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It's been a while hasn't it?


I'm only human.

Aren't we all?

Eventually we all fall.

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Hello and welcome to the Guild, should you need anything, feel free to ask, loads of us are happy to help.

Otherwise I hope you find some fun stories~!
I hope the post is okay, I ended it to set up your next post for the torturous bit. If you need me to nix the final paragraph and not have her mind reclaimed yet, let me know and I'll edit. I'm gonna reply to your headcanon PM and get some dinner, I'll be on later tonight. :)
Her mind began to slow as her soul rattled against her chest. 'I finally feel free.' Her mind was failing to register the fact that she was in a dire situation. A weightlessness was oddly comforting as she finally felt the strain of her mind weakening. Even behind her closed lids, there were faint images of her human life and how that had ended, which had triggered her new lift as a spiritual being who ferried souls. One had to wonder how a spirit could die and cease to exist. Her human body was almost like a prison, keeping her trapped inside a sinking tomb. Thankfully the aching in her lung was eventually dulled due to her brain trying to prevent the woman from feeling the burning pain of suffocating underwater.

Among the flashes of life in her dark mind, she saw an image of Kurama and his mother, as well as the others she had encountered over the past year. Yusuke had changed her life, as well as its entire course. No longer was she floating above the clouds, helping those who had just died, but now she was remembering what it was like to truly live, to connect with humans. Botan felt an immense sadness ripple through her body. She felt nothing, no pain. Only empty freedom and yet she yearned for something more. A quiet calm settled over her as the faded images ceased to keep her company as her heart stopped struggling to pump blood into a body devoid of oxygen, devoid of hope and finally life.

Botan, upon reaching the surface, recovered with a brief heartbeat but her body was without a brain to properly steer it towards recovery. Without any assistance, she would surely return to the Spirit World within mere minutes. After a minute of Kurama's attempts, her brain and her heart-rate began to function on their own. With a sudden cough, her body jolted from its chilly slumber. Immediately met with the cool breeze and her wet body, she began to panic. 'What happened? Where am I?' She wondered frantically. Her body ached, a deep ache that kept threatening to penetrate and tear open her lungs and heart. Her eyes darted around, unable to put together the last several minutes.

It was as if she had been asleep, in some trance.

Another few coughs pushed out the remaining water in her lungs as she pushed herself onto her side for a moment, feeling the harsh concrete scrap against her shivering legs. She groaned and fell back on her back, gasping as she looked up to see Kurama by her side looking incredibly worried but also relieved. "O-oh. You saved-" She weakly raised a hand to hold onto Kurama's arm but she suddenly froze. Botan closed her eyes as another way of despair suddenly hit her again. 'You couldn't even kill yourself properly. You fail at everything you attempt.' She told herself, full of bitterness and bite.

'You continue to remain a burden to those closest to you. You keep needing to be saved. You are truly pathetic.' The voice in her head continued to mock. Whimpering, she squirmed slightly. For a moment in the pool she had been rid of that nagging doubt, that insistent voice that dragged her sanity into the abyss. Her jaw tightened as she tried to remember the people who had ran across her mind. 'Genkai, Koenma, Yusuke, Kurama, Yukina. They don't think of me as a burden...' She tried to tell herself, trying to fight against the negativity invading her mind once more.
Finally got a post up! Also starting to feel a bit better.

Whatever was going on, didn't sit well with Urkwia. She needed to protect her two teammates above all else. Any wacky conspiracies had to wait. She looked to Archimedes who had a few cents to add to the idea of what was going on or as to the psyche of who was throwing this sort of gauntlet at the trio. She wasn't sure what to think but knew that they had to remain focused, find the source and eliminate it. All side errands would have to be forgotten, even if they were highly irrational and a bit curious. "So...it sounds like we're going to just keep going and not bother with whatever weird challenge this...Hacker has for us?" She looked to the boys, wanting to make sure they were all on the same page.

Urkwia was intrigued by the message but it wasn't enough to divert their attention. While it sounded nice to play along and avoid a lot of pointless fighting, for now they needed to buckle down and hurry. "Whoever wrote that stuff does seem to have some kind of...cocky air about themselves." She muttered as they looked at the object in their path. Lunging forward, she grabbed the old laptop and pushed it down the narrow staircase. She jumped to the side as it tumbled down, finally slamming to the floor with a loud clunking sound. Urkwia waited for a moment, wondering if something would happen but nothing did. "Let's hurry." She direct as she continued up the steps.

Upon reaching the next floor, they were now surrounded by high reaching silver file cabinets. "Awesome." She sighed and looked around, unable to even see the tops of the makeshift walls of the maze. They seemed to reach the ceiling. Walking forward she decided they just needed to stick together and figure things out, rather than lose track of one another. "Let's stay close." She told them. "Hey...you think you could download Spark to our location and have it find the exit for us?" She asked Maverick. While it may not work, due to whatever tricks or parameters the Hacker had imposed upon their location, she decided they may as well try it and see if it could be of some use.

Part of Urkwia was worried that in using Maverick's little trick, there would be some kind of repercussion brought upon them but she didn't want to play games. They had no reason to listen to a stranger and bow to its whims. Silence filled the room as she expected something or someone to come out. They settled on a fork in the maze, one route taking them to the left, the other going towards the right. "You know it almost feels like these walls could close in on us." She joked lightly, glancing over her shoulder to the others. As the leader, she had to make sure they all survived and it was tough to walk into the unknown, knowing a Hacker was pulling the strings. It wasn't common for Hackers to wait around and toy with Correctors, but some Hackers were twisted and narrow-minded enough.
@Natsu Looks good to me!

@ineffable I think it's finally where it needs to be, thank you!

@FiroIV The issue wasn't the word "social" itself (sociable isn't much of a change in that regard) but that it feels contradictory to the idea of someone being cold. Would another way to describe her be guarded? Or cautious? Or observant? Cold and sociable just seem to oppose one another. It's like someone saying they're friendly but aloof. It doesn't really make sense.
@ineffable It's okay. Let's see if I can explain it a bit better.

From the first post of the OOC: Spirit awareness allows someone to have a high intuition as to the presence of spirits. Spirit strength allows someone to channel their energy into a force, and it does not matter if someone is physically strong. And spirit adaptation allows someone to morph and use their energy for unique purposes like barriers or physical weapons.

Your character is said to have a weakness in spirituality. By definition of this RP's premise, he can't be weak in all three areas of spirituality. He needs to have proficiency in at least one, if not two areas as explained above (strength, adaptation, intuition).

For example: Your character's physical strength could be used along with spiritual strength. He could use his combat along with spiritual energy to be stronger than most others. If you've seen Naruto it's a little like channeling chakra to one's limb to give an additional boost. But again your character can't go around using normal human combat based strength without applying using spiritual energy too. A normal punch would do nothing to a demon.

Another example: Your character's physical talent could be set aside for another combat skill altogether. Does he have to use his taekwondo? No, it could be just a hobby if say he was more into spiritual intuition or adaptation. Perhaps in a twist, he has no spiritual strength at all, unable to really do anything like he would assume he could normally. Instead he has good adaptation and can be some sort of healer. Or maybe he can create spiderwebs that trap and hinder enemies due to a level of adaption and intuition?

Does that make sense? If you want your guy to be into using his taekwondo, that's fine, just be sure he's got some spiritual strength behind it. Otherwise I do encourage you (and everyone else!) to be creative with applying spirit energy,

@Kassarock Thanks! That helped. :)

@FiroIV Let me know when you've edited~
Canon wise, the events of the series as whole have recently concluded. That said, the canon events don't really have an influence on this plot or region of Japan. The only canon roles that may be seen or mentioned for now are Botan, Genkai and Lord Koenma, as there's no current plans to involve anyone else (canon wise). There are plans for an eventual tourmaline of sorts but whether that is something based on canon or not, has yet to be decided.
For instance with my character: "Era, despite her eye for great landscapes, has a low level of spiritual awareness. Instead, she has good spiritual adaptation and strength which she will use to create long spirit claws from her fists, much like the Marvel character Wolverine." The last line directly explains how she'll be fighting, she'll be using spirit energy to create Wolverine-like solid claws for close combat.

Your character claims to have a weakness in spirituality but in what regard? Awareness? Strength? Adaptation? Is he just going to do Taekwondo with additional spiritual energy? He needs to have some kind of relationship with spirits and the energy, be it strength or something else entirely. I just want you to be clear in your CS instead of leaving the application a bit vague. :)
@BurningDaisies I hope not! That would be pretty depressing...
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