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Ugh. Sorry that post took so long to gestate. I was trying to write the aftermath of the night as well, and it started to get away from me. Decided to just let the fight be the post, and hopefully get the other half up sometime next week. I don't like having big gaps between posts. Hopefully won't happen again.

The mutated komodo dragon's tail whipped around and caught Mozart in the chest, thudding like a wet log smacking against a pool of mud. The heavy, powerful blow drove the air out of his lungs and sent him hurtling through the air of the server room. He slammed into a bank of computers. The towers smashed to the ground like dominoes, sending sparks and plastic pieces scattering through the room. He rolled off the destroyed equipment onto the floor and struggled to get to his hands and knees. Around him he heard his two brothers trying to contain their new opponent.

Art fought to get air back into his body, and as he did croaked to his sister, "Clara!?"

"I'm fine!" she called back. "Just a few more minutes!"

Art cursed under his breath. His brothers were right. This was a trap. Maybe it wasn't always intended as one, but the IDRG was too well funded and too well prepared. They weren't going to allow an opportunity to pass them by.

"Don't let that thing bite you!" she added. "Komodo saliva is notoriously noxious!"

"Oh great!" Bach retorted. "I thought this guy didn't have enough things that could kill me! Poison spit! What a relief!"

On the other side of the room, Art saw his smaller brother dodge and dance around the much larger creature. It continually snapped its jaws shut in the space where Bach's arms, legs, and head had been a fraction of a second earlier. Each attempted chomp sent tendrils of putrid saliva showering to the floor.

Bach was agile, but the komodo was backing him into a corner. The creature was smart. Who knows if it was as intelligent as the frogs were. Maybe after their escape IDRG decided that giving their weapons full, human-like intelligence meant it would be easier for them to escape. Still, the thing was a natural hunter, and was using its instincts to its full advantage.

At least it was until Ludwig caught it with a stiff right hook. The creature stumbled back, but kept his feet, surprising Art. When Ludwig really reared back, he could send a car sliding across the street, but that punch barely fazed the mutant. It merely staggered a few steps back before it roared at the big frog.

"Oh shit," Lud muttered and prepared himself for the full fury of the rampaging lizard. He managed to get out of the way of a lunging bite, bringing his elbow down on the lizard's snout. The blow sends the dragon off balance, but it was still under control enough to smack Ludwig across the face with its broad tail. The blow sent the Frog sprawling to the floor.

Mozart wasted no time in rushing to his brother's assistance. He knew he couldn't take the more powerful mutant on by himself, but he sure as hell wasn't going to allow it to kill his brother.

"Hey, you walking purse!" he yelled at the komodo dragon, and picked up a metal post from the wrecked server bank he had been tossed into. "How about an appetizer before the main course!?"

The komodo turned to face the eldest frog and hissed furiously at him. It charged, and received a strike across the face with the metal bar. The blow sends a sickening thud through the room. But it still wasn't enough to bring the mutated animal down. It merely came at Art again. It attempted to chomp down on the frog, but instead he managed to wedge the metal bar in the mutant's mouth.

Still the creature pushed against him, and tried to chomp down. Art felt the bar start to give under the pressure. He smelled the foul, hot breath that emanated from the drooling maw of the creature.

"Clara!" Mozart groaned against the strength of the creature. "Any day now would be great!"

"Okay! Okay! One...more...second!"

Suddenly, the servers in the room began to spark and fizzle, and the lights in the entire building went out. The dragon backed away from Art and began to thrash wildly. Art motioned to his siblings to back away from the creature, imploring them to not make a sound as they did. The lizard would have poor vision in the dark, especially following a flash like Clara just let out.

As the komodo dragon raged, a short burst of laughter emanated from the doorway of the server room. The four of them turned to find a tall, broad-shouldered man standing there comfortably. His bald head reflected what little light was in the darkened chamber, and on his head was some sort of metal headband with a series of flashing lights across it.

"Well, I'm disappointed you escaped, but as your creator I have to admit I feel some pride that you're able to do everything I designed you to," the man smiled, oozing with self satisfaction.

Art tensed up at the sound of the voice. The days they were imprisoned here and experimented on, he had only heard it through speakers and comms. It was the voice of Director Jordan Dyer of the IDRG. This was the man responsible for all the horrible things that had ever happened to him and his family.

He could feel the rest of his siblings were ready to take on the man responsible for all their pain, but Art knew that would be a mistake. They needed to get out of there. Now.

"Well, that's what you people do best, don't you? Feel impressed by yourselves?" he shot back at the scientist.

"Oh my child, you wound me," Dyer smiled evilly. "Would it make you feel better to know you were a mistake? That it was clear I gave you too much intelligence? It was a common mistake. Not the first time it's been made. But that's been rectified with your cousin here."

Then it dawned on Art. The thing on his head. He was using it to control the dragon remotely. At least as much as he could.

In a swift motion, Mozart used his flexible foot to snatch another piece of metal off the ground and hurl it at Dyer. It struck true, cracking the head piece.

Almost immediately, the komodo dragon took off down the hallway, barrelling over Dyer, and the Frogs followed. As they made their way to the exit, they passed by the reptile tearing apart the IDRG security teams.

Art looked over his shoulder as he passed and saw as the dragon was finally shocked into submission.

"Sorry, brother. But I won't let you die here. I'll come back," he said to himself as he and his family disappeared into the night.
Post will definitely be up this week. Wedding stuff took precedent last week
Hoping to have a post up tomorrow. Need to get the gears turning after being away half the week last week
Sorry I’m so far behind. Post will definitely be up tomorrow, if anyone else is still around

The towering, gleaming visage of the Integrated Dimension Research Group Pyramid towered over the rest of San Maria. Most saw it as some sort of modern day Great Lighthouse, beaming scientific knowledge and guidance across the world. But Mozart knew that was just the public face of the organization put on. Behind the doors of that building were horrors that would shock the world. Experiments that created the frogs themselves, along with who knew what else. If the IDRG was willing to experiment so drastically on animals, who's to say they weren't do the same thing to humans?

Of course it wasn't like the Frogs could tell anyone about it. Who would believe a group of giant, mutant frogs over a group of near universally-loved scientists?

"So we just gonna look at it all night, or are we gonna go in?" Bach asked impatiently. "I mean I know it's a great piece of architecture and everything, but I don't want to get killed by robots tonight."

He was right. They had all been staring at the building from a rooftop across the street for far too long. None of them had good memories of the place or what happened to them inside. Art could feel the trepidation coming from his siblings. They had escaped from here not long ago. Going back in wasn't any of their first choice.

"Yea, we're going in," Art confirmed. "We didn't come all this way to chicken out."

"I don't like this, bro," Ludwig shook his head. "What if this was all just a ploy to get us to come right back here? We worked so hard to get out, and now they have us strolling right back in? I dunno."

"That's not how they think," Clara denied that. "They're scientists. We know that. But they also have hubris. Enough to create us. If that's the case, they for sure believe whatever they create will work. They're not expecting us to come inside."

"Overconfident nerds," Bach shrugged. "Makes me feel a little better about this suicide mission."

"It's not a suicide mission, buddy," Art tried to comfort his brother, not wholly believing his own words. "We didn't achieve freedom just to end back up in a cage. Now come on. We need to stop those damn things. I need a nap."

"You got a point there," Ludwig conceded.

The four of them made their way closer to the front of the building, and they circled around to the side of the building where the loading docks for the labs. At this point in the night, they were quite, and most likely would be until the morning came. There was a single guard in a guardhouse, barely able to keep his eyes open.

"You'd think if they just lost us they'd be a bit more on guard," Lud commented.

"Proof that Clara knows what she's talking about," Art patted his sister on her shoulder. "They think their robots are going to do the job. They don't have to worry."

"Not to mention those are probably contractors," Clara added. "They're just here for a paycheck."

"So let's not hurt any of them too bad," Mozart nodded.

"Fine," Bach grumbled. "Can we get this over with?"

The four of them nodded to one another, and moved towards the door in silence.


The baoding balls rolled rhythmically in the hand of the man behind the desk, who was looking out over the city of San Maria. It had been two decades since he had started the lab here. Back then they were in nothing more than a studio apartment. Five years later they had a modestly sized high rise with manufacturing centers across the world. Five years after that, they received a huge military contract and built this pyramid. Now he was on top of the world. This world, at the very least.

But that wasn't enough.

There was so much that was within Jordan Dyer's grasp, if only he could reach out and grab it. He had waited so long, but his goal was finally within this planet's capabilities.

He needed his creations back, of course. Their escape was only a minor setback for the overall project. Now that they knew success was possible, it could and was already being replicated. But he couldn't take the chance of the creatures becoming public knowledge. The bleeding hearts all over this insufferable globe would shut him down.

Dyer would not let them do this. Not after he had come so far.

He was a serious man, with a sharp, severe looking face reminiscent of a shark framed by small, square glasses. He was of average height, but had a stronger, thicker build than most would expect from a scientist. His drive was what moved him forward. It was nearly unstoppable, held back only by those around him.

Still, Bennett's drones would work. He had crafted a perfect hunter. The experiments would destroy their fair share, Dyer was sure. But IDRG had the manufacturing capabilities to ensure the streaming of robots at them were nearly constant. They would be back in his possession once again soon.

"Sir," the voice of Myles Bennett came over his intercom system. Dyer actually smiled as it did, a rare sight for the enigmatic scientist. Bennett was one of the few people in this world that Dyer found worthwhile and intelligent. He had helped Jordan build this place. Bennett's mechanical and computing prowess almost matched Dyer's own. Almost. He was invaluable to the ongoing work they were doing, and Jordan was happy to have him. "My scanning instruments are picking up something odd."

"What would that be, Doctor Bennett?" Dyer asked half-interested as he continued to peer over the city.

"My scanners are saying the Experiments are inside the building."

It takes a few moments for the words to really sink in. They rattle around in his head for a few moments, repeating them silently. The clink of metal hitting class echoed through the now-silent office as the baoding balls left Dyer's hand.

"You're absolutely sure of this?"

"Yes, sir," Myles confirmed. "I re-calibrated the sensors twice and got the same readings. They're here."

A smirk crept across the face of the director, "Very well. It's time they're introduced to their father. Make sure they don't leave."


Surprisingly, it didn't take them long to make it to the mainframe. Maybe it was that they came on a weekend night and there was less staff here or something. But they barely received any push back from security guards. He only had to knock out a few of the guards with his poisoned touch to clear the way. The effort had left him slightly woozy, as secreting the poison always did. But he was good enough to press on as long as he didn't need to use the ability much more.

The fact that it was so easy tugged at the back of Art's mind like a bad dream. Maybe Bach and Ludwig were right. Maybe this was just one big ploy to get them to come back. If that was the case, the trapped hadn't sprung yet. That made him feel a little bit better. It probably shouldn't have, but it did.

Inside the server room, Clara quickly went to work trying to erase their code out of the system, "You guys are son lucky I'm good at this. Their security systems point to the overconfidence angle. These are all the defenses they trained me on. Well, implanted in my head. Whatever."

"Turnout is fair play," Art responded absent-mindedly. "Anyone feel like this was too easy?"

"Yea, just a little bit," Lud nodded. "I wasn't gonna be the first one to say it, though."

"Way to unleash the jinx, bro," Bach shrugged.

"Well this isn't going to take much longer," Clara assured them. "We'll be out before they even know we're-"

Clara was cut off by a loud slam against the door that they had locked behind the on the way in.

"Okay, Clara unleashed the jinx," Bach added. "You're off the hook, Art."

The pounding continued unabated. The hard metal began to buckle under the strength of the strikes. As cracks began to form in the steel, the frogs could hear the snarls of some sort of beast on the other side.

"Clara, how long do you need?" Art asked his sister, not taking his eyes off the door.

"Just a few more minutes," she responded, still working at the computer.

"Looks like we're going to have a little dance," Ludwig rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles.

"Okay, but if I get eaten I'm haunting you guys."

The door finally gave under the barrage, crumpling in like a tin can. From the other side charged a humanoid lizard that was near seven feet tall. Ribbons of slobber twirled towards the floor from its snout, and a wild look rolled through its eyes and it looked from Frog to Frog. It was a kimono dragon once. Art could tell that much. But it was now nothing more than a feral weapon for the IDRG. And it rushed the three Frogs protecting their sister.
Thought I was gonna have a post up tonight and then I forgot to email the stuff I did during work today
So is this dead? Feeling bad cause I was really getting into this one, had future arcs planned out and everything. Might still be able to breathe life into it maybe if you had a co-gm to pick up the slack.@HenryJonesJr

Yea, everyone just seemed to up and disappeared after the holidays. Probably my fault for starting the game then, but unless the players who signed up show up and start posting again, I have to assume this is dead
I should have a post up tonorrow

I walk through the makeshift "streets" of Tombstone's shantytown warehouse. It's still just as amazing as the first time I walked through it. Like something out of a post apocalyptic dream, but the people seem to be thriving. They seem to be happy. As great as that is, it doesn't change the fact that they're all going to be in danger sooner rather than later. Mayor Cassidy isn't going to let a place like this run a part of the city. Especially not when the Ink is flowing from this part of the town.

Walking behind Aaron Davis, I'm led to Tombstone's meeting room. The stark albino skin of the mountain of a man is still a bit surprising. It's like the most terrifying thing you've ever seen of, but made of snow. It's a baffling thing for the mind to wrap itself around.

"Welcome back, Spider," his voice rumbles like thunder. "Davis says you have something to tell me? Something about cops coming into my part of town? You know that's not going to fly, right?"

"You know what you think flies and what doesn't is irrelevant in this situation, right?" I shoot back before even thinking of the repercussions. A hush falls over the warehouse around us. I keep my cool outwardly, but really hope my suit doesn't show nervous sweats. "So let's forget I said that in that tone. My point is they're going to come into the Bronx, Tombstone. Whether you like it or not, they're going to come. And if you fight them, people will die. Your people. Their people. Either way, people are going to die. And then it's going spiral out of your control. And then more people are gonna die. And then more. And then more. Until there's none of you left."

The imposing gang leader's eyes squint at me. I almost flinch, thinking he's going to burn a hole through me or something. He has a presence to him. It makes it less of s surprise that so many of these people believe that he can protect them. Still, he's hiding something. I can sense it. Or maybe I'm just hoping he's hiding something so that the inevitable fight I see in our future will be easier on me.

"Okay," he grumbles. "The cops can go after the Octopus. If they come anywhere near this warehouse, I'm gonna make sure that never happens again."

I shrug, "Deal."

Turning towards the exit, I see that Davis is following me, "You my escort out as well?"

"Nah, nothing like that," he shakes his head. "But the way you talked to the big man...he's not gonna like that."

"Aaron, I'm gonna level with you," I respond, "I don't care. He's doing good here. I'm not gonna deny that. But if he keeps up this lone gunslinger versus the world thing, he's going to get you people killed. And I'm not going to sit back and watched that happen. If I have to take him down, I will. But I don't want to have to do that. I hope you know that."

"Yea, I got you," he looks down at the ground. "Just try to make sure that doesn't happen, okay?"

"I'll do my best."


The incense hangs heavy in the air, the smell centering me into meditation. It's been a while since Sensei Dragon and I had a training session, and I could use one to center myself after the confrontation with Tombstone. The more I played it out in my head the other night, the more I realized that Tombstone acting like the king he fancied himself was even more dangerous that I thought. He is going to go up against another megalomaniac in Cassidy. It's not going to end well.

"You're not centered," Dragon opines with closed eyes. "How can you meditate if you are not centered?"

"Sorry," I shake my head. "Got a lot going on in the world of superheroics."

"Yes, the police are going to raid the Bronx looking for the Octopus," he sighs. "Or so I've heard."

"Jeez if you know about it the whole city is gonna know about it," I sigh. "So much for the element of surprise."

"I may have some sources on the force," he shrugs.

"If you do, imagine what someone with money has," I joke back.

"That's a low blow."

"You walked right into it, sensei," I pat him on the shoulder.

"Maybe so. Maybe so," he concedes. "What part are you going to play in this?"

This is a test, of course. Basically all of his questions are tests. That's how it goes with kung fu masters, I guess. One of the few things that the movies got right. Who would have guessed?

"I'm going to observe," I explain. "At least as long as I can. I want them to flush the Octopus out. When they do, I'll swoop in and take him off the board."

He nods in agreement, "Sounds solid to me."

"Is that a compliment?"

"Don't let it go to your head."
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