@pyroman@HaltingBlooper....So much for not getting tricked again...
Oh geez...Garnet and Pearl were there...
And I think it's safe to say that the Lion=Pink Diamond Hypothesis and Rose=Pink Diamond Hypothesis is thoroughly debunked.
Hmm...Maybe Pink Diamond's shattering is the reason why Rose didn't want to use Bismuth's Breaking Point?
Oh, Hi Sardonyx! XD
Episode link youtube.com/watch?v=L2wYJGv1YMI
I feel really bad for Eyeball. She definitely knew Jasper, and even started crying on the ship. Then she found out that that wasn't Jasper, and then the rubies turned into Avengers Assemble Ruby. Then Sardonyx knocked them out into space (With Steven's help) and one of the Rubies(I didn't catch which, was it Doc?) pulled Steven into space with them. This giant Stevenbomb of an episode is at least 4 parts, now.