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Thanku, but ya, certainly toning them down a lot from their original levels, making them have a more human origin, and of course the villains will have a lot of changes as well. Changing them from mostly comedic characters of the original to a more dangerous and serious level, though hopefully I can still keep some of the comedic roots in tact. Anyway I'll just plop it over into the character tab.

We also definitely have to get the TMNT and the PPGs together at some point considering they’re the same age.
@IceHeart is approved. Not my first choice of character to allow into the game, but considering what @Blue Demon did to tone down Sailor Moon and maker her fit, I don't see why the PPGs can't work as well.

I am not feeling too good about the concept being accepted. I will leave since I have no other ideas to work on (because I don't read comics that much).

Sorry I missed this. I would have liked to see your sample before you made this decision. I think we could have worked something out to get your concept where it needed to be to work.

I think I have the perfect character...fits beautifully in a more realistic setting.

Alright, joking aside been thinking of a character sheet and whatnot. So just wanted to toss an idea first, if it doesn't fly not a big deal as I have another character that would be sure to work. So the idea I had was using the Powerpuff Girls thought doing quite a few drastic changes such as making them older, nerfing them a good bit, making the villains a bit more realist etc. A little bit of the old show, a little Z flavor as well, but aside from the basics most of it would be revamped to better mesh with the world. I think I could make it work easily enough.

Didn't bother starting a sheet though since I figured there's a good chance they'll be a no-no since they aren't really comic in origin. Anyway if you think it could work I'll go ahead and whip up a sheet with them, otherwise I'll be working on my other idea.@HenryJonesJr

Put up a CS and I’ll give t a look over, for sure
Monsters and Men: A One Universe Comics Presenation


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Powers And Abilities: The four brothers are mutated turtles, giving them anthropomorphic features and the size of humans. Their mutations has also given them enhanced strength, speed, agility, dexterity, endurance, and durability. Being turtles, they can spend significant time underwater without breathing and have incredibly hard shells.

Thanks to over a decade of training with Splinter, the four are masters of ninjutsu. They are exceptional hand-to-hand combatants, weapons experts, stealth masters, and tactically skilled.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

One deep, dark night in Japan, hundreds of years ago, a fearful warrior known as Oroku Saki was defeated. His dream of a shadow empire in Japan, controlled by his Foot Clan behind a puppet regime, was smashed by the emergence of the Tokugawa shogunate. But Saki, known as the Shuredda, was shrewd. He had plans should his plans fail. He disappeared from the world, while the Foot found a new place in the world, where it waited for the perfect time to reemerge.

On another night fifteen years ago in a rainy, busy New York City, a canister of chemicals labelled "TCRI" fell from a truck and shattered on the street. The oozing, glowing liquid inside washed down a sewer grate and into the sewers below. When it did, it came into contact with a rat and five baby turtles. The ooze coated them, and as it did, it began to rewrite their genetic code. It gave them human-like forms and intelligence. The rat, known as Splinter, being much older than the turtles, took on his role as their adoptive father. He named them from a book he found on famous painters. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Artemisia were his world. The rat had memories of his life before the mutation, even if they were faint. From these memories, he trained his children in the ways of ninjutsu, in preparation for a threat he did not recall.

Five years later, the small, weird family was above ground, in the city, scavenging for food. While they did so, a van full of men abducted Artemisia, and attempted to take the rest of the turtles as well. Splinter and the boys were able to fight them off, but not before they got away with Artie. While the family was heartbroken, they did eventually take in a mutated arctic fox named Alopex, who had no idea of her origin.

Eventually, more mutants in the city were located, led by alley cat Old Hob. This group, who called themselves the Mutanimal Liberation Army, was dedicated to protecting mutants from humans. Alopex, swayed by their cause and feeling like an outsider in the family, joined with the Mutanimals.

Now, the Turtles and New York were about to face their greatest threat. They would have to fight like they never had before in order to survive...and save the world!

Supporting Characters:
  • Hamato Clan

    • Splinter
    • April O'Neil
    • Casey Jones
    • Keno Cruz
  • The Foot Clan
    • Oroku Saki, The Shredder
    • Oroku Pimiko
    • Oroku Karai
  • The Purple Dragons
    • Arnold "Attila" Jones
    • Angel Bridge
    • Max Steranko
    • Geanaldo Anton
  • Mutanimal Liberation Army
    • Old Hob
    • Alopex
    • Herman the Hermit Crab
    • Pigeon Pete
  • TCRI
    • Doctor Jordan Perry
    • Doctor Baxter Stockman
  • Null Cartel
    • Boss Null

Sample Post:

The sound of fists hitting a heavy bag echoed dully through the dojo, as the lone figure struck the training tool over and over again.

His hands were taped up from above the wrist all the way down to his knuckles, but the repeated punches still bruised and broke the green skin underneat the protection. He was in the training room too much. He knew it, Leo knew it, and Master Splinter definitely knew it. He wasn't even training. Not really, anyway. He was just in here taking out his frustrations.

He had too many frustrations.

He was mad that they barely ever left their home. He was angry that Master SPlinter, after all these years, still would not tell them why they were training in the ninja arts. He was pissed off because Leo never asked the questions he needed to. He was frustrated that he wasn't allowed to do more to help the humans above.

But most of all his was furious that his father ignored the fact that their sister had been missing for the better part of a decade.

It was all getting to be too much.

His brothers shared some of his concerns. They were all better at hiding it, in different ways. Mikey pretended to be dumb, aloof, and a clown to mask the fact that he's torn up about Artie to this day. Don threw himself into his tinkering and reading to mask the fact that he's uncomfortable with all the combat Splinter seemed to be preparing them for. Leo focused on a mission he doesn't know the goal of in order to pretend that he had a purpose. They were all broken in some way.

How could they not be. They were mutant turtles gifted human intelligence and amazing abilities by a random accident. They were bound to be messed up in the head.

"You are troubled, Raphael."

The soft, almost melodic, tone of Splinter's voice carried over the relative silence of the dojo. It was a sound none of the turtles had heard in days. Ever since the red moon, Splinter had been alone in his room meditating. Over what, they didn't know, but here he was.

Raphael turned to see the tall, slender, human-like rat standing in the door, leaning on the cane he always had with him. These days, his dark, chestnut-brown fur was tinged with more and more grey. He may not have been as fast as he once was, but he was still wise beyond his station.

He made his way to the center of the room, and sat cross-legged before motioning for Raphael to join him.

As the young turtle did so, he asked, "Master, it's been a while."

The rat sighed, and the fur around his mouth ruffled, "There was much to think on, my son. Too much. For too long I have kept our family here. For too long I have believed we were safe. That we could be happy cut off from the outside world whenever possible. I believed I was training you, but for what I was never sure. Until the blood moon. Until I remembered."

Splinter trailed off, staring into the dark corner of the dojo. Raphael, on the other hand, had a chill run through him. He had never heard Splinter talk as he was. It was almost as if he was scared. Even when they lost Artemisia, he kept his calm about him.

"Master?" Raph asked with a quiver in his voice.

His father looked down, his warm, brown eyes meeting his adopted son's. He smiled, "I'm sorry, my son. It is time for us to have an increased presence on the surface. We have hid for too long, and I fear it may have allowed our enemies a foothold we could have prevented. NOw we must ensure they do not get more."

"Enemies, father?" Raphael asked, almost with an intense hunger. He had been training for so long. It was time to show what he could do.

"I will explain later when Leonardo returns," his father smiled clamly. "He is visiting your sister in her new home."

"Alopex," Raphael said, his eyes narrowing.

The words roll over me again and again as I stare blankly back at Mary Jane. She knows. How does she know? I've been so careful. Okay...so maybe I haven't been all that careful. Repeatedly ducking out of hangouts, mysterious no shows, and being late to both band practices and gigs definitely do not help with the whole secret identity thing. But I never thought in a million years she'd figure it out.

"I take it from the stunned silence I'm right?" she smiles mischeviously. "God, I am just the best."

I bury my face in my hands and rub my eyes before looking back up at her, "Yea, you're right. I'm Spider-Woman. But how did you-"

She rolls her eyes, "Please, Gwendolyn. I've known you far too long. While you may never have been strictly on the ball, you've never been this far off of it. I didn't know why that was. Maybe you were just going through something. When we had our fight I sat and thought about it a lot. And then when you ducked out of the party right after some crazy guy threatened people on TV, I kind of put two and two together."

God it all makes way too much sense, and it was way too easy for her to figure it out. What if more people are catching on to me? That would not be good.

"I just...I'm sorry I kept it from you," I admit. "But dressing up and fighting bad guys is a dangerous gig. I didn't want to get anyone else involved."

"Anyone else other than Peter, you mean," she raises her eyebrows at me. "He left a minute or two after you did. Said he just couldn't sit at the party knowing you left by yourself. So I figure he knows too."

My shoulders slump, defeated, "Yea. Him and my Dad. The reason Dad got kicked off the metahuman force is because I revealed myself to him the night Black Tarantula took over the hospital. It's why he couldn't arrest Spider-Woman."

"Wow," she gasps as the info is absorbed. After a few moments she put her hand on mine, "I get why you thought you had to keep this from me. I really do. But I'm not a damsel in distress that needs protection. I can handle myself."

Chucking, I wrap her in a big hug, "MJ, I love you, but there's no way you could handle yourself against a supervillain. Just would not happen."

"Give me those webshooters and let's see about that," she grins broadly. "I bet I could take them down quicker than you could."

The two of us laugh together, and it feels right. This fight, only a little longer than a week old, is our longest. Peter, MJ, Harry, and I have been nearly inseprable since we became friends. This moment is a reminder why. I have the best friends. They are my strength. They're the reason I can do what I can do.

And now I have another one in the loop.

"Listen...considering Harry's dad is trying to kill me," I start, realizing the Osborns definitely cannot learn my secret identity.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him," she rubs her arms. "I think we may have to break up, anyway. After I figured everything out last night, I sat back and watched him. Every time one of the Goblins was destroyed in your fight, he would flip out. It's like he wanted you to lose, to let those people die, all because his dad's project was on the other side of you. It's just...uncomfortable."

"Don't break up with him," I shake my head. "The two of you are good together. Just help him see that maybe Spider-Woman is goo for the world. Help him see the light and all that kind of stuff. I dunno."

"I'll try," she nods. "I just hope he isn't too far gone."


"You did well," Richard Dragon's words or praise catch me off guard as I enter the dojo. "You could have taken down that maniac with much more anger. But you were controlled. You showed why you are a hero to everyone watching. I can't say I approve of taunting the man after you beat him, but you have your own sense of style to perfect."

I recoil in mock shock, "My god! Who are you and what have you done with Richard Dragon!?"

"Funny. Very funny," he sighs.

"So you watched me on TV last night, huh?" I poke the bear. "I didn't think you were the TV type."

"Just because I'm older than you doesn't mean I don't like to be entertained, student," Dragon shoots back, a wicked look in his eye. "You young people all think the same."

"Yea, and I bet you had to walk to school in the snow, uphill both ways, when you were my age," I shoot back.

"That's not funny."

"Oh come on it's a little funny."

He ignores me and motions for me to join him in the training room. When I enter, I find that it's not setup for our usual meditative exercise. No, this time it looks like I'me actually going to get to do some fighting.

"Don't get too excited," the sensei warns. "you've shown you can control your emotions in a fight that you are winning, but can you control them in one you are losing?"

"What's that now?" I ask in confusion.

"I will attack you," he shrugs. "You will not attack me back. You can dodge all you want, but you cannot attack back."

This sounds like it's going to be terrible.


"You put him through a wall?" Peter asks with surprise. "So I take it you failed today?"

The frustration of today's exercise has subsided, but the bruises haven't. I've got like three ice packs covering bruised areas from today's training. Dragon gave me everything he had. Well, at least I think he did. He could still be holding back. I dealt with it as long as I could before losing my cool and tossing him through a wall. I helped him fix it afterward, but he was definitely not happy about it.

"Yea, it definitely did not go over well," I groan. "Luckily he didn't kick me out permanently after destroying the place where he lives."

Honestly, he told me he never thought I'd make it as long as I did, so at least I have that going for me. Maybe his training is doing me good.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" he asks.

"Movies, popcorn, and relaxation," I respond, satisfied not to move for the rest of the night. Or the weekend. Or the year.


"My dear," Otto Octavius snakes his way up to the catwalks of their warehouse on his mechanical arms, up to where Felicia Hardy had constructed her den. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

"Sure thing, Doc," she smiles at her benefactor. "What's up?"

"Tomorrow night there will be a shipment of drugs coming into the city. Raw material for our miracle drug," the doctor smiled under the goggles he wore. "I need you and Marko to steal it."

"Doc, that's what I'm best at," Hardy smiles like the cat that caught the canary.
So @Byrd Man, @Blue Demon, @Lmpkio, and @Bluetommy are all approved.

I would ask that people hold off on the IC posting until I get the kickoff post written and posted, which should be tomorrow night.
<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

I'm considering that Ultraman be it's own thing for awhile, but only after the first kaiju attack does he become approached by Monarch for their little "experiment" that would allow him to battle the Titans via size change. And just for the recording regarding the other suits mentioned - they aren't for true ultramen (just armor designed to fit in with regular human beings). I think it'll make more sense, but if anything else I can still add him into Monarch from the get go.

I think maybe it would be better to focus on Ultraman off the bat. Maybe have some interludes checking in on Ishirō and Monarch as kind of a side story. I’m just not sure there will be a lot for that character to do until we get later in the “season” so to speak.
First off, great to see someone repping Valiant. I’m playing around with the overall story/big group events, and I think Valiant will be heavil utilized.

I’m still thinking about the Steven universe CS. Right now I think I’m leaning no, but will wait for the sample.

@lmpkio so I was initially under the impression you were going to have your Monarch and Ultraman stories be one, and not two different characters. I was going to restrict people to one character, at least initially, until the game was in a good rhythm.

As I said at the top of this post, I will be writing a background larger story for players to interact with as we go along. I have the “villain” who will mastermind this story (at least initially) picked out. These posts will be spread out and infrequent, but I will warn everyone before something big happens so they can prepare.

Lincoln Island
Somewhere in the South Seas

The sea above the viewing window in the Nautilus bubbled and frothed as if it was boiling around the submersible. As many times as Allan Quatermain had traveled in Nemo's great vessel, he never tired of it. He and the various Captains often did not see eye-to-eye, but the Nautilus was still like a second home.

Light exploded into the submarine as it broke through the surface inside Dakkar Grotto, a large caldera at the base of the volcano on Lincoln Island. The bright blue water of the lagoon shined bright in comparison to the obsidian rock of the island. An island which had changed greatly since he had last been here. He could see a geothermal power plant coming out of the mountain, and modern buildings poking up above the jungle beyond.

As he was escorted form the vessel onto the dock, Quartermain noticed an island full of activity. Soldiers of various races, creeds, and colors milled about, all dressed in the same uniform. Grey fatigues with black body armor over top, across the right breast of their chest was emblazoned with a symbol that looked like the Kraken of legend. Jack didn't have just a following. He had his own army.

Lincoln Island was no longer a refuge. It was now a rogue state.

As he made his way down the dock, he saw other, smaller submarines docked next to the dreadnought that was the Nautilus. All of them were nuclear powered as well, and looked like they could be crewed by a few dozen men each. While the Nautilus was fashioned after the same Kraken on the crews' uniforms, the smaller ones looked more like sharks ready to tear into their prey.

At the end of the dock stood Jack Dakkar, the current Captain Nemo, under beautiful, obsidian statues of his late mother and grandfather. Jack was clad in the same uniform as his soldiers, except with a blue-green sash around his waist and a matching turban on his head. On his hip was a scimitar, its pommel fashioned like the shell of a great clam.

He turned to face Allan, a warm smile that the latter never expected painted across his caramel colored face. It had been too long, Allan thought. Dakkar was showing his age. Living the life he did made his features hard, and the lines in his face seemed more like cracks in a foundation than skin. His beard was streaked with silver hairs. But there was still strength and fire behind his brown eyes.

"Allan!" he exclaimed and shook the old adventurer's hand. "It has been far too long. Welcome back to Lincoln Island."

Quartermain was puzzled, but happy to have a warm reception, "I must admit I was surprised when I received your invitation. Much has changed here since the last time I saw it."

"My people hae turned Lincoln into a technological marvel, haven't they?" he beamed with pride as he looked past Allan towards the geothermal plant. "My mother and grandfather would be proud of what we'e built here."

"Yes...your people," Quatermain mused. "Or your army?"

Nemo's eyes shot back at Allan, a flash of anger illuminating them for a moment before softening, "Please, Allan. We're here to talk as friends. The business can come later. Let's take a tour of the island, shall we?"

The tour was illuminating, if nothing else. Nemo showed off his armory, his airstrip featuring jet fighters and attack helicopters, the island's main, bustling town of Independence Port, before finishing at his private villa overlooking Washington Bay. Quatermain was struck by how this place was a fully functioning island nation, when a few decades ago it was still little more than wilderness and a few huts.

They were now seated on Nemo's veranda, looking out of the crystal clear waters of the South Pacific as the sun began to fade past the horizon. In the distance, Allan could see the billowing storm clouds of the odd atmospheric disturbance that kept this archipelago hidden from the rest of the world. Only those who knew the route could get here, and the Dakkar family were the only ones to ever figure it out. Around them the sounds of the jungle murmured quietly in the background. At the edge of the terrace was a strange, ancient-looking, brass contraption that reminded Quatermain of a telescope, but it was missing the glass in the eye piece.

His host motioned for him to sit, as dinner was being served to them. As Allan did so, he asked, "Aren't you afraid they'll find you here? Building the island up like this could make you visible to satellites. You are a wanted pirate."

Nemo smiled and laughed loudly, swirling his wine glass, "They don't see what's in front of their noses. And that's the problem. No. I am not worried they will find me. They still haven't found the island with the giant ape on it right next door. Besides, who would they send after me? The so-called GI-JOE? That squad of muscle-brained oafs and bombastic bimbos? They're tied up with lesser men who dream of world conquest."

"And what do you dream of, Dakkar?" Quartermain leaned over his meal to ask. "What is the point of this nation you have built."

"I have some of the best and the brightest here, Allan," Jack was proud of himself. "I promised to show them the truth of the world, and in return, they will help me bring that truth to the masses."

The old adventurer's eyes narrowed, "So you fashion yourself a cult leader, then? A prophet?"

Nemo rolled his eyes, "No. Nothing like that. Prophets are charlatans, preying on the weak minded in order to carve out some power or riches or sex for themselves. I do not tell my people about anything I do not have direct, or familial, knowledge on."

The realization washed over Allan's face like the waves hitting the beach below, "My god...you don't mean?"

"Yes," Dakkar got serious. "I've told them everything about the League. Showed them what I could. I took them to see relics of the world. Of the real world. Of the parts that have been hidden by humanity's ignorance or the power structure's misdirection. They have seen things people have been blinded too for far too long."

"Jack," Quartermain half-begged, half-warned, "you can't. The secrecy statutes. Everything your mother and grandfather-"

"My mother and grandfather hated keeping this all a secret!" the pirate king flew into a rage. "My grandfather left your team not because you used biological weapons to stop an alien invasion. He left because afterwards you lied to the people about what really happened. You lied to them and said it was a plague, not that the quarantined area was full of alien technology. You kept them in the dark about something that, for all we know, could have been nothing more than a scouting party with more on the way. If that happens, humanity could have been preparing for well over a century. Instead it goes about its life like a sheep ready for slaughter."

He stood and began to pace the veranda. In that moment, as much as it pained Allan to think it, he reminded the old man of Dakkar's grandfather.

"My mother watched humanity kill something at the bottom of Tokyo Bay that could be considered nothing short of a divine beast," he pointed in the direction of the ocean. "All because the poor creature had the audacity to wake up in a world it didn't recognize. And again the powers that be lied about what happened. All because it was more easy and convenient than the truth. But the truth is we will be just like that creature. We will be the ones who stumble accidentally upon a world we don't recognize. I have seen it, and we will be slaughtered because we are not ready."

"And what's your solution, Jack?" Allan asked. "Tell them everything? Create a panic? Drive some of them mad?"

Nemo shook his head and motioned for one of his men to approach. As he reached his master, the man handed Dakkar a small object in an ornate, silk pouch. Nemo fiddled with the string before dumping the object into his hand. He twirled it as he looked at it, a blood-red jewel wreathed it iron tentacles. He dismissed the guards around them, and continued "No. Telling them would just mark me as a madman. This is what I will use to teach them the truth. I've spent years searching for it. The ruins of Thule are not easily accessed."

Quartermain's face turned to stone as he looked at the trinket, "A Seeing Stone. You should know better than to play with the objects of the Old Ones, Jack."

"Oh I haven't used it on myself," he waved the concerns away. "I'm not an idiot."

"You just said you've seen the future," Allan shot back. "Are you sure?"

"That...was an unintended consequence from the ritual," Nemo responded. He motioned towards the telescope-like device, "But I have no tried to gain knowledge for myself. I just had to prepare to give it to the rest of the world. This will not give them everything. But it will be like a pinhole piercing a dark curtain. It will let the light of knowledge in for the first time in centuries."

"Nemo," Quartermain was clearly terrified, "if you do this you will hasten the conflict you've seen. Humanity will move to protect itself. Everything else will do the same. War will be inevitable."

"War is always inevitable," Dakkar shrugged. "At least in this case both sides will be on even footing. Balance would be restored, and the world would be as it should be."

As the pirate lord approached the device, ready to put the jewel into it, he heard a gun cock behind him. He turned to find Quartermain aiming a small, concealed gun at his face. Dakkar knew that even at this distance and with a small caliber Allan could kill him. The man's aim was legendary. If Allan wanted to, Nemo's eyes would be smoking holes in a blink.

"Just like all the others," Nemo muttered. "I hoped you would see the benefit in this, Allan. I would hope you would join me."

"I'm not one to sign up for folly, boy," Quartermain growled. "They thought you were trying for a nuke. Or planning a terrorist attack. I never would have guessed you were going for something like this."

Dakkar smiled, "So who sent you? CIA? MI-6? Did Bond give you that peashooter?"

"He did," Quartermain didn't blink. "They wanted to bring you in alive. But I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Oh, I won't be brought in," Nemo shook his head. "And you won't be leaving this island."

"Oh is that right?"

A shot rang out, but not from Allan's weapon, which exploded in his hand, the shards ripping through his hand. He cried out in pain, and Nemo laughed, "You should have taken the shot, old man. The world is passing you by. And I'm going to drag it into the light if I have to."

From the shadows around the terrace, a man emerged, brandishing a pair of guns. His skin was chalk white, and on his chest was a red, circular wound.

Dakkar motioned for him to secure Quartermain, "I may not like the Americans, but they certainly know a good weapon when they see one. I had to...borrow this one when I found out about him."

"Now," he sighed with relief and slid the jewel into the apparatus, "let there be light."

The telescope began to pulse with a red glow, and it hummed with power. A red beam shot from the end of it, and flew towards the horizon, directly towards the rising moon. Somehow, it struck the celestial body, and turned the white object to a deep, bloody red.

And the world began to awaken.


The Eternal Warrior

The Powerpuff Girls

Byrd Man

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Usagi Tsukino
Blue Demon
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