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Esvelee's vocabulary certainly was as astute as her obvious bigotry. Why did Kyreth seem like a threat to people? Eila bit down on the inside of her lower lip; she had already failed in combat, she wasn't going to cause further trouble by arguing with the client. A stiff breeze could take the boy out, for crying out loud! What was curious, however, was Kyreth's complete lack of education. Ermes didn't seem like the educated type, either, but he had a grasp on his own magic. Liliann did as well, so why was Kyreth so ignorant to his own magic? That said, Eila was a little horrified at the idea of hunting people for sport. Such savagery! Who in the world would enjoy hunting people? Then again, seeing as how people saw Tainted as lesser, perhaps they didn't see the Tainted as such. What a depressing and morbid thought.

Eila focused instead on Esvelee's question directed at her. Alright, she wasn't exactly the adventuring type and this previous battle demonstrated such. But she would argue that was more arrogance and optimism on her part instead of being 'gentle-folk'. Was that how the world at large looked at nobility? It wasn't exactly offensive, but it did wonders to minimalize the impact of nobility. In a vibrant society, nobles' functioned as the middle-men between the peasantry and the royals, so she wouldn't necessarily call their life gentle. Maybe she was a little offended as those many grueling nights in the academy where she was often on the verge of tears, she wished her professors had been gentle--

Nope, no, okay, Eila was being ridiculous. It was unlikely that Esvelee meant it literally or as an insult, anyway, especially with her offering of her flask. Eila was gentle and she was likely just like the people Esvelee referred to. If she had any names, Eila would probably recognize them, too.

Her fingers tapped the flask as she frowned to herself. "Research requires funding, and aside from some visits to other capitals, I haven't truly experienced life outside of Buscon. I thought it would be more satisfying to kill two birds with one stone," She replied with a slight shrug. If Esvelee saw Eila's nobility shine through her mannerisms then it was likely obvious to everyone else. Cerric was already aware--and that was a thread she was determined to follow--but it wasn't like she was purposefully hiding it. She just...found no reason to bring it up.

"The trip so far has been...enlightening," She admitted that much.

In Phoebus' new world order, speeches would be banned.

He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been taken in by the academy--it was everything he had heard of and exceeded his expectations. The people, on the other hand, weren't nearly as impressive. The condescension from the older students would've been cute if any of them actually mattered, but as they were nobody to him, he couldn't even pretend to care. He was much more interested in the architecture of the place and much more interested in watching the magic work around them. Nothing agricultural was likely to catch his eye, but the way everything worked so smoothly interested him. Faron was outright primitive in comparison, but he supposed that was why it was the country.

That said, he could do without the speeches. Despite his private education sparing him from any corny principal, they still reminded him too much of his grandfather's ramblings about unity and whatever other bullshit Phoebus couldn't bother remembering. He did, however, roll his eyes at the mention of 'putting aside their differences'. For one, he could pick out at least half a dozen in his immediate vicinity that needed to be knocked down a peg sooner than later. For another, if they really wanted those that sided with the necromancers to not dwell on the past, they shouldn't have lost. That shit was just loser talk. He put his attention to see how many staff he could recognize. Maybe a handful, though only the ones he would've met anytime he accompanied his father to the capital. He doubted they'd recognize him, which would make things much simpler. He did, however, wrinkle his nose a touch at the mention of dormitories. Private rooms, hopefully, otherwise he was pretty sure he'd get in a fistfight with the first asshole that would keep him up at night.

He held back a yawn as they finally finished talking, letting out an sigh. He was more interested in finding out how much of the place he could go see for himself, but a nap sounded just as tempting. Diana had kept him up all night with her myriad of complaining on how she wanted to attend this year instead of next, but Phoebus had to agree with their mother on that one. Besides, he was pretty sure she would drive him up the wall if she was here. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to escape her coming here next year, anyway, so he figured he may as well enjoy the peace however long he could.

So Phoebus trudged over to the overseer. There was some tiny satisfaction knowing that the guy looked as bored as he was for some reason. Probably drew the short straw to have to look after some brats. "...'allo," He raised his hand in a half-hearted greeting. "How much of the academy is off-limits for exploring?"

Ah, fuck.

Her meema always told her that things could always get worse. Granted, she usually meant that in terms of weather, but whatever. Lyra didn't even get to enjoy the victory over the air mage getting fried--likely Quinn's work, judging by her confusion. A small thought in the back of her head popped up as Lyra hardly flinched at the display, but she pushed it away. No time for distracting thoughts, especially as the Inquisitor was the last thing left to take care of in the room. It was five to one with the odds in their favor, and like any other cornered animal, it meant he was likely to lash out at them.

Unfortunately, she didn't anticipate him snaking his way out past them all. She assumed that electrical current would be an attack, but instead, he zapped past them and reappeared outside. Lyra immediately stepped towards the pair, but stopped as she spotted the lightning forming in his free hand. Man, she wanted to avoid a hostage situation. 'Civil', that much made her outright scoff. Did he call electrocuting people to death civil?

She stopped herself from rolling her eyes as she was addressed. She supposed he wanted her to beg for Quinn's life. No chance to say anything, though as both the Astorio and Quinn spoke before she did. Her eyes widened considerably as the former outright stated he didn't care for Quinn's life, and the latter knew the vampire's threat was serious. Welp, now what? Everyone else was too far away, though she didn't doubt both vampires were eager to just run in. She wished she knew Roan's affinity, but even if she did, she needed time to dispel the restriction, so unfortunately, she couldn't count on him. The easiest thing would be to hand herself over, but that didn't guarantee Quinn's safety, either.

The only thing she was certain of was her own abilities and she wasn't willing to gamble anyone else's life. That left one thing to do: have Quinn pull her in and see if she was fast enough to fry Hasgad before he fried Quinn or her. A shield to his free hand would stop that, and she'd just have to melt whatever she touched first. She should've been nervous about the risk, but for some reason, the thought actually excited her.

She ran a hand over her hair, and once it was at the back of her head, she used her pointer finger and pointed elsewhere. It was a weak signal for Roan, but she wanted him to be as far away from the chaos as possible. Dropping her hands to her side, she took a cautious step forward.

"Look at that, you actually know my name," Lyra scoffed, slowly raising her hands in front of her to better ready herself. If only she was a mental mage, she could tell Quinn to pull her in as fast as he could. "If it's me you want so badly, I'm right here. Or what, you get the title of Inquisitor by lying and cheating your way to the top? Didn't think Alderman recruited cowards to the ranking."

possible character ideas, not sure which ill go with atm



Eila appreciated Ermes' curiosity towards her magic. There was something so earnest and wholesome about his sincere questioning that reminded her of the days were she always wanted an answer to everything. It lifted her spirits a touch, and she figured if they were going to be walking, it would make for good conversation. She was certain that while she may have been the least experienced she was likely the most educated of the group. Not that that helped her much in the fight, but she would have to make sure to better apply herself. Moping around and feeling sorry for herself was unproductive and just silly. They were all alive, she was the only one that got hurt, and they had a job to finish. Even if she was sure that she wouldn't make the cut, the polite thing to do would be to see things through to the end.

"Aether is the energy of magic, manifesting within the Aetherborn and granting them various magicks depending on their classification," Eila decided to explain. "I am a Physical Animas Aetherborn; Azaiza has blessed me with the ability to manipulate aether within living beings that carry aether within them. During my tenure at the academy, I specialized in healing, so patching up my leg was trivial as I have much experience manipulating my own aether."

She hoped her explanation was simple enough. She did sometimes ramble and was sure her eyes were green out of sheer happiness from getting to educate Ermes, but sometimes she was too used to speaking to peers that had the same experience. She wouldn't count the group as such, but she wasn't dismissive. On the contrary, everyone had done wonderfully during the battle.

Except her.

The elf focused on the path for the most part, doing her best to remain neutral. She somehow managed to hold back a groan as Cerric decided to discuss the day. For one, she'd argue that they were definitely aware of just how dangerous those creatures were. It was unlike anything she had ever seen, for one, and for another, even if they weren't out of the ordinary, wild wolves looking to snack on Esvelee's horse was still dangerous. That said, her eyebrows shot up as Cerric revealed that they were inflicted with rot. As far as she was aware, it wasn't a natural occurrence.

That thought felt heavy on her shoulders, but she didn't have much time to think on it as Cerric then turned his attention to her injuries. She had to stop herself from rolling her eyes, forcing herself to give a tight-lipped smile. Was he trying to frighten them? Unless the creatures had been licking her paws, she wasn't infected with anything! She stopped herself from letting out a laugh at the idea of the group putting her out her misery, but her eyes were practically burning red, smile growing as Cerric patted her shoulder. This man was either more foolish than she thought or purposefully trying to sow chaos amongst them!

The only thing she actually agreed with him on was their teamwork. But it was expected, wasn't it? They were strangers for the most part, and injuries were a given, weren't they? Unless he was hinting at her future unemployment. A depressing thought, but not entirely unexpected.

But first things first. Eila raised a hand, letting out a sigh. "You needn't worry about any possible infection, had I been afflicted, I would have noticed when I healed my injury," She decided to get that out of the way first in case Ceolfric was planning to off her in her sleep or something. She did, however, frown at Kyreth. "I had no idea you were a Primordial Aetherborn, Kyreth. I don't suppose you've had any guidance towards that, have you?"

Ah, shit.

Lyra was very well aware that this mission wouldn't be easy, but come on, what were the odds of running into an Inquisitor? Didn't they say the dude was away? She let out a huff of irritation, raising an eyebrow when she was addressed. Well, she wasn't addressed, she was, yet again, talked about without actually being spoken to directly. Story of her life, but despite the annoyance, she was a little more concerned about his magic. She had plenty of experience fighting lightning mages--Eden always did give her a run for her money anytime they sparred--but this was probably the first time a lightning mage had an entire room tailored to him. So he leaked the info on purpose to get them here.

Before she could respond, though, she nearly yelped as the rescued--Roan had grabbed her shoulder. He was, understandably, panicked and unused to Quinn's magic. His plea for help came almost immediately as he dropped down. Holding back a sigh, she decided to respond. "Alright, you need to calm down a little or you're gonna get yourself fried," She told him as she got him up. "Focus on the now--this isn't the time to be asking, it's the time to be doing."

Speaking of which, she figured it was about time to make herself useful. She had to take Quinn's place to protect Roan considering Quinn was cut off, so now she was protecting Roan and playing support. First things first, help Donovan with the air mage. She couldn't use her fire without roasting him, and as tempting as the idea was, she didn't feel like explaining why she made such a 'rookie' mistake. Though, would it count towards her vampire total if it's friendly fire? Nelda probably wouldn't think so.

Lyra watched the air mage's chant. Ah, she could take care of that. "Nol!"

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