I've gotten in contact with Green Goat and Tatsua, due to the Guild being funky, and they're still on board. I'm unsure of Dead Cruiser, but he does have a reservation slot until the end of Friday. This goes to the same with you, harinezumikouken, only on the account that it's fair for everyone else.
-GM Hat On-
Now... I've been thinking about this decision for a while, and how I would go about it for our 12th member, and as it it, we do in fact have two contenders for the last slot. I hate, and I mean I absolutely hate having to deal with these kind of decisions mostly because no matter how they are said or done, someone is going to have their feelings hurt one way or another no matter what the outcome is.
However, I will say that I did spend a great deal of time, taking into account many factors that do not even include the Character Sheets themselves.
Both Marx's and XLegs' pilots are fine in regards to the setting, so that's something not to worry about; they both bring something necessary to the team in their own ways.
However, when we come to the Frameworks, Marx's Framework doesn't require no editing while I do believe Xlegs' will; especially the Special Ability. While I like how you're factoring in electricity into your Framework and coming up with a unique way as a support, as I am reading your Special Ability I am reading it as more than one... and there are definitely some things that I don't like with it, especially the portals. Remove that entirely and pick a more simpler special ability.
Marx on the other hand is straight forward with his abilities and has them to what we need without any need of further editing; a mobile gunslinger who can help clear out waves of Cruxi.
So, as much as I hate making rough decisions like this, XLegs, I wont be accepting your characters as of this moment.
With this, I have decided on Marx being our 12th player.
HOWEVER, and I would like you both to take special note of this, Xlegs will be our 13th player after some edits have been made.
Honestly, I wasn't too sure since and I decided to go with a third option thanks to some advice.
This is my final decision.
-GM Hat Off-
The RP will be beginning soon with the arrival of the opening post, so get ready.