@Lord Wyron @Abstract Proxy @Hellion The IC is open for business. You guys can start posting.
Nice work! Really digging the opening!
I should have a post up for Vah'lux by tomorrow

@Lord Wyron @Abstract Proxy @Hellion The IC is open for business. You guys can start posting.
<Snipped quote by Hellion> Awwwwww, thank you! 😭♥️ The PBR concept is like a hydra for me 😂 I try to revive it like once every year since the original rp died and just have fun with it while it lasts.
<Snipped quote by Hellion>
I take a lot of inspiration from reallife history and put different things in the blender together with a fantasy sauce. Is there anything specific you want to know?
Yeah, that is the idea. I want to start as group together in a town anyway. Maybe Vah'lux has been following Bill back to town and decided to join him on this quest as Bill has a reason to go for a get rich quick scheme. Would something along those lines work for Vah'lux?