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    1. HellstormRoss 10 yrs ago


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I can't use images, and I can work on the CS. if you have any suggestions please state them.
Oh I see now I though the word capacity was 100/200 oops...
Really? I kept looking at the requirements.
Ok New Character Sheet




Insane will stop at nothing to reach full potential no matter the cost.

Height:4'6, Weight:47 lb, Eye Color: Light blue (Glows faintly), Hair: Bald, Special characteristics: Has scythe like appendages sticking out from his back.

Grows stronger and gains new abilities by absorbing souls of Humans/Empowered. Super human strength and speed, energy blasts (color:black), and life absorption/sense (Heals wounds).

1st:Frail, can be injured easily.
2nd:Blind, prone to stealth unless he has life sense, and is searching.
3rd:Cowered, will flee if the tide turns against him, or just gets scared.

Formally known as "Daven Williams" this Empowered was experimented on since he was only at the age of 4.
This continued for years in-till an experiment went wrong...and killed him. The government was getting valuable information for him so death wasn't the end for "Daven".
In an attempt to resurrect his corpse they instead made a power hungry monster this was no mere Empowered but a wild animal.
No longer a freak on the run, no longer a scared boy, he is the Harvester of souls...

If your wondering what Harvester looks like, he's kinda like a walking example of "skin and bones", with black skin.
He also doesn't speak he only grunts or screams.

Is this a better Character Skeleton, Questions and Comments are appreciated.
Its ok still learning, any suggestions?


Gender:None, but leans to male

Appearance:(Hard to explain but comes up later in back-story)

Powers:Absorbs souls to get stronger,loses power over time unless it has a "food source". 0 Souls=No Power(Can't do crap), 10-30 Souls=Base Power not to powerful but can holds its own fairly well, 40-70 Souls=Fairly powerful able to launch energy blasts,80-100=Full power at full potential everything maxed out.

Goals:Survive long enough to reach full power.

Speech:Mainly in grunts, learns to have limited speech overtime.

First OC sheet did I do well? Questions or comments are appreciated.
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