The Godhead = The Godhead as a being is a mechanoid. A centralised collection of software encased in a bulky hardware shell called a tomb. Tombs are only about 10 meters in length and width, though for the Godhead's mobility they are essential. Every tomb is connected to another, thus allowing the "conciousness" of the Godhead to transfer between two or more tombs if need be. It can however, only be present in one tomb at a time and all the tombs are available on Heilagur.
When communicating with other beings, the Godhead uses speakers and a face mask similar to an original heilaguran face (Six eye holes with an thin oval shape) attached to an appendage.
Regularly maintained by drones and more recently by clergy-technicians, the Godhead has managed to stay active for over five thousand years.
Heilagur Humans = Though not much different from the Humans of Old Earth (as collocquailly called) the boreal and colder nature of Heilagur has over the course of two centuries made Heilaguran Humans on average paler. Also with almost entirely Heilagur's southern hemisphere an ocean and the north either frozen or densely packed forest, Heilaguran Humans are hardier and more tolerant of colder climates. Along with being raised with a more 'back to the earth' individualist mentality, while also living by codes and articles instilled and propagated by the Coloniameet and the Godhead.
Heilaguran Humans speak a form of Anglo-Sino-Spanish language mixed with the original Heilaguran language that the Godhead is programmed in. It is commonly referred to as Common-Heilaguran. English, Mandarin and spanish are still taught, though they are seen as languages of the wealthy and are only taught in universities and in some private schools.

Alsibass = Alsibass are a species made up of threes, three legs, three eye stalks, three digits on each hand and three arms. A fully grown Alsibass can grow to about 12 feet on average and weighing over 125 kilos in weight, their "body" so to speak is a heavy central bulk, with a large mouth on the bottom and three eye stalks and ear orifices towards the top.
Alsibass have a single cloaca and produce eggs that are usually fetilised by their appropriate mate and buried in an earth mound for incubation. The egg is then defended by the parents until it hatches about a year later.
This practice led to the development of extended family groups, protecting each other's egg mounds, that is today the basis for the family clan system the Alsibass practiced. Alsibass live for about fifty years on average although that is on the rise as with the introduction of advanced medical care.
Alsibass are omnivourous, feeding on both the various cacti and cavernous vegetation as well as the reptiles and other anthropods of their home planet.
Upon the arrival of the Doctrinate, the Alsibass were at a neolthic stage, crafting stone tools and weapons and living in family groups. The uplifting process took over two decades and despite the most Alsibass being proficient in common-heilaguran, few have migrated off world (Except for Narwhal ships, other ships aren't designed for Alsibass in mind) and have only limited representation in the Coloniameet.
Doctrinate ideas do share some correllation with the spirit based shamanism practiced by the Alsibass. Effectively all shamans of the Alsibass are classifed as sanctioned clergymen by the doctrinate, although disproving of the use of hallcunagens and other narcotics.