I have no idea how this topic got started or honestly want to know, but I think it's time for a topic change.


Now I'm super curious as to what it is, because the image is broken, so all I have is your comment....
So I know I've been here before, and been super flaky. For that I apologize, but I do want to give my concept another try. Gonna try and do a slight retcon with my stuff, just to recenter myself and get a bit of a fresh start. I already PM'ed @Nitemare Shape and he said I had the go ahead.
I reconfigured my CS to show the changes I'm making, and to remind people what I was writing before I disappeared. I've changed the background for the villains, getting rid of some characters I didn't think worked.
NAMEMozart, aka "Art"
Ludwig, aka "Lud"
IDENTITYExistence is Secret
PERSONALITYMozart, as the oldest of his siblings, is the most patient and thoughtful of the group. He has a strong sense of honor, believing that without one’s honor they are nothing. He is a strong leader, though at times loses his sense of confidence, worrying that he is not fit to be the leader of the team. He loves human pop-culture. He loves his family more than anything in the world, and his devotion to them is paramount. His thoughtful and meditative approach allows him to tap into his chi, giving him an extra ability in battle.
ORIGINLegend says that the early days of man were when the veil between our world and the next was the weakest. It was then that man and god spoke freely, before humanity turned its back on its protectors. Whether that is true or not is a debate for scholars, but one story rings true.
In the land of the ancient Egypt, one of its great Pharaohs, whose name was lost to the ages, fought against the hordes of an invading army. He watched as his people were slaughtered by the invaders, and he despaired as all his tactics failed time and time again. He called out to his gods for help, but they all seemed to turn a blind eye to him. Feeling shame and defeat, he walked into the Egyptian desert, in a final bid to make contact with the gods.
What he found, however, amazed him.
What originally seemed to be a mirage in front of him. It looked to be a view straight into the night sky, yet the desert sun burned overhead. As he approached, a great, horrific lidless eye opened from the cosmos itself. The Eye gave the king forbidden knowledge and great power. In return, the Eye asked for one thing: For the king to find a way to bring the Eye and its family of gods to Earth.
The king returned from the desert and led his remaining forces into battle. Using his new powers, he slaughtered their enemies. But his terrible power turned him into a tyrant, and he began using Egypt's new wealth to perform terrible experiments to bring the reign of his new gods.
Eventually, the people were sick of his rule, and four warriors rose up against the Pharaoh leading the people in a revolution. The legends say that even though he was defeated, his followers buried him alive, believing he would rise again.Integrated Dimension Research Group had become one of the world’s leading scientific research think tanks seemingly overnight. Lead by the brilliant but brusque Director Jordan Dyer. Dyer’s unbridled ambition and slave-driver mentality turned IDRG into an overnight sensation. Multiple scientific breakthroughs came from the think tank, but that was not their true intention.
Dyer and his secret teams worked hard on questionable projects. Bizarre weapons tests and biological experiments became more frequent, while their normal output of marketable advancements became little more than a front. He became obsessed with his work, taking the top floors of the IDRG Pyramid, the group's headquarters, for his own apartment and labs.
All their efforts led to the beginning of Project Metamorphosis.The project’s goal was to create the perfect army by altering the DNA of animals to make them nearly human. The animal soldiers would be completely subservient to their masters, and their enhanced mutant abilities would make them unparalleled on the battlefield.
Through mutagenic compounds injected into the blood and brain, IDRG hoped to accomplish their tasks. Once the mutants had grown, they would be hooked up to a supercomputer that would give them the fighting capabilities they would need to fulfill their mission. Live combat tests against other subjects would come next.
Unfortunately for IDRG, success was slow coming. Round after round of trials were undergone, lasting years. Failed subject after failed subject were disposed of, and Director Dyer began to crack. Most didn’t notice, but those that did were worried. If such a brilliant mind was cracking under the stress of his genius, what chance did they have?Their fears were relieved when a new round of test subjects finally began progressing exactly to desired specifications. Four frogs, each a different species, started growing to human size, as well as showing signs of human-like brain functions. Immediately they were started on the combat training. Their growing bodies were attached to teaching supercomputers and force fed combat techniques and battle strategy. The process was painful, but their creators did not care. They finally had their success.During the year after their “birth”, the frog siblings did not communicate with one another in English, the one disappointment in the eyes of their “masters”. Little did the IDRG scientists know that the frogs understood and spoke English perfectly. But instead of showing that to the scientists, they spoke to one another with their frog croaks and bellows.
Still, they had grown in size, now at their maximum potential. Mentally, they were college-aged, so the scientists had stopped the mutation treatments. Due to that, they would stop their enhanced aging.
The oldest of the four, a blue poison dart frog, began coordinating with the others on an escape plan. They could no longer stand being the tortured lab rats of the IDRG. They considered each other their brothers and sister, and they would not leave one another behind.
Once on the outside, they would make a home, and together they would fight for their freedom, and prepare for the coming darkness they were made to combat.The frogs made their daring escape from IDRG Pyramid, and found a cave on the cliffs of San Maria that was once used as a fallout shelter during the second world war. Clara set about making it modern and livable through her technical know-how, while the others procured supplies and weapons to fight the darkness they knew was coming. The four then began patrolling the streets of the Bayside Cities, protecting the people from a burgeoning crime wave.
All the while, the threats they were about to face were creeping through the shadows towards them.
HERO TYPEAcrobat/Martial Arts
POWERSThe frogs are a mutated, anthropomorphic frogs. The mutation that gave them their human-like forms and intelligence also enhanced their animal abilities. Art and his siblings can climb nearly any surface, jump incredible distances, have increased proportional strength, speed, agility, dexterity, and a slight healing factor. Their frog tongues can be used to both traverse the city and as a weapon unto itself. Mozart, being a Blue Poison Dart Frog, can also coat his strikes in a paralyzing poison, though using this too much will tire him out, making it a last resort.
During their youth and time at IDRG, the siblings were hard-wired and taught multiple forms of combat with the intent of making them living weapons. Mozart is a practitioner of the bo staff, his non-lethal weapon of choice after their bid for freedom.
ATTRIBUTESHeight: 5’6”
Weight: 160lbs
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 30
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: MasteredHeight: 5’5”
Weight: 135lbs
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 30
Intelligence: Genius
Fighting Skill: TrainedHeight: 6’2”
Weight: 250lbs
Strength Level: 30
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 10
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 20
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: MasteredHeight: 5’3”
Weight: 130lbs
Strength Level: 10
Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20
Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 20
Agility: 30
Intelligence: Average
Fighting Skill: Trained
Resources: Average
Weaknesses: The frogs, outside of Ludwig, have no real armor. Knives, bullets, and beatings hurt them as much as they hurt us.
SUPPORTING CHARACTERS/PLACES OF INTERESTSan Maria, CA - San Maria is a progressive and growing metropolis, though is rife with corruption. Its defining landmarks are the IDRG Tower, the Bayside Bridge, and The Rock, an old prison set on a small island in the Bay. A former Spanish outpost, the city’s population exploded during the California gold rush and during the building of America’s railroad system. Thanks to that, the city is incredibly diverse. A devastating earthquake nearly destroyed the city in the early 20th century. In the recent decades, it has become a haven for tech companies, culminating in the arrival of the IDRG.
Pinebluff, CA Located across the bay from San Maria, Pinebluff is a much rougher town. Virtually run by the Bayside Bandits, Pinebluff has a history of violence and gang related crime. While good people live in the city, they are constantly living in fear thanks to the conditions of the city.
Professional Sports Teams
San Maria Prospectors (NFL)
San Maria Colossus (MLB)
San Maria Serpents (NHL)
Pinebluff Gladiators (NBA)
Mayor John Sterns - Mayor of San Maria
Commissioner Jeremy Jackson - Police commissioner of San Maria, also works on a joint task force to help clean up Pinebluff.
Mayor Janine Garcia - The beleaguered mayor of Pinebluff.Clara - The second oldest of the siblings, Clara is the smartest of the group, possessing a genius-level intellect. Before the mutation, she was a Golden Poison Frog. Clara prefers to use brains over brawn, though is a formidable fighter herself. Clara designed and built the Frogs’ lair, tricking it out with every modern convenience they could need. Art and Clara butt heads often. Clara fights using a war fan. She also has the ability to secrete a hallucinogenic toxin when necessary, though this tires her out if overused.
Ludwig aka “Lud” - Lud is the second youngest sibling. While he is not the sharpest tool in the shed, he is the largest and strongest of the siblings. Lud was a an African Bullfrog prior to the mutation. He is a gentle giant with those that he cares about, but when angered he can enter a berserker rage that is a danger to any enemy. He and Bach are inseparable. Ludwig does not use weapons, preferring to use his own fists. Lud’s hide is also thick, allowing him to survive stab wounds and small caliber arms fire.
Bach - The youngest of the frogs, Bach is a trickster and a prankster. He acts out as all youngest siblings do, but he knows when he needs to focus during battle. Still, he’s more often than not found mocking their opponents on the battlefield. He uses a kunsari-fondo, or weighted chain, in battle. Bach is a Red-Eyed Tree Frog, and is the fastest and most acrobatic of the siblings.Angel - An engineering major at San Maria State, and an intern at IDRG.A secret society that dates back to Ancient Egypt, The Eye serves The Jackal, a mysterious warrior who legend says is thousands of years old. They work to bring about an apocalypse and new world order in which they will live amongst their dark deities and rule the universe.
The enigmatic leader of the Eye, the Jackal is said to be the ancient Pharaoh who founded the society thousands of years ago. How this is possible is unknown. He is a fearsome warrior clad in armor modeled after the Egyptian god Anubis. None meet him and survive.
Kaea - A legendary hunter and mercenary from the South Seas, Kaea is the leader of The Eye’s black ops hit squad.
The Jackal's second in command and his "granddaughter". She is a powerful fighter in her own right.The IDRG is a mysterious and powerful think tank whose base of operations is inside Bayside. They appeared nearly overnight two decades ago, well finance and well equipped. They have an unspoken stranglehold over the city, though to most they are a beneficial entity. Their technological advancements have made San Maria a seemingly glittering metropolis. In reality, it’s nothing more than a facade over the rotting city. Still, IDRG has kept the important people happy, which is all that matters to them.
Director Jordan Dyer - Head of the IDRG, the enigmatic Dyer is the driving force behind the project that created the Fighting Frogs. He holds a dictatorial sway over the think tank, and his word is final.
Doctor Myles Dyson - A brilliant engineer and computer scientist working for IDRG.The Bayside Bandits are the premiere crime syndicate in the city. Nothing illicit happens in the town without them knowing about it.
El Bandito - The leader of the Bandits, El Bandito is said to be ruthless and cunning. None have ever seen his face, as it is permanently covered by a luchador mask.
Crash and Burn - The Bandits’ top enforcers. Crash and Burn have a reputation for a high body count and maximum collateral damage. Still, they strike so much fear into the hearts and minds of the police in the area they’re give a wide berth.
Thought I was gonna have a post up tonight and then I forgot to email the stuff I did during work today
welp i've finally gotten on top of things now, bobi's post is finally up.
<Snipped quote by Liseran Thistle>
Could you change the speech color in your Bobbi post? That shade of blue is really hard to read on the guild's gray background.