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<Snipped quote by Natty>

All done. Let me know what you think.

Also i need a new colour for Jean, i'm not feeling pink

Looks good to me. As long as the other GMs are cool with it, I’d say you’re approved.

What’s the policy on multiple Hero characters? I have ideas...

Only one character per player
I'm working on my next post. I just have a question. Would the Sailor Scouts in Japan had any run in with the BPRD? Or whatever the Japanese equivalent is?

BPRD and EPF are global, so that’s up to you. I’d say if they were demonstrating powers they probably had a run in with at least one of them. The BPRD is the nicer, more open organization while the EPF are hostile towards anything outside of normal.
I was really hoping to have a post up today, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. So it probably won't be up until mid week next week.
All good. I probably won't be able to post until mid week next week as is.

Also, I understand it's the holidays and people are busy, but come the new year, I'll be bugging people to get posting up to a heavier level. ;-)

"This is Vernon Fenwick for Channel 6 News, reporting from the Techno Cosmic Research Institute here in New York City," the man on the television said as Splinter sat down with a cup of tea. His sons were in the dojo, preparing to go out into the New York night. He was nervous, of course. The city was a dangerous place, and they had spent so little time on the surface.

But he knew they were strong. They would not fall prey to the surface as he had allowed Artemisia to do all those years ago.

His daughter. He still thought about her every day. About how he had been the one to fail her. How he was not fast enough to save her. He hoped, without much conviction, that she was still out there somewhere, and he would be able to make up his failure to her.

"TCRI, as it's known for short, has been a beacon of invention, and a crown jewel in New York's tech sector," the reporter continued. "It's not often that members of the press are allowed in this beehive of creativity, but we were given a special look inside, and a sit down with Doctor Jordan Perry, the director of the institute."

The screen shifted to showing shots of various labs and experiments going on, before showing a man in his mid-to-late fifties. His hair had already turned white, but he had a kind face wrinkled by smile lines. Still, there was an air of intelligence about him.

"Doctor Perry has been the driving force behind TCRI, along with his partner Doctor Baxter Stockman," Fenwick continued. "Having emigrated from the United Kingdom after graduating from Oxford and getting a doctorate in physics from MIT, Perry immediately started his think tank in the city, first in a lab no bigger than a studio apartment. Now the lab is turning out scientific breakthrough after scientific breakthrough. I sat down with Dr. Perry to discuss their first in-house product line."

"Dr. Perry, thank you for sitting down with us," the interviewer started.

"My pleasure," Perry smiled, a cordial English accent flowing from his lips.

"So you've invited us here to talk about your new project? Something about cleaning up the city?"

"Yes!" Perry got excited, like a shot of lightning went through him. "Something of the sort. Vermin have been a problem in big cities since the beginning of time. They've brought disease and plague throughout history. So we've been working on these little guys."

Perry pressed a button, and in a moment a line of sparkling, two-foot-tall, bipedal robots marched out in unison. Their bulbous heads were bisected by a razor-sharp, toothy beak with a sensor "eye" on their forehead.

"Wow!" Fenwick exclaimed. "Now that's impressive!"

"Thank you," Perry smiled. "These little guys are going to rid the world's cities of vermin in a snap. They've been designed to track rat and mouse DNA in sewers and the like, to help keep our fair city sparkling."

Splinter's eyes narrowed at the TV. He would have to tell Donatello about this. The last thing he wanted was one of these creatures busting into their home because they tracked his rat DNA.

"Well, I certainly think that's something we could desperately use, though I think you might be putting some cats out of a job."

"That's true," the inventor chuckled. "But we think this may be a little more efficient. And the city has just given us the go ahead for a pilot program so we can see some results. Or little Mousers will be out cleaning up New York sooner than you think!"


"Come on," Donatello pleaded with his brothers. "You guys cannot believe this. A ninja who is hundreds of years old has awoken in New York in order to find out the secret of immortality so he can take over the world? Like...we're really taking this at face value? Maybe we should take a minute to really figure this out."

The other three turtles were preparing for the hunt. Raph taped and re-taped his hands. Mikey spun his kusarigama around to check its balance, even though he had used the weapon hundreds of times before during training. Leo was meditating in the middle of all of them, focusing his mind for anything that could come their way.

Donatello had been apoplectic ever since Splinter's message with them. When the others decided that it would be prudent to start patrols in the city to search for The Foot and its leader, Donnie had heard enough. He loved and respected Master Splinter, but he made it known that he did not think tracking down a fairy tale was a reason for them to hastily return to the surface on a regular basis. He was sure that they should be more strategic than that.

Leo had heard enough. He enjoyed his time meditating in order to center himself before a fight, and Don's rambling wasn't allowing him to really tap into his Chi. Instead, he was just getting annoyed. Leonardo imagined this is how Raphael felt every moment of every day. If that was the case, it was totally understandable that his brother often lost his cool.

"Don, we get it, man," he said, finally breaking his attempt at keep calm and letting his brother burn himself out. "You don't believe Master Splinter. We do. I know you've never been thrilled about fighting. That's cool. If you want, you can hang back and help on the comms. It's not like we're going to think less of you or anything."

Leo winced as that definitely came out wrong.

"No...you're right," Don nodded. "I've never wanted to fight. And it's true, I think it's nuts that father thinks that there is a centuries-old ninja in New York. But if there is a ninja clan in the city, I'm not letting you guys face it alone."


Jordan Perry stood over a computer console in the off-limits wing of TCRI. Behind him a massive assembly line pieced together Mouser robot after Mouser robot, creating an army for his disposal. An army of scouts to search and retrieve the things he had lost far too long ago.

Beside him, Baxter Stockman worked. Stockman was a genius. Not as smart as he was, of course, but a genius none the less. TCRI never would have became what it was today without him. For that, Perry was forever grateful to his partner.

"Levels are nominal," Stockman smiled after a few more key presses. "We are good to go for activation. Care to do the honors?"

Jordan smiled at the other man, "We've worked a long time for this."

"We have," Baxter agreed. "And we came up with a pretty good cover story, if you ask me. The mouse catching business was a stroke of genius, if I do say so myself."

"Always so humble, my friend," Perry chuckled and pulled a vile of blood from his lab coat pocket. "For fifteen long years they've been out there. And if anyone ever found them, they would be led back to us. To our true project. And if that happened-"

"We'd have every regulatory agency kicking down our door," Stockman grumbled. "And science doesn't have time for that."

"No it does not," Perry agreed and put the vile into the computer. Instantly, the dozens of Mousers sprang to life, and began walking out of TCRI and into New York. "Let's reclaim our creations."


April couldn't believe what she saw. The Mouser she had stayed late to run some diagnostics on after the demonstration today had activated on its own, and was now marching straight for the exit of the building.

"Okay...that's weird," the intern said to herself. "Let's see where you're headed."
I’ll probably have a post up tomorrow, then will (hopefully) have another on Wednesday of next week
So @Lmpkio and @Bluetommy you've got some EPF troops and Helicopters to deal with in your fight now.

Also, I should have a Turtles post up tonight as well.

The engine roared as the car sped along with a caravan of SUVs and two armored cars carrying armed agents. The BPRD hadn't mustered this kind of show of force in the middle of a big city since New York in 1984 when those idiots damn near dropped a death god on Manhattan. Though, back then every rube didn't have a camera in their pocket. That made disavowals a lot easier. Now everything would be on YouTube in a few minutes, which made the speed they could set up a perimeter all the more important.

Kate Corrigan wasn't sure it would matter, though.

Something had happened. They still weren't sure what exactly. Their contracted mages and witches were working on trying to nail that down. But whatever it did changed things on planet Earth at a scale that has never been seen.

Things across the globe were waking up, and people were waking up to the reality of the world which the BPRD and other agencies had tried to hide for eons. That was dangerous. The old quote about a person being smart but "people" being a pack of panicky animals was true, in her experience.

The more people that find out about the truth of the world, the worst this will all get. They were going to end up with some kind of war. Kate was sure of it. Whether it was natural vs paranormal, or peopled rebelling against governments that had been lying to them forever was the question.

The worst of it was the BPRD wasn't ready for something like that. They had resources, sure. They had a good number of agents, some of them pretty damn special. But they weren't equipped to fight back against some sort of mass, world-wide event.

The Earth Protection Force might stand more of a chance, being a military born entity, but Kate was unsure of their methods. They tended to throw the baby out with the bathwater, which could alienate potential allies.

When the group reached the park, however, Kate got a sight she wasn't excited to find.

A perimeter of military-style vehicles had already been set up around the park. Above, a few helicopters were circling the area. All of them had the NYPD logo on them, but she knew better. This was the EPF. Well, at least the EPF that they wanted people to see. In reality, they were far more secretive.

She opened her door and slammed it behind her, racing to the line of vehicles, "Okay, who the hell is in charge here?"

"Ah, Dr. Corrigan!" a voice thick, almost too-thick, with Southern drawl announced its presence from beside her. Instantly she knew who it belonged to, and shivers went down her spine. "So good of you to finally join us."

Agent John Bishop sauntered up, his hair slicked back, stubble on his face, and sunglasses covering his eyes as they always did. If the BPRD was interested in knowledge as well as defense, the EPF were more into extermination. The two organizations had butted heads often, and Bishop was one of the most radical of their agents. He despised anything that wasn't human. He believed the war that Kate feared was the only way to ensure humanity's survival. In short, he was a fanatic, ready to instigate such a war if need be.

"Bishop," Kate seethed at the man, who merely smirked behind his glasses. "I should have known you would beat me here."

"And it's a good thing I did, too," he motioned to the park. "Looks like we got a monster on our hands, and a couple of freaks trying to fight it. After that red moon the other night, I think it's high time I put some trophies on the wall of headquarters."

"You sadistic bastard," she growled at him. "Two enhanced people, or whatever, are in there defending innocent people and you want to kill them? What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What the hell is wrong with me is that your boy Serizawa told us, the DoD brass, the Joint Chiefs, and the damn president of these United States that the thing sleeping under Central Park was nowhere close to waking up," Bishop pointed with force towards the sounds of the battle within. "Now it's awake, and we're gonna have to think of some crap excuse as to what it is. And on the same day that happens, a weirdo in a metal suit and Renaissance Fair actor with super strength show up to fight it? Uh uh. Oh no. I'm not waiting around and taking them on faith. For all I know this is the beginning of an invasion, Corrigan. And I'm not letting any soldier that isn't human escape the battlefield."

He motioned for men to move Kate away from the makeshift command post. She struggled against them, and he turned back, "Don't even think about letting your red friend out. I know he's in one of those armored cars. He steps foot on this street, I'll kill him too. Far as I'm concerned the government has already let your pets have too much leash."

Kate watched in silence as he gave an order to his troops, "Engage all hostiles. I don't want anything that isn't human to leave the park. We're ending this now."
Hell yea
Usagi deserves downtime. By which I mean she isn't just going to jump into fights in cities she doesn't even know where they are. (Even if one is only a 4hr bus ride) lol.

So sorry I didn't have something up this weekend like I said. I binged watched Voltron instead. /shifty eyed look

Curse Netflix and its procratination powers!

<Snipped quote by HenryJonesJr>

Wunderbar. Loving what you're putting out with the Turtles so far.

Thanks! I’ve had the story formulating in my head for months, so it’s had a lot of time to marinate
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