So here's some stuff I've been working on. Feel free to comment/add/critique...I could also post the alien races I already have planned out...but I don't want to get too ahead of myself.
Thurian Age (Somewhere between 40,000 and 18,000BC): The time of Kull the Conqueror and Atlantis. At the end of this age, an unknown cataclysm nearly wipes out the human race. The force and violence of this event causes Atlantis and other nations to sink below the seas. Civilization is destroyed, and set back thousands of years.
Hyborian Age (circa 10,000BC): The time of Conan the Barbarian.
15th Century: The Sengoku Period rips through Japan, causing major upheaval. From the chaos, the ninja emerge, and no clan is more deadly or feared than the Foot Clan. Led by the so-called "Shuredda", they tear a warpath across the country in order to dominate it. Their power was crushed by the Tokugawa Shogunate, and they retreated into the shadows.
Late 19th Century/Early 20th Century: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen protect the British Empire from fantastic threats. The League falls apart after using a biological weapon to stop a small alien invasion of Earth. The weapon also kills thousands of innocent people, killing all witnesses and causing members of the League to quit in disgust. The Crown then disbands the program.
World War II: Rasputin, the mad monk, attempts to bring the Ogdru Jahad into the world and spark off Armageddon. Instead, the demon now known as Hellboy is brought to Earth and adopted by Professor Trevor Bruttenholm. They go on to found the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, a clandestine group that protects the world from all manner of supernatural threats.
It is during this time that masked vigilantes and so-called superhumans are rumored to be operating in the United States. Some soldiers in the war claim to see men and women with amazing abilities fighting alongside them.
1954: A gigantic, radioactive creature wreaks havoc on Tokyo. The monster's strong radioactivity ensures no direct pictures are taken of the creature, but those taken from a distance show a great, monstrous shadow looming over the city. While the Japanese government and United Nations officials claim the destruction was caused by a weapons test gone wrong, survivors claim that it was the work of the legendary Gojira.
1970s: The United States government ceases covert use of vigilantes and metahumans in black ops missions and covert domestic operations. While vigilantism had always been considered illegal, the government was using its assets in order to complete missions they were not able to do. After one of the operatives went rogue, however, the government was forced to start punishing vigilantism more harshly.
1990s: Due to the rise in global terrorism, the United States and its allies create Global Initiative-Joint Operations Effort, or GI-JOE.
The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense: An organization founded after World War II in order to protect the world from supernatural threats. The Bureau answers to the United Nations Security Council, some of the few humans that know if its existence.
The Earth Protection Force: Also known as the "Men in Black", the EPF works in tandem with the BPRD in order to defend the planet from extraterrestrial threat. They are even more secretive than the Bureau, and fewer people know of their existence.
GI-JOE: A global strike team comprised of a select group of the most skilled soldiers on the planet.
The Foot Clan: A ninja clan that originally formed in the 15th century dedicated to their leader and conquest. After they were defeated by the Tokugawa Shogunate, they went back into the shadows. In the past 15 years there have been rumors of their reemergence.
Timeline of Monsters and Men
Thurian Age (Somewhere between 40,000 and 18,000BC): The time of Kull the Conqueror and Atlantis. At the end of this age, an unknown cataclysm nearly wipes out the human race. The force and violence of this event causes Atlantis and other nations to sink below the seas. Civilization is destroyed, and set back thousands of years.
Hyborian Age (circa 10,000BC): The time of Conan the Barbarian.
15th Century: The Sengoku Period rips through Japan, causing major upheaval. From the chaos, the ninja emerge, and no clan is more deadly or feared than the Foot Clan. Led by the so-called "Shuredda", they tear a warpath across the country in order to dominate it. Their power was crushed by the Tokugawa Shogunate, and they retreated into the shadows.
Late 19th Century/Early 20th Century: The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen protect the British Empire from fantastic threats. The League falls apart after using a biological weapon to stop a small alien invasion of Earth. The weapon also kills thousands of innocent people, killing all witnesses and causing members of the League to quit in disgust. The Crown then disbands the program.
World War II: Rasputin, the mad monk, attempts to bring the Ogdru Jahad into the world and spark off Armageddon. Instead, the demon now known as Hellboy is brought to Earth and adopted by Professor Trevor Bruttenholm. They go on to found the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense, a clandestine group that protects the world from all manner of supernatural threats.
It is during this time that masked vigilantes and so-called superhumans are rumored to be operating in the United States. Some soldiers in the war claim to see men and women with amazing abilities fighting alongside them.
1954: A gigantic, radioactive creature wreaks havoc on Tokyo. The monster's strong radioactivity ensures no direct pictures are taken of the creature, but those taken from a distance show a great, monstrous shadow looming over the city. While the Japanese government and United Nations officials claim the destruction was caused by a weapons test gone wrong, survivors claim that it was the work of the legendary Gojira.
1970s: The United States government ceases covert use of vigilantes and metahumans in black ops missions and covert domestic operations. While vigilantism had always been considered illegal, the government was using its assets in order to complete missions they were not able to do. After one of the operatives went rogue, however, the government was forced to start punishing vigilantism more harshly.
1990s: Due to the rise in global terrorism, the United States and its allies create Global Initiative-Joint Operations Effort, or GI-JOE.
Organizations of Monsters and Men
The Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense: An organization founded after World War II in order to protect the world from supernatural threats. The Bureau answers to the United Nations Security Council, some of the few humans that know if its existence.
The Earth Protection Force: Also known as the "Men in Black", the EPF works in tandem with the BPRD in order to defend the planet from extraterrestrial threat. They are even more secretive than the Bureau, and fewer people know of their existence.
GI-JOE: A global strike team comprised of a select group of the most skilled soldiers on the planet.
The Foot Clan: A ninja clan that originally formed in the 15th century dedicated to their leader and conquest. After they were defeated by the Tokugawa Shogunate, they went back into the shadows. In the past 15 years there have been rumors of their reemergence.