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Here's Wraith's announcement from last Sunday I'm definitely not behind on writing that Crisis post, though- damn you employment

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

With the coming end of the season we're doing awards, too. Though I'll note here that the end of the season will not necessarily mean you have to be finished with your current story arc, either. There won't be any gamewide time-skip or anything like that, and the season's end will not be marked by a change of thread like it was in UOU. It'll be more of a milestone for the RP and an easy jumping on point for any new applicants who want to come in for the next season

Okay cool. In that case I'll say I'm in for the crisis as long as it can affect me out in space and I don't have to get the team to Earth. Once this next post is up, the Guardians will be together, and if the season is almost at a close I won't bother jumping into the next arc for them.
Hey all, just checking in. The honeymoon was great but I feel like I lost a huge chunk being ex-communicado for so long haha. Actually going to have a post in the next few hours finally finishing up my Warworld story. Can someone update me what's going on in-game? And is the season almost over? Considering the awards? lol


Peter pushed forward with the jungle, his headphones hanging loosely around his neck, the music coming from them audible only to him, or so he thought. The three unlikely companions had been walking for what felt like days, treking towards some goal only the raccoon had any idea of. Rocket, was his name, which made Quill chuckle. The little creature was named after a Beatles song, and he didn't even know it. Probably didn't even know who the Beatles were, Quill realized. Peter would have to rectify that situation, as long as the psychopathic little trash panda didn't murder him first. Rocket liked to threaten that as much as possible. Still, there was something about the cute little demon that Quill liked. The raccoon was resourceful, witty, and didn't care what the other two thought of him. Peter could respect that.

Hawk, on the other hand, barely said a word an hour. She had only threatened to kill him the one time, but he was pretty sure she'd actually carry it out, unlike the raccoon. For as pretty as she was, she was as cold to boot. Whenever their eyes met, he saw the killer that lurked behind them. They were cool and calculating. Not in a crazy sort of way. She was far too pragmatic for that. No, she knew how to take care of them quickly and quietly. They'd never stand a chance. Quill was on guard, but he was pretty sure it wouldn't matter in the end if she deceded to do something to him.

"So where the hell are we going again?" Peter said after a few more steps. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't used to being his own leader. Following others just was not his style. But Rocket knew this planet better than he did, so he followed.

"We're going towards Mongul's stronghold," Rocket explained. "I knocked out one of that big yellow idiot's drones and hacked into its databanks. It told me where I could find him, so that's where we're going. Now turn that music off before you bring every blasted gladiator on this planet down on our heads."

"You could hear that?" Quill was amazed.

"Yea, basically everyone who isn't a humy could," Rocket laughed to himself. "Idiot."

Quill shook his head and turned off his Walkman.

"How'd you end up here?" he asked his newest traveling partner. "We ended up here because Paul McCartney's Wings here decided to try and kill us."

"What part of 'be quiet' don't you understand?" Hawk snapped back.

"Oh come on," Peter rolled his eyes. "You could probably kill anyone who tried to kill us."

"I should kill you," she sneered.

"Oh do it then, and save me from having to deal with your surly ass," Peter stuck his tongue out at her.

"Heh," Rocket snorted. "You're both idiots."

They continued in silence for a few more clicks. Relative silence, of course. The jungles of Warworld teamed with life. Bugs the size of Peter's hand fluttered around the group, their irridescent purple wings constrasting beautifully against the silver of their bodies. He had seen teal lizards with webbing between their legs gliding from tree to tree. Sometimes the sound of something bigger deeper in the brush. So far whatever that was had kept its distance

"My partner and I were running from some bounty hunters like our winged friend here," Rocket broke the silence, explaining how he came to Warworld. "We made a jump, and ended up here. Split our friggin' ship in half. He got thrown out. Been looking for him for a little over a month now."

"Damn, I'm sorry," Quill shook his head. "My...friend got thrown from our wreck, too."

"Losing me a ton of money in the process," Hawk added.

"You think you friend is at Mongul's fortress, or whatever he has?" Quill ignored her.

"Dunno," Rocket shrugged. "But I figure if I kill that dumbass it'll be a lot easier to find Groot."

"Cut the head off the snake," Hawk considered the plan. "Not a terrible idea."

"Oh sure, great idea. Marching into the unquestioned and all-powerful ruler of a planet's hideout and try to kill him," Quill shook his head. "I'm sure no one ever thought of that. Great plan. We're definitely not gonna get killed."

"Would you relax? This is my plan," Rocket assured him. "There's no way anything is gonna go wrong."


"I am Groot."

"Yes, thank you, Tree," Thor grumbled, wondering why he was stuck with walking with the talking house plant at the back of the column. Still, he was better than some others Thor had marched with. He certainly didn't smell as bad as an Asgardian after a few days out in the field. "Eloquent as always."

"I am Groot."

Before long, their small band came to a clearing of the jungle on the side of a cliff. From the location, Thor could see the large, walled city of Mongul. The white walls and buildings of the city looked like they were carved from the ivory of some gigantic beast. Most were uneven and awkward looking, no doubt made for the slaves and workers that kept Mongul's empire running. Other than that, the two buildings that stood out were two golden ones that sat on top of the hill that overlooked the entire city. The larger one was Mongul's palace. That much was obvious. Its opulence outmatched anything around it. It was like an Asgardian palace that was plopped down in a slum.

But the building next to it was what drew Thor's attention. It too was gilded, shining in the morning sunlight. It looked to be some sort of casino, if Thor had to guess. But more importantly he could see the passage of ships to and from a landing pad on the roof.

"So space travel is possible on the planet," Thor smiled broadly as he joined Heimdall on the cliff's edge. "All we have to do is get into the city."

"Yea, sure. No problem," Korg agreed. "Just have to get past Mongul's death squads. And Draaga. And Mongul. Should be a piece of cake, man."

Miek chatted int agreement, and Groot agreed as he always did. At least he seemed to agree.

"No, guys, that was, like, sarcasm, you know," Korg waved the two off. "We are surely gonna perish."

"No one's going to be perishing today," Heimdall grunted. "At least no one in our group."

"Oh well that makes me feel loads better," Korg grunted, and Thor could not tell if he was being serious.

They were a motley crew, that much was certain. He didn't know how good they'd be in a fight, but Heimdall claimed they were fiercer than they appeared. The tree especially was a force to be reckoned with. Thor had heard talk in the past of tree spirits that could tear gods limb from limb. He didn't know if Groot was one of said spirits, but if he was as formidable as his friend had said, Thor figured he would have to be.

"We're getting into that city," Heimdall looked at Thor. "We know Mongul's disrupting field doesn't cover the space above his city. We get in there, we get off this rock."

"What's the plan of attack?" Thor's eyebrow raised at the other Asgardian.

"Simple," he nodded towards the God of Thunder, "you're gonna walk up to the front door and challenge Mongul's champion. The rest of us will sneak into the city and cause a ruckus. After you kill Draaga you'll meet us in the city and we'll get out of here."

"Why is the plan always sending me into the face of certain doom?" Thor sighed.

"Because you're the best fighter," Heimdall shrugged. "Shoulda thought of that before you won all those wars for Asgard."

"I am Groot," the tree patted Thor on the shoulder.

Thor just grumbled to himself.


Quill and his companions sneaked quietly along the outer wall of Mongul's city, searching for god knew what. Rocket still hadn't really told either of the others how they were actually going to get into the city. He seemed sure he could do it, of course. Then again, Rocket was sure that he could always do whatever he said. Quill figured Rocket would say he could breath in space whenever he wanted to. The little guy was seriously full of himself.

"Ah, here we are," the raccoon presented a sewer grate cover, a large, cartoonish smile painted on his face. A thick, brown-grey sludge flowed slowly from the bottom three inches of the almost four-foot grate. The smell that came off of it was almost enough to knock Quill out right there.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Quill grumbled. "This was your plan? Go through the sewers? Who knows what crazy stuff is living down there!?"

"For once I actually agree with this idiot," Hawk shook her head at Rocket.

"Listen," Rocket explained, "we need to get into that city. This is the only way to do that. It smells. So what. Deal with it. You wanna die on this rock? I didn't think so. Now, let's go walk through some shit. Literally."

"I just met you," Quill sighed angrily, "but man do I hate you."


Thor's boots crunched against the dried, cracked land in front of the gate of Mongul's city. Whatever the despot had done in this area of the planet, it was clear that the rains that fell elsewhere in the jungle of the planet didn't touch this area. Maybe Mongul believed his deified head should never be touched by anything other than sunshine.

Thor shifted uneasily as he approached the gate. He had seen Draaga fight on the clips every night. He was good. Ferocious, fast, and strong, he was the kind of warrior Thor had often looked forward to fighting in the past. But now things were different. He didn't have Mjolnir. He didn't have the powers the hammer granted him. Without them would he be able to defeat the planet's champion?

Now was when he would find out.

"My name is Thor! Son of Odin! The rightful king of Asgard!" Thor called out to the gate. It was Heimdall's idea. He said that telling the world who he really was would draw Draaga out for sure. Mongul wouldn't resist claiming the price on Thor's head. "I come to challenge Draaga, champion of Warworld, to single combat!"

Thor smiled as he finished the short proclamation. It was something he had done countless times before. Once, he called out the leader of the Frost Giants in order to secure an end to a long, bloody conflict. He could barely stand at the time, his strength sapped by months of fighting. Yet he still managed to fell the Frost Giant after three hours of back and forth brawling.

The doors of the city creaked open slowly, and from them emerged Draaga. But he wasn't dressed as he was in the video from before. No, now he was clad in golden, shimmering armor. Mongul was going to make a show of this. Probably send the video personally to the person who had destroyed Asgard.

As Draaga approached, Thor noticed what he held in his hands, and the Asgardian's blood began to boil. The glittering blade of the battle ax shone brilliantly in the sunlight that poked through the clouds above. Thor knew the curve of its handle and blade well. He had used that ax for centuries. It was his first great Dwarven weapon, Jarnbjorn, being wielded by nothing more than a common thug. Whoever had raided the cache had given this gift to Mongul, and now Mongul hoped to kill Thor with his own weapon.

The trepidation that had filled him moments before washed away in rage.

"Mongul accepts your challenge," Draaga sneered and charged at Thor.
Favorite comics run: The Winter Soldier storyline from Brubaker's Cap, or IDW's TMNT. Brubaker's Cap is just the best, and made me fall in love with the character before Chris Evans made him challenge Spidey as my favorite all-around comic character. Just so much about that run is pitch perfect. And the IDW TMNT has just so much fun stuff I've enjoyed. Its combined the best parts of all the old TMNT properties into the best possible combination.

Favorite comics movie: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE or AVENGERS: ENDGAME. Yes, I know they're both new, but both have just everything that makes me love superheroes. Crazy concepts, awesome characters, touching moments, great humor, and some terrific action to boot.

In other news, my post is getting close to being done. I'm combining two posts into one, so it should be up Sunday.
Next post should be up tomorrow
I'm traditionally very bad at combat heavy posts... and yet I started my first IC post with a combat heavy post.

Hopefully it is still okay though!

Writing combat tends to scare me more than it scares George RR Marting...which is saying something


Thor and Heimdall trudged through the jungles of Warworld, keeping their ears peeled for any movement in the underbrush. Thor's friend had explained to him what the planet was. The leader, Mongul, had somehow devised a way to create jump points to maroon curious or desperate travelers on the planet. Once they were here, they became gladiators in Mongul's planet-wide game of kill or be killed. It was barbaric. Heimdall had said the gambling revenues were the largest in the galaxy, according to scuttlebutt. With them Mongul was able to stay off the radar of interplanetary authorities as well as beam broadcasts of the fights daily to illicit areas all over the galaxy.

"How many others have survived?" Thor asked, breaking the plan of staying silent during their trek. If he was being honest, he'd rather have a fight than not. It would be good to have a straight fight for once, instead of constantly getting ambushed by his foes.

"Not sure," Heimdall shook his head. "This place...it clouds my vision some how. Possibly whatever their using to trap ships. I catch glimpses. They're out there. And they're all being hunted. We need a new home, Odinson. Without that we'll be picked off one by one."

He wasn't telling Thor anything he didn't already know. With Asgard gone, they were always going to be in trouble. Even if Thor and his little band of fighters was able to track down their enemy and finish them off, the Asgardians without a home would always be in danger. Someone out there will always try and make a name for themselves by exterminating them.

"We need to get off this planet before we have any chance of finding a home, my friend," Thor smiled at Heimdall. Even in all of this tragedy, even with them stranded on this strange planet, Thor had to admit that it felt good to be on the battlefield with Heimdall again. For years, before Odin had appointed him the sentry of Asgard, Heimdall had been fighting by Thor's side. The Warriors Three may have been more...flamboyant, but Heimdall had been his most stalwart companion. "I assume you have a plan to that affect?"

"Sure," he shrugged. "I don't know how long it's going to take. But I have a few ideas."

Thor chuckled, "Like that time against the Dark Elves? When you had an idea?"

"Excuse me," Heimdall defended himself, "launching Volstagg over the castle wall with a trebuchet worked, if you'll remember."

"It ruined the element of surprise," Thor shook his head.

"What is more surprising than a three hundred pound warrior falling out of the sky into your gatehouse!?" Heimdall chuckled.

The two of them reached a clearing, and a buzzing sound filled Thor's ears. It was electric, like the sound of a mortal weapon powering up. He spun, looking for the source. As he did so, however,the vines below his feet snared his ankles. Before he knew what was happening, he was yanked upwards, flailing for anything to free him from his new predicament.

"Got you, man!" a soft spoken voice came from the trees. "Sorry that you have to die, man. But, well, you know the rules. Kill or be killed and all that."

The vines holding Thor turned him slowly until he faced a living, walking pile of rocks pointing a gun at his face. Beside the living rubble was a squat, pink grub in a robotic exoskeleton, as well as a walking tree, who Thor guessed was the being holding him currently. He cursed himself for being so careless and walking into a trap.

"Put him down," Heimdall shook his head. "I...I told you all I would be coming back with someone else."

"Ah, well, sure," the rocks shrugged. "But you didn't say who he was or what he looked like. For all we knew this specimen was here to kill us."

The tree let Thor go, and he crashed to the mossy floor below. He stood and brushed himself off, responding, "You're a Krogan, right?"

"Yea, man," he nodded and extended his hand.

Thor took it, "I am Thor, the God of Thunder."

"Oh yea? Cool. My name is Korg, God of Stubbed Toes and Broken Windows. Heh. Little rock joke for you there!" He motioned to the grub, "That there is my buddy Miek. He's an insect. Or a worm. I don't know what his biological classification is."

The pink-purple creature chattered excitedly.

"He says he is an insectoid, and I am a dumb pile of boulders," Korg's face scrunched. "Which...is not very nice. And this is-"

"I am Groot," the tree grumbled.

"Good for you," Thor nodded.

"I am Groot," the tree responded gain.

"Yes you said that," Thor looked at Heimdall. "Was he hit on the head or something?"

"That's all he said," Heimdall shrugged. "Far as we can tell he actually is saying different things."

"These are you warriors?" Thor asked skeptically.

"They've got more fight in them than you'd expect," Heimdall assured him. "And they all have their reasons to hate Mongul and stay loyal. That's what's important."

Thor looked into his friend's eyes intently. Heimdall was many things, but he was no fool. If he vouched for them, that was good enough for the God of Thunder.

"Very well. What's the plan?"


Quill studied the Thanagarian intently as they made their way through the jungles. Probably too intently. And probably staring below the belt would get him a stiff punch in the face. That's why he was behind her, of course. But it was more than the fact that she was smoking hot. He had never seen a Thanagarian outside of their military before. Whatever her reason for being a bounty hunter, it wasn't a good one. He would have to tread lightly.

"So why are you a bounty hunter?" he blurted out and shook his head.

She turned around swiftly. He could see the the rage in her eyes, "Excuse me?"

"It's just that," he winced, "all I've known of Thanagarians is that they serve in the military. Never seen one that didn't. That's all."

She turned again and kept walking, "Discharged."

"Discharged?" he seemed skeptical.

"Dishonorable." The word hung in the air like a knife ready to be shoved through Quill's heart. "Another word about it and I'm not gonna wait to kill you."

There wasn't another word. He followed and she led. To where he had no idea. Peter figured she didn't know either. They were both strangers on the planet, and from what they saw at sundown the night before they could walk into an ambush at any conceivable moment.

Quill again cursed his luck, which was the worst in the galaxy, when the two of them were suddenly encased in an antigrav field.

"I don't know how," the Hawk deadpanned, "but this is your fault."

"That's fair," Quill conceded.

They turned slowly, helpless in the grav field's net. Quill heard the rustling of leaves above them. Then to the left. Then to the right. This was it. There were probably a whole squad of Warworld gladiators about to rip them limb-from-limb. He was gonna die here on this godforsaken rock next to a beautiful woman who hated him. To be honest, it was pretty much exactly how he expected to go out.

As the rustles ceased, a small, furry creature jumped out of the bushes. From its mouth came a voice not unlike a stereotypical New Yorker, "Well, well, well. Looks like I caught myself a prize! Who wants to die first."

"Ha-ha-ha!" Quill burst out laughing. He couldn't help himself. "I'm gonna get killed by a talking raccoon. My life is hell."

The raccoon pushed a button on his belt and a current of electricity flowed through the two prisoners.

"Now, there's more coming if you humies don't shut up," the fur ball laughed.

"I am not a human," Hawk seethed.

"Pink, two legs, tall," he shrugged. "You're a humie to me."

"And what are you?" she asked back.

"Ain't nothing like me but me," the raccoon grumbled. He pulled two small pistols off his belt, "Now, again, who wants to die first?"

"None of us have to die," Quill pleaded. "We're gonna steal a ship from this Mongul and get out of here. Come with us."

"I ain't leaving here till I find my friend," the raccoon shrugged. "Way I see it, the quickest way to that is to kill everyone else in this friggin' jungle."

"You gonna be able to do that, rat?" Hawk shot back. "You gonna be able to kill Draaga all by yourself?"

"I caught you two morons," he bared his teeth. "So I dunno how you'd help."

"More weapons are always better than less," Quill said simply.

A low, annoyed growl rumbled through the raccoon's throat, "Fine. But if you try to kill me, I promise you I'll kill you first."

"Yea," Quill nodded grimly, "there's a lot of that going around."


The golden palace of Mongul surrounded Draaga like a living, breathing embodiment of the Mongul's divinity. Draaga had always known the leader of Warworld was a god amongst mortals, but this was proof upon itself. He had always dreamed of being in this place. WHile the Mongul had given him the Hall of Champions to reside in when he was invited to the capital, he had never been allowed in the palace before.

He knew the Mongul was going to present him with something special.

The large, jade doors to the planet's leader's throne room. He stepped into the gilded hall, lined with monuments to the exploits of Mongul. At the end of the long approach, the musclebound leader of Warworld smiled broadly at the gladiator, "Draaga! My champion! I am honored to have you in my hall."

"The honor is mine, exhaulted Mongul," the gladiator took a knee in front of him. "To what do I owe this meeting?"

"Because there is something I need from you," Mongul motioned for Draaga to stand. "You are the only one that I can trust with this mission."

In front of Draaga, a hologram appeared of two people on Warworld. Both were clearly warriors like he was, strong and sure of themselves. They had a noble air around them as well, and the blond one had something else. A sense of power Draaga had rarely seen.

"Who are they?" he asked his leader.

"Men with prices on their head larger than any in the galaxy," Mongul smiled greedily. "I have been promised riches beyond my wildest dreams if we kill them here for the galaxy to see. The one that wants them dead ensures it. And Draaga, if you are the one to do so, I offer you the greatest reward of all."


"Freedom from Warworld," Mongul's smile widened as he saw the desperate desire spring forth from Draaga. "And to kill such illustrious targets, I offer you a weapon fit for a king."

Mongul pulled a sheet from a pedestal next to his thrown, revealing a battle ax that shined like ice against the harsh winter sun. Draaga picked it up and felt its perfect balancing.

"Master, for Warworld they will die!"
A N N O U N C E M E N T:

Four weeks from today, the Season's Crisis will commence. It is our hope that by providing these goal posts that players will have the opportunity to put themselves into a position where they are able to contribute. Without giving too much away, the Crisis will be taking place in two largely populated areas. Our aim is to set them in cities with characters aren't able to as easily travel so don't expect Metropolis or Central City to either of the locations.

We'll be doing a tease to set up the scene and hopefully, by the time the Crisis comes to fruition, you'll have a good idea of what you're going up against.

After having numerous inquiries, the other GMs and I have finally come to a verdict regarding secondary characters. We will allow players who have been part of the game for the majority of its run and who have posted regularly to apply for a secondary character. The players who are currently eligible are as listed:

If you feel like we have missed you, we'd be happy to take a look and re-evaluate.

Will probably hold off on the secondary character till I get back from the Honeymoon (just a reminder I'll be gone with little-to-no connectivity June 1-14), but might look into one when I'm back. Sounds like I'll be getting home right in time for the Crisis, which is fun.

In other news, Warworld part 2 should hopefully be up tomorrow, and hopefully part 3 on Sunday. Really want to get this story done before I leave and have the Guardians formed.
Post is up!

Welcome to WARWORLD!


The Milano hung over the dead planet as the two men sat and caught their breath. Whatever those creatures were below, they were not indigenous to the planet. Thor would have remembered them. No, they had been left here in case he or any of the other Asgardians came looking for a weapon to oppose their enemies. What was even more frightening was the fact that meant their enemy knew more than just Ragnarok. They knew of the ancient caches, and possibly more of the Asgardian's weapons. That was a terrifying thought. If they were to find the most powerful of them, there would be no one that could stop them.

"So I take it there was no treasure down there?" Quill grumbled after moments of silence. Thor knew the man was annoyed. He had promised Peter riches, and he had failed to deliver. If he continued to do so, Thor assumed Quill would sell him to the highest bidder. There had to be people out for their heads, and if Thor's enemy had the kind of resources he seemed to, it was bound to be substantial.

"Aye," Thor shook his head in disappointment. "Whoever killed my people seems to be a step ahead of us yet again. Not only did they clear out the cache of Asgard, they left us that charming trap."

"What the hell were those things?" Peter asked with disgust in his voice.

Thor didn't lie, "I do not know. Not for sure."

It had shaken Thor to the bone that he knew not what his foe had tried to kill him with. Thor had been to every corner of the cosmos, yet had never come across the insectoid creatures that had ambushed him. Were they some horrible creations of whoever was trying to kill him? Or were the beasts some sort of monsters that his enemy had found in the deepest part of the shadows of the universe?

Quill chuckled, "Thought you knew everything."

"So did I," Thor admitted.

He didn't want to betray how nervous he was to Quill. If he was going to get anywhere, he needed the ship, and he didn't want to have to take it from Peter. Thor's normal disdain for spending too much time with mortals seemed to be washing away, much to his chagrin.

Suddenly and violently, the ship rocket to one side, spilling Thor out of his seat. Alarms blared through the Milano, warning of another imminent attack.

"What the hell!?" Quill cursed as he threw the ship into a roll. "I thought we were the only ones out here."

"It must be our enemy," Thor seethed. He had walked straight into a trap, and was now going to die for it. He cursed his own desperation for revenge. "I sprung the trap, and they are here to finish the job."

The Milano danced around the fire from its opponent, and Quill shook his head, "It's just one ship. A small Thanagarian attack skiff. Couldn't have destroyed your planet, but they're sure trying to kill us."

"How did they find us?" Thor was perplexed.

"Well, we got a price on our heads the size of the galaxy. They probably followed us from Knowhere," Quill shrugged sheepishly. "Was gonna tell you, but we were too busy playing like Ripley down there."

"Ripley? I do not understand," Thor shook his head.

"That's the part that you focused on in my sentence!?" Quill grumbled loudly as he threw the Milano into another roll. "We need to get out of here, but they have us cut off from the Knowhere jump point."

"Is there another available?"

"Yea, but I don't know where it goes!" Quill responded in a panic, as the ship indicated their shields were beginning to fail.

"Tis better than being destroyed in the void of space!" Thor protested. "Take the jump!"

"Fine, but if we end up getting eaten by space cannibals, it's your fault."

Their craft screamed towards the jump point as their pursuer did the same, firing incessantly in order to bring them down. As they were mere meters away from the jump, their shields failed and a shot ripped through the Milano's wing, sending them into a spin. They hit the jump backwards, allowing the pair to see their assailant enter as well.

When they came out the other side, they found themselves in the thick atmosphere of the planet. The sudden pull of gravity contributed to the already prominent spinning of the ship, causing Thor to be pinned to the bulkhead of the ship. He watched as Quill was thrown around like a ragdoll, still strapped to his pilot's chair. As the front of the ship spun, Thor could see their attacker had also been thrown off course. It two was spinning uncontrollably towards the planet below.

He could hear the ground approaching, even if he couldn't see it. Before he knew it, a huge crunch roared through his ears, and the world went dark.


Dim light began to filter in through Peter Quill's eyelids, and a steady dripping sound was all he heard. He tentatively opened his eyes, and realized only one of them would do so. He found himself hanging upside down, the dripping sound being blood from his head dripping to the metal below. Carefully, he unhooked himself from the seat, flipped himself over, and dropped down to solid ground.

The damage to the ship was bad. That much was clear. The cockpit had been crumpled, one of the wings was holding on by a thread, and he was sure he smelled a burnt out engine capacitor. None of that was good. But what was even worse was the fact that he had absolutely no idea where he was.

"Computer," he called out to the ship's AI, "where are we?"

"-zzzzzbljkbnhj-" was the computer's only answer.

"Great," Quill grumbled to himself. "I hope you're happy. You told me I could blame you. So I'm blamin' you."

Peter turned to look where he had last seen Thor, but instead found the other man to be gone. Quill cursed under his breath. Thor hadn't been strapped into a seat when they crashed. He could have been thrown half way across the planet when they were going down. If that was the case not only was Peter gonna lose out on that bounty, but he was probably gonna die here on some uncharted planet to boot.

Before he could curse Thor again, something ripped through the hull of the Milano. An electrified mace passed through the metal like butter, and behind it came a fierce, armored woman with wings like a bird of prey. She slammed into Quill, and pinned him down to the roof of the Milano, "Where is the Asgardian!"

"Okay, first, does the Wicked Witch know you're missing?" Quill managed to get out through her forearm on his throat.

"Do you want me to close your other eye up too?" she snarled at him, the mask covering half her face accentuated her ferocity. Thanagarians were famous across the galaxy as warriors. He had never fought one, but Quill knew he'd lose, and that was something he rarely admitted. "Where is he?"

"I dunno!" he protested. "You were the one trying to kill us."

"Yea, the two of you," she sneered. "At least I'll be able to collect one bounty."

She raised the mace over her head, and as she did he yelled out, "Wait! Waitwaitwait. You need to get off this rock, same as me."

"And I can do that on my own," she stated matter-of-factly.

"Not if whoever trapped us here kills you!"

With that her grip on him loosened, just a little. Not enough for him to escape, but he could certainly breath easier.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, you're smart," he looked at her sideways. "Who positions a jump straight into an atmosphere? It was a trap. Who knows what for, or set by who, but it's a trap. Whoever set it is gonna come for us. Or just you if you kill me. Either way, they're gonna come. Maybe they already got Thor."

With that, she got off of him, and helped him up, "That make sense. If you're thinking about killing me, know two things. First, you won't. Second, I will bash you head in until I get to whatever the molecule you call a brain. Understood?"

"Loud and clear," he shrugged and looked her up and down. She certainly was in the shape to kick his ass. Everything about her yelled "toned". In another life, one where she didn't want to kill him and turn his corpse in for a ridiculous amount of money, he would absolutely get turned down by her at a bar. "I'm Star-Lord, by the way."

"There is absolutely no chance in the universe I'm gonna call you that," she looked at him with disdain.

"Why does everyone keep saying that," he mumbled under his breath. "Then I'm Peter. Peter Quill."

"You can call me Hawk. Just Hawk," the Thanagarian growled at him. "Let's get moving. Scavenge what you can from the ship. We'll need all we can."


The sound of a crackling fire was the first thing Thor heard when he regained consciousness. His entire body hurt, but he seemed no worse for wear. Being an Asgardian certainly had its benefits, even lacking Mjolnir as he did. That crash would have killed a mortal, easily.

He found himself in a cave, warm, humid air clinging to him. The dim light of the fire revealed a jungle habitat outside. On a spit above the fire was the leg of some creature roasting. Thor had to admit he was surprised. He didn't take Quill for one that could hunt his own food. But he was thankful. He snatched a handful of the meat and ate greedily.

"That's not very regal of you," a rumbling, deep voice said from deeper into the cave. "I know for a fact you weren't raised to eat in such a way."

Thor could not believe what he was hearing. It was a voice he figure he would never hear again.

"It cannot be," Thor said through the food in his mouth. "It simply cannot be."

"It is, Odinson," the other man said as he stepped into the firelight.

"Is it so strange that more than the Odinson survived the destruction of Asgard?"

Thor said nothing. He sprung to his feet, ignoring all pain he may have been feeling. He embraced Heimdall with all the strength he could muster, tears flowing from his eyes, "My friend. I never thought I'd see you again."

"Aye," Heimdall said warmly. "Yet I always saw you. I have seen all our people that survived the doom of Ragnarok."

"There are more?" hope truly filled Thor's voice for the first time since the ordeal had begun.

Heimdall nodded, "But there will not be for long. Our enemy gathers strength. They move to snuff us out. And after that, they will move to all that call themselves gods."

"Heimdall, who are they?" Thor pleaded for information.

"I know not, Thunderer," he shook his head. "Whoever they are, they can cloud their presence from my eye. But I know what they seek."

"What is that?"

"The Destroyer," Heimdall answered grimly.

"No," Thor gasped. The Destroyer was a weapon of old, something Odin's father Bor had designed to fight back the dark things of the universe. Thor knew no weapon that was more powerful. But his father had told him it had been dismantled. "It no longer exists."

"It does," Heimdall assured him.

"Then we must find it first," Thor had his goal.

"That will be quite difficult," the guardian of the bifrost shook his head. "We're trapped here. And not just because we don't have a ship."

"What do you mean?" Thor asked.

"You'll see shortly," Heimdall motioned outside.

The two of them stepped out into the jungle, and Heimdall pointed to the sky. Suddenly, the sky lit up in a blaze like one of the mortals' view screens. On it, a yellow, square, smiling face greeted them. It talked in a rumble, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's midnight, and you know what that means! It's time to check in on the day's highlights!"

The screen cut out to scenes of violence. Groups of people slaughtered one another in the jungle, and in clearings. Thor had never seen anything like it. It went on and on, but it focused on a large, grey humanoid creature dressed in gladiatorial gear. He tore through his opponents like hot steel through snow.

"Look at Draaga go!" the voice of the yellow skinned being boomed over the violence. "No one can stop my champion! Mongul celebrates Draaga, the champion of of...WARWORLD!"

With that, he disappeared and the night sky took over once more.

"This is no normal planet, Odinson," Heimdall explained. "In order to escape we need to find wherever this Mongul is. So far, I have been unable to do so."

"Good news, my friend," Thor smiled and clapped his hand against his friend's shoulder. "The God of Thunder is here. And I have a friend. It's time we find him, and band together. This Draaga. He'll know where to find Mongul."
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