Grenadine Confederation
Statement by Bartolomé Calvo, Conservative candidate for the Presidency of the Confederation and incumbent Inspector General"It is with great joy I am boosted forward by my peers, all members of the Conservative party, who have fought bravely against the rebellion caused by a bloodthirsty general. Nevertheless, I commend the current president, Don Mariano Ospina, for his amazing work at handling the art of combat and politics and for guiding us through the perilious battlefields that saw men die. It has been a long year of developement and peace in this nation, democratic by essence and by matter. It is, as such, that I denounce the Liberal candidate, once forgiven for his crimes comitted against the State of Colombia.
The government had chosen to only execute those in charge of the rebellion in the South, for they were the masterminds that sent feeble men with no conscience of their actions to a sure death, however, we obeyed our Constitution, that one which contained one of the arguments for the Federalist rebellion, which responded to rational measures taken in the first years of President Ospina's election. And we obey this Constitution today, letting all political participation be seen across our territories.
Juan José Nieto, Liberal candidate, did nothing but to charge with weapons raised against the authority of civil government, which was established democratically. With him, just a few hundred men who were doubtful of his sanity walked into a humilliating defeat after they tried to form an insurrection in the Northern provinces, where civility still reigned.
I come from Panamá, ladies and gentlemen, and as far as we are from Bogotá, we are proud Conservatives; I've worked most of my life distributing the light of recent events that happen across the world, on my home province. Province that, as we speak, develops thanks to the Conservative government, with significant development in its rails and ports. The United States citizens living in Panamá are a proof of the potential it has as a commercial area. Yet however, it requires the strength of a united central government who knows how to handle and distribute resources correctly to bring this development, not only to Panamá, but to all of Colombia. And this is what the Conservatives offer. The Liberals have every right to act through democratic means, not by raising their muskets and calling for conquest of their own brother's territories.
We fight for the right of men to be free, as clearly shown by our willing act supporting liberty on all of its spheres, that of sending men who willingly signed up to a fight far from our land but dear to the hearts of all men who do not want to be subjugated to arbitrary power over their lives. Or do you wish for the men who react with violence to restrict with the very tool, nay, weapon they use for their actions?
As this election starts, I hope you vote for the right person to hold the Presidency. The one to represent Colombia in the various conferences taking place across the Americas to discuss our affairs, to bring more wealth to your lives, is at your hand."