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You should look at my new account, I think.

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dat broken code tho
Clockwork is all the rage, man.

“It is better to be young in your failures than old in your successes.”

Maybelline Waters

May, Maybe


Barger: The name “Waters” is synonymous with the barges, ferries, and naval trade of the old Mississippi River thus it should come to no surprise that Maybelline was taught everything she was needed and expected to know regarding to the matter. She knows the inner workings of riverboats, their design, the rivers they travel on, and how to pilot them if need be.

Bard: Second to her fascination with books, Maybelline has been tutored in the art of songcraft. She understands and adores music, though she often believed that her parents attempted to use her frustratingly photographic memory to their benefit in attempting to make her some sort of intellectual and artistic savant. That said, she still enjoys the piano and singing.

Eidetic Memory: When Maybelline was very young she was discovered to have a talent for recollection, a talent that she often and perhaps still doesn’t fully understand—eidetic memory. It is with this photographic recollection that she has an affinity for things that are beyond many of her peers and in combination with comprehensive abilities that she will never miss even the smallest detail.

Literate: The biggest aspect of Maybelline’s talents is the fact that she is literate, though as a member of the Waters family this is something that surprises absolutely no one. Beyond her instruction in what words mean and how to write them it could be said that Maybelline really really likes books. In fact, her father had once joked that there is not a single book in Blackfinger that has not been graced by her attentive interest—he wouldn’t be wrong.

Quickdraw: Whilst Maybelline lacks the ability to shoot exceptionally well, she could probably win out on drawing her weapon first—a skill that may save her life against more skilled sharpshooters down the line. This is presuming she would get into such a situation, of course.


The daughter of Anderthal Waters and Mackenzie Banks, Maybelline Waters was born and raised in the highest comforts in the city of Blackfinger; though it could be argued her father’s estate, the largest barge docked in the harbor, serves as her primary place of residence.

Holdout Pistol: Maybelline holds in her inventory a small holdout revolver, though it’s hardly the one trick pony many ladies hold on their person. A twenty-two caliber, the Aberdeen Special is the perfect size to be utilized in tight situations and committed gunfights if so required. It isn’t cumbersome like some of its alternatives and uses a state of the art clockwork mechanism for smooth firing transitions.

Parasol: For all intents and purposes, it’s just an umbrella. Really.

Blackfinger has been home to Maybelline’s family since long before she was born; it is with this in mind that Maybelline is a resident of the upper districts of the city and has a wealth of experience when it comes to knowing the city and getting things done.


What's the appeal of Game of Thrones? I see so many peeps with a hard on for it, but I never got into it. It might be because fantasy was never my thing.

Would it not be pointless to explain why if you do not care for its genre in the first place? Seems illogical.
@MiddleEarthRoze Ultimately, I think in the name of fairness (I did ask this of the Spider-Man applications) I'm going to ask you and @Hellis to send over, in a PM, what a prospective sample post from your perspective of Gambit will be like. Once I receive both I will make a final decision on what I find more fitting or interesting.

To be fair, it's common practice that the GM launches the IC with their first post. The first post was a WIP, and with nothing stating otherwise, I - and others, clearly - assumed it wasn't live. Anyways, I just wanted to ask if you've made a desicion about the Gambit sheets?

Yeah. I'm re-reading both applications right now, so expect it in a few.
Sad to say that I think I'll be formally stepping out too, I don't mind things going slowly but when things have stalled before they've started, it's time to move on. This one may have to be chalked up as a casualty to that number one cause of roleplay deaths, real life, as the GM was apparently taken out of action before the game could be launched.

I should be pretty clear that I am awaiting on a sample post from you in PM, so that really isn't the issue here. As a sandbox people who are accepted are free to start posting as soon as the IC is started unless they are truly waiting on a Batman post that has no bearing on their being. Players should have their own initiative.

Hello - just in case this is not as dead as it appears, I'd like to state that I'm withdrawing my interest in the roleplay. I am fairly easygoing when it comes to delays; however, I don't think it bodes well when the GM promises to post something a few hours later and it has been four days since then, while posting in other areas of the site.

In largely OOC parts of the site on my phone, yes.

@Gowi Any word on Rorschach?

All of the above aside, I’m still not sure where I stand on Rorschach given factors I believe I already mentioned. Ultimately, I don’t understand why you didn’t choose to write The Question for this game, but I suppose liking Rorschach is not the same as liking The Question even with their relation withstanding.

Don't worry, the animu train is in full swing on RPG.
>>name is actually dawne

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