Avatar of Hael
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  • Old Guild Username: StormySea
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    1. Hael 11 yrs ago
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Current My Italian friend just asked me if it's true that all Americans are fat. I'm offended but I can't stop laughing.
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I always respond to OOC tags within 10 minutes, but I respond to PMs within 10 days. I don't know why- I suppose it's just because PMs are so easy to brush aside and forget about
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I don't have any finals, but everyone else having finals is slowing down my RPs. Second-hand busyness.
9 yrs ago
I know it's time to go to bed, because I just started wondering if maybe the whole universe is a single cell on some alien's ass
9 yrs ago
If a tree falls in the woods and Fox news isn't around to see it, is it still Obama's fault?


I like to write things collaboratively.

And in the end, isn't that all you need to know to RP with me?

Most Recent Posts

@Haeloh the military size thing you brought up earlier, what about nations that don't have a 'military' in the conventional sense?

Each mat controls a fourth of its planet (as a result of the Unifying Pact that forms the basis of my law) and each mat inevitably possess it's own personal defensive forces amoung the critters.

So as a result I have hundreds of independent militaries, each with a population of... One?

x'D I suppose so.

You can leave off the "Military Size" section, but I still need you to explain how the mats defend themselves.
@Hael So, communication therefore must either be standardized within empires or else individuals must learn numerous languages, aye?

Not exactly. I'm going to allow them, just not quick ones.

@Lauder, I just updated the "Controversial Technologies" section of the OP with a bit on Universal Translators.

Here, so you don't have to go hunting for it:

Universal Translators:

There are hundreds of different species, all with different cultures, different biology, and different brains... and some device can magically understand them all instantly?

Please tell me you're joking.

Even with the most advanced Sci-fi technology, I see no way this could be possible save over-powered telepathy, and we already discussed the limitations of telepathy.

Furthermore, even if it were possible, I don't like the idea of everyone just understanding eachother off the bat. It's too convenient, too easy, and too boring.

So no easy universal translators, although I WILL allow devices that can translate a language after being given some time and a lot of samples to work with. Thus, if you desire a machine that can translate speech for you, I will allow it granted that the machine does so only after spending several days or weeks attempting to understand the new language- and, once the language is learned, can translate it from then on.

To recap: Universal translators are only allowed if they learn a language slowly, over days or weeks.
As an aside...

The reason I haven't made a flag for my nation is I don't see the Namile ever having NEEDED a flag. Flags are tools to unify people, but what good are they when a people unifies itself?

I may reconsider that decision, as I absolutely LOVE making flags, but that was my original thought.

<Snipped quote by Brink_>

Honestly, this is a good decision. We COULD add hundreds of stars to the map, or make it super huge, but that'd be strenuous.

Instead, I vote we just remember the stars on the starmap are the most "vital" stars, and there are potentially many more in each region of space that are not shown but are still involved in the given conflicts.

As an aside...

The reason I haven't made a flag for my nation is I don't see the Namile ever having NEEDED a flag. Flags are tools to unify people, but what good are they when a people unifies itself?

I may reconsider that decision, as I absolutely LOVE making flags, but that was my original thought.

<Snipped quote by Brink_>

Honestly, this is a good decision. We COULD add hundreds of stars to the map, or make it super huge, but that'd be strenuous.

Instead, I vote we just remember the stars on the starmap are the most "vital" stars, and there are potentially many more in each region of space that are not shown but are still involved in the given conflicts.

@Brink_ That looks better, in my opinion.

Very well, @Brink_'s map is approved!

This is now our official map. If you all want it, then I will replace the shitty map in the OP with a blank version of this one, which has nothing on it but Xim Initiative and Sol Federation. Does that sound good to everyone?

It's very barebones, but here is my CS. There are bits of WIP but you can kind of get an idea for them in the other parts that I've done.

Nation Name: The Doctrinate of Heilagur

Population and Demographics:
Total = 29 Billion

Human: 90%
Alsibass: 10% (Going through a population boom)

18 solar systems.
11 Gas Giants
34 planetoids (Both planets and natural satellites)
6 inhabited planets.
- Heilagur (Boreal world, Human majority)
- Fristgol (Tropical moon, Human majority)
- Pyre IV (Oceanic world, Human majority)
- Divlo II (Oceanic world, Human majority)
- Alsis (Arid world, Alsibass majority)
- Cadril's Moon (Temperate moon, Human majority)

Important people, places, and organizations:

Weapons technology

General Technology:

I love it! Super-accepted, now super-please put it in the character section, if you haven't already.

The big aliens that have the toothy grin and are all muscular.

I thought that was the X'Cor and some of the Xim (you haven't seen them yet but, guys, some Xim are fucking huge)

Anyone willing to have shared history or relations with the Glorious Akkab?

I am!

I'll PM you in a couple of hours- I think I have an idea.

<Snipped quote by Mardox>

<Snipped quote by Shorticus>

I so happen to have universal translators

It makes sense for my Empire since I have to communicate with the slaves on a day-to-day basis and some of them may not have the ability to speak like a X'Cor

<Snipped quote by Lauder>

Are universal translators a thing, then?

If they are, and if the Namilee were invaded by the X'Cor, wouldn't that have exposed them to the concept? And then they might actually possess universal translators themselves.

<Snipped quote by Shorticus>

Hael has not said anything, or noticed, it in my form so I assumed that it was fine.

It could have, but I believe the Namilee had more pressing issues to worry, such as the X'Cor military fleet going after them hardcore. However, your face did communicate, even uplifted, civilizations so it could very well be a thing for your people.

Actually, I meant to get around to telling you- you have to get rid of the Universal Translators. I think it's OP and unrealistic.

I'm sorry.

<Snipped quote by Hael>

Does that also go for the war-obsessed Mabronnans?

I'll need to see a more complete character sheet first, but probably. Warrior cultures are allowed bigger armies, as it makes sense that they would spend more money on supplying the military and more people would volunteer for it.
<Snipped quote by Hael>

I think you could make it work if you, well, used gimp? A lot of people have already volunteered to pretty it up so i won't exactly, but know that i'm out here too if you need me for graphical stuff.

If you, @LloydTurquoise, or @Queen Raidne want to make it look better, do so and post it here, and if I like it than I'll accept it and we can use that as the official map. But other than that, I have no skill with gimp or graphical design, and thus could not do it myself.

If you want it done, then one of you will have to. I'm sorry. I am not an artistic or coordinated person, and my hands shake constantly when I try to draw.
No probs mate. My CS is almost barebones sorted.

Also if you want, I can make you a map. By that I mean I will get a public domain picture of the Milky Way, cut out the quarter with the Orion Spur in it and then stick it up here. You'll still have to use MS Paint, but at least the background will look legit.

See, I considered doing that myself, but I think a bunch of MS paint blobs over a legitimate picture of the galaxy would look silly.

I can always edit the final map to make it more pretty, if you like.

That would be fine, but let's wait until everyone has put their nations on.

Right now I'm less concerned about prettiness and more about functionality. We just need a visual aid for where nations are.
Oh my, that's pretty hideous. Could we at least shape it different? Sort of at least have the same shape as Raidne's? To short of show that it's, you know, a quarter of a galaxy. Really the fact that's it's just a blank square is my main quibble.

When I say it's a quarter of the galaxy, I mean that it's an area expanding about 25% of our galaxy- not necessarily right into the core. I feel that it's simpler this way.

And like I said to Brink, if you want to make something less hideous, you're welcome to do it. But I didn't hear you stepping up to make it when I asked for volunteers.
I'm totes unsure of where to put my glorious empire.

In that case, I suggest you wait until more people have added their nations, that way you can just place yours near whoever you want to have the most interaction with.
<Snipped quote by Hael>

Hey, if you wanna do something better, you're welcome to.

@HaelShould I do the same as Short since I'm also a nomad fac?


Sorry, there are so many players that it gets hard to memorize it all. But hey, at least I remembered to tag you
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