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Michail had never been so proud of Auberon. While he could feel both Euphemia and Lavender's looks of disproval, he had the utmost confidence in the Lion. Both Jorah and Auberon could keep the ponytailed idiot busy while the rest of them could ensure that the enemy wouldn't get the jump on them. One wyvern rider was down, but he'd bet his next pay that there were more waiting.

No sooner had the thought crossed his mind that another emerged. Unlike before, though, this one was charging at them. Michail found his spear fending off the wyvern's jaws as he was pushed back. Celeste let out a shriek of surprise, having been knocked over by Michail. Both Derec and Isolde looked to her, though neither could help as a pair of soldiers had decided to attack them as well.

Meanwhile, the eyepatched bandit was amused by Auberon. He seemed to recognize his strike. "Oh? Didn't you promise me an audience with the Goddess?" He asked, giving a small 'tut' of disappointment. "You're much too green to be writing checks your mouth can't keep, aren't you boy? This is how you swing an axe!"

He brought his weapon up with a tight grip and employed what could only be described as wild, powerful strikes. Anything the axe hit would likely be sliced to ribbons--not to speak of what would happen should it connect to any flesh.

The chaos of battle was not a foreign one.

What was supposed to be a simple rescue mission quickly turned into a fight for survival. The enemy saw vulnerable, inexperienced children and they had little choice but to stand their ground. He could already hear Sirius berating them on their failure. He only hoped Michail and the others were having an easier time, but it was unlikely that they could be counted on for rescue. He couldn't rely on his Crest either--though the lack of one of their students caught him off guard. He looked in the direction where Rudolf was sensed last, but he was as good as gone. The only solace was that things weren't as hopeless as they seemed, as their enemy clearly underestimated them.

Meanwhile, Veronica kept her eyes on the sky. At Kellen's sighting, she let loose two arrows. The first missed, but the second hit its mark. The man scarcely let out any sound as the arrow had found his neck, and he fell off the pegasus. She was shocked--somehow, she wasn't expecting to actually kill him, for some reason. At Clarissa's call, she realized that the Eagle was nowhere to be found.

"Here I assumed he would've been cowering at our ankles," She couldn't help but note.

At Lienna's call, Tomai looked. At that moment, the fog began to fade--it looked like the slumped over mage had been the source of the spell. Lucky. "Everyone, we need to move forward and regroup with the advanced team, I'm more than certain they've also gotten ambushed" He ordered, a glyph quickly forming in front of him. With its release, a surge of thunderbolts littered the area surrounding them, clearing the way ahead and giving them space to breathe. "Go get him and catch up with us!" He urged Kaira.

He wasn't quite finished yet. Turning to Kellen, he held out his staff once more. "Tell Michail we need help and that we have to regroup," He told him, a glyph appearing under Kellen and spiriting him away without giving the poor boy a chance to respond.

The green haired girl nodded. Without any hesitation, she ran over to one of the fallen soldiers and took their sword. She made sure to know where Rudolf was before breaking into a full sprint. One soldier that hadn't been struck by Tomai's spell met his unfortunate end with a quick slice from Kaira's sword, and she followed Rudolf's route.

Unfortunately, the other mages took note of the shaking boy. As one decided to go after him, Kaira held her hand out as she cast a familiar spell. Rudolf would find himself suddenly pulled off the roof, though he would land safely next to her. Her heart splintered at seeing his state, but she couldn't comfort him here. "Get up, we need to return to the others," She told him, pulling him to his feet.

Eila was practically beaming as she watched Kyreth off. Oh, what a silly thought, it wasn't like he was her child! And yet he tugged at something deep in her, heartstrings that scarcely moved at Midnight's Dream despite the sea of tears surrounding her, but animated a sense of...something...every time she looked at him. What that something was, she hadn't a clue. But it was there, it was real, and she was going to tut and fret over him at every opportunity, she could already feel it. Azaiza have mercy, that boy would be the death of her.

She caught Vivian's disproval, keeping up her smile and pointedly ignoring it as Cerric spoke again. Oh, they were to work with him? What a joy. Goodness, he certainly had an endless amount of energy to him, didn't he? She gave a polite laugh at his statement, though she made sure to listen well once the job was explained. An escort mission, was it? That didn't sound entirely terrible, albeit she wondered what the source of the attacks was. Now that she thought about it, however, didn't someone mention some creature or something before? Not deeming it as relevant for the moment, she tucked that knowledge away for the moment.

Eila clicked her tongue, eyes flashing with excitement. She couldn't help but wonder if perhaps a fern or two could be given as a potential award, but that was much too hopeful. However, the perfect occasion to ask a Buckman about Red Fern was too good to pass up. "What a wonderful opportunity," She surmised, mimicking Cerric and clapping her hands together. "I amm sure we'll all get along swimmingly."

Almost done, working on 2nd POV character but figured I'd throw this down now

I think I may just lean towards the Tyrell house because I like flowers despite Olenna hating them :)

Eila wasn't a big fan of Ceolfric.

She didn't respond to his statement right away as Cerric's response seemed more important, but she did manage to give a rather tight-lipped smile. Of course, one didn't necessitate with those in the upper echelon to understand that she was not amused by his remark, but she was still a lady and to award such behavior with a response was counterintuitive. That, and...she hadn't a clue how to make a riposte to that anyway. Was it truly so strange to be a law-abiding citizen? Was Ceolfric the norm and she the exceptional? No, this was but a sample of the common folk, albeit even surrounded by the lessers she seemed to be in unique company.

And Cerric was...truly the most unique of them all. She couldn't figure him out but she was ashamed to admit it wouldn't be the first time. Her mannerisms were, of course, fit to perfection, but socialization could be quite strenuous. She fit in at any party, sure, but ever since she stepped foot out of the hotel she was swarmed with new experiences; her walking companions were just the tip of the iceberg, it would seem.

Aleka summed it up well and Eila assumed that would simply be the way of things. Alright, she could adjust. Probably. Or at least, she thought she could until Vivian's announcement. It was difficult not to raise an eyebrow at such a thing--never mind the fact that the Lord was actually here as for some reason, she hadn't expected that--but she found herself interested. Her eyes instinctively looked to Kyreth to measure his reaction, but her thoughts halted in place as she looked him up and down. She tried not to judge by appearance, but it was really only now that she realized her initial guess of his...homely appearance was too generously labelled. And he was going to meet Lord Mystralath himself!

She shouldn't interfere. It would reflect poorly.

Her hand flew up to her chest as she suppressed a noise. Surely, the lord was used to colorful characters from all walks of life. And yet, something tugged at her heartstrings. Perhaps it was the quietness of the boy, or some long-forgotten sympathy--Goddess knows even she would be caught off guard at such a request. But he couldn't go meet the master of the Bounty House like that! As her fingers brushed the edge of her cloak, however, she realized what he needed.

Despite hearing her mannerism tutor berate her in the back of her mind, Eila stepped in front of Kyreth to prevent him form going forward. "Forgive the rudeness," She said as her hands unclasped her cloak, taking it and offering it to him. "Why don't you use this? It isn't every day one can meet with an esteemed figure, after all!"

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