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Monsters and Men: A One Universe Comics Presenation


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Powers And Abilities: The four brothers are mutated turtles, giving them anthropomorphic features and the size of humans. Their mutations has also given them enhanced strength, speed, agility, dexterity, endurance, and durability. Being turtles, they can spend significant time underwater without breathing and have incredibly hard shells.

Thanks to over a decade of training with Splinter, the four are masters of ninjutsu. They are exceptional hand-to-hand combatants, weapons experts, stealth masters, and tactically skilled.

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

One deep, dark night in Japan, hundreds of years ago, a fearful warrior known as Oroku Saki was defeated. His dream of a shadow empire in Japan, controlled by his Foot Clan behind a puppet regime, was smashed by the emergence of the Tokugawa shogunate. But Saki, known as the Shuredda, was shrewd. He had plans should his plans fail. He disappeared from the world, while the Foot found a new place in the world, where it waited for the perfect time to reemerge.

On another night fifteen years ago in a rainy, busy New York City, a canister of chemicals labelled "TCRI" fell from a truck and shattered on the street. The oozing, glowing liquid inside washed down a sewer grate and into the sewers below. When it did, it came into contact with a rat and five baby turtles. The ooze coated them, and as it did, it began to rewrite their genetic code. It gave them human-like forms and intelligence. The rat, known as Splinter, being much older than the turtles, took on his role as their adoptive father. He named them from a book he found on famous painters. Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Artemisia were his world. The rat had memories of his life before the mutation, even if they were faint. From these memories, he trained his children in the ways of ninjutsu, in preparation for a threat he did not recall.

Five years later, the small, weird family was above ground, in the city, scavenging for food. While they did so, a van full of men abducted Artemisia, and attempted to take the rest of the turtles as well. Splinter and the boys were able to fight them off, but not before they got away with Artie. While the family was heartbroken, they did eventually take in a mutated arctic fox named Alopex, who had no idea of her origin.

Eventually, more mutants in the city were located, led by alley cat Old Hob. This group, who called themselves the Mutanimal Liberation Army, was dedicated to protecting mutants from humans. Alopex, swayed by their cause and feeling like an outsider in the family, joined with the Mutanimals.

Now, the Turtles and New York were about to face their greatest threat. They would have to fight like they never had before in order to survive...and save the world!

Supporting Characters:
  • Hamato Clan
    • Splinter
    • April O'Neil
    • Casey Jones
    • Keno Cruz
  • The Foot Clan
    • Oroku Saki, The Shredder
    • Oroku Pimiko
    • Oroku Karai
  • The Purple Dragons
    • Arnold "Attila" Jones
    • Angel Bridge
    • Max Steranko
    • Geanaldo Anton
  • Mutanimal Liberation Army
    • Old Hob
    • Alopex
    • Herman the Hermit Crab
    • Pigeon Pete
  • TCRI
    • Doctor Jordan Perry
    • Doctor Baxter Stockman
  • Null Cartel
    • Boss Null

Sample Post:

The sound of fists hitting a heavy bag echoed dully through the dojo, as the lone figure struck the training tool over and over again.

His hands were taped up from above the wrist all the way down to his knuckles, but the repeated punches still bruised and broke the green skin underneat the protection. He was in the training room too much. He knew it, Leo knew it, and Master Splinter definitely knew it. He wasn't even training. Not really, anyway. He was just in here taking out his frustrations.

He had too many frustrations.

He was mad that they barely ever left their home. He was angry that Master SPlinter, after all these years, still would not tell them why they were training in the ninja arts. He was pissed off because Leo never asked the questions he needed to. He was frustrated that he wasn't allowed to do more to help the humans above.

But most of all his was furious that his father ignored the fact that their sister had been missing for the better part of a decade.

It was all getting to be too much.

His brothers shared some of his concerns. They were all better at hiding it, in different ways. Mikey pretended to be dumb, aloof, and a clown to mask the fact that he's torn up about Artie to this day. Don threw himself into his tinkering and reading to mask the fact that he's uncomfortable with all the combat Splinter seemed to be preparing them for. Leo focused on a mission he doesn't know the goal of in order to pretend that he had a purpose. They were all broken in some way.

How could they not be. They were mutant turtles gifted human intelligence and amazing abilities by a random accident. They were bound to be messed up in the head.

"You are troubled, Raphael."

The soft, almost melodic, tone of Splinter's voice carried over the relative silence of the dojo. It was a sound none of the turtles had heard in days. Ever since the red moon, Splinter had been alone in his room meditating. Over what, they didn't know, but here he was.

Raphael turned to see the tall, slender, human-like rat standing in the door, leaning on the cane he always had with him. These days, his dark, chestnut-brown fur was tinged with more and more grey. He may not have been as fast as he once was, but he was still wise beyond his station.

He made his way to the center of the room, and sat cross-legged before motioning for Raphael to join him.

As the young turtle did so, he asked, "Master, it's been a while."

The rat sighed, and the fur around his mouth ruffled, "There was much to think on, my son. Too much. For too long I have kept our family here. For too long I have believed we were safe. That we could be happy cut off from the outside world whenever possible. I believed I was training you, but for what I was never sure. Until the blood moon. Until I remembered."

Splinter trailed off, staring into the dark corner of the dojo. Raphael, on the other hand, had a chill run through him. He had never heard Splinter talk as he was. It was almost as if he was scared. Even when they lost Artemisia, he kept his calm about him.

"Master?" Raph asked with a quiver in his voice.

His father looked down, his warm, brown eyes meeting his adopted son's. He smiled, "I'm sorry, my son. It is time for us to have an increased presence on the surface. We have hid for too long, and I fear it may have allowed our enemies a foothold we could have prevented. NOw we must ensure they do not get more."

"Enemies, father?" Raphael asked, almost with an intense hunger. He had been training for so long. It was time to show what he could do.

"I will explain later when Leonardo returns," his father smiled clamly. "He is visiting your sister in her new home."

"Alopex," Raphael said, his eyes narrowing.
Monsters and Men: A One Universe Comics Presentation

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.”

― Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, Frankenstein

From the archives of the BPRD
Not for distribution

I had searched for so long for the truth. For some sign of everything I had ever believed in. For some notion that everything I had known was true. I had traveled to Egypt, China, and countless other corners of the world famous for paranormal entities and happenings, and yet each time I seemed to just miss an occurrence. Either that or I was sent on a wild goose chase by some huckster.

When Lady Eden-Jones came to me, warning that some grave event was due to take place off the coast of Scotland, I nearly didn't believe her. My superiors in the Allied Army felt differently, and sent me along with a strike team.

When the boy appeared in our midst, it was like a strike of lightning straight to my soul. Here he was, proof of what I had always believed. When the government proclaimed me his guardian, I couldn't have been happier. Not only was he everything I had always wanted, he was then also my son.

Once the Bureau was formed, it was like a flood of knowledge. The Brits gave me access to the files on the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The Americans shared their information on the so-called "superhumans" or Earth. It was as if every country on the planet was willing to give us everything they knew about the paranormal. All under the condition of keeping it secret, safe, and their citizens away from the truth.

That was easier said than done, of course.

When the monster came ashore in Tokyo Bay, kicking off days of destruction, we were at a loss. The country had suffered mightily at the end of the war, and another nuclear attack, this time by what we could only describe as a living nuclear bomb, was almost too much to bear. Most didn't want to believe what they saw. Those that did were dismissed as insane. The disinformation effort was helped by the creature itself. The radiation it gave off meant actually photographing it was impossible. The shots from further away were easy to dismiss as a trick of the light. Sadly, the collective trauma of the past helped us cover up the truth about Gojira, as the locals called it.

This is a common thread I've found through my research. There was a time, on this planet, where the paranormal and the human lived side by side. But as humans progressed, they shaped their own reality around them, pushing their knowledge of the supernatural to the shadows. This turned fact to fiction, and we find ourselves here. There is nothing as powerful as man's desire to ignore what is inconvenient.

I haven't gotten over the lying. While I started my journey to gain knowledge, I never thought I'd also horde it. To this point, this is my greatest conflict with the Bureau's mission. Yes, we keep people safe, but something tugs at the back of my mind, telling me they would be safer knowing what is out there.

and my son, Hellboy, suffers as well. All he wants is to be part of the world, yet it is decreed that cannot be.

This situation, as it stands, is unsustainable. Human progress marches on unabated. Humans will once again begin to discover the world around them is not what they believe. And when that happens, where will it leave us?

From the private journal of Professor Trevor Bruttenholm
Former Director of the BPRD

Welcome to the world of Monsters and Men, a new and terrifying world of One Universe Comics. In this game, the universes of Indie Comics have melded into one, creating a new reality where the old rules do not apply, and new, grave threats abound. It will be your job to take up the title of hero and attempt to save and shape the new world.

In this game, you may play as a hero from Independent comics. I am considering this game to be a high-casual game since the concept gives the player a wide berth when it comes to possible characters. I expect a player to be able to come up with a coherent concept that fits in this world.

1) You may pick any non-villain from Independent Comics, IE no Marvel or DC characters. I'd like everything to fit in to a shared comic book universe. I will be pretty discerning when it comes to character applications, but I won't say you can't at least try for a character.
2) You do not have to pick a specific version of said character. Feel free to mix and match concepts from different iterations of them into on.
3) Supporting characters in the "family" of a player-controlled character are under the jurisdiction of said player. You must get clearance from said player to use such a character in a solo story.
4) No killing PCs or significant NPCs willy nilly.
5) Have fun. We're not writing the great American novel here.
6) Work together with other players. We're all here to have fun together.
7) You must post once every 2 weeks to stay active in the game.

Monsters and Men Application

Character You're Applying For:

Powers And Abilities:

Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs):

How do you think your character fits in the world:

Supporting Characters:

Character Picture:

Sample Post:

Timeline of Monsters and Men

Thurian Age (Somewhere between 40,000 and 18,000BC): The time of Kull the Conqueror and Atlantis. At the end of this age, an unknown cataclysm nearly wipes out the human race. The force and violence of this event causes Atlantis and other nations to sink below the seas. Civilization is destroyed, and set back thousands of years.

Hyborian Age (circa 10,000BC): The time of Conan the Barbarian.

15th Century: The Sengoku Period rips through Japan, causing major upheaval. From the chaos, the ninja emerge, and no clan is more deadly or feared than the Foot Clan. Led by the so-called "Shuredda", they tear a warpath across the country in order to dominate it. Their power was crushed by the Tokugawa Shogunate, and they retreated into the shadows.

Late 19th Century/Early 20th Century: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen protect the British Empire from fantastic threats. The League falls apart after using a biological weapon to stop a small alien invasion of Earth. The weapon also kills thousands of innocent people, killing all witnesses and causing members of the League to quit in disgust. The Crown then disbands the program.

World War II: Rasputin, the mad monk, attempts to bring the Ogdru Jahad into the world and spark off Armageddon. Instead, the demon now known as Hellboy is brought to Earth and adopted by Professor Trevor Bruttenholm. They go on to found the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, a clandestine group that protects the world from all manner of supernatural threats.

It is during this time that masked vigilantes and so-called superhumans are rumored to be operating in the United States. Some soldiers in the war claim to see men and women with amazing abilities fighting alongside them.

1954: A gigantic, radioactive creature wreaks havoc on Tokyo. The monster's strong radioactivity ensures no direct pictures are taken of the creature, but those taken from a distance show a great, monstrous shadow looming over the city. While the Japanese government and United Nations officials claim the destruction was caused by a weapons test gone wrong, survivors claim that it was the work of the legendary Gojira.

1970s: The United States government ceases covert use of vigilantes and metahumans in black ops missions and covert domestic operations. While vigilantism had always been considered illegal, the government was using its assets in order to complete missions they were not able to do. After one of the operatives went rogue, however, the government was forced to start punishing vigilantism more harshly.

1990s: Due to the rise in global terrorism, the United States and its allies create Global Initiative-Joint Operations Effort, or GI-JOE.

Organizations of Monsters and Men

The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense: An organization founded after World War II in order to protect the world from supernatural threats. The Bureau answers to the United Nations Security Council, some of the few humans that know if its existence.

The Earth Protection Force: Also known as the "Men in Black", the EPF works in tandem with the BPRD in order to defend the planet from extraterrestrial threat. They are even more secretive than the Bureau, and fewer people know of their existence.

GI-JOE: A global strike team comprised of a select group of the most skilled soldiers on the planet.

Monarch: A division of the BPRD, focusing on the study of giant creatures. They have studied the giant monster Gojira since its supposed destruction in 1954.

The Foot Clan: A ninja clan that originally formed in the 15th century dedicated to their leader and conquest. After they were defeated by the Tokugawa Shogunate, they went back into the shadows. In the past 15 years there have been rumors of their reemergence.

Places and Worlds of Monsters and Men

Coming Soon

Major In-Game Events

The Blood Moon of Knowledge: Jack Dakkar, the current Captain Nemo and pirate king, finished a ritual that has begun to lift the veil of ignorance that humanity has created for itself. This, in turn, will usher in a new age of heroes and villains, starting our game and starting humanity's realization that the world is not what it seems.
Oh so it's one of those characters. Those *Think of whatever you want him to be as long as he is 50 meters tall* kind of characters yeah?

Yea, it's impossible to find enough pictures of these characters to only stick to one look, so I'm never too dead set on one.
Well, he can definitely be the son if anything. But if you'd like it to be more distant, I can also accommodate to that.

Nah, write whatever you want. I don't want to handcuff you.

Low-key wished for the Legendary to be a thing, but Heisei is a good classic design so I'm fine with it.

I do really love the design he has in King of the Monsters, that's for sure. The updated dorsal fins make all the difference. But if that's what he looks like in your head, that's cool haha.
You know what? I might save Steven Universe for FusionFall depending on what the GM says about my plans. In the case that my idea isn't approved, then I am planning for...

Or some other comic that gets my attention like Red Team or The Mercenary Sea.

I will outright say I would *prefer* if you just went with Fables...but if you want to try something else I won't stop you

Also, considering this heavily focuses on indie comic characters, there is one character I would like to add in. Now, he's technically from a certain tokusatsu series - but this version of him comes from a manga several years ago that has recently been announced to make it into a TV series/movie. While I know you guys usually don't accept Manga characters (save for Sailor Moon) I can easily modify this character to fit within this sort of realm.

And who am I talking about?

Also regarding the Big G himself, I also would like to introduce Dr. Serizawa from the recent Monsterverse series (he's also been in the Godzilla 2014 prequel comic Godzilla: Awakening - and presumably the upcoming Godzilla: Aftershock comic - so he technically counts) and maybe even Monarch as well (seen/mentioned also in the Kong: Skull Island Comics as well).

Edit: Last question - which incarnation of Godzilla are we using/what he looks like? The original 1954/Showa era? IDW's incarnations like those in either: Rulers Of Earth? The Half-Century War? Cataclysm? Gangsters and Golliaths? Or even Legendary Godzilla based off said comics I mentioned?

First...let me just say that I'm glad you're here and interested. I think Ultraman could definitely fit in with what we're doing here, so I wouldn't discount him at all. My...aversion to Manga is that we've tried games like this in the past, and people tend to get a little out there with things. I'd like to keep it on the more "real" side...or as real as superhero comics can get. At least initially. I intend for more weird stuff to happen as the world progresses and humanity discovers they are not alone.

When it comes to Monarch, I was planning on having a division of either the BPRD or the EPF be focused on Kaiju, so that could be Monarch if we want. I'm more than happy to have Serizawa be in the game. To be clear though, let's just consider the 1954 Gojira canonical. Those events happened, but the world at large has never seen proof they happened. So Daisuke Serizawa and the Oxygen Destroyer happened. Maybe Ishiro Serizawa is a nephew or a relative or something.

As for Godzilla, my favorite design for him is the Heisei look, so in my head that's what he looks like, but I'd also say height-wise I'd like him to be Showa height at 50 meters. I'd like the kaiju to be on the smaller side when they do show up.

<Snipped quote by Blue Demon>

Fair enough.

Mine will have some anime roots, but Im not going to use the Anime's backstory exclusively. It's going to be more original. Hell might even include it within Monarch as some protoype/potential anti-kaiju weapon. Think Ant-Man but less ant-man and more Iron-Man.

That actually sounds great, and exactly the kind of concept I think could work in this game.

In other news, I should have the OOC thread up tonight.
@Morden Man@HenryJonesJr The problem I’m butting up against with Kyle Rayner is that, without being able to use Abin Sur in such a way, I basically have to rewrite his entire backstory. So, sit tight, it’s gonna be a little while longer. Thanks for your patience.

All good man. Take your time. Luckily this kind of game lets you write the backstory you need. Glad to have you on board.
I wanted to write a post this weekend but I’ve basically been running around doing stuff all weekend. Will have one up tomorrow, hopefully
Sorry I’ve been MIA this weekend all. Way busier than I expected. Wanted to have the OOC up but idk if that’ll happen.

Well, if Ben 10's allowed. How about some Steven Universe??

Here’s all I’ll say:

If you think you can make a property fit in a more realistic comic book universe setting, I’m not going to say you can’t try. I’m not saying I’ll approve anything. But I’m also not gonna say you can’t give it a shot
Would Ben 10 be allowed?

As long as the CS is well thought out, I would be fine with it
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