions of Gsokevnia and Krenirelvka, lands that had once belonged to Anqualith before the Elkadan migration. Too busy with their civil war, and later the Kearig Rebellion, Anqualith was able to fully reconquered the lands the Olma, and in the past, the Elkadan had taken from the proud nation. To further consolidate Anqualith, both the Anqualan Client states and the Elkadan Marches were fully integrated into Anqualith.
=2nd Age, 431-488| Rise of the Gsomvrosians=
With the Elkadans in the north fully integrated into Anqualith, they began to adopt the culture and religion of the Anqualans, and even began to intermarry with them. This spread humans across Anqualith, and these humans, with some elven blood began to see themselves as different from the Elkadans in the south. This was the rise of the Gsomvrosians, who began to serve as the rank and file soldiers in the Anqualan military, but also began serving as workers and servants, despite still holding the majority population in the south and in Krenirelvka. Their nobility was slowly being replaced by Anqualan nobility, their cities no longer having human lords and ladies within them. To offset discontent in this theme, the Anqualans granted the Gsomvrosians various castles and feudal holdings to rule over, to give them a sense of importance and governance in the land, reviving old human noble houses for this purpose.
=2nd Age, 501-542| The Algaenan Decline=
Despite the seeming rise to power that Anqualith had under the leadership of Naethala Caesthil, many Anqualans began to adopt their old ways of being more in tune with nature, as they were before the Muha conquest of Anqualith. More and more Anqualans began to leave the cities to live in the woods in more rural lifestyles once more, while the humans tended more to the cities, especially in the south. It was during this era that trade began to falter with the nascent Kingdom of Maradium and the declining Vozinya. Corruption among the nobility was growing ever more common as they believed that no nation in their immediate vicinity could challenge Anqualith, and it was also during this time that mages began practicing darker magics. This coincided with the appearance of Zemnalkov’s most notable monster, Werewolves, who first seemed to have plagued human villages. However the most egregious corruption was when Regent Protector Naethala Caesthil was assassinated during an elk hunt by unknown parties, but most attribute it to Yelsenra Algaenan, who was elected as the new Regent Protect after Naethala’s death. Regent Protector Yelsenra then proceeded to reverse Naethala’s gifting of territories to Gsomvrosians, and began heavily taxing them and in many cases even revoking their titles with falsified charges of treason. To further solidify her position, she granted her family members these titles instead, until her house was the most powerful in Anqualith. With that power, and the support of the more corrupt nobility, she disbanded the Regency and named herself Imperatrix, styling herself as an old Muha Imperator.
=2nd Age, 560-604| The Berman War=
While the Gsomvrosians were given castles to rule over, and they were the majority in most southern cities and villages, Castle Berman had become a city in itself over the century since it was given to the House of Berman despite the heavy taxations and revocations of titles by Imperatrix Yelsenra. It’s central location within the Regency, now the Imperium, and its production of iron in the nearby hills made it a stopping point for trade, granting it wealth and political power that almost matched the Regency’s capital of Kelsenpolis. This invoked jealousy in the Imperatrix, who in turn, placed heavy tariffs and taxes on the town of Berman. Knowing full well that she could not simply accuse the House of Berman of treason due to their political power, she instead opted to use something more mischievous. Being a Mage herself, and a practitioner of the darker magics some Anqualans had been experimenting with, she had used her sorcery to bind various werewolves to her will. Sending these werewolves to Castle Berman, many of them ravaged the town below while that largest and strongest of these snuck into the castle to kill the Bermans. Unfortunately for this werewolf, Lord Alben Berman had a silver gilded sword forged due to the already increasing werewolf problem throughout the country. Using this sword, he wounded the werewolf, which not only weakened it but broke the hold that Yelsenra held over the beast. Capturing it, Lord Alben learned from the beast that it was Yelsenra that had forced it to attack the Berman family. Outraged, Lord Alben rose the forces loyal to him, many of which involved now titleless lords and their followers, beginning the Berman War. Considered by some to be a civil war, it pitted Gsomvrosians against Anqualans, although many Anqualans that had grown discontent with the corruption in their society had risen up as well. This war would wage for over 40 years, and culminated in the sacking of Kelsenpolis, and the fracturing of Anqualith into various petty kingdoms and city states.
=2nd Age, 629-642| The Krenirelvka-Vozinya War=
One of the largest of the kingdoms that formed after the fall of Anqualith was the Kingdom of Krenirelvka, which named itself after the region due to its dominance of it. Led by King Akaitos Athleon I, the Kingdom expanded its borders to encompass all of Krenirelvka. However the reign of King Akaitos was short, as he died when his horse bucked he fell off of a cliff path, crashing his head on the rocks below. His younger brother Melodios took the throne, who wanted to prove himself to the nobility of the realm that he was indeed strong and capable. He looked south to the lands of Vozinya, which had become the State of Varkovnia. Noticing their civil war between Republican Forces and the ruling Varkov Dynasty, King Melodios promised an easy conquest, and on the eve of the Republicans’ victory, launched an invasion of the newly revived Vozinya. It was after the initial battles that Prince Zivko Varkov approached King Melodious requesting his aid in reseating him as the sovereign ruler of Varkovnia. Wanting to use his forces to bolster his own, Melodious agreed; However Melodious was arrogant and boasted much to his generals of how he was going to betray Prince Zivko and easily conquer Vozinya for himself. This word spread, first to the soldiers of Krenirelvka, and then to the soldiers of the Varkovs, and then to Zivko Varkov himself. Enraged, the Prince entered Melodious’ tent and stabbed him with a dagger, quickly fleeing. The ensuing chaos created a battle between the Varkov and Athleon hosts which decimated them enough that the Republican forces crushed them in the morning. This defeat left Krenirelvka in a weakened state, as most of their warriors had either died or fled, delving deep into the woods of Varkovnia and the hills of Krenirelvka, many turning to banditry. Without a king and heir, the nobility of the realm quickly divvied up the kingdom between themselves, splintering it apart once more.
=2nd Age, 655-676| Zemnal Migration=
During Anqualith’s moment of weakness and splintering, a strange new people began landing on their western shores in what is now known as the region of Yahkovy, so named by these new comers. These new comers were a group of Goblins known as the Kulskiel, explorers from a western land that they named Stestemya. At first, these Goblins were nothing more than adventurers and explorers who were unchallenged by the Anqualans of the area as the elves had all but abandoned the urban centers of the region. The Kulskiel named the region Yahkovy, which in their tongue meant Green Mountains, and within a few years, more and more of their kind came, bringing with them the Bugbears called Burvengi. Where they were once explorers, they quickly turned to raiding, as their homeland was a dying wasteland, and many of these goblinoids which came to be known as the Zamnel “The Bastards” by the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians, began colonizing Yahkovy, taking over the ruined and abandoned cities left behind by the Anqualans that retreated to the woods. The first major raiding however took place further west, and further south. Wanting easy loot and plunder, the Zamnel saw the weakness of what was once the kingdom of Krenirelvka, and put the nail in the coffin for those stagnating realms, quickly travelling south in hordes to loot and sack the cities and castles of that hilly region. It was there that the Zamnel also noticed the failing republic of Vozinya, and more ambitious Goblin hordes travelled even further south, sacking the last of their cities and taking the last of their riches, bringing them back north to the new city the Zamnel had founded in the ruins, the city of Pekevdorog.
=2nd Age, 679-743| The Zamnel Wars=
With riches coming to Pekevdorog from the south, the Zamnel hordes and pirate captains has founded a rather anarchic city. Up until this point they had been primarily been ruled by pirate captains who organized their fleets, but now they had a land that provided food and water to them, supplies to build a civilization, and their gold and silver, as well as the weapons and armor they had looted from the southern lands granted them new opportunities. The captains and admirals agreed that to maximize their gains, they needed an organized force to fully conquer and subjugate the lands. These lord captains cast the first vote for a War Master, one that would lead them in war and conquest, and the first of the War Masters was Sivona Eilvankon. It was Sivona that realized their unrestrained looting of Krenirelvka and Vozinya made those lands undeveloped and useless to rule over, and so instead she looked east, beyond the mountains to the Anqualan heartlands of Teriasevo and Gsokevnia. This was the beginning of the Zamnel wars, as War Master Sivona led her Goblinoids hordes not only north around the Yahkovy Mountains, but through them as well, these goblins digging tunnels and exploring through caves that had long been ignored by Elves and Men. Many of the city states and petty kingdoms to the east created alliances and leagues too late, as the more lands that fell to the Goblin horde, the more nails were hammered into the coffin, until finally it was Goblin banners that flew above the cities of Teriasevo.
=2nd Age, 744-750| The Rise of the Zamnelkov Republic=
After the successful conquest of Teriasevo and the last vestiges of the Anqualan and Gsomvrosian territories, the Zemnal had quickly gone about making claims for their own territories, taking the cities to forge their own realms. Initially, these nascent realms were sovereign and independent, but Warmaster Sivona feared that being as splintered as the people they had conquered would jeopardize their position in their new home, leaving them vulnerable to exterior conquest, as the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians they themselves had conquered. Calling a meeting Sivona brought forth the idea to keep these conquered realms united in a military capacity as an alliance. This was accepted by the newly self appointed Geruks, the rulers of the new city states, to maintain control over their newly conquered subjects. The ensure control was had, the position of warmaster would be elected from among the Geruks every 10 years. However, the centralization of the Grand Duchy of Muoarma to the south was of great concern to the Geruks, who formed into the Liga Baninik, and so a new meeting was called that reformed the rule of Warmaster to not only be the highest general of the Liga Baninik but also to grant it more responsibility of ensuring continued cohesion between it, but most importantly also granting the title the responsibility of dealing with foreign powers diplomatically. Over time this position became known as the Baskozh, and the Liga Baninik formed the Zamnelkov Republic.
=2nd Age, 811-813| Krechma’s War=
With the title of Baskozh being formed, the title of Warmaster was reduced in standing to that of the Baskozh’s chief military advisor, holding the responsibility for fielding the armies of the Baskozh and maintaining them. It was during this era that a bugbear named Krechma was named Warmaster for Baskozh Kelyeta Ehzvanponitz near the end of her 10 year term. When her term had ended, Aniyavelpi Ernvanov was elected as Baskozh by the Liga Baninik, and while she kept much of the Baskoncil from her predecessor, she also enacted a law that formally barred non Goblins from voting on a Baskozh or even on a Geruk, hoping to solidify Goblin rule over the conquered Anqualan and Gsomvrosian populations. This however did not sit well with Krechma, who quickly assassinated Aniyavelpi with the aid of her own bugbear guards. This caused many of the Geruks to raise up their armies to arrest Krechma for his treason, however as many of their own soldiers were Bugbears, many of them deserted and rallied to Krechma, as this new voting law was very clearly a slight against their king despite their long service to the Kulskiel. This strengthened Krechma and weakened the Geruks that opposed him, and after a quick war he defeated the Geruks that he had deemed “rebellious”. While the newly elected Geruks had elected Taniyana Khmechogan as the new Baskozh, Krechma went off and crushed the various rebellions started by Anqualans and Gsomvrosians that saw this as an opportunity to escape the yolk of the Zamnel. The newly appointed Baskozh Taniyana made an amendment to the election law with Krechma over her shoulder that permitted both Goblins and Bugbears to vote for the Geruks and the Baskozh.
=2nd Age, 830-841| The Dradark War=
Having coming from the dying lands of Stestemya, it would only be a matter of time before the word spread of the Zamnel’s success in these new eastern lands. Another race from their homeland came, the Dradarks, those that had once ruled over and driven away the Kulskiel and Burvengi. The Dradarks came to be known by another name by the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians however, who called them Hobgoblins. When these hobgoblins appeared, they came first as explorers and scouts, but in a panic the Kulskiel Geruks had them executed to prevent more from coming. Some of them escaped and returned to Stestemya however, and not before long, A horde of ships invaded the region, being led by their own Warmaster, Zarkhan Kurrich, who was quick to attack and sack the city of Evekna and then march his way further north to Pekevdorog, where smaller armies led by his trust generals went further south into Krenirelvka, and others sailed around, engaging Zemnalkov fleets and eventually landing of the eastern shores of Teriasevo. The initial years of the war did not go well as more and more armies poured in from out west, and more cities were occupied, which in turn made the Dradark more bold. With their arrogance came ambition, and the Dradark went even further south than Zamnelkov, to invade the lands of Ok’Va, Varkovnia, and Muoarma, viewing the native realms as weak. They were entirely unprepared for this however, as when they entered Ok’Va, they were bogged down by their swampy terrain and guerilla tactics. Viewing Ok’Va as a waste of time and resources, they instead opted to invade Muoarma instead, although were surprised by a fully prepared army, which made great use of their heavy cavalry against the hobgoblin threat, pushing them back northwards. Likewise, in Zemnalkov, the Hobgoblins were facing loses trying to conquer goblins and elves alike, who used hit and run tactics and were hard to route out of their hills and forests, despite being able to handedly conquer and occupy the urban centers. With a great many of their forces having been repelled and decimated in failed excursions into the south, and the dwindling of their forces in Teriasevo, the Zamnelkovians regrouped, catching Warmaster Zarkhan’s main force by surprise. While the battle was bloody and the Zamnelkovians were outnumbered, their ambush worked heavily in their favor and Dradark force was almost entirely obliterated. For the next several years, the war boiled down to a war of reconquest and clean up until the last of the hobgoblins were repelled or captured. Those that were however were brutally executed, a punishment that would send the message that the Kulskiel goblins would never again be conquered and ruled by hobgoblins.
=2nd Age, 943-946| The Conquest of Semelia=
With the fall of Vozinya and the rise of the nation of Mertvi Zhyvi, the area that once belonged to Vozinya known as Semelia had become split off from the rest of Vozinya, and had descended into a relatively powerless land with no central authority, being made up almost entirely of villages and hamlets, with the once prosperous port city of Shevanevo, which fell into disrepair, becoming a disheveled town, and the trade city of Kazimzek, which had been sacked by the Goblins nearly two centuries before, becoming a shadow of its former self, little more than a ruin filled with squatters that had become a ramshackle trading port. Despite being decentralized it was able to maintain its sovereignty, with the two towns of Kazimzek and Shevanevo effectively serving as city states that unified against exterior threats. However those threats were usually little more than bandit kings and warlords, or the occasional powerful monster threatening the countryside. Nominally their relation to Zemnalkov had been cordial yet wary due to their prior conquests and of course, sacking of Zovinya. The two towns had mostly done peaceful trade with Zamnelkov, however when pirates began coming out of Kazimzek to raid Zamnelkovian coasts and merchant ships, this could not stand. Baskozh Hjaneela Voskeron, wanting to expand her influence and bring the Semelian lands under Zemnalkov’s fold, used this as a pretense for war, and so personally led the invasion of Semelia. The war to occupy the two towns was relatively quick, however conquering the surrounding countryside proved to be difficult leading to three more years of hunting down militias and torching resisting villages. When the majority of the people surrendered, the question of how to manage conquered lands and integrate them was brought forth by the Liga Bananik, as they did not want these conquered lands falling under the jurisdiction of the Baskozh and granting the title more power. Instead the Liga Bananik voted to create a system of Oblasts, which would be ruled jointly by three Geruks, who would rotate out of ruling them every five years.
Much of what is now the eastern lands of Zemnalkov was once called Anqualith, ruled by the Anqualans, a race of Wood Elves who had a great respect for the woods, typically living in harmony with it in accordance with the doctrines of their god Pericar. That was until the Muha Imperium came marching through their hills and woods, giving the Anqualans two choices, join them or die. Those that refused, had their forest homes burned and their children enslaved. This would be one of Muha’s first major conquests outside of their home territories, and as both peoples were elves, the Muha attempted integration in one of their first new territories. Given their proximity and elvish bloodlines, the Anqualans slowly but surely became an integral part within the Muha Imperium, becoming one of her core territories the further the Imperium expanded, her sons and daughters fighting first and foremost for the Imperial Crown rather than the forests of their homeland. While the Anqualans still respected their old ways and the forests, they took more and more to the urbanizing ways of the Muha, making them a well developed and stable land.
=2nd Age, 1-223| The Fall of Muha and the Elkadan Migration=
Despite their loyalty to the empire, the continued corruption and atrocities that had sprung from Muha, against Anqualans amongst many others no less, rebellion had stirred in the heart of Anqualith, being one of the last of its client states to turn on the Imperium. Anqualith gained its sovereignty although this sovereignty would be challenged when the Elkadan, a race of men, had sacked the Muha capital of Muhakim. The Elkadan were not satisified with their conquests to the south, and as they divvied up their conquered land, more and more ambitious clans headed north, into Anqualith, confusing the the Anqualans for the Muha. This began the barbarian invasions that the Regency of Anqualith was ill prepared for, and much of their southern lands were taken by the human scourge, who quickly turned it into a mass of petty kingdoms and dukedoms as they had in the south, no one kingdom remaining large for long due to the gavelkind inheritance laws that the Elkadan partook. This era saw a loss in power and influence in Anqualith, as outlying cities broke off on their own as city states, creating a fractured and decentralized region where the Elkadan and Anqualans shared a tense peace that was typically broken by minor states warring with each other over land and trade disputes.
=2nd Age, 234-244| The Olman War of Aggression=
Further south, one of the Elkadan realms calling itself Olma, began a campaign of rapid expansion after its king, Pelom the Bold had gathered enough wealth and influence to create an army whose backbone was made of heavy units and cavalry, quickly conquering many of the southern Elkadan realms. This conquest did not stop in the south however, as Pelom wanted to unite all Elkadans under his power, which included those that had created their realms in Gsokevnia, Krenirelvka, and Southern Teriasevo. While the realms in Krenirelvka had been easily conquered, the further and further the Olmans attempted to push into Gsokevnia and Teriasevo, the more difficult the terrain was for their cavalry, and the more and more the Anqualan Elves had joined with their Elkadan neighbors to push off the Olman invasion. This created a deeper bond between the Elkadan and Anqualans of the region.
=2nd Age, 244-310| Rise of Anqualan Power=
The Olman invasion, while it had left most of Krenirelvka and Gsokevnia under the rule of Olma, also granted Anqualith a great deal of influence as the largest nation capable of standing against Olma. Most of the Anqualan states had rejoined the Regency of Anqualith as client states, and those remaining Elkadan kingdoms that had resisted Olman invasion turned to the Anqualans for protection and guidance, becoming marches under the rule of Regent Protector Naethala Caesthil. This began an age of peace for Anqualith, and their culture and religion of Pericaran spread to the Elkadan, who began to intermarry with the Anqualan people. Pogroms that occurred against the elves in Olman territory ensured that many of these Elves fled to Anqualith, integrating into their society and bringing new trades and greater population.
=2nd Age, 312-377| The Olman Wars of Humiliation=
As Anqualith’s power waxed, Olma’s power began to wane. To further increase their wealth and power, the Kingdom of Olma under the leadership of King Pelom IV began a new series of wars to expand Olman territory. Their first targets were in the north of Olma, namely the lands of Ok’Va and the remaining Elkadan Marches, now loyal to Anqualith. Pelom’s personally led the campaign into Ok’Va expecting an easy victory, while his Generals invaded the Elkadan Marches. Both campaigns were met with failure, as Anqualith was quick to send her armies south to defend the Marches, and sent warriors and supplies into Ok’Va as mercenaries to aid in their unconventional war. This was further expediated when King Pelom IV was killed in Ok’Va and his successor, Kelvad instead opted to invade the remnants of Muha. Anqualith allied with Muha and attacked Olma in the north as Muha raided the south.
=2nd Age, 377-422| The Naethalan Reconquests=
As the Olman Wars of Humiliation ended, and the Olman Civil War began, Regent Protector Naethala saw this as an opporunity to fully reconquer the lands that Anqualith had lost for centuries ago. She launched a full on invasion of the Olman lands in the regions of Gsokevnia and Krenirelvka, lands that had once belonged to Anqualith before the Elkadan migration. Too busy with their civil war, and later the Kearig Rebellion, Anqualith was able to fully reconquered the lands the Olma, and in the past, the Elkadan had taken from the proud nation. To further consolidate Anqualith, both the Anqualan Client states and the Elkadan Marches were fully integrated into Anqualith.
=2nd Age, 431-488| Rise of the Gsomvrosians=
With the Elkadans in the north fully integrated into Anqualith, they began to adopt the culture and religion of the Anqualans, and even began to intermarry with them. This spread humans across Anqualith, and these humans, with some elven blood began to see themselves as different from the Elkadans in the south. This was the rise of the Gsomvrosians, who began to serve as the rank and file soldiers in the Anqualan military, but also began serving as workers and servants, despite still holding the majority population in the south and in Krenirelvka. Their nobility was slowly being replaced by Anqualan nobility, their cities no longer having human lords and ladies within them. To offset discontent in this theme, the Anqualans granted the Gsomvrosians various castles and feudal holdings to rule over, to give them a sense of importance and governance in the land, reviving old human noble houses for this purpose.
=2nd Age, 501-542| The Algaenan Decline=
Despite the seeming rise to power that Anqualith had under the leadership of Naethala Caesthil, many Anqualans began to adopt their old ways of being more in tune with nature, as they were before the Muha conquest of Anqualith. More and more Anqualans began to leave the cities to live in the woods in more rural lifestyles once more, while the humans tended more to the cities, especially in the south. It was during this era that trade began to falter with the nascent Kingdom of Maradium and the declining Vozinya. Corruption among the nobility was growing ever more common as they believed that no nation in their immediate vicinity could challenge Anqualith, and it was also during this time that mages began practicing darker magics. This coincided with the appearance of Zemnalkov’s most notable monster, Werewolves, who first seemed to have plagued human villages. However the most egregious corruption was when Regent Protector Naethala Caesthil was assassinated during an elk hunt by unknown parties, but most attribute it to Yelsenra Algaenan, who was elected as the new Regent Protect after Naethala’s death. Regent Protector Yelsenra then proceeded to reverse Naethala’s gifting of territories to Gsomvrosians, and began heavily taxing them and in many cases even revoking their titles with falsified charges of treason. To further solidify her position, she granted her family members these titles instead, until her house was the most powerful in Anqualith. With that power, and the support of the more corrupt nobility, she disbanded the Regency and named herself Imperatrix, styling herself as an old Muha Imperator.
=2nd Age, 560-604| The Berman War=
While the Gsomvrosians were given castles to rule over, and they were the majority in most southern cities and villages, Castle Berman had become a city in itself over the century since it was given to the House of Berman despite the heavy taxations and revocations of titles by Imperatrix Yelsenra. It’s central location within the Regency, now the Imperium, and its production of iron in the nearby hills made it a stopping point for trade, granting it wealth and political power that almost matched the Regency’s capital of Kelsenpolis. This invoked jealousy in the Imperatrix, who in turn, placed heavy tariffs and taxes on the town of Berman. Knowing full well that she could not simply accuse the House of Berman of treason due to their political power, she instead opted to use something more mischievous. Being a Mage herself, and a practitioner of the darker magics some Anqualans had been experimenting with, she had used her sorcery to bind various werewolves to her will. Sending these werewolves to Castle Berman, many of them ravaged the town below while that largest and strongest of these snuck into the castle to kill the Bermans. Unfortunately for this werewolf, Lord Alben Berman had a silver gilded sword forged due to the already increasing werewolf problem throughout the country. Using this sword, he wounded the werewolf, which not only weakened it but broke the hold that Yelsenra held over the beast. Capturing it, Lord Alben learned from the beast that it was Yelsenra that had forced it to attack the Berman family. Outraged, Lord Alben rose the forces loyal to him, many of which involved now titleless lords and their followers, beginning the Berman War. Considered by some to be a civil war, it pitted Gsomvrosians against Anqualans, although many Anqualans that had grown discontent with the corruption in their society had risen up as well. This war would wage for over 40 years, and culminated in the sacking of Kelsenpolis, and the fracturing of Anqualith into various petty kingdoms and city states.
=2nd Age, 629-642| The Krenirelvka-Vozinya War=
One of the largest of the kingdoms that formed after the fall of Anqualith was the Kingdom of Krenirelvka, which named itself after the region due to its dominance of it. Led by King Akaitos Athleon I, the Kingdom expanded its borders to encompass all of Krenirelvka. However the reign of King Akaitos was short, as he died when his horse bucked he fell off of a cliff path, crashing his head on the rocks below. His younger brother Melodios took the throne, who wanted to prove himself to the nobility of the realm that he was indeed strong and capable. He looked south to the lands of Vozinya, which had become the State of Varkovnia. Noticing their civil war between Republican Forces and the ruling Varkov Dynasty, King Melodios promised an easy conquest, and on the eve of the Republicans’ victory, launched an invasion of the newly revived Vozinya. It was after the initial battles that Prince Zivko Varkov approached King Melodious requesting his aid in reseating him as the sovereign ruler of Varkovnia. Wanting to use his forces to bolster his own, Melodious agreed; However Melodious was arrogant and boasted much to his generals of how he was going to betray Prince Zivko and easily conquer Vozinya for himself. This word spread, first to the soldiers of Krenirelvka, and then to the soldiers of the Varkovs, and then to Zivko Varkov himself. Enraged, the Prince entered Melodious’ tent and stabbed him with a dagger, quickly fleeing. The ensuing chaos created a battle between the Varkov and Athleon hosts which decimated them enough that the Republican forces crushed them in the morning. This defeat left Krenirelvka in a weakened state, as most of their warriors had either died or fled, delving deep into the woods of Varkovnia and the hills of Krenirelvka, many turning to banditry. Without a king and heir, the nobility of the realm quickly divvied up the kingdom between themselves, splintering it apart once more.
=2nd Age, 655-676| Zemnal Migration=
During Anqualith’s moment of weakness and splintering, a strange new people began landing on their western shores in what is now known as the region of Yahkovy, so named by these new comers. These new comers were a group of Goblins known as the Kulskiel, explorers from a western land that they named Stestemya. At first, these Goblins were nothing more than adventurers and explorers who were unchallenged by the Anqualans of the area as the elves had all but abandoned the urban centers of the region. The Kulskiel named the region Yahkovy, which in their tongue meant Green Mountains, and within a few years, more and more of their kind came, bringing with them the Bugbears called Burvengi. Where they were once explorers, they quickly turned to raiding, as their homeland was a dying wasteland, and many of these goblinoids which came to be known as the Zamnel “The Bastards” by the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians, began colonizing Yahkovy, taking over the ruined and abandoned cities left behind by the Anqualans that retreated to the woods. The first major raiding however took place further west, and further south. Wanting easy loot and plunder, the Zamnel saw the weakness of what was once the kingdom of Krenirelvka, and put the nail in the coffin for those stagnating realms, quickly travelling south in hordes to loot and sack the cities and castles of that hilly region. It was there that the Zamnel also noticed the failing republic of Vozinya, and more ambitious Goblin hordes travelled even further south, sacking the last of their cities and taking the last of their riches, bringing them back north to the new city the Zamnel had founded in the ruins, the city of Pekevdorog.
=2nd Age, 679-743| The Zamnel Wars=
With riches coming to Pekevdorog from the south, the Zamnel hordes and pirate captains has founded a rather anarchic city. Up until this point they had been primarily been ruled by pirate captains who organized their fleets, but now they had a land that provided food and water to them, supplies to build a civilization, and their gold and silver, as well as the weapons and armor they had looted from the southern lands granted them new opportunities. The captains and admirals agreed that to maximize their gains, they needed an organized force to fully conquer and subjugate the lands. These lord captains cast the first vote for a War Master, one that would lead them in war and conquest, and the first of the War Masters was Sivona Eilvankon. It was Sivona that realized their unrestrained looting of Krenirelvka and Vozinya made those lands undeveloped and useless to rule over, and so instead she looked east, beyond the mountains to the Anqualan heartlands of Teriasevo and Gsokevnia. This was the beginning of the Zamnel wars, as War Master Sivona led her Goblinoids hordes not only north around the Yahkovy Mountains, but through them as well, these goblins digging tunnels and exploring through caves that had long been ignored by Elves and Men. Many of the city states and petty kingdoms to the east created alliances and leagues too late, as the more lands that fell to the Goblin horde, the more nails were hammered into the coffin, until finally it was Goblin banners that flew above the cities of Teriasevo.
=2nd Age, 744-750| The Rise of the Zamnelkov Republic=
After the successful conquest of Teriasevo and the last vestiges of the Anqualan and Gsomvrosian territories, the Zemnal had quickly gone about making claims for their own territories, taking the cities to forge their own realms. Initially, these nascent realms were sovereign and independent, but Warmaster Sivona feared that being as splintered as the people they had conquered would jeopardize their position in their new home, leaving them vulnerable to exterior conquest, as the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians they themselves had conquered. Calling a meeting Sivona brought forth the idea to keep these conquered realms united in a military capacity as an alliance. This was accepted by the newly self appointed Geruks, the rulers of the new city states, to maintain control over their newly conquered subjects. The ensure control was had, the position of warmaster would be elected from among the Geruks every 10 years. However, the centralization of the Grand Duchy of Muoarma to the south was of great concern to the Geruks, who formed into the Liga Baninik, and so a new meeting was called that reformed the rule of Warmaster to not only be the highest general of the Liga Baninik but also to grant it more responsibility of ensuring continued cohesion between it, but most importantly also granting the title the responsibility of dealing with foreign powers diplomatically. Over time this position became known as the Baskozh, and the Liga Baninik formed the Zamnelkov Republic.
=2nd Age, 811-813| Krechma’s War=
With the title of Baskozh being formed, the title of Warmaster was reduced in standing to that of the Baskozh’s chief military advisor, holding the responsibility for fielding the armies of the Baskozh and maintaining them. It was during this era that a bugbear named Krechma was named Warmaster for Baskozh Kelyeta Ehzvanponitz near the end of her 10 year term. When her term had ended, Aniyavelpi Ernvanov was elected as Baskozh by the Liga Baninik, and while she kept much of the Baskoncil from her predecessor, she also enacted a law that formally barred non Goblins from voting on a Baskozh or even on a Geruk, hoping to solidify Goblin rule over the conquered Anqualan and Gsomvrosian populations. This however did not sit well with Krechma, who quickly assassinated Aniyavelpi with the aid of her own bugbear guards. This caused many of the Geruks to raise up their armies to arrest Krechma for his treason, however as many of their own soldiers were Bugbears, many of them deserted and rallied to Krechma, as this new voting law was very clearly a slight against their king despite their long service to the Kulskiel. This strengthened Krechma and weakened the Geruks that opposed him, and after a quick war he defeated the Geruks that he had deemed “rebellious”. While the newly elected Geruks had elected Taniyana Khmechogan as the new Baskozh, Krechma went off and crushed the various rebellions started by Anqualans and Gsomvrosians that saw this as an opportunity to escape the yolk of the Zamnel. The newly appointed Baskozh Taniyana made an amendment to the election law with Krechma over her shoulder that permitted both Goblins and Bugbears to vote for the Geruks and the Baskozh.
=2nd Age, 830-841| The Dradark War=
Having coming from the dying lands of Stestemya, it would only be a matter of time before the word spread of the Zamnel’s success in these new eastern lands. Another race from their homeland came, the Dradarks, those that had once ruled over and driven away the Kulskiel and Burvengi. The Dradarks came to be known by another name by the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians however, who called them Hobgoblins. When these hobgoblins appeared, they came first as explorers and scouts, but in a panic the Kulskiel Geruks had them executed to prevent more from coming. Some of them escaped and returned to Stestemya however, and not before long, A horde of ships invaded the region, being led by their own Warmaster, Zarkhan Kurrich, who was quick to attack and sack the city of Evekna and then march his way further north to Pekevdorog, where smaller armies led by his trust generals went further south into Krenirelvka, and others sailed around, engaging Zemnalkov fleets and eventually landing of the eastern shores of Teriasevo. The initial years of the war did not go well as more and more armies poured in from out west, and more cities were occupied, which in turn made the Dradark more bold. With their arrogance came ambition, and the Dradark went even further south than Zamnelkov, to invade the lands of Ok’Va, Varkovnia, and Muoarma, viewing the native realms as weak. They were entirely unprepared for this however, as when they entered Ok’Va, they were bogged down by their swampy terrain and guerilla tactics. Viewing Ok’Va as a waste of time and resources, they instead opted to invade Muoarma instead, although were surprised by a fully prepared army, which made great use of their heavy cavalry against the hobgoblin threat, pushing them back northwards. Likewise, in Zemnalkov, the Hobgoblins were facing loses trying to conquer goblins and elves alike, who used hit and run tactics and were hard to route out of their hills and forests, despite being able to handedly conquer and occupy the urban centers. With a great many of their forces having been repelled and decimated in failed excursions into the south, and the dwindling of their forces in Teriasevo, the Zamnelkovians regrouped, catching Warmaster Zarkhan’s main force by surprise. While the battle was bloody and the Zamnelkovians were outnumbered, their ambush worked heavily in their favor and Dradark force was almost entirely obliterated. For the next several years, the war boiled down to a war of reconquest and clean up until the last of the hobgoblins were repelled or captured. Those that were however were brutally executed, a punishment that would send the message that the Kulskiel goblins would never again be conquered and ruled by hobgoblins.
=2nd Age, 943-946| The Conquest of Semelia=
With the fall of Vozinya and the rise of the nation of Mertvi Zhyvi, the area that once belonged to Vozinya known as Semelia had become split off from the rest of Vozinya, and had descended into a relatively powerless land with no central authority, being made up almost entirely of villages and hamlets, with the once prosperous port city of Shevanevo, which fell into disrepair, becoming a disheveled town, and the trade city of Kazimzek, which had been sacked by the Goblins nearly two centuries before, becoming a shadow of its former self, little more than a ruin filled with squatters that had become a ramshackle trading port. Despite being decentralized it was able to maintain its sovereignty, with the two towns of Kazimzek and Shevanevo effectively serving as city states that unified against exterior threats. However those threats were usually little more than bandit kings and warlords, or the occasional powerful monster threatening the countryside. Nominally their relation to Zemnalkov had been cordial yet wary due to their prior conquests and of course, sacking of Zovinya. The two towns had mostly done peaceful trade with Zamnelkov, however when pirates began coming out of Kazimzek to raid Zamnelkovian coasts and merchant ships, this could not stand. Baskozh Hjaneela Voskeron, wanting to expand her influence and bring the Semelian lands under Zemnalkov’s fold, used this as a pretense for war, and so personally led the invasion of Semelia. The war to occupy the two towns was relatively quick, however conquering the surrounding countryside proved to be difficult leading to three more years of hunting down militias and torching resisting villages. When the majority of the people surrendered, the question of how to manage conquered lands and integrate them was brought forth by the Liga Bananik, as they did not want these conquered lands falling under the jurisdiction of the Baskozh and granting the title more power. Instead the Liga Bananik voted to create a system of Oblasts, which would be ruled jointly by three Geruks, who would rotate out of ruling them every five years.

-Physical Appearance-
Despite variation the races of Zemnalkov, many of them bear similarities in their personal appearance. For instance, most Zemnalkovians, regardless of their race typically have longer hair, with the males commonly wearing the hair on their scalps in buns and topknots while letting the bottom of their hair flow freely. Beards are not entirely common as the only race that can grow a full, thick beard are the Bugbears which is rarely done, as both Gsomvrosians and Anqualan men grow thin beards that result in goatees and sideburns. Despite this, both Anqualan and Gsomvrosian men have thick hair, and Anqualans in particular commonly style their hair into dreads.
The people of Zamnelkov, while they hold differing cultures in various forms, typically have similar themes to their clothing as with most other things. Much of Zamnelkovian clothing follows the theme of being baggy, long clothing that can be easily wrapped around, and worn in layers. These clothes are typically made from wool, although linen is also commonly used for undergarments, especially by the poorer classes. The Upper classes typically wear wool and velvet. Regardless of gender, typical clothing includes a long tunic which is often layered over other shirts, loose baggy pants, leather shoes or boots, and an overcoat or vest. These vests typically have embroidery and threading on them, a fairly common practice in Zemnalkov. Another common staple of Zemnalkov clothing are cloaks, scarves, and mantles. Bugbears, being covered in much more fur and hair than the other races, typically wear less clothing, and most commonly expose their arms and legs, and being a more warrior oriented people, also typically wear some form of light armor, commonly a leather cuirass or gambeson. For around the waist, Goblins and Bugbears typically will wear leather belts, where as the Anqualan elves and Gsomvrosian Humans will typically wear sashes, which in turn are being adopted fairly quickly by the former, especially their upper classes. Other common accessories come in the form of daggers, which most people carry around both for self defense and as a fashion accessory.
Cosmetics, particularly make up, is a highly sought after industry in Zamnelkov, particularly by the females of both the Kulskiel and Anqualans. Cosmetics in Zemnelkov consists of fairly typical makeup, lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, and anything that can cover up or remove blemishes and imperfections. However one style of cosmetic that is used fairly frequently is the use of paints to draw simple designs and patterns, a tradition adopted from the Anqualans. One of the most popular forms of makeup with this incorporated are the “Anqualan Tears” which are two stripes coming from the lower eyelid and crossing down towards the cheeks, typically the same color used for eyeshadow. Another typical style, usually among Kulskiel females, is a straight line from their hairlines down to their chins in the middle of their face although the color varies.
Jewelry is a fairly common sight in Zamnelkov, especially among the Kulskiel and Burvengi, who are a rather vain and greedy people, and love nothing more than to collect material things such as jewelry. As a result, jewelry of all sorts can be found readily among even the common folk, the most popular of which are rings. The materials used, as well as the intricacy varies on the social class of the wearer. Most commoners use iron or silver for their jewelry, which usually are barren of gemstones. The gemstones that are most commonly used however are Garnet, Topaz, Jade, and Amber, with the most cherished gems being Opal and Amethyst, with Opal especially being desired, not only for its beauty but also because of the belief that it is magic in a physical form. Other common types of jewelry are nose piercings of various sorts, and due to the Kulskiel, Burgvengi, and Anqualans all being long eared races, ear jewelry as well that often go beyond simply piercings. As the Kulskiel and Burvengi also have tusks and fangs protruding from their mouths, so it isn't entirely uncommon for jewelry to be present on their tusks as well.
The people of Zemnalkov consider themselves fairly civilized, and they view hygiene as an important part of being civilized. That said however, most commoners only truly clean themselves once a week, typically bathing at a local river or heating up a barrel of water to wash themselves in. Wealthier classes typically have bathtubs, with those that can afford servants typically having them fill and heat the bath for them. Within more urban environments however both social classes typically bath more often especially due to the presence of bathhouses which are not only opportunities to clean oneself but also to socialize. Other common hygiene is the use of grooming kits, usually combs and tweezers, made from various materials depending on wealth. The cleaning of teeth, especially among Kulskiel and Burvengi, is fairly popular, especially due to the fact that their tusks and fangs jut out of their mouths.

-Kinds of Foods-
Most foods in Zemnalkov are rather hearty and thick foods, most of which make use of potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, and mushrooms. Mushrooms especially are a staple in Zemanlkovian dishes, commonly being used for sauces and in soup. Pork and Beef are the two preferred meats, and are commonly minced and ground for use in other foods or to make meatballs, although various kinds of fish are also popular. Staple Zemnalkovian foods are kebabs which usually uses beef and potatoes, stroganoff which is a thick creamy sauce made from mushrooms and filled with beef that is typically put over other foods such as pasta and rice. Borscht is another popular food, being a beet soup filled with potatoes, onions, carrots, and meats, with another popular soup being potato soup, which is also usually loaded with onions and meat. Two more popular foods are Dumplings and Pirozhki, both of which are made out of dough and filled with minced meat, onions, and mushrooms, with Pirozhki being the larger of the two. More common and less intricate foods are typically various types of bread, steam potatoes and carrots, as well as mashed potatoes.
-Eating Habits-
Zemnalkovian eating habits are based around eating utensils, with a knife and spoon being the two most commonly used tools for eating. Plates and bowls are typically wooden with middle class and upper class families using ceramic and eventually pewter for their wares. However, depending on the food, eating utensils aren’t typically used, especially by poorer families, who will use their hands to eat things such as Pirozhki or kebabs. Bread slices can also typically be used as a plate for solid foods, and is also typically eaten with soup as a makeshift spoon. Zemnalkovian families are typically all over the place when eating, as they can be large, and so they dont bother all sitting at the same table, but will remain in the same room as eating dinner or breakfast is seen as a social gathering. Servants and slaves however are kept separate and away from the family when eating. Guests however are reserved a seat at the main table when invited to eat.

If Zemnalkovian craftsmanship can be summed up into one word, it is extravagance. To Zemnalkovians, displays of wealth translates to power and status, and so much of Zemnalkovian craftsmanship in their wares, whether it be weapons, armor, jewelry, or clothing, is made for appearances, usually made ornate and detailed with precious metals and engravings. This is not to say however that they disregard the functionality of their wares, and in most cases, Zemnalkovians items are sturdy and functional, although it can often be clear that most such items often sacrifice their capability of being considered masterwork or excellent in function, in exchange for aesthetics.

Zemnalkovian architecture is a mixture of varying different styles, having become a mix of Anqualan, Gsomvrosian, and Kulskiel architectures. However, this mixture has allowed there to be common features on modern buildings, particularly the use of stone and geometric shapes, particularly octagonal shapes for towers and walls, with the use of arches being prevalent. Another prominent feature in their architecture is the use of domes on the top of their towers and roofs, particularly hemispherical and onion domes. Most such buildings are also made for their sturdiness, and one of the most pronounced features of Zemnalkovian architecture, especially those buildings of wealthier families and cities, is their use of color in their bricks and roofing, and most importantly their use of copper and in rare cases even gold to cover their domes.
The architecture of more common buildings such as houses however follow similar principles albeit made from more common materials. In cities and towns, houses are made of stone and take after the stockier builds of wealthier buildings, being sturdy and made to last, although features such as towers and onion domes are typically rare on houses. The more rural a settlement gets, generally the worse or cheaper the construction of houses and public buildings are, using more locally available materials. This means that the more rural areas typically with become making their homes out of wood rather than stone.
Architecture can also vary greatly in terms of what race is living there. Most buildings, particularly homes, while large on the exterior, their interior can be relatively small due to the prevalence of goblin influence, making it uncomfortable or even impossible for larger races to dwell in. More public buildings on the other hand are built to be large both to impress and show wealth, and also to accommodate medium to large races. Another common feature, particularly when goblins and bugbears are involved, is the use of underground and cave homes, where they will dig in or carve out homes into the earth, or even expand downward from their surface homes. With goblins this is most popular, and even more difficult for medium to large sized races to enter due to how cramped and clasutrophobic they can become. This is particularly used in the countryside, which is not only a stylistic choice, but also defensive in nature to ward off invaders larger than the goblins.
Art is heavily prevalent in Zemnalkov, as to most it is a sign of wealth and status. The forms of art however is varied, with the most common form of art being sculpting and painting of frescos. Sculpting comes from both Anqualan and Kulskiel influences, as the Anqualans already had a love of stone sculpting and wood carving, and typically carved stone to reflect forestry and trees, while the Kulskiel are already skilled masons and sculptors due to their belief in their religion of Tamashverja, which necessitated they carve statues of their gods. However, painting, particularly frescos has become popular, although are only found in the homes and establishments of the upper class and within government buildings. Paintings on canvas are generally seen as artwork for the middle or even lower class. Most art is made by professional artists, and it is seen as more of a luxury skillset, mostly to be used to make busts of upperclassmen where other cultures would paint portraits to immortalize them.

-Physical Appearance-
Despite variation the races of Zemnalkov, many of them bear similarities in their personal appearance. For instance, most Zemnalkovians, regardless of their race typically have longer hair, with the males commonly wearing the hair on their scalps in buns and topknots while letting the bottom of their hair flow freely. Beards are not entirely common as the only race that can grow a full, thick beard are the Bugbears which is rarely done, as both Gsomvrosians and Anqualan men grow thin beards that result in goatees and sideburns. Despite this, both Anqualan and Gsomvrosian men have thick hair, and Anqualans in particular commonly style their hair into dreads.
The people of Zamnelkov, while they hold differing cultures in various forms, typically have similar themes to their clothing as with most other things. Much of Zamnelkovian clothing follows the theme of being baggy, long clothing that can be easily wrapped around, and worn in layers. These clothes are typically made from wool, although linen is also commonly used for undergarments, especially by the poorer classes. The Upper classes typically wear wool and velvet. Regardless of gender, typical clothing includes a long tunic which is often layered over other shirts, loose baggy pants, leather shoes or boots, and an overcoat or vest. These vests typically have embroidery and threading on them, a fairly common practice in Zemnalkov. Another common staple of Zemnalkov clothing are cloaks, scarves, and mantles. Bugbears, being covered in much more fur and hair than the other races, typically wear less clothing, and most commonly expose their arms and legs, and being a more warrior oriented people, also typically wear some form of light armor, commonly a leather cuirass or gambeson. For around the waist, Goblins and Bugbears typically will wear leather belts, where as the Anqualan elves and Gsomvrosian Humans will typically wear sashes, which in turn are being adopted fairly quickly by the former, especially their upper classes. Other common accessories come in the form of daggers, which most people carry around both for self defense and as a fashion accessory.
Cosmetics, particularly make up, is a highly sought after industry in Zamnelkov, particularly by the females of both the Kulskiel and Anqualans. Cosmetics in Zemnelkov consists of fairly typical makeup, lipstick, eyeshadow, blush, and anything that can cover up or remove blemishes and imperfections. However one style of cosmetic that is used fairly frequently is the use of paints to draw simple designs and patterns, a tradition adopted from the Anqualans. One of the most popular forms of makeup with this incorporated are the “Anqualan Tears” which are two stripes coming from the lower eyelid and crossing down towards the cheeks, typically the same color used for eyeshadow. Another typical style, usually among Kulskiel females, is a straight line from their hairlines down to their chins in the middle of their face although the color varies.
Jewelry is a fairly common sight in Zamnelkov, especially among the Kulskiel and Burvengi, who are a rather vain and greedy people, and love nothing more than to collect material things such as jewelry. As a result, jewelry of all sorts can be found readily among even the common folk, the most popular of which are rings. The materials used, as well as the intricacy varies on the social class of the wearer. Most commoners use iron or silver for their jewelry, which usually are barren of gemstones. The gemstones that are most commonly used however are Garnet, Topaz, Jade, and Amber, with the most cherished gems being Opal and Amethyst, with Opal especially being desired, not only for its beauty but also because of the belief that it is magic in a physical form. Other common types of jewelry are nose piercings of various sorts, and due to the Kulskiel, Burgvengi, and Anqualans all being long eared races, ear jewelry as well that often go beyond simply piercings. As the Kulskiel and Burvengi also have tusks and fangs protruding from their mouths, so it isn't entirely uncommon for jewelry to be present on their tusks as well.
The people of Zemnalkov consider themselves fairly civilized, and they view hygiene as an important part of being civilized. That said however, most commoners only truly clean themselves once a week, typically bathing at a local river or heating up a barrel of water to wash themselves in. Wealthier classes typically have bathtubs, with those that can afford servants typically having them fill and heat the bath for them. Within more urban environments however both social classes typically bath more often especially due to the presence of bathhouses which are not only opportunities to clean oneself but also to socialize. Other common hygiene is the use of grooming kits, usually combs and tweezers, made from various materials depending on wealth. The cleaning of teeth, especially among Kulskiel and Burvengi, is fairly popular, especially due to the fact that their tusks and fangs jut out of their mouths.
-Gender Roles-
Zemnalkov is a very much a matriarchal society, stemming from both Zemnal culture and Anqualan culture, with Gsomvrosian culture adopting heavily from Anqualan culture. While there are few laws that separate the genders or restrict them to certain roles, there are many things that are taboo culturally and each gender is expected to act within a certain manner. Women for instance, are held to the stereotype of being capable leaders, intelligent scholars, and skilled craftsmen. Men on the other hand are seen as strong workers and warriors. Gender roles within the household dictate that men are expected to do the cooking and the more physical tasks such as house repair and cleaning, whereas females are expected to do things such as tailoring, bookkeeping, and raising the children. In terms of professions, men are expected to go into more physical fields such as lumbering, mining, farming, building, whereas females are expected to go into more specialist roles such as shopkeeping, tailoring, smithing, carpentry, alchemy and banking. The most notable roles in society that men are very rarely allowed to hold are those of government officials and clergy, unless it is of a faith in which it is necessary for men to hold the title of priest. That said however there are many gender neutral roles within Zamnelkov society, particularly the roles of fishermen, hunters, and soldiers. Both genders are allowed to become soldiers, and there is no real social stigma against either becoming them.
The people of Zemnalkov typically bury their dead rather than cremating them, believing that cremation will damage the spirit of the deceased. In such burials, the deceased are typically wrapped in some form of cloth, which kind being dependant on social class. Poor classes typically wrap their dead in linen while wealthier classes will use velvet, or even silk. These dead are then buried within a coffin and entombed in a cemetery, which are commonly carved out of caves or built underground. Wealthy families will typically build an entire crypt and tomb for their family, so that each generation will eventually be added to the family crypt. The Zamnel try to bury their dead as quickly as possible as they are of the belief that if one leaves a corpse laying above ground, then evil spirits will possess the corpse and raise it as a vengeful undead that will strike at any living creature.
-Festivals and Holidays-
One of the largest holidays practiced in Zemnalkov is the holiday of Sonurasat, which occurs near the end of Autumn, which is a large festival in the center of town where games are played, food and pastries are eaten, and beer and vodka is drunk. This festival usually last for five days and is to celebrate the last harvest before winter, although sometimes local officials and lords will extend it for a few more days if they are wealthy and have the food to spare. Another fairly popular holiday is Idish Padu, although is only celebrated the Kulskiel and Burvengi, as it celebrates the Zamnel conquest of what is now Zamnelkov. This is usually a one day affair where everyone takes a day off and celebrates by drinking and eating finer food, although in the past this holiday used to involve parades and festivals, although these were toned back when it caused anger and unrest in Anqualans and Gsomvrosians.
The manner of hospitality experience in Zamnelkov can vary greatly depending on which race one approaches. Kulskiel Goblins are usually quite well mannered, being friendly and inviting to others, especially strangers, as they have an innate desire to socialize, but most importantly to learn about strangers and how best to get something from them in return. For this reason Goblins are fairly open to inviting others into their homes and will readily offer food and drink, and despite Goblin homes being cramped and filled with other Goblins, they will readily offer a bed as well. However, it is not uncommon for strangers who accept such an offer to “loss” a few of their belongings by the time they leave.
Burvengi Bugbears on the other hand are rather indifferent of outsiders, and take a more honorable approach, and will offer food and water to strangers only if asked. They only do these things because it is expected of them, however they can be fairly boisterous and friendly, especially with other bugbears and goblins.
Anqualan Elves are by many considered to be the least friendly; they very rarely offer anything to strangers unless they give something in return or are truly in need. Anqualans are typically reserved and guarded around strangers, and will only really offer good manners once they get to know them and feel comfortable with them being in their communities, in which case they are fairly polite and well mannered.
Gsomvrosians take a great deal after the Anqualan, and are typically reserved in their dealings with strangers although are much quicker to accept people into their communities. They are fairly well mannered and polite and will become friendly and open to others fairly quickly.
Zemnalkov is a very much a matriarchal society, stemming from both Zemnal culture and Anqualan culture, with Gsomvrosian culture adopting heavily from Anqualan culture. While there are few laws that separate the genders or restrict them to certain roles, there are many things that are taboo culturally and each gender is expected to act within a certain manner. Women for instance, are held to the stereotype of being capable leaders, intelligent scholars, and skilled craftsmen. Men on the other hand are seen as strong workers and warriors. Gender roles within the household dictate that men are expected to do the cooking and the more physical tasks such as house repair and cleaning, whereas females are expected to do things such as tailoring, bookkeeping, and raising the children. In terms of professions, men are expected to go into more physical fields such as lumbering, mining, farming, building, whereas females are expected to go into more specialist roles such as shopkeeping, tailoring, smithing, carpentry, alchemy and banking. The most notable roles in society that men are very rarely allowed to hold are those of government officials and clergy, unless it is of a faith in which it is necessary for men to hold the title of priest. That said however there are many gender neutral roles within Zamnelkov society, particularly the roles of fishermen, hunters, and soldiers. Both genders are allowed to become soldiers, and there is no real social stigma against either becoming them.
The people of Zemnalkov typically bury their dead rather than cremating them, believing that cremation will damage the spirit of the deceased. In such burials, the deceased are typically wrapped in some form of cloth, which kind being dependant on social class. Poor classes typically wrap their dead in linen while wealthier classes will use velvet, or even silk. These dead are then buried within a coffin and entombed in a cemetery, which are commonly carved out of caves or built underground. Wealthy families will typically build an entire crypt and tomb for their family, so that each generation will eventually be added to the family crypt. The Zamnel try to bury their dead as quickly as possible as they are of the belief that if one leaves a corpse laying above ground, then evil spirits will possess the corpse and raise it as a vengeful undead that will strike at any living creature.
-Festivals and Holidays-
One of the largest holidays practiced in Zemnalkov is the holiday of Sonurasat, which occurs near the end of Autumn, which is a large festival in the center of town where games are played, food and pastries are eaten, and beer and vodka is drunk. This festival usually last for five days and is to celebrate the last harvest before winter, although sometimes local officials and lords will extend it for a few more days if they are wealthy and have the food to spare. Another fairly popular holiday is Idish Padu, although is only celebrated the Kulskiel and Burvengi, as it celebrates the Zamnel conquest of what is now Zamnelkov. This is usually a one day affair where everyone takes a day off and celebrates by drinking and eating finer food, although in the past this holiday used to involve parades and festivals, although these were toned back when it caused anger and unrest in Anqualans and Gsomvrosians.
The manner of hospitality experience in Zamnelkov can vary greatly depending on which race one approaches. Kulskiel Goblins are usually quite well mannered, being friendly and inviting to others, especially strangers, as they have an innate desire to socialize, but most importantly to learn about strangers and how best to get something from them in return. For this reason Goblins are fairly open to inviting others into their homes and will readily offer food and drink, and despite Goblin homes being cramped and filled with other Goblins, they will readily offer a bed as well. However, it is not uncommon for strangers who accept such an offer to “loss” a few of their belongings by the time they leave.
Burvengi Bugbears on the other hand are rather indifferent of outsiders, and take a more honorable approach, and will offer food and water to strangers only if asked. They only do these things because it is expected of them, however they can be fairly boisterous and friendly, especially with other bugbears and goblins.
Anqualan Elves are by many considered to be the least friendly; they very rarely offer anything to strangers unless they give something in return or are truly in need. Anqualans are typically reserved and guarded around strangers, and will only really offer good manners once they get to know them and feel comfortable with them being in their communities, in which case they are fairly polite and well mannered.
Gsomvrosians take a great deal after the Anqualan, and are typically reserved in their dealings with strangers although are much quicker to accept people into their communities. They are fairly well mannered and polite and will become friendly and open to others fairly quickly.
-Place in Society-
Religion, while in many places is very important, it isn’t so much in Zamnelkov, at least not politically. Religion very rarely influences politics, and Zamnelkov is a fairly tolerant society when it comes to faith, as it is seen as a more personal matter rather than something that should get involved with the state. Most Zamnelkovians merely pay lip service to their chosen faiths, however the most religious of people can typically be found among the Anqualans, who take their religion of Pericaran fairly seriously.
-View of Priests-
Much like with the view on religion as a whole, Zamnelkovians do not pay too much mind to priests until it is time to attend church, otherwise most of them pass them in the street as they would any other. That said, priests do typically hold a fair among of respect among their laity, and hold enough power that they can organize a church than can support and fund each priest of the faith in the realm.
-View of the Gods-
Gods are seen as more of an afterthought for most Zamnelkovians, something to give lip service to and pray to every now and then, especially in times of desperation, but mostly because of tradition. This is because to most Zemnalkovians the Gods don’t seem to interfere in their day to day activity unless they actively participate in their religion the way priests do. This is not to say that the Zamnelkovians do not respect the gods or have little faith, but rather they don’t waste their time worrying about the gods unless they require something or there until it is a holy day to pay tribute to them.
Religion, while in many places is very important, it isn’t so much in Zamnelkov, at least not politically. Religion very rarely influences politics, and Zamnelkov is a fairly tolerant society when it comes to faith, as it is seen as a more personal matter rather than something that should get involved with the state. Most Zamnelkovians merely pay lip service to their chosen faiths, however the most religious of people can typically be found among the Anqualans, who take their religion of Pericaran fairly seriously.
-View of Priests-
Much like with the view on religion as a whole, Zamnelkovians do not pay too much mind to priests until it is time to attend church, otherwise most of them pass them in the street as they would any other. That said, priests do typically hold a fair among of respect among their laity, and hold enough power that they can organize a church than can support and fund each priest of the faith in the realm.
-View of the Gods-
Gods are seen as more of an afterthought for most Zamnelkovians, something to give lip service to and pray to every now and then, especially in times of desperation, but mostly because of tradition. This is because to most Zemnalkovians the Gods don’t seem to interfere in their day to day activity unless they actively participate in their religion the way priests do. This is not to say that the Zamnelkovians do not respect the gods or have little faith, but rather they don’t waste their time worrying about the gods unless they require something or there until it is a holy day to pay tribute to them.
-The Family Unit-
Zemnalkovian families, especially goblin families, are typically quite large due to higher birth rates. Zemnalkovian families are based mostly around the women of the family and the families themselves are clan based due to their size, with a large family of a few dozen living with each other in the same building or neighborhood. The women in the family, especially the mothers and grandmothers wield the most authority, with the eldest being the most respected. Goblin families specifically are very democratic, due to being born in litters, no one goblin is made an heir or inheritor, but rather the entire litter is, who then most employ a form of democracy in their decision making, although the females of a litter usually get more say. Whoever is voted for will be the leader of the litter, and will typically act as the inheritor or manager of their family’s wealth and property, and it is their litter that will be the heirs. When a family grows too big, the extended branches are expected to move out to another home to establish their own clans.
Marriage among the Zemnalkovians are fairly typical with the exception of the fact that women are the dominant force in marriages, not only because they are allowed political power and in most circumstances own the property, but also because women are allowed polygomous marriages. Females are allowed multiple husbands, but not vice versa. Marriage is also restricted between the races, although this is more taboo than law, although humans and elves specifically seem to break it more often than others. The reason for marriage can vary, it can be done for love, but it can also be done for financial and political reasons. It is for this reason that intermarrying between different social classes is also typically frowned upon, especially by the upper class.
The most common pets used in Zemnalkov are cats, as Zemnalkovians prefer smaller pets such as cats, small to medium sized dogs, and ferrets. Goblins especially like smaller pets as they are more manageable for them. Cats are especially liked due to their ability to hunt pests, although dogs are more often used as companions, guards, and hunters. Bigger dogs are typically used more for hunting and guarding, and large war dogs are even used as mounts by Goblins.
Zemnalkovian families, especially goblin families, are typically quite large due to higher birth rates. Zemnalkovian families are based mostly around the women of the family and the families themselves are clan based due to their size, with a large family of a few dozen living with each other in the same building or neighborhood. The women in the family, especially the mothers and grandmothers wield the most authority, with the eldest being the most respected. Goblin families specifically are very democratic, due to being born in litters, no one goblin is made an heir or inheritor, but rather the entire litter is, who then most employ a form of democracy in their decision making, although the females of a litter usually get more say. Whoever is voted for will be the leader of the litter, and will typically act as the inheritor or manager of their family’s wealth and property, and it is their litter that will be the heirs. When a family grows too big, the extended branches are expected to move out to another home to establish their own clans.
Marriage among the Zemnalkovians are fairly typical with the exception of the fact that women are the dominant force in marriages, not only because they are allowed political power and in most circumstances own the property, but also because women are allowed polygomous marriages. Females are allowed multiple husbands, but not vice versa. Marriage is also restricted between the races, although this is more taboo than law, although humans and elves specifically seem to break it more often than others. The reason for marriage can vary, it can be done for love, but it can also be done for financial and political reasons. It is for this reason that intermarrying between different social classes is also typically frowned upon, especially by the upper class.
The most common pets used in Zemnalkov are cats, as Zemnalkovians prefer smaller pets such as cats, small to medium sized dogs, and ferrets. Goblins especially like smaller pets as they are more manageable for them. Cats are especially liked due to their ability to hunt pests, although dogs are more often used as companions, guards, and hunters. Bigger dogs are typically used more for hunting and guarding, and large war dogs are even used as mounts by Goblins.
Slaves are a relatively rare sight within Zemnalkov, as they are seen as unnecessary and by some seen as an evil practice, and are only really purchased by the wealthy who typically use them more as personal servants and assistants within their homes, rather than as cheap labor. Those that do buy slaves en masse for cheap labor are usually seen as desperate or even on the edge of poverty for resorting to slave labor rather than fair and paid skilled labor. Most slaves as a result come from purchasing them from foreign lands, rather than any breeding or raiding programs that other nations might use. However, most Zemnalkovians have an aversion to beastfolk and so rarely make use of them as slaves.

-Kinds of Foods-
Most foods in Zemnalkov are rather hearty and thick foods, most of which make use of potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, and mushrooms. Mushrooms especially are a staple in Zemanlkovian dishes, commonly being used for sauces and in soup. Pork and Beef are the two preferred meats, and are commonly minced and ground for use in other foods or to make meatballs, although various kinds of fish are also popular. Staple Zemnalkovian foods are kebabs which usually uses beef and potatoes, stroganoff which is a thick creamy sauce made from mushrooms and filled with beef that is typically put over other foods such as pasta and rice. Borscht is another popular food, being a beet soup filled with potatoes, onions, carrots, and meats, with another popular soup being potato soup, which is also usually loaded with onions and meat. Two more popular foods are Dumplings and Pirozhki, both of which are made out of dough and filled with minced meat, onions, and mushrooms, with Pirozhki being the larger of the two. More common and less intricate foods are typically various types of bread, steam potatoes and carrots, as well as mashed potatoes.
-Eating Habits-
Zemnalkovian eating habits are based around eating utensils, with a knife and spoon being the two most commonly used tools for eating. Plates and bowls are typically wooden with middle class and upper class families using ceramic and eventually pewter for their wares. However, depending on the food, eating utensils aren’t typically used, especially by poorer families, who will use their hands to eat things such as Pirozhki or kebabs. Bread slices can also typically be used as a plate for solid foods, and is also typically eaten with soup as a makeshift spoon. Zemnalkovian families are typically all over the place when eating, as they can be large, and so they dont bother all sitting at the same table, but will remain in the same room as eating dinner or breakfast is seen as a social gathering. Servants and slaves however are kept separate and away from the family when eating. Guests however are reserved a seat at the main table when invited to eat.
-Music and Dance-
Music is fairly prevalent in Zemnalkov among all races, as it is not something that is restricted, and in fact is played by many people as both a hobby and a profession. It is not unusual to hear many people playing music at festivals, taverns, parties, and even at home. Music comes both in the form of singing and instruments, with most instruments being stringed such as lyres and lutes, with more specific ones being the Gusli and its Qanum counterpart, as well as the Tanbur and Balalaika. Another very common instrument that is used is the jaw harp, due to its small size and ease of transportation. The music that is played is usually quite energetic, as Zemnalkovians like to have fun when playing music and is typically accompanied by dancing. Dance, much like music, is a common sight among Zemnalkovians, and is seen often in taverns and at local events, although the type of dance differs between social classes, with upper classes typically performing slower and more “refined” dances, as wilder more fun dances are seen as wild and uncouth, something the lower classes perform.
-Games and Sports-
Most games and sports are competitive in nature, with many also requiring some form of physical capability. Common sports and games include archery, which is by far the most popular, wrestling, hammer throwing, axe throwing, and games such as football where two opposing teams try to kick a leather ball into another post. Another popular game played mostly by the upper class is the “Palm Game” in which an interior court is used with a net in the middle, in which both opponents will smack a ball onto their opponents court usually with the palm of their hand until their opponent misses. Some versions of this game use rackets instead with a smaller ball. Many of these games are also often open to the public or held in public places for audiences to watch as a source of entertainment.
Story telling doesn’t hold any particular place in the hearts of the Zemnalkovians, especially not the goblins or bugbears, as they are not typically too concerned with the past or made up tales, although do enjoy hearing more fantastical tales from bards and travellers in taverns. Stories seem to be more important to the Anqualan Elves and Gsomvrosian Humans, who use them not just for entertainment but also to impart morals and teachings in them, and so many of their stories often revolve around characters doing something wrong and being punished for it. What really excites people however, especially those outside of the urban areas of cities and towns, are travelers who bear news of the realm and outside of the realm, and so strangers and travellers are typically asked several questions when coming into town.
Socializing is seen as a very important activity, and is done nearly every day, with many local events often incorporating socialization, especially at festivals and town meetings. Socialization takes place nearly everywhere in Zemnalkov, with more urbanized areas such as cities and towns harboring bath houses which are one of the most popular areas to socialize in, with other popular areas being town squares and taverns. Gossip is one of the favored forms of socialization among Zemnalkovians, although other popular forms involve the hosting of parties and feasts, especially among the middle and upper class who can afford to host such events.
Performance, such as acting, poetry, and acrobatics, are quite prevalent within Zemnalkov although at varying degrees especially based on social class. In urban areas, theaters are common, but these are mostly used by middle to upper class, in which they observe more “cultured” performances such as plays, acting, comedy shows, and poetry. The more common forms of performance however come in the form of street performers and circuses. Circuses are very popular and harbor various sorts of performances, such as acrobatics, juggling, sword swallowing, and animal tricks, with some of the more daring circuses having captured monsters on display.
Music is fairly prevalent in Zemnalkov among all races, as it is not something that is restricted, and in fact is played by many people as both a hobby and a profession. It is not unusual to hear many people playing music at festivals, taverns, parties, and even at home. Music comes both in the form of singing and instruments, with most instruments being stringed such as lyres and lutes, with more specific ones being the Gusli and its Qanum counterpart, as well as the Tanbur and Balalaika. Another very common instrument that is used is the jaw harp, due to its small size and ease of transportation. The music that is played is usually quite energetic, as Zemnalkovians like to have fun when playing music and is typically accompanied by dancing. Dance, much like music, is a common sight among Zemnalkovians, and is seen often in taverns and at local events, although the type of dance differs between social classes, with upper classes typically performing slower and more “refined” dances, as wilder more fun dances are seen as wild and uncouth, something the lower classes perform.
-Games and Sports-
Most games and sports are competitive in nature, with many also requiring some form of physical capability. Common sports and games include archery, which is by far the most popular, wrestling, hammer throwing, axe throwing, and games such as football where two opposing teams try to kick a leather ball into another post. Another popular game played mostly by the upper class is the “Palm Game” in which an interior court is used with a net in the middle, in which both opponents will smack a ball onto their opponents court usually with the palm of their hand until their opponent misses. Some versions of this game use rackets instead with a smaller ball. Many of these games are also often open to the public or held in public places for audiences to watch as a source of entertainment.
Story telling doesn’t hold any particular place in the hearts of the Zemnalkovians, especially not the goblins or bugbears, as they are not typically too concerned with the past or made up tales, although do enjoy hearing more fantastical tales from bards and travellers in taverns. Stories seem to be more important to the Anqualan Elves and Gsomvrosian Humans, who use them not just for entertainment but also to impart morals and teachings in them, and so many of their stories often revolve around characters doing something wrong and being punished for it. What really excites people however, especially those outside of the urban areas of cities and towns, are travelers who bear news of the realm and outside of the realm, and so strangers and travellers are typically asked several questions when coming into town.
Socializing is seen as a very important activity, and is done nearly every day, with many local events often incorporating socialization, especially at festivals and town meetings. Socialization takes place nearly everywhere in Zemnalkov, with more urbanized areas such as cities and towns harboring bath houses which are one of the most popular areas to socialize in, with other popular areas being town squares and taverns. Gossip is one of the favored forms of socialization among Zemnalkovians, although other popular forms involve the hosting of parties and feasts, especially among the middle and upper class who can afford to host such events.
Performance, such as acting, poetry, and acrobatics, are quite prevalent within Zemnalkov although at varying degrees especially based on social class. In urban areas, theaters are common, but these are mostly used by middle to upper class, in which they observe more “cultured” performances such as plays, acting, comedy shows, and poetry. The more common forms of performance however come in the form of street performers and circuses. Circuses are very popular and harbor various sorts of performances, such as acrobatics, juggling, sword swallowing, and animal tricks, with some of the more daring circuses having captured monsters on display.
Due to being a conquered land ruled by foreigners, the people of Zemnalkov dont speak only one language, rather there are two main languages, and a few minor ones spoken by minority ethnic groups. The two main languages are Mogdroma, the language of the Goblins that came with them, and Anqualan, the language of the Anqualan Elves which is also spoken by the Gsomvrosian humans. Both languages are spoken equally although in different contexts. Anqualan is mostly spoken by elves and men, as well as in more rural areas, where as Mogdroma is spoken by the goblinoids and is usually spoken in more urban environments, and as the official language of the government.

The language of the Zemnal Goblinoids, it was originally the language of the Dradark Hobgoblins that had ruled the Zemnal but is now a commonly spoken language among all people of Zemnalkov, which uses it as the official language in all government documents and proclamations, and any one that is in office must be able to speak it fluently. It is a harsh and flemy yet melodic sounding language.

The Anqualan language is an old language, and while the majority of Zemnalkov are now goblinoids, the language is still heavily spoken, mostly as a native language by the humans and elves, but also as a second language by the goblins and bugbears, sometimes even as a first language depending on how rural they are. It is a smooth sounding language that makes use of rolling Rs and Xs.
Varkanian is primarily the language of the Varkovnian people that are located in the western parts of Zemnalkov, in the region of Semelia. It is its own language, although its written form is based off of Anqualan, and the two langauges have some borrowed words. Due to Zemanlkov also bordering Varkovnia, it is not uncommon for those closer to the border to speak it as a secondary language.

The language of the Zemnal Goblinoids, it was originally the language of the Dradark Hobgoblins that had ruled the Zemnal but is now a commonly spoken language among all people of Zemnalkov, which uses it as the official language in all government documents and proclamations, and any one that is in office must be able to speak it fluently. It is a harsh and flemy yet melodic sounding language.

The Anqualan language is an old language, and while the majority of Zemnalkov are now goblinoids, the language is still heavily spoken, mostly as a native language by the humans and elves, but also as a second language by the goblins and bugbears, sometimes even as a first language depending on how rural they are. It is a smooth sounding language that makes use of rolling Rs and Xs.
Varkanian is primarily the language of the Varkovnian people that are located in the western parts of Zemnalkov, in the region of Semelia. It is its own language, although its written form is based off of Anqualan, and the two langauges have some borrowed words. Due to Zemanlkov also bordering Varkovnia, it is not uncommon for those closer to the border to speak it as a secondary language.

If Zemnalkovian craftsmanship can be summed up into one word, it is extravagance. To Zemnalkovians, displays of wealth translates to power and status, and so much of Zemnalkovian craftsmanship in their wares, whether it be weapons, armor, jewelry, or clothing, is made for appearances, usually made ornate and detailed with precious metals and engravings. This is not to say however that they disregard the functionality of their wares, and in most cases, Zemnalkovians items are sturdy and functional, although it can often be clear that most such items often sacrifice their capability of being considered masterwork or excellent in function, in exchange for aesthetics.

Zemnalkovian architecture is a mixture of varying different styles, having become a mix of Anqualan, Gsomvrosian, and Kulskiel architectures. However, this mixture has allowed there to be common features on modern buildings, particularly the use of stone and geometric shapes, particularly octagonal shapes for towers and walls, with the use of arches being prevalent. Another prominent feature in their architecture is the use of domes on the top of their towers and roofs, particularly hemispherical and onion domes. Most such buildings are also made for their sturdiness, and one of the most pronounced features of Zemnalkovian architecture, especially those buildings of wealthier families and cities, is their use of color in their bricks and roofing, and most importantly their use of copper and in rare cases even gold to cover their domes.
The architecture of more common buildings such as houses however follow similar principles albeit made from more common materials. In cities and towns, houses are made of stone and take after the stockier builds of wealthier buildings, being sturdy and made to last, although features such as towers and onion domes are typically rare on houses. The more rural a settlement gets, generally the worse or cheaper the construction of houses and public buildings are, using more locally available materials. This means that the more rural areas typically with become making their homes out of wood rather than stone.
Architecture can also vary greatly in terms of what race is living there. Most buildings, particularly homes, while large on the exterior, their interior can be relatively small due to the prevalence of goblin influence, making it uncomfortable or even impossible for larger races to dwell in. More public buildings on the other hand are built to be large both to impress and show wealth, and also to accommodate medium to large races. Another common feature, particularly when goblins and bugbears are involved, is the use of underground and cave homes, where they will dig in or carve out homes into the earth, or even expand downward from their surface homes. With goblins this is most popular, and even more difficult for medium to large sized races to enter due to how cramped and clasutrophobic they can become. This is particularly used in the countryside, which is not only a stylistic choice, but also defensive in nature to ward off invaders larger than the goblins.
Art is heavily prevalent in Zemnalkov, as to most it is a sign of wealth and status. The forms of art however is varied, with the most common form of art being sculpting and painting of frescos. Sculpting comes from both Anqualan and Kulskiel influences, as the Anqualans already had a love of stone sculpting and wood carving, and typically carved stone to reflect forestry and trees, while the Kulskiel are already skilled masons and sculptors due to their belief in their religion of Tamashverja, which necessitated they carve statues of their gods. However, painting, particularly frescos has become popular, although are only found in the homes and establishments of the upper class and within government buildings. Paintings on canvas are generally seen as artwork for the middle or even lower class. Most art is made by professional artists, and it is seen as more of a luxury skillset, mostly to be used to make busts of upperclassmen where other cultures would paint portraits to immortalize them.
Zemnalkovians, with the exception of the Anqualan Elves, are a generally expressive people in their movements, typically moving their hands, and heads while conversing with another, although the Anqualan Elves while being restrained with their body movements while speaking. Regardless of this Most Zemnalkovians despite their race will be quite expressive with their voices and laughter, and it is very common for them to imitate the voices of those they are quoting or gossiping about in characterizations. They are also not afraid to stand relatively close to those they speak to, especially among Goblins, and they do not shy away from touching others, usually on the shoulders or arms. It is because of this that Zemnalkovians are not shy about their greetings either, which among strangers typically involves a handshake, or in more formal settings, kissing the hand, while among friends and family, the elder Zemnalkovian will kiss the forehead of their younger counterpart as a sign of the younger’s respect to the elder of the two. This practice was originally Anqualan although has been adopted by all the races of Zemnalkov.
Materialism is one of the most accepted parts of Zemnalkovian culture, particularly among the goblins, which often paints them as being excessively greedy. Zemnalkovians are very much possessive of their belongings and theft is taken as a very serious crime, although their greed and desire for more material things means that theft is also the most common crime. This can also translate into territorialism concerning property, and land disputes are fairly common among Zemnalkovians. Currency and jewelry in particular are highly valued, with one of the greatest goals in society is to acquire more of it to both progress in social and financial status.
-View of Outsiders-
The view of outsiders by most citizens is often one of neutrality, as Zemnalkovians don’t particularly care about foreigners nor see any reason to drive them away. At worst they are viewed as strange, alien, and as nuisances, while at best they are seen as potential allies and friends, or people to exploit for either profit or political purposes. This can often paint the view that Zemnalkovians are manipulative and deceptful, which in many cases can be true.
-Goblin Herd Mind-
Kulskiel Goblins are known for a unique psychological trait, sometimes known as Goblin Craze, it is a form of herd mentality in which goblins’ confidence and willingness to take risks increases the more goblins are around them, especially if they are trying to accomplish the same goal. This comes from a sort of strength in numbers mentality, which can often result in Goblins being suicidal in their pursuit to achieve their goals. This can most often be observed in battles, where Goblins will attack their enemies almost relentlessly and willingly sacrifice themselves for the case, as long as there are other goblins around them doing the same thing. Fight a goblin on their own however, and they will quickly run away, as there are no other goblins to bolster their confidence.
Zemnalkovians, with the exception of the Anqualan Elves, are a generally expressive people in their movements, typically moving their hands, and heads while conversing with another, although the Anqualan Elves while being restrained with their body movements while speaking. Regardless of this Most Zemnalkovians despite their race will be quite expressive with their voices and laughter, and it is very common for them to imitate the voices of those they are quoting or gossiping about in characterizations. They are also not afraid to stand relatively close to those they speak to, especially among Goblins, and they do not shy away from touching others, usually on the shoulders or arms. It is because of this that Zemnalkovians are not shy about their greetings either, which among strangers typically involves a handshake, or in more formal settings, kissing the hand, while among friends and family, the elder Zemnalkovian will kiss the forehead of their younger counterpart as a sign of the younger’s respect to the elder of the two. This practice was originally Anqualan although has been adopted by all the races of Zemnalkov.
Materialism is one of the most accepted parts of Zemnalkovian culture, particularly among the goblins, which often paints them as being excessively greedy. Zemnalkovians are very much possessive of their belongings and theft is taken as a very serious crime, although their greed and desire for more material things means that theft is also the most common crime. This can also translate into territorialism concerning property, and land disputes are fairly common among Zemnalkovians. Currency and jewelry in particular are highly valued, with one of the greatest goals in society is to acquire more of it to both progress in social and financial status.
-View of Outsiders-
The view of outsiders by most citizens is often one of neutrality, as Zemnalkovians don’t particularly care about foreigners nor see any reason to drive them away. At worst they are viewed as strange, alien, and as nuisances, while at best they are seen as potential allies and friends, or people to exploit for either profit or political purposes. This can often paint the view that Zemnalkovians are manipulative and deceptful, which in many cases can be true.
-Goblin Herd Mind-
Kulskiel Goblins are known for a unique psychological trait, sometimes known as Goblin Craze, it is a form of herd mentality in which goblins’ confidence and willingness to take risks increases the more goblins are around them, especially if they are trying to accomplish the same goal. This comes from a sort of strength in numbers mentality, which can often result in Goblins being suicidal in their pursuit to achieve their goals. This can most often be observed in battles, where Goblins will attack their enemies almost relentlessly and willingly sacrifice themselves for the case, as long as there are other goblins around them doing the same thing. Fight a goblin on their own however, and they will quickly run away, as there are no other goblins to bolster their confidence.
The Government of Zemnalkov is a democratic one, to an extent, more specifically it is a Republic, and more importantly, a Federation of Republics. The land is made up of various city states and their surrounding territories, each being a sovereign realm that pledges its military and economic strength to the Republic while maintaining their own governments and laws. The government of Zemnalkov is split between two major bodies, the Baskozh and their
=The Baskozh=
=The Liga Baninik=
The Government of Zemnalkov is a democratic one, to an extent, more specifically it is a Republic, and more importantly, a Federation of Republics. The land is made up of various city states and their surrounding territories, each being a sovereign realm that pledges its military and economic strength to the Republic while maintaining their own governments and laws. The government of Zemnalkov is split between two major bodies, the Baskozh and their
=The Baskozh=
Current Baskozh- Veedan Hasmukich
Meaning Chairman, Chancellor, or even Doge, it is the successor title of what was once the Warmaster. The title of Baskozh, much like the Warmaster title, is an elected one, and is the central ruler of the Republic. However, the powers of the Baskozh is limited to foreign and military affairs, holding the responsibility of how the Republics treats with foreign powers, as well as organizing and commanding the military. She is also held responsible for maintaining order and cohesion between the various realms of Zamnelkov. Unlike most other sovereign rulers however, the Baskozh only rules for 10 years, unless re-elected. The Baskozh is also not allowed to meet with or open letters from foreign leaders without members of the Baskoncil and Liga Baninik present, who keep the Baskozh under surveillance. The Baskozh is also paid only moderately, and most of the wealth they wield and display is typically from their already wealthy families, and also from lucrative trade deals. However the treasury from which the Baskozh draws from is from a tithe paid by the Geruktures
Holds the power to command and raise armies to defend Zemnalkov and its interests.
Holds the power to assign citizens of Zemnalkov to the Baskoncil, which includes the appointment of Marshals to general the armies of Zemnalkov.
Holds the power to hire mercenary companies such as Kondotyri.
Holds the power to meet and deal with foreign sovereigns and their emissaries.
Holds the power to invest in construction projects across Zemnalkov.
Holds the power to deal with rebellions across Zemnalkov, including Geruks with the majority approval of the Liga Baninik.
Not allowed to become Baskozh, while in office as a Geruk, if so, they must abandon their Gerukture Office to become Baskozh.
Not allowed to hold property or territory in foreign realms.
Not allowed to meet with or open letters from foreign leaders unless in the presence of a Geruk or a representative of the Liga Baninik.
Not allowed to remove a Geruk from office without the unanimous vote of the rest of the Liga Baninik.
-Rule of Election-
A Baskozh is elected every 10 years, after which the prior Baskozh is expected to vacate the office in Pekevdorog with all of their possessions that they brought with them. Only a land owning Goblin or Bugbear is allowed to run for the office, although they do not need to hold any position of office within any of the cities. The actual people who do vote however must also be land holding goblins and bugbears, and elves and humans, or truly any non goblinoid is not permitted a vote. There are no term limits but it is unusual for any one individual to hold office for more than two or three terms.
The Council and bureaucracy of the Baskozh, they are her aids and agents, carrying out her will across the Republic. They are made up of marshals known as Maresals, for military purposes, ministers to aid in the governing of the land and the city of Pekevdorog, and in a less official capacity, spymasters, as well as general advisors. Most of the Baskoncil is appointed by the Baskozh herself, rather than these positions being elected into their positions. They act as her court, and any citizen of Zemnalkov is allowed into the position, even non-goblinoids, which is typically the highest position humans and elves can gain within the republic.
Meaning Chairman, Chancellor, or even Doge, it is the successor title of what was once the Warmaster. The title of Baskozh, much like the Warmaster title, is an elected one, and is the central ruler of the Republic. However, the powers of the Baskozh is limited to foreign and military affairs, holding the responsibility of how the Republics treats with foreign powers, as well as organizing and commanding the military. She is also held responsible for maintaining order and cohesion between the various realms of Zamnelkov. Unlike most other sovereign rulers however, the Baskozh only rules for 10 years, unless re-elected. The Baskozh is also not allowed to meet with or open letters from foreign leaders without members of the Baskoncil and Liga Baninik present, who keep the Baskozh under surveillance. The Baskozh is also paid only moderately, and most of the wealth they wield and display is typically from their already wealthy families, and also from lucrative trade deals. However the treasury from which the Baskozh draws from is from a tithe paid by the Geruktures
Holds the power to command and raise armies to defend Zemnalkov and its interests.
Holds the power to assign citizens of Zemnalkov to the Baskoncil, which includes the appointment of Marshals to general the armies of Zemnalkov.
Holds the power to hire mercenary companies such as Kondotyri.
Holds the power to meet and deal with foreign sovereigns and their emissaries.
Holds the power to invest in construction projects across Zemnalkov.
Holds the power to deal with rebellions across Zemnalkov, including Geruks with the majority approval of the Liga Baninik.
Not allowed to become Baskozh, while in office as a Geruk, if so, they must abandon their Gerukture Office to become Baskozh.
Not allowed to hold property or territory in foreign realms.
Not allowed to meet with or open letters from foreign leaders unless in the presence of a Geruk or a representative of the Liga Baninik.
Not allowed to remove a Geruk from office without the unanimous vote of the rest of the Liga Baninik.
-Rule of Election-
A Baskozh is elected every 10 years, after which the prior Baskozh is expected to vacate the office in Pekevdorog with all of their possessions that they brought with them. Only a land owning Goblin or Bugbear is allowed to run for the office, although they do not need to hold any position of office within any of the cities. The actual people who do vote however must also be land holding goblins and bugbears, and elves and humans, or truly any non goblinoid is not permitted a vote. There are no term limits but it is unusual for any one individual to hold office for more than two or three terms.
The Council and bureaucracy of the Baskozh, they are her aids and agents, carrying out her will across the Republic. They are made up of marshals known as Maresals, for military purposes, ministers to aid in the governing of the land and the city of Pekevdorog, and in a less official capacity, spymasters, as well as general advisors. Most of the Baskoncil is appointed by the Baskozh herself, rather than these positions being elected into their positions. They act as her court, and any citizen of Zemnalkov is allowed into the position, even non-goblinoids, which is typically the highest position humans and elves can gain within the republic.
=The Liga Baninik=
The Liga Baninik is the core ruling body of Zamnelkov, although it is not a united one. The Liga Baninik refers not to a government body, but rather the institution that makes up the federation, the various sovereign realms that have joined Zamnelkov. The Liga Baninik is founded on the simple principle of the mutual benefit militarily and economically for all participating members, although not all realms within Zamnelkov are full member states. It does however have the power to hold meetings and vote on various issues that would affect all members of the Republic. Typically, anything they vote on must have unanimous support of all members. Such voting can be about any aspect of the Republic, whether it be to remove the Baskozh, reform part of the government, or declare wars or blockades against foreign nation when the Baskozh refuses to do so.
Meaning Duke, or Prince, they are the individual rulers of the member states that make up the federation that is the Republic of Zamnelkov. Much like with the Baskozh, they are a position that is elected into power every 10 years, and can only be voted into power by property owning Goblins and Bugbears, and are typically elected from the more influential families of the ruling city. They hold the authority to dictate laws within their own territories, hire their own mercenaries and city guards, and in times of war, are permitted to raise militias if it is necessary. This can all be done, as long as it does not go against the unity and cohesion of Zamnelkov.
-The Teslencha-
Also known as the Meeting or the Gathering, the Teslencha is one of the most important and cherished parts of government, at least by the common people, as it is the forum in which they make their will known to their Geruks. The Teslencha is a meeting within the town square or town hall, in which the Geruk his court is present, to both listen to and discuss the issue brought up by the people of the city, who gather there to bring forth their ills. This is usually done at least once a month, but the most important part of the Teslencha is the mechanism through which the citizenship can vote, not just on the next Geruk but also on policies and actions that the Geruk must enact. While only land owning Goblins and Bugbears can vote, any one that lives within the city as a citizen can bring forth their opinion or issue, or even motion for a vote to begin.
-Division of Governorship-
Geruktures: Geruktures are the realms within Zamnelkov that are full member states and thus are bound by its laws and responsibilities to the Republic. However they still hold their own local governments that harbors its own laws and customs.
Associates: Associate States are states that are not full members within Zamnelkov and so are not bound to its laws, however likewise they are unable to vote on the Baskozh nor partake in any meetings of the Liga Baninik. Associates are typically states that have allied with one or more Gerukture, which in effect allies them to all of them. However, one important aspect of this arrangement is that the associate must come to the aid of any Zamnelkov Gerukture even if it is not the one they had initially allied. Associate states are also typically expected to become trade partners with Zamnelkov as well. The leaders of these states are usually Geruks, although they are not considered Geruktures in the sense of Zemnalkov’s government
Oblasts: Oblasts are conquered territories and are therefore neither Geruktures or Associates. These states have not yet been fully integrated into Zamnelkov, and are jointly ruled by at least three Geruks from Geruktures, which rotates every five years.
Meaning Duke, or Prince, they are the individual rulers of the member states that make up the federation that is the Republic of Zamnelkov. Much like with the Baskozh, they are a position that is elected into power every 10 years, and can only be voted into power by property owning Goblins and Bugbears, and are typically elected from the more influential families of the ruling city. They hold the authority to dictate laws within their own territories, hire their own mercenaries and city guards, and in times of war, are permitted to raise militias if it is necessary. This can all be done, as long as it does not go against the unity and cohesion of Zamnelkov.
-The Teslencha-
Also known as the Meeting or the Gathering, the Teslencha is one of the most important and cherished parts of government, at least by the common people, as it is the forum in which they make their will known to their Geruks. The Teslencha is a meeting within the town square or town hall, in which the Geruk his court is present, to both listen to and discuss the issue brought up by the people of the city, who gather there to bring forth their ills. This is usually done at least once a month, but the most important part of the Teslencha is the mechanism through which the citizenship can vote, not just on the next Geruk but also on policies and actions that the Geruk must enact. While only land owning Goblins and Bugbears can vote, any one that lives within the city as a citizen can bring forth their opinion or issue, or even motion for a vote to begin.
-Division of Governorship-
Geruktures: Geruktures are the realms within Zamnelkov that are full member states and thus are bound by its laws and responsibilities to the Republic. However they still hold their own local governments that harbors its own laws and customs.
Associates: Associate States are states that are not full members within Zamnelkov and so are not bound to its laws, however likewise they are unable to vote on the Baskozh nor partake in any meetings of the Liga Baninik. Associates are typically states that have allied with one or more Gerukture, which in effect allies them to all of them. However, one important aspect of this arrangement is that the associate must come to the aid of any Zamnelkov Gerukture even if it is not the one they had initially allied. Associate states are also typically expected to become trade partners with Zamnelkov as well. The leaders of these states are usually Geruks, although they are not considered Geruktures in the sense of Zemnalkov’s government
Oblasts: Oblasts are conquered territories and are therefore neither Geruktures or Associates. These states have not yet been fully integrated into Zamnelkov, and are jointly ruled by at least three Geruks from Geruktures, which rotates every five years.
While Zemnalkov is a federation of various governments and city states that are able to determine their own laws within their borders, there are various common laws that have been set and voted on by the Liga Baninik. Most common laws are fairly standard across most realms, such as no killing, stealing, raping, or fraud. Most other common laws however have more to do with the Liga Baninik and the Baskozh, rather than laws pertaining to the common citizen. For instance there are the laws that forbid a Gerukture from leaving the federation that is Zemnalkov unless the Liga Baninik is in unanimous support of them leaving, while five judges are present to determine whether the Geruture is leaving under the proper legal reasonings.
-Justice System-
The Zemnalkovian justice system revolves around the use of judges in trials. They take place in Justice Halls, usually a court within an urban settlement such as a city or town, and dependent on how large or powerful the city is, it can be its own independent building or part of the town hall. Within these courts will be five judges, who most often are either goblins or bugbears but in some rare cases have humans or elves among them. These five judges will hold trials where they will examine all the available evidence against the accused to determine their guilt or innocence. However, rural towns and villages very rarely have such a court, and so must often transport their criminals to the nearest settlement that does to be judged. This can be a long and arduous process, bringing the criminal, the evidence, and witnesses to these courts, so it is also common for the nearest judges to travel to the village of the crime instead. However, due to the fact that most Judges are goblinoids, most human or elven settlements will often not report these crimes and will settle them themselves, both out of fear that the goblinoids will judge them poorly and unfairly but also in the case that the accused is a goblinoid and receive lenient punishment. These fears are not unfounded as such things do happen on occasion. Common punishments typically involve imprisonment, confiscation of property, outlawing, or exile, sometimes all of them or some of them. Punishments like torture and mutilation are also commonly used, especially against crimes committed against the government.
-Magic Laws-
Magic is not necessarily a restricted art nor is it viewed with fear or superstition, but rather it is seen as a science that makes ones heavily privileged. That being said however, the Zemnalkovian governments recognize that innate power and threat that comes from magic, and so ensure there are certain laws in place to ensure it will not be easily abused. One such law, for instance, is that any crime committed with the use of magic will be punished twice as harshly as some one not using magic. Often times this can result in execution or long term imprisonment, in which case the prisoners are often gagged or in more extreme cases have their tongue removed to avoid spell casting. No one in Zemnalkov is particularly forbidden from casting spells or using magic, although due to the rarity of it and the power it brings, spellcasters must be registered with one of the arcane universities, so that the government can keep better track of them. Those that are found casting magic and not registered almost always have their tongues removed and are flogged.
-Justice System-
The Zemnalkovian justice system revolves around the use of judges in trials. They take place in Justice Halls, usually a court within an urban settlement such as a city or town, and dependent on how large or powerful the city is, it can be its own independent building or part of the town hall. Within these courts will be five judges, who most often are either goblins or bugbears but in some rare cases have humans or elves among them. These five judges will hold trials where they will examine all the available evidence against the accused to determine their guilt or innocence. However, rural towns and villages very rarely have such a court, and so must often transport their criminals to the nearest settlement that does to be judged. This can be a long and arduous process, bringing the criminal, the evidence, and witnesses to these courts, so it is also common for the nearest judges to travel to the village of the crime instead. However, due to the fact that most Judges are goblinoids, most human or elven settlements will often not report these crimes and will settle them themselves, both out of fear that the goblinoids will judge them poorly and unfairly but also in the case that the accused is a goblinoid and receive lenient punishment. These fears are not unfounded as such things do happen on occasion. Common punishments typically involve imprisonment, confiscation of property, outlawing, or exile, sometimes all of them or some of them. Punishments like torture and mutilation are also commonly used, especially against crimes committed against the government.
-Magic Laws-
Magic is not necessarily a restricted art nor is it viewed with fear or superstition, but rather it is seen as a science that makes ones heavily privileged. That being said however, the Zemnalkovian governments recognize that innate power and threat that comes from magic, and so ensure there are certain laws in place to ensure it will not be easily abused. One such law, for instance, is that any crime committed with the use of magic will be punished twice as harshly as some one not using magic. Often times this can result in execution or long term imprisonment, in which case the prisoners are often gagged or in more extreme cases have their tongue removed to avoid spell casting. No one in Zemnalkov is particularly forbidden from casting spells or using magic, although due to the rarity of it and the power it brings, spellcasters must be registered with one of the arcane universities, so that the government can keep better track of them. Those that are found casting magic and not registered almost always have their tongues removed and are flogged.
Citizenship within Zemnalkov is one that requires a great deal of paperwork, which is fortunate due to the amount of bureaucracy present. Citizenship is awarded to all that have been born in Zemnalkov, although there are varying forms of citizenship that one can bear, ranking from First Citizen, Second Citizen, Third Citizen, and Slave. Citizenship was proven in a variety of manners, most typically through reputation and relationships. For instance, the daughter of a First Citizen would very clearly be a First Citizen, and would be known to be such by her community. Each Gerukture also takes a census every five years, which they also use to record everyone’s citizenship, which in turn is given to the Baskoncil in their use to determine citizenship on a national level. The use of birth certificates is also prevalent and used by the government, albeit is optional for parents, but if they do sign up for a certificate it must be within 30 days of the newborn’s birth. One can also request a citizenship grant, which is a small seal that proves the holder’s citizenship. The penalty for fraud in citizenship is often death due to how serious the Zemnalkovian take their citizenship.
-Rights and Responsibilities of First Citizens-
First Citizens are the people that have true citizenship, being fully capable of voting and participating in all levels of government within Zemnalkov. However, the caveat is that only land or property owning goblins and bugbears are allowed to be First Citizens, and they are expected to learn how to read and right and in many cases required to participate in government. While many First Citizens are upper class in status, not all first citizens are, most being middle class, with some being lower class.
-Rights and Responsibilities of the Second Citizens-
Second Citizens are Goblins and Bugbears that do not own land or property, but also humans and elves that are property owning, typically landed nobility. They are not permitted to vote in the elections, although they are allowed to participate and vote in the Teslencha, and are also allowed to participate in most forms of government, being able to pick up lower offices and in some rare occasions higher offices.
-Rights and Responsibilities of Third Citizens-
Third Citizenship is limited to Humans and Elves that are not land owners, but also to goblins and bugbears that have been shamed and disowned, typically because they are convicted criminals or are unable to prove their citizenship of higher levels. It is typically this level of citizenship that foreigners gain when they apply for citizenship in Zemnalkov, which often requires they live in the same city for at least five years and pledge their loyalties to the city and then Zemnalkov. Third Citizens are not allowed to vote in elections or in the Teslencha, although they are allowed to attend the Teslencha and bring forth issues and ideas. They are also allowed to attain lower offices in government but never allowed higher offices until they achieve Second Citizenship. Third Citizens are not allowed to own or carry weapons larger than a dagger unless granted permission by a Marshal, often in the form of a deed.
-Rights and Responsibilities of Slaves-
Slaves are the lowest class in Zemnalkov although are typically a rare sight. They have no rights to any form of elections or participation in government other than acting as servants and aides to government officials. That said however slaves in Zemnalkov enjoy a fair amount of rights that protect them, such as their owners being unable to kill or abuse their slaves, or even steal any items the slave might own. Slaves are expected to be paid a small wage for their work and must be clothed, housed, and fed by their owner. Should a slave misbehave or refuse to work, their owner can bring forth and accusation to the court where they will decide if the slave has been lazy or disobedient, and if found guilty the master has permission to punish the slave, which can range from a simple beating to cutting down their food supply to even imprisonment.
-Ownership of Property-
Property in Zemnalkov is any item that can be purchased, inherited, or potentially sold, and the Zemnalkovians are a very materialistic people and so they hold their property dear to them. That said, anything that is property in Zemnalkov is available for purchase, and there are very few items that are banned or illegal. Ownership of weapons is prevalent and there are no weapons that are necessarily illegal, other than Third Citizens and Slaves not permitted to own weapons larger than daggers unless approved by a Marshal. However, more important properties, like land, buildings, ships, and businesses are required to have a deed of sale and sufficient paperwork to show that the person that has purchased them does indeed own them.
-Gender Rights-
There are few laws that forbid certain genders from doing certain things, however there are plenty of taboos, particularly since Zemnalkovian culture is primarily Matriarchal. For instance, while there are no real laws forbidding males from running for government office or owning businesses, it is heavily frowned upon and the establishment will commonly try to halt any attempts. The females also typically have all property and political influence transfered over to them when they are married to a male that would have such things.
Citizenship within Zemnalkov is one that requires a great deal of paperwork, which is fortunate due to the amount of bureaucracy present. Citizenship is awarded to all that have been born in Zemnalkov, although there are varying forms of citizenship that one can bear, ranking from First Citizen, Second Citizen, Third Citizen, and Slave. Citizenship was proven in a variety of manners, most typically through reputation and relationships. For instance, the daughter of a First Citizen would very clearly be a First Citizen, and would be known to be such by her community. Each Gerukture also takes a census every five years, which they also use to record everyone’s citizenship, which in turn is given to the Baskoncil in their use to determine citizenship on a national level. The use of birth certificates is also prevalent and used by the government, albeit is optional for parents, but if they do sign up for a certificate it must be within 30 days of the newborn’s birth. One can also request a citizenship grant, which is a small seal that proves the holder’s citizenship. The penalty for fraud in citizenship is often death due to how serious the Zemnalkovian take their citizenship.
-Rights and Responsibilities of First Citizens-
First Citizens are the people that have true citizenship, being fully capable of voting and participating in all levels of government within Zemnalkov. However, the caveat is that only land or property owning goblins and bugbears are allowed to be First Citizens, and they are expected to learn how to read and right and in many cases required to participate in government. While many First Citizens are upper class in status, not all first citizens are, most being middle class, with some being lower class.
-Rights and Responsibilities of the Second Citizens-
Second Citizens are Goblins and Bugbears that do not own land or property, but also humans and elves that are property owning, typically landed nobility. They are not permitted to vote in the elections, although they are allowed to participate and vote in the Teslencha, and are also allowed to participate in most forms of government, being able to pick up lower offices and in some rare occasions higher offices.
-Rights and Responsibilities of Third Citizens-
Third Citizenship is limited to Humans and Elves that are not land owners, but also to goblins and bugbears that have been shamed and disowned, typically because they are convicted criminals or are unable to prove their citizenship of higher levels. It is typically this level of citizenship that foreigners gain when they apply for citizenship in Zemnalkov, which often requires they live in the same city for at least five years and pledge their loyalties to the city and then Zemnalkov. Third Citizens are not allowed to vote in elections or in the Teslencha, although they are allowed to attend the Teslencha and bring forth issues and ideas. They are also allowed to attain lower offices in government but never allowed higher offices until they achieve Second Citizenship. Third Citizens are not allowed to own or carry weapons larger than a dagger unless granted permission by a Marshal, often in the form of a deed.
-Rights and Responsibilities of Slaves-
Slaves are the lowest class in Zemnalkov although are typically a rare sight. They have no rights to any form of elections or participation in government other than acting as servants and aides to government officials. That said however slaves in Zemnalkov enjoy a fair amount of rights that protect them, such as their owners being unable to kill or abuse their slaves, or even steal any items the slave might own. Slaves are expected to be paid a small wage for their work and must be clothed, housed, and fed by their owner. Should a slave misbehave or refuse to work, their owner can bring forth and accusation to the court where they will decide if the slave has been lazy or disobedient, and if found guilty the master has permission to punish the slave, which can range from a simple beating to cutting down their food supply to even imprisonment.
-Ownership of Property-
Property in Zemnalkov is any item that can be purchased, inherited, or potentially sold, and the Zemnalkovians are a very materialistic people and so they hold their property dear to them. That said, anything that is property in Zemnalkov is available for purchase, and there are very few items that are banned or illegal. Ownership of weapons is prevalent and there are no weapons that are necessarily illegal, other than Third Citizens and Slaves not permitted to own weapons larger than daggers unless approved by a Marshal. However, more important properties, like land, buildings, ships, and businesses are required to have a deed of sale and sufficient paperwork to show that the person that has purchased them does indeed own them.
-Gender Rights-
There are few laws that forbid certain genders from doing certain things, however there are plenty of taboos, particularly since Zemnalkovian culture is primarily Matriarchal. For instance, while there are no real laws forbidding males from running for government office or owning businesses, it is heavily frowned upon and the establishment will commonly try to halt any attempts. The females also typically have all property and political influence transfered over to them when they are married to a male that would have such things.
=Federsiya Ormiya=
Also known as the Federal Army, it is both the standing army, and the navy of Zemnalkov. It is not under the control of the Geruks, but under the control of the Baskozh and her generals, the Maresals. The Ormiya is responsible of the defense of Zemnalkov and is broken apart into various smaller armies led by the Maresals so that they can more easily cover Zemnalkovian territory or garrison cities and keeps. When they need to be mobilized for war however they will meet and the most senior of the Maresals will lead the entire army while the lesser ones will serve as captains for their companies.
-Recruitment and training-
The vast majority of recruits for the Federsiya Ormiya are Goblins and Bugbears, with most Goblins being volunteers from the cities, although many goblins are also often conscripted from the countryside in times of need. Most volunteers are enlisted a foot soldiers, with only wealthier goblins that are able to afford their own equipment and animals being enlisted as elites. Bugbears on the other hand are typically born into the army as a sort of warrior class, being raised from childhood by their parents to be warriors. Because of this, they are typically among the more elite warriors, and given equipment by the Federsiya Ormiya. Other races such as humans and elves do not typically join the Federsiya Ormiya, due to not being allowed to, although the higher one’s status, the more likely they are allowed to enlist.
The soldiers of the Federsiya Ormiya are salaried meaning that they receive payment of coin. This payment comes bi-annually, so twice a year, with the wage usually being moderate, although the amount of payment varies on one’s rank or unit type. For instance, soldiers from wealthier families are paid more due to the maintenance of their equipment being higher.
-Recruitment and training-
The vast majority of recruits for the Federsiya Ormiya are Goblins and Bugbears, with most Goblins being volunteers from the cities, although many goblins are also often conscripted from the countryside in times of need. Most volunteers are enlisted a foot soldiers, with only wealthier goblins that are able to afford their own equipment and animals being enlisted as elites. Bugbears on the other hand are typically born into the army as a sort of warrior class, being raised from childhood by their parents to be warriors. Because of this, they are typically among the more elite warriors, and given equipment by the Federsiya Ormiya. Other races such as humans and elves do not typically join the Federsiya Ormiya, due to not being allowed to, although the higher one’s status, the more likely they are allowed to enlist.
The soldiers of the Federsiya Ormiya are salaried meaning that they receive payment of coin. This payment comes bi-annually, so twice a year, with the wage usually being moderate, although the amount of payment varies on one’s rank or unit type. For instance, soldiers from wealthier families are paid more due to the maintenance of their equipment being higher.
Goblin Piotan- Standard infantry, they are staple frontline units, being medium armored and carrying large shields and spears, with sabers as their sidearms. They are typically used to hold the line while more specialized or heavier units attack from the flanks or reinforce them. Otherwise, they use their large numbers to overwhelm the enemy.
Goblin Halberdiers- More versatile soldiers, Goblin Halberdiers, as the name suggests, use Halberds and polearms as their primary weapon, using sabers as sidearms. They are heavily armored to make up for their lack of a shield and are used primarily to flank enemies or deliver heavier blows from behind the shields of linemen, but they are fully capable of fighting enemies, even those larger than themselves, on their own.
Goblin Crossbows- Due to the small size of Goblins, they cannot utilize longbows, but can only use crossbows or shortbows. Because of this, crossbows are favored by goblins due to their ability to have a lot of power and range behind them, more so than shortbows. They are lightly armored and will commonly carry a saber as a sidearm.
Goblin Riders- Goblin Riders are cavalry units that are medium armored and carry with them spears and lances, as well as sabers and small shields in case they need to fight on foot. Being such small creatures however they do not ride on horses, rather, they ride on specially bred war dogs called Sobataks.
Bugbear Bardiches- The shock troopers of the Federsiya Ormiya, the Bardiches are Bugbears that use, as the name suggests, the Bardiches weapon, a poleaxe type weapon that they use to deliver heavy blows against their opponents, to crush through shields and armor alike. They are moderately to heavily armored and commonly carry broadsabers or axes as side arms.
Bugbear Shieldbearers- Heavy infantry, these Bugbears are covered in armor and carry large kiteshields, and wield broadsabers, maces, and hammers. Their role is to not only hold the line but to make a heavy push into enemy forces. As a result, they are typically a vanguard unit or use to reinforce their weaker Goblin Linemen cousins.
Seaguard- Marines, Infantrymen that serve within the naval portion of the Ormiya, they are the primary soldiers that are stationed on ships, unlike the sailors that merely maintain and pilot the ships. They are fully trained to fight on both ships and land, and due to their experience fighting in close quarters, they are considerably hardier than regular soldiers on land. They are commonly equipped with medium sized shields, wear light to medium armor, and commonly use maces or sabers.
Goblin Halberdiers- More versatile soldiers, Goblin Halberdiers, as the name suggests, use Halberds and polearms as their primary weapon, using sabers as sidearms. They are heavily armored to make up for their lack of a shield and are used primarily to flank enemies or deliver heavier blows from behind the shields of linemen, but they are fully capable of fighting enemies, even those larger than themselves, on their own.
Goblin Crossbows- Due to the small size of Goblins, they cannot utilize longbows, but can only use crossbows or shortbows. Because of this, crossbows are favored by goblins due to their ability to have a lot of power and range behind them, more so than shortbows. They are lightly armored and will commonly carry a saber as a sidearm.
Goblin Riders- Goblin Riders are cavalry units that are medium armored and carry with them spears and lances, as well as sabers and small shields in case they need to fight on foot. Being such small creatures however they do not ride on horses, rather, they ride on specially bred war dogs called Sobataks.
Bugbear Bardiches- The shock troopers of the Federsiya Ormiya, the Bardiches are Bugbears that use, as the name suggests, the Bardiches weapon, a poleaxe type weapon that they use to deliver heavy blows against their opponents, to crush through shields and armor alike. They are moderately to heavily armored and commonly carry broadsabers or axes as side arms.
Bugbear Shieldbearers- Heavy infantry, these Bugbears are covered in armor and carry large kiteshields, and wield broadsabers, maces, and hammers. Their role is to not only hold the line but to make a heavy push into enemy forces. As a result, they are typically a vanguard unit or use to reinforce their weaker Goblin Linemen cousins.
Seaguard- Marines, Infantrymen that serve within the naval portion of the Ormiya, they are the primary soldiers that are stationed on ships, unlike the sailors that merely maintain and pilot the ships. They are fully trained to fight on both ships and land, and due to their experience fighting in close quarters, they are considerably hardier than regular soldiers on land. They are commonly equipped with medium sized shields, wear light to medium armor, and commonly use maces or sabers.
The various mercenary companies found throughout Zemnalkov, they are commonly used throughout the realm, often being hired by individual Geruktures to be the armies and guardsmen of the various city states, as well as smaller companies being hired by the individual families as house guards. However in times of war they are hired to supplement the Federsiya Ormiya. It is also fairly common for Kondotyeri to travel to other lands to offer their services.
-Recruitment and training-
Recruitment into a Kondotyeri company varies company to company, although most of them are no different from businesses or other career choices where their recruits voluntarily join the company in exchange for the promise of profit. Most companies give their recruits moderate training, as to most it is simply a job as most companies end up taking contracts for guard duty for the cities or for wealthy families. Unlike with the Ormiya, the Kondotyeri companies are not shy about hiring any race that is willing to join them, and so commonly will have all races of Zemnalkov in their forces.
Kondotyeri companies are paid by their captains, who set their wages, and who are in turn paid by their employers and contractors. Typically these companies are paid in coin, although the wages can vary from company to company. Some pay better than the Federsiya Ormiya, some pay worse, some only pay with the prospect of looting and raiding, while others turn to little more than banditry or thievery.
-Recruitment and training-
Recruitment into a Kondotyeri company varies company to company, although most of them are no different from businesses or other career choices where their recruits voluntarily join the company in exchange for the promise of profit. Most companies give their recruits moderate training, as to most it is simply a job as most companies end up taking contracts for guard duty for the cities or for wealthy families. Unlike with the Ormiya, the Kondotyeri companies are not shy about hiring any race that is willing to join them, and so commonly will have all races of Zemnalkov in their forces.
Kondotyeri companies are paid by their captains, who set their wages, and who are in turn paid by their employers and contractors. Typically these companies are paid in coin, although the wages can vary from company to company. Some pay better than the Federsiya Ormiya, some pay worse, some only pay with the prospect of looting and raiding, while others turn to little more than banditry or thievery.
Monster Hunters-
The Soytifna are the various auxiliary forces within Zemnalkov that commonly supplment the Federsiya Ormiya in times or war, or are the local militias and guards of villages and towns outside of the cities. Most often they are the are militias and knights of the Gsomvrosian Humans and Anqualan Elves, typically remnants of the days before the Zemnal Goblinoids conquered what was once Anqualith. The Anqualans in particular have maintained most of their armories and martial arts, that they typically train to their own prospective warriors. Much in the same way, the Gsomvrosians have maintained the tradition of Knights amongst their nobility, a tradition adopted from the Olmans when they had ruled over the Gsomvrosians. These traditions and warriors are tolerated by the Zemnal rulers due to them filling niches that the Federsiya Ormiya does not.
-Recruitment and training-
Recruitment and training varies among the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians, however most of them
-Recruitment and training-
Recruitment and training varies among the Anqualans and Gsomvrosians, however most of them
Anqualan Bowman-
Anqualan Legino-
Anqualan Katafracts-
Gsomvrosian Militia-
Gsomvrosian Knights-
Anqualan Legino-
Anqualan Katafracts-
Gsomvrosian Militia-
Gsomvrosian Knights-
-=Important Families=-
Current Leader: Example
Values: |
Current Leader: Example
Values: |
Tamashverja, also known as the Stone Faith, or the Stone God Belief, is the primarily religion brought over by the Kulskiel and Barvengi. It is a primarily totemist pagan religion, that believes in the Stone Gods, an endless horde of disembodied spirits or gods that cannot take form or interact with the world unless they are bound to a physical being. In the case of the Tamashverites, they believe that by carving a large stone into a totem of sort will attract and awaken these spirits into gods, thus giving them consciousness and names. This means that each city, town, and village has their own unique gods, and no one priest knows all of the gods, however there are popular gods who will have totems carved in the image of the first totem, which the Tamashverites believe will extend their spirit to the new totem as well. Because of this, Tamashverja bases itself around cults, with each settlement having a cult to a certain god. Tamashverja is also a syncretic religion, and they will readily adopt foreign gods into their pantheons, as they view their teachings as just being peculiar to that specific deity or deities.
The Rat God, Sykryn is the god of Rats, the Earth, Stone, Dirt, the Downtrodden, the Weak, The Masses, and Ambition. He is the most popular of the gods to be worshipped primarily by the Kulskiel, who see him as their patron father, having supposedly guided them to the lands of Eae’t. He prizes those that he considers the underdog and those that are great in number and must work together to achieve their goals.
The Rat God, Sykryn is the god of Rats, the Earth, Stone, Dirt, the Downtrodden, the Weak, The Masses, and Ambition. He is the most popular of the gods to be worshipped primarily by the Kulskiel, who see him as their patron father, having supposedly guided them to the lands of Eae’t. He prizes those that he considers the underdog and those that are great in number and must work together to achieve their goals.
Pericaran is the religion that worships the deity Pericar, the god of nature, and was primarily worshipped by the Anqualan elves, although has since spread to the Gsomvrosians and to the Kulskiel and Burvengi. It comes in two schools of thought, however, both considering each other heresies. First is Orthodox Pericaran, the original, and Sravdan Pericaran, also known as Sravdanism, which was adopted when the Anqualans were conquered by the Muhakim. Both have core tenants that both believe, primarily that one must respect nature and its danger and beauty, as well as being self reliant and strong, that one should be capable of hunting and surviving on their own, as well as moderation, as taking too much from the land can damage it. They also shun otherworldly things such as demons and to a lesser extent angels, viewing them as unnatural, which can at times extend to magic users. Orthodox Pericarans however believe that the followers of Pericar should be in harmony with nature and never to dominate it, and so believe they should live more rural lives, and that cities and civilization are against Pericar’s will.
God of Nature, Storms, Hunting, and all things Wild, as well as Community, Ruralness, Protection, and Sisterhood. Pericar is neither male nor female, and can appear in either form, and often appears as a humanoid dressed in pelts, their face concealed by a stag skull. They are not known as a caring god or benevolent god, as nature is neither good nor evil, and they value strength and self reliance, yet also the ability to care for others, and demands that their followers respect the wilds and beasts of the land.
God of Nature, Storms, Hunting, and all things Wild, as well as Community, Ruralness, Protection, and Sisterhood. Pericar is neither male nor female, and can appear in either form, and often appears as a humanoid dressed in pelts, their face concealed by a stag skull. They are not known as a caring god or benevolent god, as nature is neither good nor evil, and they value strength and self reliance, yet also the ability to care for others, and demands that their followers respect the wilds and beasts of the land.
Picture Here

Lycanthropes- Lycanthropes, also known as the beast cursed, or weremen, are creatures that are half man half beast, with a devious bloodlust and desire to devour humanoid flesh above that or animals. No one quite knows where they come from, or whether the first Lycanthrope was first a Lycanthrope that spread its curse, or a human that was made into a Lycanthrope. They are one of the most common forms of monster found throughout Zemnalkov, and come in many forms, such as WereRats, WereBears, WereBats, WereCats, and, the most common and feared of them all, the WereWolf. There are considered to be two types of Lycanthropes, True Lycanthropes, and Cursed Lycanthropes. Cursed Lycanthropes are those afflicted by the curse, and may not even be aware they have been cursed, but change to their monstrous form during certain times, such as full moons, and lose all control of themselves, often plaguing their home villages. True Lycanthropes however, are those born into the curse, and are fully aware of it and are in full control of when they change shape. However, the curse afflicts them differently, as their mind is that of the beast no matter the form, making them insidious and bloodthirsty creatures that will trick and infiltrate groups and communities to better hunt their prey.
Barghests- Believed to have come to Eae’t along with the Zemnal Goblins, the Barghests, much like Lycanthropes, are insidious creatures that are known for their shape shifting abilities, although the Barghests hold much greater control over their power. Their natural form is that of large black furred wolves or hounds, although they are capable of changing shape to that of a humanoid of their choosing, and are experts at infiltrating humanoid societies and masquerading as them. The greatest threat they pose however comes from their ability to pick up traits from those they devour, which often leads them to devour specific targets, usually great warriors, heroes, leaders, or in some cases mages, which grants them their power and knowledge over magic. It is their ability to gain the power and skills of their prey that makes the Barghest one of the most dangerous monsters.
Skin Walkers-

Lycanthropes- Lycanthropes, also known as the beast cursed, or weremen, are creatures that are half man half beast, with a devious bloodlust and desire to devour humanoid flesh above that or animals. No one quite knows where they come from, or whether the first Lycanthrope was first a Lycanthrope that spread its curse, or a human that was made into a Lycanthrope. They are one of the most common forms of monster found throughout Zemnalkov, and come in many forms, such as WereRats, WereBears, WereBats, WereCats, and, the most common and feared of them all, the WereWolf. There are considered to be two types of Lycanthropes, True Lycanthropes, and Cursed Lycanthropes. Cursed Lycanthropes are those afflicted by the curse, and may not even be aware they have been cursed, but change to their monstrous form during certain times, such as full moons, and lose all control of themselves, often plaguing their home villages. True Lycanthropes however, are those born into the curse, and are fully aware of it and are in full control of when they change shape. However, the curse afflicts them differently, as their mind is that of the beast no matter the form, making them insidious and bloodthirsty creatures that will trick and infiltrate groups and communities to better hunt their prey.
Barghests- Believed to have come to Eae’t along with the Zemnal Goblins, the Barghests, much like Lycanthropes, are insidious creatures that are known for their shape shifting abilities, although the Barghests hold much greater control over their power. Their natural form is that of large black furred wolves or hounds, although they are capable of changing shape to that of a humanoid of their choosing, and are experts at infiltrating humanoid societies and masquerading as them. The greatest threat they pose however comes from their ability to pick up traits from those they devour, which often leads them to devour specific targets, usually great warriors, heroes, leaders, or in some cases mages, which grants them their power and knowledge over magic. It is their ability to gain the power and skills of their prey that makes the Barghest one of the most dangerous monsters.
Skin Walkers-
Also known as the city of Copper, it is the acting capital of the Zemnalkov republic both because it holds the palace of the Baskozh, and the Hall of the Liga Baninik, where the Geruks of the Republic hold their meetings. It also harbors the palace and castle of the Geruk of Pekevdorog, as the city remains its own Gerukture despite the presence of the Baskozh. Pekevdorog was the first city of the Zemnal Goblinoids, having been built upon the ruins of the Anqualan city of Altavasium, which was abandoned in the region due to the popularity of Orthodox Pericaran causing the elves to leave. Since then the Goblins have incorporated the ruins into their own city, often repairing the more impressive buildings, and eventually adding their own with their own architecture. It is known as the copper city due to the amount of copper that has been used in the roofs and domes of the wealthier districts, giving the city a copper shine from a distance.
Also known as the city of Copper, it is the acting capital of the Zemnalkov republic both because it holds the palace of the Baskozh, and the Hall of the Liga Baninik, where the Geruks of the Republic hold their meetings. It also harbors the palace and castle of the Geruk of Pekevdorog, as the city remains its own Gerukture despite the presence of the Baskozh. Pekevdorog was the first city of the Zemnal Goblinoids, having been built upon the ruins of the Anqualan city of Altavasium, which was abandoned in the region due to the popularity of Orthodox Pericaran causing the elves to leave. Since then the Goblins have incorporated the ruins into their own city, often repairing the more impressive buildings, and eventually adding their own with their own architecture. It is known as the copper city due to the amount of copper that has been used in the roofs and domes of the wealthier districts, giving the city a copper shine from a distance.
-=Magic and Education=-
Magic is not entirely a common practice in Zemnalkov but it is also not one that is hated or frowned upon as it might be by other cultures. It is seen as a gift and a curiosity, both because it held some religious significance for the Anqualan and Gsomvrosians, but also because the Zemnal Goblinoids view it as an avenue of power. It is because of this that magi are their own social class of high standing, and they commonly serve as advisors or members of councils or even politicians themselves. They are such an established class that it is common for the major cities to harbor universities and academies dedicated solely to the learning of magic, and they actively seek out those with magic potential. The magic itself that is practiced in Zemnalkov comes from two different schools of magic, the first being Zemnal magic, which is based more on destruction and war, and so typically makes use of more arcane and fire based magics, where as the Anqualan school of magic is based more on natural magics that are based around nature, so typically earthern and elemental magics. The vast majority of magical learning derives mostly from Anqualan teachings however, something the Kulskiel goblins readily picked up on.
Magic is not entirely a common practice in Zemnalkov but it is also not one that is hated or frowned upon as it might be by other cultures. It is seen as a gift and a curiosity, both because it held some religious significance for the Anqualan and Gsomvrosians, but also because the Zemnal Goblinoids view it as an avenue of power. It is because of this that magi are their own social class of high standing, and they commonly serve as advisors or members of councils or even politicians themselves. They are such an established class that it is common for the major cities to harbor universities and academies dedicated solely to the learning of magic, and they actively seek out those with magic potential. The magic itself that is practiced in Zemnalkov comes from two different schools of magic, the first being Zemnal magic, which is based more on destruction and war, and so typically makes use of more arcane and fire based magics, where as the Anqualan school of magic is based more on natural magics that are based around nature, so typically earthern and elemental magics. The vast majority of magical learning derives mostly from Anqualan teachings however, something the Kulskiel goblins readily picked up on.
-=Foreign Relations=-
=Military Alliances=
=Specific Agreements=
Varkovnia- Trade Deal between nations to permit merchants and movement between realms in exchange for mutual recognition of sovereignty over respective claims. Allowance of mercenaries to be hired from Zemnalkov by Princezna Czermak.
=Good Terms=
=Bad Terms=
=Specific Agreements=
Varkovnia- Trade Deal between nations to permit merchants and movement between realms in exchange for mutual recognition of sovereignty over respective claims. Allowance of mercenaries to be hired from Zemnalkov by Princezna Czermak.
=Good Terms=
=Bad Terms=
-=Trade and Economics=-
Zemnalkov has a fairly successful agricultural industry that is fully capable of feeding is population, growing a variety of crops, that are mostly food crops. The most common of these crops are potatoes, carrots, cabbages, and onions, although beets and mushrooms are also commonly grown. Wheat and Rye is also grown, although it is predominantly grown in the region of Krenirelvka due to the warmer and flatter climate, and so the grain must usually be shipped across Zemnalkov. Rice is also grown to a lesser extent, although this is only really grown in the wet environments of Gsokevnia, which is also in turn shipped across Zemnalkov, although mostly remains in Gsokevnia as a local food.
-Domestication and Herding-
There are many domesticated animals within Zemnalkov although most of them are farm animals used for various things. The most common farm animal is the sheep, although they are primarily used for their wool rather than their meat. Likewise, chickens are also common but are very rarely eaten as they are mostly used for their eggs, and only wealthier people eat chicken regularly as a sign of social status. Pigs and cows on the other hand are commonly used for meat, although cows are also used for their milk and thus also cheese. Other animals, particularly dogs and cats are also heavily domesticated, with cats being used as both companion animals and as pest control. Dogs are used for companions, but more commonly are used as guard or hunting animals, with the Sobatak breed being used as both warhounds and as mounts by Goblins.
=Guild and Company Rights=
Zemnalkov has a fairly successful agricultural industry that is fully capable of feeding is population, growing a variety of crops, that are mostly food crops. The most common of these crops are potatoes, carrots, cabbages, and onions, although beets and mushrooms are also commonly grown. Wheat and Rye is also grown, although it is predominantly grown in the region of Krenirelvka due to the warmer and flatter climate, and so the grain must usually be shipped across Zemnalkov. Rice is also grown to a lesser extent, although this is only really grown in the wet environments of Gsokevnia, which is also in turn shipped across Zemnalkov, although mostly remains in Gsokevnia as a local food.
-Domestication and Herding-
There are many domesticated animals within Zemnalkov although most of them are farm animals used for various things. The most common farm animal is the sheep, although they are primarily used for their wool rather than their meat. Likewise, chickens are also common but are very rarely eaten as they are mostly used for their eggs, and only wealthier people eat chicken regularly as a sign of social status. Pigs and cows on the other hand are commonly used for meat, although cows are also used for their milk and thus also cheese. Other animals, particularly dogs and cats are also heavily domesticated, with cats being used as both companion animals and as pest control. Dogs are used for companions, but more commonly are used as guard or hunting animals, with the Sobatak breed being used as both warhounds and as mounts by Goblins.
=Guild and Company Rights=
=Main Exports=
-Specialized Resources-
Zemnal Velvet-
Sobatak Dogs-
Anqualan Vodka-
Weapons and Armor-
=Main Imports=
=Trade Laws=
-Specialized Resources-
Zemnal Velvet-
Sobatak Dogs-
Anqualan Vodka-
Weapons and Armor-
=Main Imports=
=Trade Laws=
=The Turjhits=
The Estate of Burghers, the Merchant Class, and city dwellers
=The Burvoks=
The Estate of the Burvengi Bugbear Clans
=The Dvoyanstar=
The Estate of the landed nobility the exist in the more rural parts of
=The Khaldukun=
The Estate of the Mages, Wizards, and Sorcerers
=The Kiroskym=
The Estate that is the common folk, particularly those living in more rural environments
The Estate of Burghers, the Merchant Class, and city dwellers
=The Burvoks=
The Estate of the Burvengi Bugbear Clans
=The Dvoyanstar=
The Estate of the landed nobility the exist in the more rural parts of
=The Khaldukun=
The Estate of the Mages, Wizards, and Sorcerers
=The Kiroskym=
The Estate that is the common folk, particularly those living in more rural environments
-=Notable Characters=-
Veedan Hasmukich
Resdiy Selahuvk
Aldawu Hasmukich
Suhela Yulelul
Appearance Here(Optional)
Birthdate- 965
Race- Kulskiel Goblin
Sex- Female
Occupation- Baskozh of the Zemnalkov Republic, Magister of the Artzvol Academy
An accomplished Sorceress of the Haskumich family, Veedan Haskumich is a native of the city of Artzvol where her family enrolled her in the Artzvol Academy, where she studied various magical subjects, particularly monsters, which has always been something of interest to her. Her speciality with monsters and her family’s banking experience allowed her to successfully be voted as Baskozh in 996, to tackle the growing monster problem as well as revitalize the Baskozh’s treasury. She is said to be humble and determined, as well as wise beyond her years. However, rumor has it that she that she performs cruel and sadistic experiments on monsters and beasts alike, and she has been known to dull out harsh punishments on criminals.
Birthdate- 965
Race- Kulskiel Goblin
Sex- Female
Occupation- Baskozh of the Zemnalkov Republic, Magister of the Artzvol Academy
An accomplished Sorceress of the Haskumich family, Veedan Haskumich is a native of the city of Artzvol where her family enrolled her in the Artzvol Academy, where she studied various magical subjects, particularly monsters, which has always been something of interest to her. Her speciality with monsters and her family’s banking experience allowed her to successfully be voted as Baskozh in 996, to tackle the growing monster problem as well as revitalize the Baskozh’s treasury. She is said to be humble and determined, as well as wise beyond her years. However, rumor has it that she that she performs cruel and sadistic experiments on monsters and beasts alike, and she has been known to dull out harsh punishments on criminals.
Resdiy Selahuvk
Appearance Here(Optional)
Birthdate- 974
Race- Burvengi Bugbear
Sex- Female
Occupation- High Maresal of the Federsiya Ormiya
The closest friend of Baskozh Veedan Hasmukich, she is also her most efficient enforcer and put in place as High Maresal to continue her loyalty to the Baskozh in a more official capacity. She was once a monster hunter, and was frequently hired by Veedan to capture monsters for her research, although this relationship has since turned her into her bodyguard and closest military advisor. While she is certainly cunning and skilled in battle, many claim that she is also an imbecile in any matter outside of it.
Birthdate- 974
Race- Burvengi Bugbear
Sex- Female
Occupation- High Maresal of the Federsiya Ormiya
The closest friend of Baskozh Veedan Hasmukich, she is also her most efficient enforcer and put in place as High Maresal to continue her loyalty to the Baskozh in a more official capacity. She was once a monster hunter, and was frequently hired by Veedan to capture monsters for her research, although this relationship has since turned her into her bodyguard and closest military advisor. While she is certainly cunning and skilled in battle, many claim that she is also an imbecile in any matter outside of it.
Aldawu Hasmukich
Appearance Here(Optional)
Birthdate- 969
Race- Kulskiel Goblin
Sex- Male
Occupation- Minister of Secrets
Husband of Baskozh Veedan Hasmukich, he was a treasure hunter who fancied Veedan and so would commonly shower her with treasures, primarily jewelry he had found. This eventually turned into a more serious relationship when she sent Aldawu out to find more magical items, and his usefulness to her has seen to it that he was made Minister of Secrets, essentially a spymaster, and archivist.
Birthdate- 969
Race- Kulskiel Goblin
Sex- Male
Occupation- Minister of Secrets
Husband of Baskozh Veedan Hasmukich, he was a treasure hunter who fancied Veedan and so would commonly shower her with treasures, primarily jewelry he had found. This eventually turned into a more serious relationship when she sent Aldawu out to find more magical items, and his usefulness to her has seen to it that he was made Minister of Secrets, essentially a spymaster, and archivist.
Suhela Yulelul
Appearance Here(Optional)
Birthdate- 947
Race- Kulskiel Goblin
Sex- Female
Occupation- Geruk of Pekevdorog
Birthdate- 947
Race- Kulskiel Goblin
Sex- Female
Occupation- Geruk of Pekevdorog