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I guess my comfort zone is "eccentric side character."

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Word Count: 1703

Level 8 - (-01/80) +6

Location: Carcass Island ~ Kosm's Beach

Bowser's plan ended in catastrophic failure. Royalty fell like rain across the beach, each shadow cast by Kamek and Mimi's magic dissolving in flight as the genuine article was caught by those cats, who began ferrying him to some place far better than this blasted beach. The creature didn't seem to be hurt at all by the Koopa dogpile. In fact it had grown stronger, it's weapon bloated as it stood tall in the moonlight with its makeshift cape fluttering in a sea breeze that didn't exist. Was it still developing? Was this child growing up before their eyes, becoming more dangerous with every second that they fought it?

It lifted it's head, called out to the sky and the sky answered it. From the dark clouds came a bolt of lightning, striking the creature's mother and sending electricity crashing across the beach. While the rest of them jumped the wave Delsin dived right into it, imbuing himself with power before sprinting at the horror as though he had learned nothing from the previous time he had tried to face the thing one on one.

No, that wasn't right. He had been smarter about it this time. He dashed in, turning wholly into the creature's own lightning as he did. He lashed it, then it plunged its hand into that ghastly weapon and he dashed away. He had recognized what was about to happen. There was no preparing for what happened next, because you would be preparing for the wrong thing. If Link had taken the opportunity to move in it would have caught him too, it would have caught any one of them. The creature plunged the pinkish-red bulb it had ripped from its weapon into the beach, just like it had before. Instead of blowing up the area around it, though, the blast spread out in front of it and blew the surprised man high into the air. Link watched him tumble in slow motion, started moving before the creature itself did but he was too far away. He swore he could feel the air pressing against his skin as he went, slowing him. Holding him back as though he were trying to spring across the ocean floor. It was this world. There was too much world in the way and the creature was so much faster.

The man landed before Link could take two steps. The creature was on him before Link could even take another one, and then there was just the screaming and the sounds of rending meat and there was no miracle, no cats, no hearts, no heroes that could save him now. No, no, the time to save him had come before this. The time to save this man was back at the beach, the real beach, not this impossible place. Back where they had a ship, a ship to fly away from here. Stay on the ship, Delsin. That was what he had said. He had known, even then, that something like this would happen. He had just been too much of a coward to force the issue. He had let this man, who understood nothing, walk into the jaws of death. He may as well have stuck the blade in himself.

He almost didn't feel the lightning as it slammed into his back. The physical anguish was nothing compared to the pain flowing through his quivering brain, but the combination brought the hero down. First onto his knees, the hero's sword flying out of grip and landing blade down in the sand. He joined it soon after, collapsing face first into the much of the beach dead to the world save the screams still digging furrows through his mind.

He was paralyzed there for what felt like an eternity, far too long to simply chalk it up to being paralyzed by the electricity. It was a call that drew him out of it, a familiar voice that made him turn his face in the sand and point one eye upward toward the sky to spot the ink chunks raining down on the beach. Meteor?

It wasn’t fear that pushed him up when he realized what they were, nor any survival instinct. It was the pun. A man was dead and Ms. Fortune was still making puns? Terrible puns. It was infuriating. A righteous anger that was, at least for the moment, not directed inward fed power into his limbs and allowed him to try and drag himself away from the pink death that was coming down toward him.

He didn't dodge the whole blast, but he at least managed to throw himself clear of certain death. The explosion sent him flying across the beach, one arm and part of his face painted an ugnly red and pulsing with pain like a wasp sting, though whether that was from the damage or the gore was acidic he couldn’t know. He landed in a heap, but the shock had knocked the last of the paralysis out of him. He dragged himself back to his feet and looked up to see how the battle was going, only to find that it had gone to the cliffs.The creature was easy to spot, a pale while shape upon the black rocks, and he could just make out Ace before the creature again rained it’s organixc bombs down upon them. He sprinted away, dodging the explosions that he could feel on his back, but this only took him further from where the battle had moved in the time he had been out of action. Just as he started his way back there was another gut wrenching explosion as the entire cliff face seemed to shatter and rain down on the field.

A huge boulder came hurtling out of the sky right at him, and his hand went to the Sheikah Slate once more. As the boulder filled his vision he cast the Stasis rune once more, binding the boulder in the air before him. He could hear every impact it took, see other boulders falling beside him as they struck the back of his makeshift barrier and bounced off. He took note of the time as it began to flash faster and faster, until a couple of seconds passed where there were no impacts. Then he selected a new Rune, one he had noticed when preparing to block the Creature in with ice.

A bomb appeared in his hands as he did, blue and glowing like a weak lantern. He jumped back, tossed the explosive at the boulder in front of him, and detonated it. At first there didn't seem to be any effect, but once stasis ended the boulder that had saved him flew off, slamming into the cliff face and joining the debris that now littered the beach.

The debris was the only thing he could see, though. Though he could hear the sounds of battle he could no longer spot the melee through the veritable garden of boulders that now separated him from his allies, and even the sounds were echoing weirdly so he couldn't be quite sure where they were coming from. He climbed up on one of the rocks to get a better view, and began running along the tops of the boulders in whatever direction seemed promising. The battle was frantically moving, though. He would occasionally catch flashes of action between the rocks, but besides Blazermate hovering over the battlefield he could not pin anyone else down. The problem was the creature. He could see it leaping about, leading the others further and further from him as it layered the area with constant explosions. His mind reeled, deadly visions of what could be happening flashing before his eyes with every blast that reached his ears.

Finally he managed to catch up to someone, though the sight didn't bring him any relief.He jumped down from the rocks to find Sakura, planted in the dirt. Bella hovered over her like a mother cat. He caught the Seaplane Tender’s eye, sharing a moment of the abyssals' worry and anger before moving on toward the beach, his breathing ragged.

He caught up to the group just in time to witness a combination of explosive attacks. Ms. Fortune, who had bound up the creature with her own body, separated and then came back together like a living bomb before getting out of the way just in time for Blazermate to unleash what he could only describe as point blank annihilation upon it. That was it. That had to be it. A burgeoning hope started to build in his chest as he watched the creature's shadow contort within the beam of light and then…no…no! How?!?

It was still standing. The creature was still standing. Was it even winded? No! It was still on the attack, lifting its head to scream at the sky and call down another of those lightning beams right on Blazermate.

It wasn’t the only one screaming this time. Link charged down the beach, finding one of the goop trails Junior had left for Rika and skating down it onto the water. Both of his cannons resounded, a full broadside slamming into the creature as he vaulted the wave of lightning that sprung from Blazermate’s position, the noise they made only matched by the primal scream coming from Links throat. He screamed in frustration, at the unfairness of this thing’s sturdiness, but most of all he just wanted this nightmare over and done with before he had to see even one more comrade on the ground.

The creature turned to face him, swinging its blade out at him as he approached, but his fingers were already on the slate. A column of ice sprung up in the blade's way, shattering on impact but knocking the blade off course. Link didn't slow down and never stopped firing as the distance closed between them. It yanked the black back into its grip and swung as Link closed into melee range, but he ducked under its swing and rose up fist first. The black iron of the Ro Cestus covered his arm again, and through it he aimed the full force of his desperate charge right at the creature's face.
I know Flonne eventually gets reinstated as an Archangel.

Merge Rate: 33%

Word Count: 808

Level 10 - (24/100) + 2

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin - Treat's Doll House

@Dark Cloud@Majoras End

Linkle couldn't stop herself as she flew through the air like a fastball, her body focused more on pulling air back into her lungs than doing anything to soften her inevitable impact with the ground. Luckily for her someone did that for her. She watched Albedo move forward, brace himself, then get closer and closer before the sudden impact.

She, much like the Doll Master, had expected she would knock him over. Maybe it was due to that climbing he did, but Albedo held firm. He had caught her in more of a hug than anything, and was treated to the Skullgirl wheezing into his ear for a moment before he righted himself enough to put her down. It wasn't that far to the floor. "Nice catch." She managed to choke out as he did.

As Linkle took a few more deep breath's she spotted the Stalfos begin glowing and, with a wave of its finger, call up a barrier of bones between them and the behemoth. It was a technique that seemed oddly familiar, but more importantly than that he showed himself to be definitively on their side. That was a relief. Though now there was another friend down here with that man in addition to Frisk and Albedo.

Speaking of Frisk, the kid approached and handed her one of her crossbows. It was only when they swapped the color of the little heart floating in front of them that Linkle took notice of it, but that was only for a moment before the child handed her the other one. She nodded her thanks to Frisk before standing up, just in time to see the man smash his way through the Stalfos bones and come right at them. His charge was stopped, however, by a garden of crystals that bloomed underneath him courtesy of Albedo. This the Alchemist followed up with one of his flowers, pressing the man up against the ceiling where he began lashing out mindlessly in rage, or maybe fear. He reached down, trying to grasp the stem as though it were a regular weed he could rip from his garden.

She hesitated. She was never comfortable with fighting someone that didn't have an avenue to fight back. Then, Frisk spoke up and reminded her that she didn't have the option of finishing this fight on her terms. She could take a punch, but she didn't Frisk could and if what he had done to those bones was any indication neither could the friendly Stalfos. Playtime was over.

Her strawberry hair flashed into a icy blue and the temperature around them dropped sharply as she raised her crossbows to the ceiling. The tips of both glowed with the same blue light as she fired a pair of bolts as the Dollmaster. They struck him in the head and pair of his exposed chest, and he let out one last airy shriek as an explosion of cold covered him and threw up a veil of mist that began to fall from the ceiling. As it cleared it reveled the dollmaster, completely encased in ice. She jumped up, giving the ice a high kick. At her touch the ice imploded inwards all at once, then shattered. Linkle landed only moments before the mans sprawling body followed, slamming into the basement floor hard enough that the fur of them could feel it in their boots.

Labored breathing still came from him, even if his body was broken. His fingers managed to drag one arm, plaintively, across the floor toward them. Linkle took a few steps back out of reach just in case he had some unexpected last gasp of strength. "My dolls..." he gasped out as the arm snaked its way toward them. "My beautiful dolls. Don't...leave..."

Then the hand collapsed upon the floor. Shortly after, it was dissolving into fine flakes of ash leaving only a small mote of light shining in the center of it. Linkle wondered how many people had actually seen him before they had? Had there been other dolls he had watched before Treat? Was he the reason the owner of this mansion was missing? How long had he been hiding from the world?

She didn't let these concerns show on her face as she twirled her crossbows and holstered them in her boots, her hair changing back to its normal color as she turned and faced the three of them. "I'm really sorry guys. I should have been able to handle this before you got back." They had returned weirdly fast now that she thought about it.

She glanced over at the Stalfos, the two half skulls laughing in her eyes briefly meeting the two empty sockets in his. Maybe he was the reason? "So, who's your friend? Oh, is Treat okay!? Did you guys manage to talk it out with the rabbits? I have completely reconsidered, I don't think she should be living up here by herself."
I don't feel like the sisters would particularly enjoy Flonne's presence once they realized that she's not on board with the whole "suffering as virtue" thing they've got going on in Cvstodia. It's probably very confusing for them, faith wise.
I'm definitely over the worst of it now. No need to worry.
Been sick. Spent most of the past couple of weeks either sleeping or wishing I was asleep.

Merge Rate: 33%

Word Count: 381

Level 10 - (23/100) + 1

Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin - Treat's Doll House

@Dark Cloud@Majoras End

Linkle had attempted a fighting retreat toward where she remembered the the ladder and the trapdoor were. Unfortunately her sense of direction wasn't good in broad daylight, let alone in a pitch black basement. She could only see anything when she attacked, a flash of fire or electricity briefly illuminating her surrounding, but all she ever saw were more hallways as the pair of them circumnavigated the basement.

One advantage of these cramp quarters was that fighting blind wasn't exactly an issue. As soon as they had moved the fight out into the hallways the mans monstrous size turned him into less of an opponent and more of a wall that punched you. He couldn't move well enough to dodge with his knees bent and his shoulders scrunched up to fit into the corridors, but dark it wasn't as though Linkle could dodge him either when she couldn't see. The result was a battle of attrition. No strategy, no real thought, just two bodies trading blows in the darkness. Linkle didn't mind that much. His punches were nothing compared to the Strangers, and for every sweep or slap he landed on her she managed top give at least one hard hit back. If they kept on like this she was confident he would fall first.

That was when she heard something behind her for the first time, something other than the man scraping across the walls. A familiar voice. She looked back just in time for a flash of light to illuminate the basement, the Doll Master letting out an airy shirk and covering his eyes in response. It took Linkle's eyes a moment to adjust, but as they did she was surprised to see Albedo, Frisk, and...

She knew this place was haunted! She pointed past the pair at the third member of their party, hovering over them hauntingly as the light started to fade. A spooky skeleton! "Albedo, there's a stal-"

She didn't get to finish her warning, because the rest of the the air in her lungs was suddenly pushed out as the man lunged forward, wrapping his fingers around the skllgirls chest and lifting her up like a child would a doll. He pitched her straight down the hallway toward the rescue party with a frustrated roar.

Word Count: 599

Level 8 - (01/80) - 2

Location: Carcass Island ~ Kosm's Beach

@Rockin Strings

Link eagerly moved to join in with the the other Seekers in piling on the stunned creature, he only regretted not having access to a stronger weapon to do it with. His stock was actually running dangerously low. He didn't have any notion of getting the bradistock back, that thing was going to fly off and explode somewhere the moment Stasis wore off. That left him with his sword, the wicked spear, the trident, the fall back weapons and...


That would work.

As Sakura spun her foot into the monsters back and Ms. Fortune spun her heads into its front Link moved in, the weighty Ro Cestus covering his fist. It was a perfect fit now, his new muscles capable of effectively wielding the ungainly thing without two handing it. He drew back his fist and, weaving between Gearlt ands Ace's strikes, plowed the creature right in the face with it as many times as he was able. He only stopped when the creature began to regain its balance, backflipping away over its blade as it spun it around again in an effort to get some breathing room. Then it was back to basics, the fight once again becoming about getting in, doing your bit, and getting out before you were punished for it. To this end he switched back to his Steel Sword, hoping that it survived long enough to put the creature down.

After a few hectic moments, though, the creature lost interest in them and went after easier prey. It jumped clear of them, blowing past everyone trying to keep it pinned down, and descended upon Junior and Rika. Rika tried in vain to deter the thing with a volley of cannon fire, but it was Delsin that ended up saving the boy. Maybe it had been because he was reconsidering Link's advice about not coming here, but the newcomer had been holding back for the entire battle. Now, though, he stepped forward chain in hand to defend the children and was broken for it. How the man was even still alive Link didn't know. What he did know was that he was moving before the creature had even finished with Delsin, pursuing the creature with a desperate energy that was becoming dreadfully familiar to him.

The mans sacrifice had bought the pair enough time to set up their retreat, Junior cleverly spreading goop on the ground for Rika to skate across even as she fired away. As the two avoided the creature Link skidded to a stop beside Delsin and pounded on his chest hard enough that a few flakes of his armor fell off into the sand. His hand came away with a friend heart, one he slammed down into the stricken conduit before moving in to once again run interference with the creature. This time, though, he was also able to skate around thanks to Juniors goop trail.

He zoomed at the creature, slashing it as he moved past before turning on a dime and having another go. He didn't have time to get many of these passes in, though, on account of the Bowsers. Plural. The small horde charged forward as Link backed off, unwilling to get between that and their target. Instead he retreated to a safer distance, fingering the Cryonis Rune on the Sheikah slate. If the creature tried to dodge out of the way of the rush or use its weapon to try and counter it he was going to try and block it with a pillar of ice.
@Gentlemanvaultboy Is it from a horror game?

Yes. A PS1 style horror game called Alisa.

@Gentlemanvaultboy Also let me get this straight, the first part of your post is present tense but the second part is past tense correct?

Yeah, everything between the single lines happened in the past.
There is, unfortunately, no screenshot I can find of this dude. But I do have a youtube video.

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