Avatar of Godlikeblade
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  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 103 (0.03 / day)
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    1. Godlikeblade 9 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
Current Just waiting for a my GM, Yep.
6 yrs ago
Just currently writing the MoonBase Delta RP. It's going to be great!


“A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject.”
- Winston Churchill

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."
- Adolf Hitler

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
- Albert Einstein

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True, but like what the jest just said we are the bad guys but we do it to bring back the choices in life like being happy or angry and so we can live our own lives without being told what to do

Sort of, Yet again you have to think about how we are freeing the people letting them have free will again but at the same time we are destroying things so I would say half and half
@Windstormugly@Red Helix@Silvir@Ragrar@Warborn123@The Jest@Bishop@A Blue Chord

Vladimir woke up with a stinging pain in his head and many mixed emotions that he has never felt before. As he looks around at all his dead classmates he starts to feel joy instead of mourning or feeling any type of sadness but he does not know why. Shouldn't I be feeling sadness? instead, he starts giggling which turns into an uncontrollable laugh that he cannot hold back " Heh hehehe HAHAHAHAHAH!"

The pulsing in his veins starts to get harder and harder as if his whole body was about to explode What is this power I'm feeling, I don't know but I'm loving it!. He's starting to get an urge, an urge to destroy something and not just a small scale destruction but the desire to level cities, shatter mountains and to rend the heavens themselves. but as powerful as this desire was it would have to wait... for now at least.

He begins to walk over to the only other conscious student, Dean. He really didn't know Dean that much actually he didn't really know any of his classmates at all. Vladimir was a very antisocial kid, he was always by himself and watched from the shadows as all the other kids talked to each other and socialized. So this was his first attempt at meeting someone, Well here goes nothing...

Hey, need a hand? he says this as he reaches out his hand. Oh god Vladimir, don't fuck this up.
Name: Vladimir Quake

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Desire: The destruction of every angel and the false society they have created

Ability: Explosion Manipulation

Weapon: A specially made shotgun that he found that can fire HE Rounds, AP Rounds(Armor Piercing), Non-lethal Rounds, AP Rounds(Anti-personnel) Due to its auto adjusting barrel

Personality: Before he touched the corpse he was a very calm and collected person who usually keep a lot of things to him self, but ever since he touched the corpse he's been very loopy, Crazy and out of hand he also loves music and most likely have headphones on during most missions

Other: He also has a very strong Russian accent
@The Jest Here ya go

Name: Vladimir Quake

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Desire: The destruction of every angel and the false society they have created

Ability: Explosion Manipulation

Weapon: A specially made shotgun that he found that can fire HE Rounds, AP Rounds(Armor Piercing), Non-lethal Rounds, AP Rounds(Anti personal) Due to its auto adjusting barrel

Personality: Before he touched the corpse he was a very calm and collected person who usually keep a lot of things to him self, but ever since he touched the corpse he's been very loopy, Crazy and out of hand he also loves music and most likely have headphones on during most missions

Other: He also has a very strong Russian accent
@The Jest

Hey, can I still join?
@Deathsong12 Here's my CS, I hope you like it!


Alright sweet


get your ass in here

Is this still open? if so my friend and I have some ideas worked out for characters
Banned for not thinking too closely
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