Avatar of Hellion


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5 yrs ago
You don't realize how isolated you are until a pandemic hits and you legit make zero changes to your life.
5 yrs ago
I've never once faked a sarcasm.
6 yrs ago
So, I thought the dryer made my clothes shrink. Turns out it was the refrigerator :/
6 yrs ago
Them: "What pronoun do you use for you?" Me: "Your Grace."
6 yrs ago
At my funeral, take the bouquet off my casket and throw it into the crowd to see who's next.


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Most Recent Posts

@Lord Wyron @Abstract Proxy @Hellion The IC is open for business. You guys can start posting.

Nice work! Really digging the opening!

I should have a post up for Vah'lux by tomorrow
@Abstract Proxy, I love Lis! What a fun read and very well written!

Is this a character you've used before or was this new for the RP? Also, I can't believe you essentially wrote 3 different sheets! XD
<Snipped quote by Hellion> Awwwwww, thank you! 😭♥️ The PBR concept is like a hydra for me 😂 I try to revive it like once every year since the original rp died and just have fun with it while it lasts.

I feel that. What do you think caused it to die? Seems like it always had a lot of traction and interest.
<Snipped quote by Hellion>

I take a lot of inspiration from reallife history and put different things in the blender together with a fantasy sauce. Is there anything specific you want to know?

No, nothing specific at this time. I think you mentioned something in the Interest Check about us having some freedom in a bit of world building, so anything that comes to mind I'll let you know.
btw @Milkman, how much of RL history is involved in this RP, or is it all completely original?
Wow, it's been ages since I've seen this RP, but glad it's still in circulation :)
Definitely looking forward to seeing the new characters.
Yeah, that is the idea. I want to start as group together in a town anyway. Maybe Vah'lux has been following Bill back to town and decided to join him on this quest as Bill has a reason to go for a get rich quick scheme. Would something along those lines work for Vah'lux?

Yeah I think that would work, at the very least, she would try to keep lowkey...I mean, as lowkey as a 6ft 9in Goliath can be
@Milkman Am I to assume that Kaitlyn Smith will approach us in a town, or does that really matter? Just asking, because I'm not sure if Vah'lux has had any reason to visit a town while traversing the wilderness. It would definitely be a fish-out-of-water experience for her regardless, lol.
Update the "relationship status" in my CS, bc I realized it said "widowed", which was going to be part of the original backstory but I figured there was enough tragedy already
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