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Eila was practically beaming as she watched Kyreth off. Oh, what a silly thought, it wasn't like he was her child! And yet he tugged at something deep in her, heartstrings that scarcely moved at Midnight's Dream despite the sea of tears surrounding her, but animated a sense of...something...every time she looked at him. What that something was, she hadn't a clue. But it was there, it was real, and she was going to tut and fret over him at every opportunity, she could already feel it. Azaiza have mercy, that boy would be the death of her.

She caught Vivian's disproval, keeping up her smile and pointedly ignoring it as Cerric spoke again. Oh, they were to work with him? What a joy. Goodness, he certainly had an endless amount of energy to him, didn't he? She gave a polite laugh at his statement, though she made sure to listen well once the job was explained. An escort mission, was it? That didn't sound entirely terrible, albeit she wondered what the source of the attacks was. Now that she thought about it, however, didn't someone mention some creature or something before? Not deeming it as relevant for the moment, she tucked that knowledge away for the moment.

Eila clicked her tongue, eyes flashing with excitement. She couldn't help but wonder if perhaps a fern or two could be given as a potential award, but that was much too hopeful. However, the perfect occasion to ask a Buckman about Red Fern was too good to pass up. "What a wonderful opportunity," She surmised, mimicking Cerric and clapping her hands together. "I amm sure we'll all get along swimmingly."

Almost done, working on 2nd POV character but figured I'd throw this down now

I think I may just lean towards the Tyrell house because I like flowers despite Olenna hating them :)

Eila wasn't a big fan of Ceolfric.

She didn't respond to his statement right away as Cerric's response seemed more important, but she did manage to give a rather tight-lipped smile. Of course, one didn't necessitate with those in the upper echelon to understand that she was not amused by his remark, but she was still a lady and to award such behavior with a response was counterintuitive. That, and...she hadn't a clue how to make a riposte to that anyway. Was it truly so strange to be a law-abiding citizen? Was Ceolfric the norm and she the exceptional? No, this was but a sample of the common folk, albeit even surrounded by the lessers she seemed to be in unique company.

And Cerric was...truly the most unique of them all. She couldn't figure him out but she was ashamed to admit it wouldn't be the first time. Her mannerisms were, of course, fit to perfection, but socialization could be quite strenuous. She fit in at any party, sure, but ever since she stepped foot out of the hotel she was swarmed with new experiences; her walking companions were just the tip of the iceberg, it would seem.

Aleka summed it up well and Eila assumed that would simply be the way of things. Alright, she could adjust. Probably. Or at least, she thought she could until Vivian's announcement. It was difficult not to raise an eyebrow at such a thing--never mind the fact that the Lord was actually here as for some reason, she hadn't expected that--but she found herself interested. Her eyes instinctively looked to Kyreth to measure his reaction, but her thoughts halted in place as she looked him up and down. She tried not to judge by appearance, but it was really only now that she realized her initial guess of his...homely appearance was too generously labelled. And he was going to meet Lord Mystralath himself!

She shouldn't interfere. It would reflect poorly.

Her hand flew up to her chest as she suppressed a noise. Surely, the lord was used to colorful characters from all walks of life. And yet, something tugged at her heartstrings. Perhaps it was the quietness of the boy, or some long-forgotten sympathy--Goddess knows even she would be caught off guard at such a request. But he couldn't go meet the master of the Bounty House like that! As her fingers brushed the edge of her cloak, however, she realized what he needed.

Despite hearing her mannerism tutor berate her in the back of her mind, Eila stepped in front of Kyreth to prevent him form going forward. "Forgive the rudeness," She said as her hands unclasped her cloak, taking it and offering it to him. "Why don't you use this? It isn't every day one can meet with an esteemed figure, after all!"

Eila could not help but hear her mother's voice chide her in her typical 'polite-yet-firm' tone. Cerric knew more than she had anticipated. She was still surprised by it, though made an effort not to show that too much. Father always said that connections were everything in this world, so she supposed in the worst-case scenario she'd make a valuable hostage instead of getting her throat sliced right away. What a pleasantly discomforting thought! Oh, she really needed to stop worrying so much, if she was going to be more stiff, they'd confuse her with a wooden plank!

Fortunately, Cerric concluded she was the most reputable of the bunch. While she was humbled, it was a touch concerning--what did that say about the rest of their motley crew?

She put those thoughts to rest as Aleka spoke. Most of what was said were things Eila anticipated. It was a relief; not too much surprise was a good thing. Unfortunately (or fortunately? Eila really couldn't get a reading on him) Cerric decided Aleka's clear-cut no-nonsense directness was boring. And he compared it to a book negatively! For that alone, Eila could not bring herself to trust him fully. Books were wonderful!

At the end of it all, her inner student was still alive and well as she raised a hand. "That the Bounty House would house so many requests would mean that there may be some...less-than-ideal requests in the mix disguised as virtuous, no?" She asked. "Is it best to report these to you?"

Michail watched their surroundings, keeping his eyes sharp as Auberon made his attempt to draw out the enemy. His grip on his lance was loose, focusing more on his legs as he readied himself to defend his student. He could see a pair of shadows moving through the fog. Good, they were definitely responding to his words. There was a strange sound, however, ebbing closer before going farther. The heck was it? It took him far too long to realize that it was the sound of a pair of wings flapping, but it wasn't coming in his direction, at least.

It did, however, quickly emerge from the fog. A single rider aloft a wyvern came at an impressive speed, barreling towards the students. Without hesitation, Euphemia drew back her bow, firing an arrow at the rider. While it missed, their attempt at dodging had altered its course. Derec took a swing, managing to hit the creature's leg.

While they dealt with that, the pair of shadows emerged and revealed their forms. One was exceedingly familiar looking, appearing almost identical to the previous bandit leader they had encountered. The second was an unfamiliar face, but it was safe to assume by the mismatched armor that he, too, was with the bandits. His hair was pulled back into a haphazard ponytail, the grin on his face full of confidence. A scar traveled from his cheek to his forehead, the eyepatch covering the damage done to his right eye. His axe was polar opposite of Auberon's, old, crude, and had seen more than its fair share of blood.

"Armor forged by the Goddess' favor, is it?" He asked with a chuckle. "That sounds like it would earn a pretty coin."

The air was still, full of anticipation and uncertainty. Kaira hesitated; it was clear she was becoming incredibly uneasy at the realization that nearly everyone was beginning to think the same thing. She looked to Tomai for guidance, hoping he would be more confident, but the typically snarky professor was silent. Regardless of whether or not it was a trap, she was confident in one thing--it was too late to turn around now. The best thing to do, in her opinion, was to push through. Hopefully the people were safe and the other Knights were already in their positions, so they could seek them out for help.

Tomai's silence broke as he let out a sigh. This was starting to become a pain. Before he could voice his opinion, however, Kayden decided to make his...announcement. He didn't care if he was the prince, that kid was going to write down the dictionary definition of 'caution' one thousand times or however many it took until it got through that thick skull.

"Your call to the Empire rings hollow on the territory of the Holy Kingdom, Highness," Tomai replied dryly. He opened his mouth to continue, though a powerful gust of wind blew through the crowd, interrupting the conversation and attempting to knock down the unwary. Not bothering to look for whatever the cause was, he looked to Kaira. "We need a shield!"

Without hesitation, Kaira raised her hand, a transluscent barrier forming around the group. As quickly as it came it met with a barrage of flames and arrows. While no harm came to them, it was shocking to see just how many had made the attempt to harm them. He motioned for Kaira, arm stretched out as he caught the staff she tossed him. Once the attacks ceased, the barrier fell, though the mage didn't hesitate as a glyph appeared before him. An even stronger gust of wind blew around them, pushing past the boundaries of typical wind magic. It was brief, but for just a moment, the area around them was clear, revealing a multitude of enemies up on the roofs of the buildings around them. Several were mages, but the more concerning enemies came in the form of those riding pegasi. On his estimate, there must have been at least six Pegasus Knights and four mages. One mage bore a familiar looking staff--the very same they had encountered in Luin.

Kaira let out a small gasp. "We're surrounded! But how?!"

Tomai had no idea. This was the first time he hadn't been able to detect an enemy precense. He certainly sensed them once his magic pushed away the fog, but they essentially disappeared once it settled back in. Was that staff the cause? No, it must be a spell of sorts. He took a quick scan at the students and suppressed a groan. The enemy had the high ground, they had only one and a half archers to deal with their flying foes, and any magic sent up there was likely to get absorbed by the mysterious staff. Welp, this just got a whole lot harder than it needed to be.

"Anything that comes from above is up to you to get, Veronica and Kellen!" He ordered, digging his heel into the ground as he held the staff steady.

Veronica's neck could have snapped from how quickly she looked at her professor, expression one of shock. "We can't take out that many and deal with those magic attacks!" The princess consort couldn't help but whine, frantically looking around.

Kaira was inclined to agree, though it wasn't like the others could chuck their swords at the sky. Perhaps they could wait until they swept the ground and attack? The thought had barely finished forming as a sword emerged from the fog, taking a swing at her. It was sheer luck that it didn't run her through, though the tip of the sword sliced through her sleeve. She stood her ground as a hasty Nosferatu sent the enemy back. "They have footsoldiers as well!" She warned.

"Of course they do," Tomai sighed. "Don't go chasing them, let them come to us!"

Four soldiers emerged from the mist, ready to strike from each cardinal direction. The sound of a pegasus' wings flapping could also be heard...

Ah, Eila missed her chance to properly explain the basics of Aetherborn capabilities. Although if she were earnest, she would admit that maybe it was for the better; she would have likely gone into a full-on lecture on the differences between each one had she been given the floor. Brevity was not her forte, and while it was an admirable trait at the Academy, it was less tolerated among those who roamed. Or at least, those who had little interest. Oh, aetheric theory, they would be apart for just a little longer.

Cerric's response to her inquiry piqued her interest. Did that mean that the shipment in particular was the exception to the rule? Was there something more to the lake? Had the Lord collected these pieces due to some abnormality? There were so many questions she wished she could ask, but it simply wouldn't do to bombard the man with them.

Said curiosity, however, turned towards the younger pair. Tainted. Aleka's explanation was intriguing, although she was uncomfortable with the dismissal of the Empress. From the few things she heard, the Tainted were those whose blood was forever marked with disdain, and most reacted as such. Aeowyn's demonstration played very much into an average response in being in the precense of Tainted. She had assumed the taller of the pair was an elf, but she supposed she confused his timidness with an intent to hide. This would be the second time she encountered them, though this was remarkedly a different situation than the last.

She would say nothing for now; she wouldn't have to interact with them more than she already did. She was here to work! And apparently the Lord was...curious? About them? Strange. Stepping forward, she gave Aleka a polite smile.

"I am Eila Aurelios, graduate of the Mage's Consortium and resident of Buscon in Relfin. Next of kin would be--," She hesitated for a second. Her first instinct was to name her auntie, but that would likely draw more attention than needed. "--Lorelai Aurelios." She said. Well, her mother did not go by her married name, but should anything happen, she would certainly get informed. Or so she hoped. "I am a Physical Animas Aetherborn with a specialization in healing. I am also skilled with a longbow and short dagger. My current academic specialty lies in aetheric theory."

Her eyes flickered to Cerric. "Does this group in particular interest you?" She ended up asking, against her better judgment.

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