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What a curious crew indeed.

Eila had expected to encounter a variety of people, but she was a little too fascinated by the others. They looked as organized as Ermes--which is to say not very--and they had this wariness about them. She could sympathize with having a need to keep up their guard, but surely they didn't believe her to be a threat? Perhaps she should take that as some sort of compliment as she would rather be seen as something to be wary of instead of being seen as a target. And to think, Mother said she should expect people to see her as weak! Her ego did inflate just a touch at the thought.

That said, Ermes was thoroughly confused about what was rude and what wasn't. The poor thing clearly lacked in manner and etiquette. Nonetheless, Eila was a light of guidance first and a warrior second as she would make sure to correct this behavior in the future. A litte push in the right direction would do wonders for all that energy he carried. The others trailing behind the one warrior seemed rather shy. Poor things, she wondered if they simply followed the strongest voice. No matter, they were all children of the Goddess and deserved to be treated as such.

The Bounty House was rustic and charming in its own way. The guard that had been mentioned was fast asleep. How curious. If he was a guard, was it not best that he be alert? Well, she supposed that was no trouble for them.

"I believe this is...Jenson," She noted out loud to the group. "Shall we carry on without disturbing him?"

It took more effort than it should have to finally, finally get the phone out of Machida's hand. Shiori paused her assault long enough to look at the stream, but she wasn't sure what she was looking at. A few presses revealed that there was no video or photos at least. She had half a mind to bash his face with the phone, but as she looked down at Machida, she stopped. She wasn't necessarily calm, but the true subject of her ire was where she wanted her rage to go. She stood, dropping his phone on the ground, albeit she didn't let Machida get away with just that before one last, swift kick.

She looked around for Nakano, realizing too late that the weasel ran. Fuck, maybe she should've ignored Machida. She could hear what sounded like a click in the distance. Probably more pictures taken. But as the adrenaline died down, she felt like she was waking up. She definitely had handled the situation entirely wrong, but at the same time, she didn't know what else to do. If Totsuka calling Nakano out didn't deter her, what else would? At least breaking her good hand might've stalled it, but was there any actually stopping her?

Shiori stared off into the distance for a moment, a cold washing over her. Her hands hurt. The cigarettes in her pocket were probably smashed. It was weird, it wasn't like she thought Nakano didn't have it coming, but she just felt weird. "...sorry. I let her get away," She mumbled out an apology to Totsuka.

Whatever Nakano was selling, Shiori wasn't buying. Unfortunately for her, the redhead couldn't possibly give less of a crap about the club she was trapped in. It sucked to have to be the one wiping down sweaty mats and gloves and having to be the one to lug around the equipment for people she didn't even want to be around. And it definitely blew donkey dick that she had to be around fucking Kei voluntarily. If she was told the Boxing Club burned down tomorrow, her only regret would've been that she wasn't able to light her cigarette from the flames. She could probably come up with more expressions on how little she cared but that basically summed it all up.

Totsuka then blew the fuck up. Once again, it was surprising to see the burst of emotion, but that was all the clearance she needed to carry on. "I'm good with the easy way," She uttered, lifting Nakano's collar up.

As she was about to swing, however, an outsider's voice his her ears. Great, an audience. If she remembered correctly, that dude was their classmate. Machida? Mishima? Whatever. As she was about to bark at them to fuck off, however, she noticed the phone he had in his hand. So this was Nakano's plan? Lull her into a false sense of security so that she'd let her guard down? Unfortunately for the brunette, seeing their classmate only enraged her further.

Shiori yanked Nakano towards her and promptly drove her kneecap into Nakano's gut, tossing her aside and leaving her for the moment as she turned her attention to Machida. She had every intention of smashing that phone into a million pieces. Sprinting forward with an impressive speed, she lunged forward with her fist drawn back, throwing the first punch straight into his cheek. She grabbed his jacket sleeve and made an attempt to wrestle his phone out of his grip.

"Give me that if you know what's good for you!" She shouted at him, one hand gripping his arm and the other doing what it could to yank the phone away.

Shiori was all too used to the rapid-fire 'wait' spewing from Nakano's mouth, and typically it was met with a closed fist. But Nakano kept talking, surprising her a little. She was still pretty energetic considering the welt quickly forming on her forehead and even went so far as to release her arm. The redhead's fury was still firing on strong, but for whatever reason, she listened. If this was Nakano's idea of calming her down, then the reporter was desperately lacking in social skills. It was also one of the dumbest things she heard--the only reason they got in the spotlight and punished in the first place was because of what she wrote!

"So let me get this straight--you thought you could get out of a beatdown by blackmailing me?" She asked her. "Let me tell you, this isn't one of your brighter ideas."

She held on tight--no way was she letting her go, albeit she did lower her hand a touch so the midget wasn't fidgeting so much, right hand raised and ready to punch down.

Merciful? Totsuka was probably the type to run around looking for his prey like some kind of cheetah, but Shiori was a patient predator, more akin to a tiger. There were probably better comparisons to be made, but it didn't matter. While she wouldn't turn down the chance for some destruction of property, she knew she wouldn't be satisfied until she got her hands on the mastermind behind the article. Besides, Totsuka said it himself--she was violent, not destructive. There was a difference.

Her eyes were focused on her phone, fingers hovering over what she would put his contact name as. Most of her contact names were traits she assigned to the people they belonged to, but 'Annoying Ass' was already taken by her mother. Then again, they just had a pleasant conversation, so he wasn't a total ass. Settling on 'Hot Ass' as a pseudo-compromise that no one would know but her, she stuffed her phone back into her pocket as she thought of what to do next. Walking around town seemed like a dull idea, but she also didn't feel like hopping on a bus to Kagoshima, either.

Taking one last inhale of her cigarette, she spotted a student with a cast walking over--wait a fucking minute. Was that Nakano? Shiori almost did a double-take, but as she neared, she called out to them. Well, well, well, looks like she knew exactly what she would be doing now.

Finishing her cigarette, the redhead let it drop to the ground, stomping on it as she marched forward. She exhaled as she approached the weasel, eyes darkened. "Nice job with the blur, dipshit," She stated as she snatched the other girl's collar. There wasn't a moment of hesitation before she outright headbutted Nakano, making sure she had a good grip before she would start yelling. "Fucking everyone knew it was me right away! By the time I'm done with you, you're gonna have to type out those articles of yours with your feet!"

Wowee, he used to go to Pick-Land? Yeah, his grandparents had definitely lived around here for a long time. It was actually kinda sweet to hear him bring it up. That was the second time he brought up his grandmother, too. Look at that, having a soft spot for his grammy. She used to do the same with the grandma she actually liked years ago, but somehow thinking that this giant of a man was once a little boy happy to pick fruit was actually adorable. She supposed despite the circumstances being less than ideal, it brought up a nugget of joy for Totsuka to go down memory lane.

Totsuka wasn't done surprising her, however. He brought up bringing him along to the cafe. Either he was super bored or maybe he was open to trying out new things. Considering the cafe was something that really only flourished recently, she figured there wasn't any harm in taking him there. As she rummaged through her pockets for her phone, she mused that if there was some semblance of interest, she was definitely feeding into it. She kinda sorta doubted it, chalking up most of his comments as just wanting to get under her skin.

"The only people I have on my shitlist are the Newspaper Club. Soon as I get my hands on those little weasels, it's all over for them," She reminded him as she brought out her phone. "What's your number so I can text you on the weekend?"

Getting sympathy was always a weird thing. Shiori wasn't typically one to wallow in her own bitterness--that'd just end with people's windows being broken--but it was appreciated. Sorta. No, it was, it was just hard to think the guy could be sympathetic considering he had done nothing but tease and fluster her so far. Maybe it was a ploy to soften her up to get in her pants. A ridiculous thought, but one born from someone constantly on their guard. She did recognize that she was probably being harsh, but it was mostly because she didn't want to admit that the new kid of all people had to be one of the only ones to express sympathy. She usually got a 'Well, what did you do?' or a 'You should honor your parents' or whatever.

For now, she would take him at his word and appreciate it in silence. Hearing him talk about the aquarium had invoked something in Totsuka as he actually gave something resembling a smile. Aha, she knew he was good-looking! She relished the moment of both satisfaction and...something else. Something innocuous, of course. Unfortunately, she had to tear her gaze away just to make sure she didn't end up revealing too much with her own expression.

At his question, she paused. "Well, my free time's been occupied by managing a club thanks to a certain someone," She threw him a look, though she continued. "On the weekends I drop by Ariyoshi Cafe to try out whatever new boba tea flavor Ariyoshi-san brings out. Sometimes Mr. Pumpkin's is entertaining to watch suckers try to win--the machines are definitely rigged, by the way--and, uh...well, Pic-Land's got some good fruit to pick for pies and shakes and stuff."

"Aside from that, I mostly just play video games or go to Kagoshima," She shrugged. "Of course, when I'm mad enough, I also live up to my delinquent reputation and go around breaking shit."

Sakaguchi didn't seem too enthused by her description of her hometown. Then again, once she pointed it out, it was hard not to see what she meant. Ichika did notice that a lot of people generally kept to themselves and there was this weird sense of...what would she even call it? Hopelessness? Apathy? Whatever it was, it definitely permeated the school and even the town. She figured so long as she kept her head down, she would be fine, but maybe this was Sakaguchi's subtle way of trying to warn her or something. At least, that was her first thought, especially with what she said in her last sentence.

Still, Ichika was ever the optimist. "Maybe. But it's just for two years," She shrugged. "Then it's off to Tokyo U, where I'll find a husband and fulfill my life-long dream of being a bride."

Yeah, that was the plan!

Totsuka's comment arrived at the same time Shiori inhaled. A tragic occurrence as the comment most certainly had an effect despite her previous statements stating otherwise. Then again, he had been flustering her all week, so was it really that surprising? What did surprise her was that for the first time while smoking she found out exactly what happened when someone choked; the cough interrupted her exhale, her throat burning as the smoke was temporarily trapped. She managed to cough it out, but not without the gross taste lingering in her mouth. If her throat wasn't going to itch before, then it certainly would now.

She managed to get it somewhat under control as he continued. They really got rid of him, huh? That was actually a little sad to hear. She wondered where his grandpa lived; since he got sent here, it was safe to assume his grandpa was established here, but she had never heard of any Totsuka residence. Maybe he lived around the edge of town. Either way, it was still sad.

Once he asked her about her folks, she fell quiet. She continued to smoke, trying to think of how to respond in a way that didn't make her seem bitter. Thinking about her parents, however, always got her mad regardless of the context. She ended up scoffing a touch, deliberating her words for another moment before finally speaking.

"Well, I am the reason my parents got stuck here. And they let me know that very clearly after they have their big blowouts and feel like taking out their anger somewhere aside from each other. It's fun for the whole family," She said. Nope, she wasn't able to even pretend she wasn't bitter about her upbringing at all. After a few seconds, however, she let out a small sigh. "I don't have to see them much at all anymore, actually. That other transfer student is my cousin. Her mom offered me a little money to babysit her for the year, so I took the chance and moved out. It's probably only temporary, and I'm pretty sure Ichika's one goal in life is to burn down that place trying to fry eggs, but it's better than being in that house by a longshot."

She looked over at the view, frowning to herself. "Once graduation comes, though, I don't plan on sticking around. I'll get my nursing degree and go anywhere that isn't here. Even if it's just Kagoshima, I don't want to stay here any longer than I need to."

She paused as she took another smoke. "Have you ever been there, by the way? To Kagoshima, I mean."

Ah, so Totsuka had a whole gang of scumbags to hang out with. For whatever reason, Shiori found that a little funny. So the giant had some other giants waiting for him back at the mountaintop he came from? Wherever that was must have had something in the water if the rest of his crew were as tall as he was. God, wouldn't that be a sight? Everyone avoided just one of him, she couldn't even imagine the reaction if there were more. Nakano would have a field day and then some as she would fill the newspaper with each person's happenings and their every move. Or would she be discouraged by more than just the one?

Either way, it did make her just a smidge sympathetic. To go from having people to suddenly having no one was a little sad. Maybe he was the lonely one, especially with how their classmates made sure to avoid him. Of course, this line of thought landed her on one question she felt she needed to ask.

And then he made his little comment and most of her sympathy was gone.

Now it was Shiori's turn to roll her eyes. "With all your colored commentary these past few days, I bet you'd love a chance," She retorted before raising her cigarette to her lips. Yeah, she thought he was cute, but there was no way in hell she could even hint at it. The guy saw anything resembling an opening and charged through it like an animal. That said, lingering too much on that topic would probably give him another chance to say something stupid, so she had to turn the topic around back at him.

"So why are you here, then?" She outright asked.
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