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The bustle of the marketplace was just a low buzz, barely registering over the sound of iron meeting iron. After a few more hits, however, the world slowly started to permeate his senses: the buzz of the town got louder, the bite of the chilled air nipped at his cheeks, and the hammer in his hand regained its weight. Overall, Tsubasa was feeling the labor of his work drain him, but the finished product made everything worth it. As he placed his hammer down and cautiously lifted the iron structure up, he dipped the metal into the pool of water, watching the steam and leaving it there as he wiped his brow.

Even though it was cold out, the forge had a way to always make the boy feel like he was ready for a cold bath. Granted, it was natural--working with heat to mold metal into anything he wanted meant he was always going to be hot, and that was guaranteed even on the days he didn't bother using the heat sign. Once he deemed it had been long enough, he lifted the metallic structure out of the water and plopped it down some steps away, abandoning it to let it cool in the chilly air. Now all he needed to do was toss it in the cart with the slab of wood he had ordered and someone would come pick it up.

Exhaling, he watched his breath form a misty cloud and then dissipate, running a rag over his neck. Let's see, now that the table was finished, he supposed he could start on the iron gate that had been requested. It actually hadn't come as a request for him, but Tetsu always pawned off those projects onto him. Festivals and celebrations always meant that work piled up since Tetsu decided that he was more interested in drinking than...actually, he always found an excuse to drink, so Tsubasa should have known better. Not that he minded--busy hands were happy hands, and the kid actually liked working.

Tossing the rag aside, Tsubasa knelt down in front of a chest, gingerly plucking out the few iron bars that were left in there. At least Testu had left him everything he needed, so that was good! He placed the bars over the forge, lazily writing the Sign in the air. Once the metal glowed a bright red, Tsubaba carefully adjusted his hammer in his grip, taking a firm hold and lifting it into the air.


Lyra was a little disappointed to find her fire hitting a shield, though she definitely got some satisfaction from the shock Hasgad had. She guessed he missed the memo saying that the heir to the rebellion knew how to use her magic. It was kind of a shame, but Nelda would just tell her that it was a chance for her to gain the upper hand against unsuspecting enemies. Which, in this case, it was. She spotted the net of lightning and ceased her flames, hastily blurting out the right words to shield herself. She was pushed back some, and almost charged forward. She stopped as she watched Donovan's attack succeed. Did he have to steal her thunder, too?!

It might've been for the better, though, as Hasgad decided to electrocute the shit out of the both of them. The stench of burnt flesh hit her again, and she grimaced. Well, if she rescued Donovan, she could use that to make him back off some for a while. The bolts of lightning that flew out of him caused her to jump back and throw up another shield. Oof, close. Figuring it was safe to get back in there, she went to move, but Roan beat her to it--who knew he was crazy like that?

Well, Hasgad was done for, and she wasn't too keen on sticking around longer than they needed to. The next thing she needed to do was secure an escape route. She looked around to see the far door creak, narrowing her eyes. As much as she wanted to attribute that to luck, she was skeptic enough to figure that it was just as well another entrance for the enemy to come in. Unlucky for them, she was about to pave a way out with fire. Lyra wringed out her hands, concentrating on the heat around her. She took in a deep breath, holding it for a moment as she produced fire in front of her. She exhaled, the flames shooting forth and breaking into a multitude of fiery butterflies. They swept through the door with Lyra following closely behind, ready to wield the flames onto any unfortunate soul looking to get through.

Traveling certainly was for either the bold or the foolish, she supposed. Esvelee's words were a strange comfort, though Eila gave half of her attention as she let her mind wander. Part of her thought she should intervene with the other conversation happening, but the last thing she wanted was to be painted as a know-it-all. That said, she was already mentally plotting out an educational plan for the young three Aetherborn. Knowledge was half the fight and she felt it could help Kyreth overcome some of his own ignorance when it came to his own magic. Alright, maybe she kept quiet because she was too busy planning, but first thing in the morning, she would present her ideas.

The music was a strange comfort to Eila as she let herself close her eyes. The lack of sleep combined with her less-than-acceptable performance had left her tired, and she let the distant music lull her to sleep. And all was well...until that thud sounded closer than she would have wanted. She held back a groan--it was always something wasn't it?!--and raised her head, squinting through the darkness to try to see what was happening. She saw little, but she did hear someone speaking. A pair with a scheme, eh? They had encountered wolves, so of course they would come across some schemers. Unbelievable.

Eila put her head down again, dismissing them as a concern, though as she turned, she spotted Liliann getting up. No, no, no, where was she going? They were just passing by and were probably not even going to notice them! One had a stronger aetheric signature, but even he wasn't at any level that mattered! Eila lunged for Ceolfric's arm as he got up, but she missed, the elf frustrated at her lack of speed. Oh, great Goddess, why must she be tested so?!

With an audible huff of annoyance, Eila pushed herself off the ground, dusting herself free of any dirt that had clung to her skirt as she kept herself low. She stopped, motioning for Kyreth to remain with Esvelee with the best charade she could manage, though she didn't stick around long as she found Liliann. Not that that was hard, but she was more concerned that she didn't see Ceolfric anywhere. She did, however, hear his voice.

"Honestly, it's like he wants a fight!" Eila hissed quietly to herself, though she gave Liliann a look. "And you! Our priority is Esvelee!"

'Even the playing field,' what a joke. When reinforcements showed up, Quinn would end up permanently in their hands and Astorio would justify him as a lost cause. But from where she was standing, there was no way to get him out safely. No one else was moving, Astorio had his deadline, and she could feel their stares at the back of her head waiting for her to act. If she didn't love being in the spotlight it could've been intimidating. For better or for worse, though, this wasn't her first time in a pickle and it wasn't going to be her last. Alright, she needed her brain to think of a proper solution to this.

Except her brain kept telling her to set the Inquisitor on fire. He was annoying, he was willing to murder people, and he was a coward in denial, so he was the perfect candidate for her next victim. The most pressing problem is that lighting was definitely faster than fire and she wasn't sure she could cross over fast enough to melt him before he would fry Quinn. The temptation to try was there, but was it really worth risking Quinn's life? Well, it was either do something risky in an effort to save him, or do nothing and watch Hassass electrocute him the same way he did to poor Marie.

Actually when she put it that way, there was only one choice.

Lyra decided on something entirely reckless. She was going to have to bribe everyone not to include it in any reports, because if her mother found out, she'd be back in Tal'Natrum first thing tomorrow. She was also definitely going to hear it from both Astorio and Eve, but she was counting on their speed if her stupid plan didn't work. Which it likely wouldn't, but she'd rather go down fighting than stand around doing nothing while Hassass kept being smug.

Letting out a tiny, exasperated sigh, she shook her head. Once she opened her eyes, however, she charged forward. Her hand was outstretched, magic flowing through her as she shouted out her spell with every intention of disrupting any lightning he would have sent to Quinn. "Dolor Geniato!" Her free hand made to shove Quinn aside and hopefully out of harm's way. The moment she made contact with Hassass's face, she put forth as much magic as she could with every intention of melting his face off.

There were subterranean portions of the old city. That was the most important thing to come out of this stupid orientation and the best thing he had heard all day. There was no way an academy of magic didn't have its secrets, and he needed something to occupy his time when he had nothing better to do. Of course, his curiosity was met with disdain. Unsurprising, Phoebus was obviously already spelling out that he was likely to get himself into shit. He supposed he could pretend to be a goody-two-shoes, but Professor Asshat had already looked elsewhere, dismissing him. Douche.

Well, Phoebus knew what he was doing today. First day was always the best time to play it safe and explore everything he could see, he'd save the off-limits exploration once he got a handle of the place. He turned in place and noticed some prissy-looking chick looking at him. The hell was she looking at? What, was being among the plebeians offending her enriched senses? He ignored her and put his attention to the kid choking on his food. Plate full of food, already almost dying on the first day, and having been clearly surprised by the nerd with glasses sneaking up on him. Said nerd looked exceedingly uptight, but if he was willing to speak to Sir Chokes then he was probably looking for some sort of companionship. Both were likely waiting for the overseer to ask to get to their dormitories and likely had every intention of following whoever lead them. That made them the perfect accomplices.

Phoebus outright snatched something doughy from Choking Kid's plate, taking a bite out of it. Nice, the sugar bun was warm and soft. "Kinda rude to ask about someone's hair like that," Phoebus told him, outright ignoring the irony of his statement. "Planning on standing around, or want to look around the campus together?" He looked to Nerd Dude to make sure he knew that he was invited, too.

Esvelee's vocabulary certainly was as astute as her obvious bigotry. Why did Kyreth seem like a threat to people? Eila bit down on the inside of her lower lip; she had already failed in combat, she wasn't going to cause further trouble by arguing with the client. A stiff breeze could take the boy out, for crying out loud! What was curious, however, was Kyreth's complete lack of education. Ermes didn't seem like the educated type, either, but he had a grasp on his own magic. Liliann did as well, so why was Kyreth so ignorant to his own magic? That said, Eila was a little horrified at the idea of hunting people for sport. Such savagery! Who in the world would enjoy hunting people? Then again, seeing as how people saw Tainted as lesser, perhaps they didn't see the Tainted as such. What a depressing and morbid thought.

Eila focused instead on Esvelee's question directed at her. Alright, she wasn't exactly the adventuring type and this previous battle demonstrated such. But she would argue that was more arrogance and optimism on her part instead of being 'gentle-folk'. Was that how the world at large looked at nobility? It wasn't exactly offensive, but it did wonders to minimalize the impact of nobility. In a vibrant society, nobles' functioned as the middle-men between the peasantry and the royals, so she wouldn't necessarily call their life gentle. Maybe she was a little offended as those many grueling nights in the academy where she was often on the verge of tears, she wished her professors had been gentle--

Nope, no, okay, Eila was being ridiculous. It was unlikely that Esvelee meant it literally or as an insult, anyway, especially with her offering of her flask. Eila was gentle and she was likely just like the people Esvelee referred to. If she had any names, Eila would probably recognize them, too.

Her fingers tapped the flask as she frowned to herself. "Research requires funding, and aside from some visits to other capitals, I haven't truly experienced life outside of Buscon. I thought it would be more satisfying to kill two birds with one stone," She replied with a slight shrug. If Esvelee saw Eila's nobility shine through her mannerisms then it was likely obvious to everyone else. Cerric was already aware--and that was a thread she was determined to follow--but it wasn't like she was purposefully hiding it. She just...found no reason to bring it up.

"The trip so far has been...enlightening," She admitted that much.

In Phoebus' new world order, speeches would be banned.

He'd be lying if he said he hadn't been taken in by the academy--it was everything he had heard of and exceeded his expectations. The people, on the other hand, weren't nearly as impressive. The condescension from the older students would've been cute if any of them actually mattered, but as they were nobody to him, he couldn't even pretend to care. He was much more interested in the architecture of the place and much more interested in watching the magic work around them. Nothing agricultural was likely to catch his eye, but the way everything worked so smoothly interested him. Faron was outright primitive in comparison, but he supposed that was why it was the country.

That said, he could do without the speeches. Despite his private education sparing him from any corny principal, they still reminded him too much of his grandfather's ramblings about unity and whatever other bullshit Phoebus couldn't bother remembering. He did, however, roll his eyes at the mention of 'putting aside their differences'. For one, he could pick out at least half a dozen in his immediate vicinity that needed to be knocked down a peg sooner than later. For another, if they really wanted those that sided with the necromancers to not dwell on the past, they shouldn't have lost. That shit was just loser talk. He put his attention to see how many staff he could recognize. Maybe a handful, though only the ones he would've met anytime he accompanied his father to the capital. He doubted they'd recognize him, which would make things much simpler. He did, however, wrinkle his nose a touch at the mention of dormitories. Private rooms, hopefully, otherwise he was pretty sure he'd get in a fistfight with the first asshole that would keep him up at night.

He held back a yawn as they finally finished talking, letting out an sigh. He was more interested in finding out how much of the place he could go see for himself, but a nap sounded just as tempting. Diana had kept him up all night with her myriad of complaining on how she wanted to attend this year instead of next, but Phoebus had to agree with their mother on that one. Besides, he was pretty sure she would drive him up the wall if she was here. He was pretty sure he wasn't going to escape her coming here next year, anyway, so he figured he may as well enjoy the peace however long he could.

So Phoebus trudged over to the overseer. There was some tiny satisfaction knowing that the guy looked as bored as he was for some reason. Probably drew the short straw to have to look after some brats. "...'allo," He raised his hand in a half-hearted greeting. "How much of the academy is off-limits for exploring?"

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