"Let's finish this quickly. I'm late for lunch."
Name: Virgil
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Short, slim, and generally wearing clothes that are slightly too big for him. His physique is wiry, but muscular, bringing to mind steel cable. His hair is permanently and prematurely stark white as a result of the process of his creation. His expression usually seems dazed or sleepy, as though he's constantly a few seconds or so away from nodding off to dreamland. His number is tattooed on the back of his left hand.
Number: 8
Rank: B
Personality: Virgil is very calm and lethargic, to the point where he may seem shiftless or lazy. In a sense, this is true, as Virgil doesn't like expending too much effort, as his mere existence as a weapon is taxing enough already. However, he doesn't hesitate to carry out the missions he's been assigned, so long as he's helping to save lives, or reclaim territory from the Gods and their Fiends. He's very amicable toward other people, though he has little concept of personal space, privacy, or social mores. He frequently indulges in flirting and physical contact with those he's talking to, even if he doesn't always realize when he's making someone else uncomfortable.
Underneath his lethargy, flirting, and awkwardness, Virgil is keenly observant. He'll occasionally blurt out insights he's had, to the surprise of those listening. The implication seems to be that Virgil is much more attentive than he first appears to be, that perhaps his entire attitude is a front, an affectation to cover up something else...
- Thunderstorms
- Spicy food
- Jazz music
- Knives
- Video games
- Cuddling
- Flirting
- Tart candy
- Jerks
- Hypocrisy
- Ceramics
- Children crying or screaming
- Getting up too early in the morning
- When food is too salty
Enhancements: Increased Durability- Virgil's physical body is incredibly dense and sturdy, even by Godslayer standards. He's effectively bulletproof and even somewhat fireproof, able to take much more punishment than his siblings. His denser physicality, however, does mean he's not as fast or agile as other Godslayers, though his durability tends to make up for any hit he takes. His decreased susceptibility to strain or injury also means he can bring more of his strength to bear without hurting himself.
Rapid Cellular Regeneration- Virgil can heal from most anything that damages him at an highly increased rate, taking mere hours or even minutes to regenerate from injuries that would be crippling to a normal human. He can even regenerate from lost limbs or vital organs this way. The downside of this ability is that his caloric intake must be dramatically increased to offset the power drain from his regenerative abilities (or, in layman's terms, he has to eat a lot to keep his healing powers going).
Ablity: Glacial Aura- Abaddon has the power to manifest an aura of blue, flame-like energy, which is capable of sapping the thermal energy from his surroundings, freezing them solid. Water freezes in the air and becomes snow or hail, other organisms are frozen solid, even metal, concrete, and other such substances become brittle and breakable at a low-enough temperature. The field doesn't extend very far around Virgil, so he has to get in close to affect anything. He also can't directly manipulate any ice he ends up creating with his ability.