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<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

Do it now, you coward.

I'm aiming for the New Year. I've got the vibe I want to go for down, now just making sure the cogs fit together and there's a solid set of ground rules so people aren't applying for like...Goku or something
Okay time to start a discussion that isn't politics or an existential crisis.

If you could write as a second character, who would it be? Feel free to even mention characters who have already been claimed, this is all theoretical anyways so why not?

For me, I'm always going to want to write Dick Grayson, specifically as Nightwing. He's my favourite character and while I don't write him as well as I'd like, I love giving it another go.

As a follow-up question, if you could bring in a character from another publisher outside of DC and Marvel, who would it be?

If I was going to bring in a character from another publisher, I'd love to bring in Angel again and revisit my Angel Investigations concept where Raven and Angel work together to solve paranormal crimes in Los Angeles.

1) Inside Marvel/DC? I have a fun concept for Aquaman.

2) Either Hellboy or TMNT.

(Also I expect you to get an Angel CS up when my Indy game goes up next year)

Felicia Hardy sits on the catwalk above the warehouse, transfixed by the scene below her. Weeks ago, when they took over this place using funds secured by Flint Marko during Black Tarantula’s hectic siege on New York, it was nothing more than an empty, dusty, tetanus-filled hell hole. In a matter of a week, it became a fully functioning drug factory and lab, and is now running nearly autonomously. The place is spitting out kilo after kilo of the most potent synthetic heroine the market has ever seen. Their organization is raking in boatloads of cash because of it. She enjoys that, even if her employer seems to not care.

Her employer is the real reason she can’t help but watch what is going on below her. The four, snaking, slithering metal arms crisscross across the room, protruding from the back of Otto Octavius. The first time she had seen the arms, she had been in awe. He designed them to help with delicate experiments as the disease that was taking his fine motor skills progressed. The tentacles, as he called them, were more precise than he could be thanks to a microcontrol chip implanted directly into his cerebral cortex. They weren’t meant to help build his criminal empire, but that has all changed.

Doctor Octavius himself has changed, if she is being honest with herself. This great man had saved her from a life on the streets. He saved her from a life as a contract killer. He offered her something more than that. A chance to remake the world.

Pushing drugs isn’t her idea of remaking the world. She knows Octavius is out for vengeance. She’s seen it in him before. But this time it’s different. Maybe it’s the progression of the disease. Maybe it’s the fact that Spider-Woman and Osborn have mucked up his best laid plans. She doesn’t know for sure, because the good doctor has become insulated in the past months. Now he only speaks to her when he has orders.

She isn’t angry. Not yet. He keeps the money flowing freely, so she has what she’s here for. But she’d be lying if she said she isn’t worried.

“My dear,” Octavius’s voice approaches as the tentacles extend, reaching him up to the catwalk she is sitting on, “I was wondering if you could do me a favor.”[color=a2d39c][/color]

“Anything you want, Doc,” she smiles wryly. “I’ve been sharpening my claws all day hoping for some play time.”

“I can always count on you,” he smiles. “I need you to go out on patrol. Whispers have gotten back to me that our Spider friend has entered our fair neighborhood. I want you to watch her. See if she gets close. If she does...discourage her from getting closer. Understand?”

“You got it, Doc,” she grins before slinking out of the open skylight.

The cold, December air hits her like a jolt of electricity, and the hairs on her arms stand at attention. The excitement ripples through her, causing her muscles to coil up like a snake about to strike.

She likes her new life. Her old one was one that could have ended in untimely death at any moment, and her new one keeps her flush with cash. But she would be lying if she said she doesn't miss the fights. There's nothing like a good one to get the blood pumping.

Tonight, she would have her fight.


I can almost smell the desperation as I swing over the Bronx. If I didn’t see many people out on the street during my initial crossing into this part of the city, it is now a veritable desert. The Bronx looks like something out of a post apocalyptic building. I’ve seen a few cars tipped over or with their windows broken, street signs strewn across the roads, and buildings looted. Hallmark signs of a riot, for sure.

Staying inside isn’t something I begrudge the people of the neighborhood. I would do the same.

A twinge of guilt crosses my chest as I survey everything that’s gone on here since the Raft incident. I had no idea it was this bad here. I knew cops felt like they weren’t welcome, btu from the looks of it the people who live here don’t feel it either. I should be here more. I could be doing more to help them.

Then again, I have no idea if I could even clean up an entire portion of New York by myself. So far the best I’ve done is put away few mobsters and drug pushers. Do I even have the ability to make real, lasting change in this city? Or am I doomed to constantly chip away at the edges of New York’s problems, moving on to new problems, which fresh ones replace the old, like scabs over a scraped knee?

I’m so lost in my own thoughts I almost miss the scream emanating from an alleyway below. Changing my direction, I break for the sounds. Landing on a rooftop above the alley, I slink to the side, looking down to find two men wielding crowbars backing a scared shopkeeper into a corner with nowhere to go.

“You didn’t pay up this week,” one of them says, smacking his hand against the crowbar. “We warned you what would happen.”

“Please,” the scared man scuttles backwards on his hands, the slushy dirt in the alley staining his pants. “I can’t get any customers with what’s going on!”

“Not our problem,” the other guy shrugs sarcastically. “But it certainly is yours.”

He raises the crowbar menacingly before bringing it down swiftly towards the shopkeeper. Instead of the sickening sound of metal connecting with bone, however, the only thing that echoes through the alley is the clang of the crowbar hitting the concrete after I yank it out of his hand with some webbing.

“Oh looks like someone’s got a case of the dropsies,” I say as I land on a car parked in the alley. "Do you play for the Giants? Because I swear I saw a guy drop a ball just like that. Then again, it is the Giants, so that's not really all that surprising."

"It's the Spider!" the other guy yells out in alarm, dropping his own weapon and fumbling for a gun in his waistband.

"It's the goon who yells out obvious things!" I call back, attacking his hand to his hip with a web. Somersaulting off the car, I land between the two men, "Now, let's be a good group of criminals and go home. Spider-Woman doesn't want to have to do anything you might regret."

The first man doesn't listen, of course. He picks up his partner's crowbar and lunges at me clumsily. I move out of the way in more than enough time, spin around, and drive my palm into his chest. He's lifted off the ground and slams into the car, leaving a sizable dent in the pea green door of the sedan. His body makes a damp thud as he hits the ground, scrambling to his feet and running off. His friend runs after him, his hand still stuck to his him. From my vantage point, he looks like someone singing "I'm a Little Teapot" running the hundred yard dash.

Chuckling, I give my hand to the cowering man, "Don't worry. They won't bother you any more."

"Yes they will," he responds, reluctantly taking my outstretched hand. "But next time there will be no one to protect me. And they will do worse than rough me up."

"I...," is all that manages to come out of my mouth. Usually I get thanked for saving people from getting beat up by crowbars.

"Don't worry, sir," a voice comes from behind me. I turn to find almost a dozen people standing in the entrance of the alley, brandishing everything from bats to guns. "We'll take care of you from here on out. Free of charge."

My eyes narrow in suspicion at the newcomer, "And who might you guys be? Extras from the set of The Warriors?"

"Says the person dressed in a spandex suit," the guy shoots back, pointing at me with the bat.

"Okay, first, it's not spandex," I raise my hands in defense. "Second...that doesn't matter."

"No, it doesn't," the man responds with a smirk. "Now, I'm gonna have to ask you to come with us."

A snort of laughter filters through my mask, "Yea? That so? Who do you think you are?"

"We're the Pale Horses," he sneers. "And you're on our territory now. The Bronx is under our protection. Our boss would like a word."

"Jesus he knows I'm here?" I recoil in mock panic. Looking the group over, I can tell I'm not gonna fight my way out of this one. Plus, they're not wrong. They may be a gang, but as far as I can tell their only crime is clashing with the police. Which, to be fair, isn't the best thing in the world, but nor is it the worst. They're boss may or may not have some information to help me too. "What is he, psychic?"

"No," the leader with them shakes his head. [color=440e62]"But he's got eyes everywhere."

"Fine," I shrug, realizing that I don't have much of a choice. "Let's have a chat."


"Well, well, well, Spider," Felicia muses to herself as she watches the hero go willingly with the gang who thinks they run this place. They've only been allowed to stick around because they keep the police out of Otto's hair. Otherwise, he already would have sent Marko to take the lot of them out. "Walking into the stable, are we? What are you up to?"

Still, if they end up willing to work with the Spider-Woman, they may need to be taken out sooner rather than later.

Unless she can just take out Spider-Woman tonight. Then all that worry goes out the window.

She likes that option.
Just got back from BAD TIMES AT THE EL ROYALE.

Best movie I've seen all year. Highly recommended.

Now to posting.
I may have a post up tonight properly introducing Felicia as well as the Pale Horses. If not, it will be up tomorrow.
So I just put 2 and 2 together looking over my outline for S2 and put a fun wrinkle into my plans.

“Ms. Stacy,” a voice floats lazily to my ears through the darkness before it fades into the void, an echo tumbling down an endless cave. From in front of my eyes a blurry point of light appears, like a star in the night sky obscured with a thin layer of water. The voice repeats its call to me, and the light gets brighter and brighter until my eyes flash open and I realize I’ve fallen asleep in physics class. My teacher, Mr. Becker, looks on with annoyance, “Ms. Stacy, I asked you a question.”

I look around to find everyone in class staring at me as I try and discretely wipe away some drool from the side of my mouth. Flash is snickering, and Liz Allen is outright howling. Peter shoots me a sympathetic look.

“I...uh...force equals mass times acceleration,” I manage to stutter out without having any idea what the question was.

Everyone howls with laughter as Mr. Becker attempts to quiet everyone down, “Please. Please. Enough, you hyenas. Ms. Stacy, I merely wanted to know why you were sleeping in my class. Am I boring you?”

Of course that’s all he wanted to know.

“No, sir,” I shake my head. “I just...had a long night last night. You know? Kinda just beat.”

“Well, let’s not let it happen again, shall we?”

I nod as he continues to drone on. To be honest, I’m kind of a whiz in physics, so I don’t really need to pay attention, and I could really use the sleep. I’ve been trying to track down the source of the Octopus’s drugs into New York, mapping them at home.

A huge map of the city hangs on the wall of my bedroom, crisscrosses of colored string spider-webbing across the streets of New York. Red crosses over blue, which passes under yellow, pink, and black. Pinning them to the map are pushpins of just as many colors. The map is absolutely a mess, and I've been adding more and more as the weeks have gone on

Each point shows a place I found a dealer pushing Ink, or where I stopped a large shipment in a truck. And if I’m being honest with myself, I’ve seen an uptick recently. I don’t know if it’s because of people getting more depressed during the holidays, or if the Octopus’s plan to spread addiction through the city is working better than I thought it is.

Neither of those options are very good.

What’s worse though is where the lines seem to be coming from. All the lines seem to come from the Bronx. Normally, that wouldn’t be all that big of a deal. But that was before the Surfer decided to destroy the supermax prison that is located right off the coast of that part of the city. Since then, the Bronx has become something of a war zone. Cops don’t go there, and the only protection people have is a gang calling themselves the Pale Horses. From reports, they’re a pack of vigilantes, but they’re brutal. They don’t take prisoners, and have already killed quite a few people.

Normally, I’d go into stop them, like I did with the Punisher. But I don’t want to waltz in there and fight them, the Octopus, and any escaped Raft inmates still in the area. Dad’s already warned me that would be a suicide mission.

But I can’t wait around any longer. If the Ink continues to spread over the city, it won’t be long until it spreads from here.

I guess it’s time to head into the Bronx.


“Absolutely not,” Dad shakes his head as I finish putting on my mask. “We’ve talked about this. Until I can get info on where the Pale Horse territory runs from my guy in organized crime it’s too dangerous to go poking around in there.”

I knew he wasn’t going to like this. He’s been wary of me going into dangerous situations ever since the Surfer. He knows how out of my league I was there, but this is different.

“Dad, it’s a bunch of vigilante gangbangers,” I protest. “I can take care of them. And I need to find where these drugs are coming from. I can’t wait anymore.”

“I’ve heard stories,” Dad puts his hand on my shoulder. “Whoever runs the Pale Horses? He’s not to be trifled with. Heard guys on the street say he can rip a door straight off a car. That he can take on hell of a punch and not lose a step. I just don’t want you racing in to another situation like you did with Black Tarantula.”

“Dad, do you think the Pale Horses are running Ink?” I ask him, tilting my head to the side. “Because if they’re not, I don’t think I’m gonna have that much of an issue with them. I’ll be in and out before you can say Spider-Woman.”

“They don’t like cops, sweetheart,” he assures me. “How do you think they’re going to feel about you?”

“Dad, I’m Spider-Woman, not Spider-Cop,” I shrug as I head for the window. “I’ll be fine.”


The swing to the Bronx doesn’t take long, but the change couldn’t be more stark. The streets of this part of the city are clear of the throngs of pedestrians you find elsewhere. Windows are barred with clearly new fortifications installed since the Raft incident. And curtains are pulled shut over dimly lit windows, making sure no one sees what people have in their homes.

It makes me sad to see what the neighborhood has become. It was just as nice as Queens before the Raft, and things have taken such a drastic turn. Still, the fact that it’s basically become a no-go zone for police would make it the perfect place for the Octopus to run his business from. Don’t have to worry about unwanted raids if there’s no one doing the raiding.

“So, any ideas where I can start looking?” I ask Dad over the comms. He’s taken over helping me in situations I know Peter will be out of his league. Pete is great, of course, but he’s not really proficient in tracking down drug dealers.

“Well the docks are out,” Dad says as I swing over the abandoned-looking streets. “SHIELD has enough patrols down that way during their rebuild of the Raft. There’s an area in the West Bronx that might fit the bill. Some old warehouses that have been abandoned for a while. Would be a good place to set up shop.”

“Of course it has to be all the way across hostile territory. What else would be the case?”

“You wanted to do this, remember?”

“Yea, well, not everything I do is smart. Remember?”

“Sure, but you can do this.”

I was sure Dad was going to hate me being Spider-Woman. I mean, I flaunt the thing he's held dear his entire life every day and night I go out on patrol. I'm a vigilante. There's no dancing around the subject. Cops hate vigilantes. Hell, before I told him what I am, Dad hated them with all his heart. I don't know if it's because it's me, or if something else changed his mind, but he's behind me one hundred percent, and I could not be any happier about that.

"Thanks, Dad," I smile as I swing deeper into this part of the city. "I'll get in touch if I find anything."
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

That's a major problem when your character concept runs wide of the traditional version, at least if you wanna use pics. It looks cool on a character sheet, but then it becomes a monstrous pain in the ass to find usable pictures. Finding enough pics to get through a whole season as T-shirt Supes was a nightmare, and I'd honestly just be using the regular costume now if I hadn't already spent weeks scouring the Smallville comic for pics of his costume (and ones where they didn't just draw a crude Tom Welling face on him) during I think one of the Maximum games (?).

On the other hand, not using pics means your character can look however the hell you want them to. So, y'know, double-edged sword and all that.

Yea, I’ve played around with having Gwen redesign her suit down the line to change up colors, but it’s something I doubt I’ll do because it’d mean no more images.
<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

Spider-Ham is the one I most hyped to see for the Spider-Verse movie.

I mean, John Mulaney as Spider-Ham is some seriously great casting
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Go bold or go home.

Besides J. Jonah Jameson told me and if JJJ says it, you know it's true.

Edit: Just noticed the meme failed to put in the hyphen. For shame.
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