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    1. Gheron Daedalis 9 yrs ago


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~ bump ~
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~ Blump ~
@Nallore A PM will be sent.
Okay, so my dreams are producing more plots than normal, so here's another one.


A girl was kidnapped when she was young, and when her kidnappers went through a desert like field filled with a scarce few trees and quite a few rocks, they discovered a weird metal hatch that was bolted down. Being the thieves they were, they couldn't just leave it unchecked; so they spent the next few days trying to loosen the hatch. It was harder than they originally thought, and when people started to collapse from heat exhaustion; the leader insisted they continue, no matter the long term consequences. After all, this hatch could lead to the plant they had spent the last year looking for.

The loss ended up being bigger than they originally thought, and by the time the hatch was finally opened, only the young girl and the leader's brother remained. Said brother was too big to fit into the opening; so he shoved the girl into it after describing the plant she was supposed to be looking for.

Finding herself in a maze of caves, she wandered around for a few hours until she came across a softly glowing blue plant and group of men. The leader of which appeared to be an older gentleman, sitting on a hill with a boy who was about her age. Not wanting the men to notice her; even if that glowing blue plant was the one she was looking for, she started to back up, only to have her stomach emit a sound of protest for being practically empty for so long. The older man turned to her immediately; but the boy's attention remained entirely fixed on the men tending to the plants.

"You're not supposed to be in here. How did you get in? "

The old man said, and she had done the only thing she could think of to do. She ran. Unfortunately, lack of proper care and nutrition led her body to give out on her before she could find her way back to the hatch opening, and she ended up losing consciousness.

When she woke up, her arm was sore, there was dried blood on it and she was underneath one of the trees she had seen earlier that day. Taking another moment to get a better understanding of her surroundings, she decided against staying put and dealing with the possibility of starvation, and started walking in the most promising direction.

Several years later found her having very feline tendencies and actions, as well as her normally storm cloud grey eyes appearing sharper and more focused. The root of these changes had been a foreign substance injected directly into her bloodstream, and with an idea of who the culprit was, she spent the majority of her teenage years looking for any whispers of the old man or the glowing blue plants she'd seen as a child. Everything was incredibly slow going; until a few weeks after her 19th birthday, she finally caught a break.

The downside of said information, was that it actually led her to who she was looking for, and as soon as she arrived at the strange compound she found herself in a fight. A fight which she lost, since her opponent seemed to be on a completely different level than she was. Another downside to her discovery, was that her opponent, as soon as he had pinned her down, had bitten her. The teeth he bit her with weren't normal either. They felt like fangs, and pierced straight through her skin to inject something.

After some struggling and throwing the man off her following a well placed knee into his abdomen, her search continued until she found herself in an office. Quite a few arguments and a blood test later, she was allowed to join the old man's group, on the condition that she pass a training and ' orientation ' regiment. One that, as it turns out, was meant to push her to the most extreme limits, and she wouldn't have made it out alive if it had been for the man who had bitten her earlier interfering and ultimately saving her life. She would later find out while lounging contently on said man's motorcycle and flirting with him, that he was actually the same boy she had seen with the old man in the cave when she was a child.

The two of them become a team, as designated by the old man, and for a few months everything is fine. The two grow to care a lot for each other; but one of the missions they get sent on goes horribly wrong and after getting shot several times in the back, she falls from part of the wrecked staircase she'd been ascending and lands with a rather concerning sound on the rubble below. When she'd been injected with that substance as a child, it had given her unusual healing abilities; but whatever they'd been using to shoot her with, was something her body just couldn't figure out to heal properly.

Heavily injured and bleeding, she tries to assure her partner that she's alright, and that he needs to continue with the objective. He is very reluctant to listen and ends up calling one of the scientists that worked for the old man, who happened to be a good friend of his, to help her the best he could and try to figure out what was wrong with her. It took some convincing after that to get him to continue with what he was actually supposed to be doing, and she made her way down a hallway where a bunch of scientists who also worked for the old man wore identical concerned expressions as they stared at a baby who was getting paler by the minute. They were trying desperately to save it, and when they noticed her, one of them tried to quickly extract a blood sample from her.

After assuring them that that was bad idea considering there were bullets still lodged in her skin and they contained something that prevented her healing process, she suggested that they use the leftover blood from the samples they'd taken when she'd first joined. Those weren't contaminated, and also had traces of the venom that her partner had injected into her the first day they'd met at the compound.

When they injected the blood into the child, the signs of improvement were almost immediate, and when they turned to tell her the good news, she was already gone. Nobody knows what happened to her after that.


I apologize if this skipped around a little bit. I'm using what I remembered from my dream.

The usual blah blah blah applies for this. Try to use proper grammar, 3 paragraph's or more per response, no text speak, and let me know if you are going to go on a small hiatus.

The 18+ rule also applies to this for content reasons. I am also comfortable with erotic scenes; but if you prefer not to play them out, I will respect that.

This will be done through PM or Skype ( if you want me to reply faster, I would suggest Skype ).

If you are interested in this, please PM me or @mention me, because I tend to forget to check threads.

P.S. I apologize for the wall of text.

P.P.S. I will only be taking 2 partners for this, because it's such an involved process for me.
@imacamoprincess@DemonMiyu PM's will be sent!
Hello! I'm back with another dream plot, and this one was a bit of a doozy; because when I woke up, I had to sit there for several moments and wonder where the heck my brain gets these things from. Anyway, on to the plot!

One moment you were just sitting in your bed, furiously scribbling the last few paragraphs of a letter you were supposed to send to your friend weeks ago; when something catches your attention. There is a weird sparkle coming from behind your desk, so you put aside your letter and move the desk. What you find is a strange rune shaped pendant and when you touch it, a chill runs through you and your room fades around you.

Don't worry, you haven't passed out. You've just been transported to a part of your town that you never knew existed; and there is an ominous aura coming from the hallway and doors down to your left, where blood splatter coats the walls and paintings, and smells remarkably like cranberries and something similar to new books. The Hallway to your right is slightly less imposing; but no less inviting, with all the claw marks marring the wallpaper, as well as smelling like crisp leaves and a slight whiff of vanilla. The other path open to you is in front of you, that smells oddly like citrus and the air after a fresh snow, and seems to be covered in feathers.

Each one leads to something ( or someones ) that isn't exactly human, but whichever path you choose will lead you to a whirlwind of exciting, thrilling, and often scary things, as well as leading you to figure out you are also something that is decidedly not human.

So; which one will you choose?

P.S. In case you are wondering, they aren't vampires or werewolves. They are rather different.


I'd be willing to play either the owner of the pendant, or the person they end up choosing. This can be either MxM or MxF, and I will also play either role. It could be a guy choosing from 3 guys, a girl choosing from 3 guys, or a guy choosing from 3 girls. Whatever floats your boat.

As for rules; the usual blah blah blah applies. Try to use proper grammar ( but I won't fault you if it's not absolutely perfect ), no text speak ( yes, even if they are actually texting in the story. Text speak gives me the jeebies : and not the good kind : ), and if you need to take a small hiatus please let me know. I promise I won't be mad.

The 18+ rule also counts for this roleplay, and I will do erotic scenes; but will respect your preference if you want to fade to black.


If you are interested in this, please PM me, because I will often forget to check the thread.
~ Bump ~

I have cemented in my mind that I have some really weird dreams. The plot below is based off of one of them.


Every year there is a tournament, every year people die. No, these aren't The Hunger Games. These is The Tournament. There isn't an official name for it, and people have just gotten used to calling it ' The Tournament '.

In order to be eligible to participate, you must be between the ages of 18-25, and must have completed the paperwork and mandatory evaluations before you can enter. Only the top 20 picked by the judges; 10 male and 10 female, will be allowed to participate, and will be given special privileges depending on where in the city they came from, and whether or not they meet certain requirements. Those perks may just help you win though, but the perks can be stolen by someone else if they reach them before you do.

Now you may be wondering ' what is the tournament exactly '. It's an event held every year in the second week of January, and continues until a winner is crowned. Keep in mind though, that just because you are in first place at the end of each race, does not mean you will be the winner.

What is used during the tournament? Well, motorcycles of course! Not your traditional motorcycles mind you; those would get you killed faster than you can get the engine started. No; these are a more futuristic version that can attach to walls and you can ride them in a way that results with you seeing everything upside down.

Helmets are included.


Now for the fun stuff. Each person is born with a mark upon their back and it is usually some kind of animal. That mark will tell you of the kind of personality the child will have as an adult, and while these marks are just like a normal tattoo until you are 18, the scientists in the arena basement are able to activate the mark and make it able to save lives. Yes, you read that right. If you befriend someone during The Tournament and they get badly hurt, you can transfer part of your mark to them to save their life. Please note though, that when you do this, the missing part of your mark will turn white and emit a sort of eerie glow.

When the mark is completely white, it will fade and scar, leaving behind an eternal reminder to everyone that sees you without a shirt will know you participated in The Tournament and saved someone while you were there.


While you are a participant, you will stay in the apartments under the Arena and at the end of the day's race, you are to immediately return to your assigned apartment via the underground train, where if you miss your stop you cannot return home for the night. It may seem harsh, but you can use your keycard to gain access to someone else's apartment if they give you the code. This code can only be used once though, so weigh your options before you decide to redeem it.

I will say this though; the showers are quite nice and the beds are on a level of squish that cannot be properly described.


So, would you care to send in an application to enter, or would you prefer to read the pamphlet and obtain a little more information first?

Both are completely acceptable options.


I can't really remember much more than those basic details, but I can tell you that the dream I had caused me to wake up and think ' Why is it that my brain keeps making me dream about these incredibly random things? Gravity defying motorcycles? '

The basic rules apply. Be 18+ ( for content reasons ), Try to use proper grammar, no text speak, have fun, don't be afraid to talk to me OOC, etcetera.

This can be done through PM or on Skype. I'm not picky.
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