Booster leaned back in the chair she had been sat in at the ARGUS facility, already rolling her eyes at whatever questions they were going to ask her. So far, from what she had seen on the news, these ARGUS clowns were doing far more harm than good. Policing people who were just trying to help others out was something that would always end poorly, especially if they were going to do it with an iron fist.
That was quite literal, too. Nathaniel Heywood literally had fists of metal, and he was about as stiff to match. She had never met anyone in her life as dedicated to being a boy scout as Hawthorne. She figured all the Captain America-like iconography was to make up for the fact that Steve Rogers had been declared a murderer for taking care of Stryfe. The man was still on the run as far as the rumors went, and Booster was happy to hear it. From where she stood, he did exactly what needed to be done regarding that monster.
But of course the government didn't see it that way. No, they clutched their pearls and saw it as a great injustice that the man who forced innocent people to rip each other limb from limb wasn't going to get a fair trial. It was bullshit. Booster believed in a fair trial as much as anyone, but intentional terrorism on that level? No, Steve Rogers did exactly what he should have done.
She had been having to fight the visions from coming to her while she was in custody. Something about being around this place, with its armed guards, government officials, and lapdog superheroes brought something back to her. But she couldn't let them take over. Last thing she needed was them committing her or something.
Heywood took a seat across from her and folded his hands over one another. As he did, each made a clink, one after another, almost like wind chimes fluttering in the breeze. It was an intimidation tactic, showing how much raw power he had in his body. How much ARGUS had done for him. It was obvious that they had given him his powers, even if no one would say it. He came out of nowhere right after Steve Rogers disappeared. All too convenient if you ask me.
"So," he began as Booster let out a huge sigh. "Is there a problem?"
"My problem is getting marched in here like a criminal," she leaned over the table. "My problem is you people thinking you're helping."
"And you are? Abandoning your post to try an play hero and allowing the enemy to get to Doctor Irons?" he looked amused. It was an odd effect with his metal skin. "And not doing anything when you did but get played by a terrorist? Yea, you're doing a ton to help."
"I'm sorry, Captain Shiny Ass, what were you and the knockoff stormtroopers doing besides showing up way too late?" she shot back. "Granted, late for government workers is relative and all. You guys union? How many breaks do you get?"
"Make all the jokes you want, but we're not the ones who look like they're in league with Onslaught," he shrugged and flipped through the file he brought into the room with him.
"That's preposterous!" Skeets protested.
"Don't get me started with you," Heywood pointed at the hovering robot.
"Don't point at my robot, jackboot," she retorted.
"The fact remains that you showed up on the day of the Stryfe Incident. You embedded yourself into Roxxon's enhanced guard program, and then you basically hand deliver an important scientist right to the enemy," the metal man shrugged. "Seems to me that's a little too convenient."
"You kind of left out the part where they dropped a building on me," Booster added in.
"Where you weren't really harmed at all? Also convenient."
"Listen, I can't help the fact that I'm incredibly powerful and no villain can put me down," she smiled sarcastically. Becoming more serious, she added, "Point me in the direction of this Onslaught group and watch. I'll have Irons back within a few days."
"Well we are going to point you that way, and we're going to be right next to you get to where we're headed," he smiled the smug smile of a jackass who knew there wasn't going to be any way the opposite could happen. "Welcome to ARGUS. You've been conscripted."
"Bullshit," it came out half a laugh, half a statement. "I have a contract."
"Ah yes, your precious money. Tell me, how does it feel to sit on your high horse and judge me for being a government stooge while you collect money from the private sector to showboat and sell some product," Citizen Steel responded coldly. "Awfully hypocritical, no?"
"At least I'm not leeching off the taxpayer," she smirked. In truth she didn't care about someone working for the government. But Heywood's buttons were easy to press, and she was going to do just that. It was going to lead him into a mistake. He'd give up some nugget of information she could use.
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. Good. She was getting through. "Roxxon has signed you over to us until this opp is over. Welcome to the taxpayer's dime, Booster Gold. Maybe since you're so against it you'll help us wrap up this Onslaught problem quickly."
"Would be the first time the government ever wrapped anything up quickly, huh?" she laughed.