Avatar of Hellion


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5 yrs ago
You don't realize how isolated you are until a pandemic hits and you legit make zero changes to your life.
5 yrs ago
I've never once faked a sarcasm.
6 yrs ago
So, I thought the dryer made my clothes shrink. Turns out it was the refrigerator :/
6 yrs ago
Them: "What pronoun do you use for you?" Me: "Your Grace."
6 yrs ago
At my funeral, take the bouquet off my casket and throw it into the crowd to see who's next.


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Also for anyone that may be looking to join up, we are only accepting male characters at this time. Thank you for understanding.

I want to be the butchest male only.
Far as posting goes, I've usually been waiting for Hellion to post to follow a sort-of loose order, but they're waiting on DM. I've got Strings and La Fleur on deck for me, so if another day or so goes by I'll crank out another Renault post!

By all means, post way. Don't bother waiting for me, since your post doesn't have any bearing on our characters.

That being said, I'm not exactly sure how I'd back out of my last post other than to just assume @Unknown DM's character suddenly fell on the ground unconscious :/

I once felt loved; significant even.
Your words meant something.
Each syllable a brush stroke of beauty.

But time is cold. It can change a person.
You weren't the same person I fell for.
Once the thought of you brought smiles.
But what is left is empty. A void.

I became a means to an end.
A piece in your life game.
A front-line warrior until,
I became useless. Dead.

You worried about losing me at one time,
yet, it was your wall of ice that pushed me away.

Welcome to the Guild!
I'm pretty sure that is still the intention. My post just offers a plot hook for players, and the time of day in the post doesn't line up with the current setting for everybody else, so I'm tactfully relocating it after the other posts so the continuity lines up. After that, you can go right ahead with grabbing the hook or going your own way lol

I'm not sure any of us know just how long our group will be in the tavern, since that was the "meeting/intro" setting for our characters, however, I hope you don't feel the need to prematurely push the timeline to accommodate your isolated character. No one is in the position to rush their posts.
I took your absence
as a sign to move on.
Now the melody has changed
and I sing a new song.

My heart, broken blue
my mind split in two.
And yet I gained peace
at the loss of you.

I took the heartache
and I learned a lesson.
I began after we ended
you leaving was my blessing.
Also an unrelated idea for your discretion, @Scrivener, as to your thoughts on possibly making a Discord server for the RP? Or if anyone else had thoughts/opinions on that for the matter lol

I'd be down for that. It's convenient for quick discussions, although I think important posts should still be made in OOC.

It was good to have finally had the chance to rest at the tavern, stretch her muscles, and allow the atmosphere within the establishment to wash away the arduous trek that was made to the city of Draydon. The meal and drink ordered previously came within a few short minutes, and the elven server barely made eye contact with the Goliath as both the large bowl of stew and the pitcher of ale were set down onto the table. This wasn’t anything new to Vah’lux, as for most her life, those of different races and cultures tended to see the pseudo-giants as nothing more than an abomination, and the glances were either out of sheer shock, or perhaps not at all. Some even felt as though staring for too long at a Goliath would cause a curse upon them. Tales such as those were both laughable and sad.

“Thank you.” Vah’lux nodded toward the other, lifting the ladle and consuming several mouthfuls of the warm food, occasionally wiping thin lines of broth that ran down the sides of her chin. She may have been raised in the wilds, but it didn’t mean she had to forego etiquette, even amongst beings who sorely lacked it at times.

As moments passed -and as if by some unknown entity- the sensation of what could only be described as a light finger running up the Goliath’s spine was felt, causing her to flinch ever so slightly. And what followed was an elderly human, dressed in finely tailored garments, making his way through the front door, and into the main hall of the tavern. His words seemed boisterous, yet confident, as he spoke to the proprietor at the bar, and pulling gold from his purse as though he had plenty to spare. Vah’lux looked up between bites of food, arching an eyebrow at the flash and theatrical attire the old man chose to wear, and managed to grunt a single word under her breath.


Magic, much like the air one would breathe, resonated in just about everything to some degree, divine, arcane, or otherwise. The Goliath was no stranger to it, as many Shaman in her tribe were healers, spiritual guides, and a number of other useful disciplines, which called about many schools. However, as with many of her kind, magic itself was looked upon with much suspicion, as it was truly hard to tell what motives kept a spellcaster going throughout their life. Was it greed? Thirst for knowledge? Did the trail of magic end in darkness? There were too many variables to even conceive, and Vah’lux wanted nothing to do with it.


As though the mage could read the disgust in the Goliath’s mind -which was an unsettling thought all it’s own- the elderly human headed over toward the table where Vah’lux was about half-way through her meal, and proceeded with a barrage of words that seemed to be more out of adoration and awe for her kind and presence. It was a most unusual and awkward moment for the Goliath, as she swallowed whatever was left in her mouth, glancing around the room for a moment wondering why this man was speaking directly to her in the first place. Interestingly, in her short years as Gladiator, she has had several admirers from various ports and cities throughout Faerun, and while much of her social interactions with “fans” were, at times, a self-coerced act, she still managed to keep very much to herself. However, every so often, she does manage to attract the random tavern patron, who -no doubt- sees her as something of a novelty above anything.

“I am glad I didn’t disappoint then.” She said in a husky voice, wiping a bit of food from the corner of her mouth, and managing to crack a half-smile. “And that is a...fine set of clothing you’re wearing.” The end of that statement sounded almost unsure, as she honestly didn’t know how else to respond at such an impromptu time.
I'll see about getting a post up by tomorrow, however, no guarantees due to the holiday week.
Agreed. I think we should wait for @Quaint Quasar & @Rockin Strings to post, then cycle around again.
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