"Everyone stay calm! I'm a Green Lantern, and I'm here to help!"
Character You're Applying For: Kyle Rayner, the Green Lantern
Powers And Abilities: All the powers granted by the Green Lantern Ring he's bonded to, the list of which includes, but is not limited to: flight, constructs, energy blasts, force fields, FTL travel, energy absorption, electromagnetic scanning, a galactic encyclopedia (from its link to the Book of Oa), a universal translator, an emergency beacon, a homing beacon, programmable security protocols, and pan-universal telecommunications. Other powers are dependent on the user's creativity and willpower.
Origin And Backstory (In A Maximum Of Four Paragraphs): Kyle Rayner was once a struggling comic book artist on Earth, doing his best to scrape by and make ends meet. While visiting the beach to clear his head, and hopefully get some more inspiration for his stories, Kyle witnessed what appeared to be a green meteor crash-landing further up the shore. When he arrived at the crash site, he found, not a meteor, but a strange sphere, which proceeded to open, revealing a strange lantern-shaped device and a ring. A voice instructed him to put on the ring, and upon doing so, Kyle was launched across the universe, to Oa, home of the Guardians and headquarters of the Green Lanterns.
Obviously, a human with a ring- much less one that no one seemed to recognize- was cause for much suspicion and concern. Kyle found himself being interrogated by a series of Lanterns; where did he get his ring? How did he find his way to Oa? Some even accused him of stealing the ring from a dead or dying Lantern, wanting to punish him for it. At length, he was brought before the Guardians themselves, as the previous interrogation had borne no fruit. Strangely enough, the Guardians themselves could not determine the origins of his ring- it was indistinguishable from the ones they themselves had forged, and didn't seem to have any malicious programming or functions hidden within.
Left with a random Earthman wielding a Ring and Lantern, the Guardians did the only thing they could think to do and recruited Kyle. While in their service, not only would Kyle reap the benefits of his newfound powers, but the Guardians would be able to keep an eye on him, in case his mysterious benefactor had any untoward intent regarding him. Thaal Sinestro, one of the most esteemed members of the Corps, volunteered to be his mentor, as he was intrigued about yet another Lantern chosen from Earth, and wanted to test the mettle of this new species, apparently on the rise.
Over the next nine months, Kyle has been honing his craft, on Oa and the surrounding planets in its system, learning how to use his new powers safely and skillfully. His talents have grown exponentially, as befits someone who possesses both imagination and will in no small supply. However, Kyle also began to grow restless and impatient, wondering at the life he'd left behind, and the friends and family he missed. Noticing this, Thaal has allowed Kyle to move on to the next phase of his training: solo patrol, assigned to his home sector, with the promise that he would be watching his progress, and that he would never be too far away to help, should Kyle need it. After all, a Green Lantern is never truly alone...
What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?: Kyle has been away from Earth for nine months, training, gaining a degree of skill and knowledge that his canon counterpart lacked. That's not to say that his artistry and creativity has waned in the intervening time; far from it. If anything, it has only grown, as he's taken in sights that no other human has been privileged to see. His training has also guaranteed that he's a lot less timid and unsure of himself than his canon counterpart.
The driving mystery for Kyle, aside from his duties as a Green Lantern, is where his ring came from, if not from Oa, so much of his spare time will be spent trying to find answers.
Supporting Characters:- Thaal Sinestro- Kyle's mentor, and the Lantern he feels closest to amongst the Corps members.
- Alex DeWitt- Kyle's girlfriend- or at least she was, before he was dragged to Oa.
- Terry Berg- Kyle's partner-in-crime... or at least comic book writing.
Sample Post: WIP