It was now Kuroi's turn to listen to Baraian's words, only giving nonverbal responses. Although he couldn't fully agree with everything the elf was saying, he more or less understood where he was coming from and did find some logic and truth in his notions. He let out a small sigh of defeat, begrudgingly agreeing with his statements about heroism and the sort, "I suppose so. I wouldn't go so far as to call it destiny though."
After the two had spent their time bonding, the vulpine stood up and looked around for the nearest house with a clothesline that had blankets or anything of the sorts to cover himself with. Normally, it would be quite hard to find much of anything at this time of night (seeing as people usually let their clothes and sheets to dry during the day) but Kuroi searched nonetheless. His eyes scanned the area as he walked in the general vicinity of where Baraian was, making sure to stay within his line of sight. After a half-hour of endless searching, Kuroi suddenly jumped a house's fence from which he could procure some supplies for the night. Robbery wasn't something the fox was fond of, nor something he ever thought he'd need to resort to. Thus, upon taking down a couple of bed sheets and blankets hanging on a clothesline, Kuroi took out a few Amas and left them in the house's postbox.
He scanned the area once more, making sure no one had an eye on him before he rushed back over to Baraian, showing him the sheets he had acquired.
"Let's go, Baraian." He whispered, helping the elf up onto his feet once more.
Kuroi had spent the remainder of the day getting as much distance between him and where he had fought the governor. Seeing as he was injured and he was bringing Baraian with him, the two had to lay low in multiple places. After the adrenaline had worn down, the pain had long started to set in Kuroi's body. The first laser that came in contact with him had only ripped through his clothes, resulting in no more than a slight burn wound that was ignorable. The second laser had come a lot closer to his body, and although it wasn't a direct hit, the mere fact that he was grazed was enough to shoot pain up his leg and into the rest of his body which greatly slowed down movement.
There wasn't much Kuroi was able to do as long as he was with Baraian. Hell, there wasn't even a fountain he could visit to alleviate the pain in his foot without being spotted. The vulpine had brought the elf through alleyways and the shadier parts of town where it was harder to be tailed. Although he had so much wished to have eliminated the governor then and there, he realized that it would have made his current situation a lot worse than it already was. Kuroi may have had political power but with how conniving the governor was, lies would have already circulated that the son of Roshmi City's military trainer had attempted to harm the governor of the city.
As soon as night fell and moonlight enveloped the city, Kuroi slowly rose from the bench he was sitting in. It was the middle of the night in one of the most dangerous parts of town but for the fox and the elf, it might have been one of the safest for them.
"...I should have never gotten involved. I've tarnished my own reputation and endangered mother..." Kuroi cursed under his breath, gritting his teeth angrily. "I don't even know you very well, and I very well had my suspicions for you as well. I never wanted to be fully dragged into this rebellious plan of yours, it cost my family's name...and almost my life..."
The vulpine sighed as he clenched his fist. Part of him wanted to slam the elf on the cobblestone path in front of him and leave him to fend for himself but that just wasn't quite him. The duelist had found himself dealing with inner turmoil. Had this truly been the correct moral choice for him? Surely his mother would agree with his current stance on politics, and perhaps even understand his actions to defend the life of another despite his political meddling. If there's one thing Kuroi did know though, he wasn't very fond of Baraian, nor would his mother be. However, it was the right choice to save a downed man from an unjust death. That was something Kuroi was sure of.
The fox closed his eyes and relaxed, using his interlaced fingers as a table for his chin to rest on as he pondered deeply. "...I am unsure what to do. I need to find a way to contact a mother and find a way to clear my name." He said before opening his eyes and looking over at the elf.
"We were spotted a few times. By city guards no less. Although disdain for the governor is not uncommon, I feel as if chance is on our side. Even the city guard isn't fond of him." Kuroi spoke.
"Regardless, our main priority is to leave the city or set up some sort of safe haven for ourselves in the slums. It's easier to commit a crime here, meaning it's easier to deal with any trouble we may come across. I reckon any corrupt law enforcement might even be a boon for us...what say you, elf? How shall we survive the night and go about clearing my name?"
The vulpine kept his guard up after slashing through the light elf's face. Upon seeing the governor raise his own guard and shift his weight, Kuroi immediately took notice of the elf's incoming kick. He moved in the same direction of the kick, hoping to lessen the impact once he caught it. He shot his arm out and stopped moving once he was sure the kick passed the governor's center line of attack. He caught the kick with his closest arm and instinctively shot his knee up into Terneus' inner thigh. Although catching a metal-encased leg wasn't the best course of action, the constant kneeing into the governor's tender flesh would make the trade worthwhile.
Kuroi let go of the man's leg, shoving him forward as he did so before attempting to make a run for Baraian. He was very well aware of the barrage of light beams that began to fire off from the governor and did his best to act accordingly. There was no time to retrieve either of fans, so with wakizashi in hand, he quickly grabbed Baraian and dove behind a table for temporary safety.
Pain suddenly shot up Kuroi's leg. Although the beam of light hadn't hit him head on, this one was more akin to a graze as opposed to a narrow miss. He bared his teeth as he looked at the nearby window, inhaling as he readied himself to make a run for the window with Baraian. Adrenaline surged within him as Kuroi readjusted his grip around Baraian. He suddenly shot up and ran for the only exit he had as best as possible, doing his best to ignore the pain in his foot and the weight on his shoulder due to how he was carrying his ally. The vulpine charged into the window, using his shoulder to break through it and come out flying into the open. He landed roughly on the cobblestone paved path, having been forced to go limp to prevent damage to himself upon impact. Kuroi glared at the window and let out a small growl before he stood up with Baraian, doing his best to try and escape into the nearby alleyways.
By the time the governor was halfway through his self-serving speech, Kuroi realized that the governor had no sense of logic. His own ego clouded him from keeping those things near him that could potentially protect his assets, be they fairly earned or illegitimate spoils. Based on the condescending tone that came from the governor, Kuroi already knew he would have to spring into action. Unfortunately, as much as he would have loved to, murdering the governor would have ended terribly for both him and the rest of his family. A scrap, however, is where Kuroi would definitely have some political and legal protection. The vulpine eyed the mirror in the elf's hand as he began to say his farewells. Kuroi readied both of his fans and immediately moved at an angle to avoid the light beams that missed him by a few inches.
He quickly spun around and threw his fan down at the governor's feet, hoping to startle him in order to close the distance between them. Following the basic principles of kiting, Kuroi kept moving at an angle, avoiding the potential barrage of light beams that came his way. He felt a hotness scorch his right bicep but he knew he couldn't let up now. Adrenaline surged within him as he suddenly threw his other fan down at the governor's mirror, hoping to shatter it. In quick succession, Kuroi dove towards his opponent, rolling about his shoulder in order to come up to his knees. By the time he arrived at the elf's feet, he had already drawn his wakizashi and began shooting upwards with a vertical slash of his blade. He kept the blade in contact with the elf as long as possible, not caring for the flesh or metal that met with the edge of his sword.
The vulpine slashed upwards with one hand and used the other to immediately trap the opponent's nearest hand against his body. In the end, Kuroi's main objective was to leave a mark on the governor. One that couldn't be healed easily.
Kuroi sat there, gripping his mask with one of his hands as the other protectively went to his waist upon seeing the lovely pompous bastard come into the old shack uninvited. As he stood up, he found himself the target for a barrage of light beams coming his way, forcing him to act.
The vulpine immediately dived towards the nearest piece of furniture that would provide cover - a round table. Letting his left hand catch him from falling on his face, he used his right arm to roll on his shoulder and came up standing. He toppled the table over quickly and drew both of his metallic fans, both spread out and as sharp as ever. He pointed his left hand towards the governor and bared his fangs at him, "You dare attack one of your most important military asset? I'm sure one as self-proclaimed as you have heard of the name 'Usagi' at least once in his pompous life. You come in here with such undeserved pride and arrogance despite having the combat prowess of a mere kit!" Kuroi cursed out, spitting at Terneus' feet. "I suggest you lay down your arms and walk out of here lest I talk to dear old mother about stopping the training for your little platoon outside. After all, we wouldn't want to take away what little training your so-called 'special' troops have, now do we?" He continues, grimacing at the elf.
Kuroi stared down at his opponent, certain that within a few seconds he could meet the edge of blades up against the elf's throat. It was clear that the young duelist was absolutely appalled by the cowardly being that stood before him.
This type of behavior and egotistical aura around the elf made Kuroi snap.
"Consider your options careful my cowardly governor. One, the son of the woman who is in charge of the entire city's military has the power to cease the training of all your troops. Two, if blood is spilled, our own political power will be used against you. Three, if my blood is, by some ungodly intervention, is spilled here, mother will take on the cowl of the most proficient assassin you have ever laid eyes on. I guarantee you that the worst option you pick here today is death. The best? Your poor ego is crushed by a man who is significantly better than you."
The vulpine let out a loud exhale before finishing his barrage of threats, "Consider wisely what you are about to do. Step away and leave the shack, or you are free to beg for my forgiveness, tool. I imagine one as 'wise' as yourself would not dare strip the city of its army."
Kuroi stared at the governor, his eyes gleaming conviction and intent to follow through with any physical and/or political option. Based on his demeanor and the sudden stance he lowered himself into, it was clear that Terneus would either face a loss of political power, a loss of his ego, or his own life; be it by Kuroi's or his own mother's hands.
Time: Dawn > Noon Location: Roshmi City Interactions: Baraian @Dezuel BGM: N/A
Wallet: 14 Amas Bank: 3,000
See 'Clothing'
Two razor-sharp metal fans
Throwing Knives
Rope Darts
Climbing Claws
Drystone (For sharpening weapons)
Gourd of water
Steel wire
Smoke Bombs
Large Red Potions (x3)
Medium Red Potions (x3)
Magic Resistance Potions (x2) [Black]
Antidote/Medicine (x1) [Green]
As the party of the snobby governor and his lackeys were barraged by wildlife, Kuroi quietly and quickly followed after Baraian, his eyes constantly scanning his surroundings to make sure they weren't being followed nor gawked at. Upon arrival at the shack, the vulpine let out a small sigh of annoyance, sitting down cross-legged on the wooden floor, positioning himself under the window. He loosened the string that held his mask to his face and put it down on his lap, loudly exhaling with visible annoyance. It didn't take long for Baraian (and any unfortunate sod who had the audacity to spy on them) to realize the mildly androgynous aesthetic Kuroi had decided to sport if he so chose to look at the duelist now unmasked.
Kuroi's face was fairly pale but not devoid of life: it was clear that his flawless skin was a result of the foundation and powder he applied to himself every so often for the sake of presenting himself in a flawless, elegant light. His eyes were touched with a hint of black eyeshadow as well as a thin eyeliner, resulting in a slight aura of femininity. However, despite this, Kuroi primarily emanated masculinity and merely only showed a touch of femininity, proving that he could be as gentle as he could be powerful.
Placing his hands atop his mask, Kuroi looked over at the elf, tilting his head at him in response, "I am not entirely sure. I imagine the human girl is safe but the man who assaulted the governor with a pie is asking to have his head chopped off. Regardless of the outcome, I can't afford to fully affiliate myself with any of them, lest my prestige and family name be at risk."
His gaze moved towards the door as if hoping someone would come through it for better or for worse.
"Fortunately, I've never really been fond of the governor nor does he really have any business showing off his pompous self in front of me. I only need to talk to mother, verify what curriculum his so-called special 'guards' train, and easily strip them of their above-barebones training." Kuroi said, smirking at the elf. "Admittedly, this would be more for my pleasure's sake than anything. A soldier in Roshmi, no matter how well trained, will not be better trained than a martial artist who dedicates significantly more time to arts of combat. After all, a soldier is required to quickly learn the essentials of fighting before going out to protect their nation...or invade another..."
Time: Dawn Location: Roshmi City Interactions: Bellona @Potter, @Dezuel BGM: N/A
Wallet: 14 Amas Bank: 3,000
See 'Clothing'
Two razor-sharp metal fans
Throwing Knives
Rope Darts
Climbing Claws
Drystone (For sharpening weapons)
Gourd of water
Steel wire
Smoke Bombs
Large Red Potions (x3)
Medium Red Potions (x3)
Magic Resistance Potions (x2) [Black]
Antidote/Medicine (x1) [Green]
As time passed, Kuroi sighed as he began to teach the basics of knife defense to the human girl. He had her hold a live blade against him while he merely used his fan, keeping it closed to avoid harming her. Time and time again, he made sure to emphasize the back of the forearm whenever dealing with a live blade in close proximity, teaching her to 'frame' the arm the held the weapon up against the attacker's body if necessary. "In the end, you'll need some sort of minor ambidexterity. You'll have one arm trapping the attacker's arm against them while using the other to do whatever it needs to in order to ensure your safety."
Throughout his teaching, Kuroi never bothered taking off his mask, resulting in yet another day Belle would have to deal with not knowing what the vulpine really looked like. By the time training ended, Kuroi hoped the bit of pressure testing and training he had put her through would do her good.
He sighed as he leaned against the wall, waiting for one of the idle party members to approach him for the sake of socialization or training. The vulpine closed his eyes as he waited, listening to the sounds around him, only to listen in on the abusive interaction between an elf and a faun. Kuroi stood up straight and looked over at the scene, recognizing two of the faces among the group. As if that wasn't enough, the vulpine turned to find the group formulating a rather outrageous plan to save the two. When addressed by Belle, her words went through one ear and out the other; he absolutely refused to politically put himself on the line with such an over-the-top plan!
Kuroi took a few steps away from the group, trying to disassociate as he leaned against the wall again, his eyes on Baraian and Ilan as he waited for the plan to spring into action. All the vulpine could witness was a mess of acts that he definitely did not agree with. A pie thrown at an elf's face right after a murder attempt? Seriously?
He let out a low growl as he gritted his teeth beneath his mask, trying to figure out what to do. While the elf and his troops were distracted by the chaos of the group's machinations, the vulpine slowly inched towards the elf, silently calling for him in hopes he'd slip away with him while the time was right. Although Kuroi still wasn't very fond of Baraian, he saw no reason as to why he should die. After all, he wouldn't directly be helping whatever schemes this man had, nor did he wish ill him, the human girl, or the faun when they all first met. All Kuroi could hope now was that his slight bit of help wouldn't land him in more trouble than he was asking for...
Time: Dawn Location: Roshmi City Interactions: Bellona @Potter BGM: N/A
Wallet: 14 Amas Bank: 3,000
See 'Clothing'
Two razor-sharp metal fans
Throwing Knives
Rope Darts
Climbing Claws
Drystone (For sharpening weapons)
Gourd of water
Steel wire
Smoke Bombs
Large Red Potions (x3)
Medium Red Potions (x3)
Magic Resistance Potions (x2) [Black]
Antidote/Medicine (x1) [Green]
Kuroi raised his eyebrow in curiosity (although due to the mask that covered his face, this could not be seen). The vulpine understood that times were dire and this human was at risk of being captured and killed, if not worse if discovered. From what he interpreted, it seemed that the young woman seemed most eager to interact with him for the sake of his skills. Understandable, but all too convenient for a sudden show of friendliness. He let out a sigh as he slowly responded, "Seeing as you're not from this world, and of course, Roshmi City, I am the son of a once-famous duelist who's wife was in charge of training the city's special forces in hand-to-hand and weapon combat. I'm able to use mostly any weapon given to me and adapt to whatever is in my surroundings. Knifework, grappling, swordsmanship, takedowns, and striking, I'm pretty well versed in them all." He shrugged. "Additionally, I can be quite stealthy if need-be and have had a little bit of experience when it comes to reconnaissance a couple of times."
Once he finished, the vulpine drew his fan, opening it with a flick of his wrist before covering the lower half of the mask with it. "I'm quite fond of the bladed fan over knives. Although a bit awkward at first, they can actually be used to block against smaller weapons and have the same utility as any combat-oriented knife."
Almost as quickly as he drew his weapon, he closed it and hung it at his waist again, "Does that answer your question, Miss Belle? Or is there anything else you wish to know?" He asked, tilting his head at her as his ears twitched.
Time: Dawn Location: Roshmi City Interactions: Bellona @Potter BGM: N/A
Wallet: 14 Amas Bank: 3,000
See 'Clothing'
Two razor-sharp metal fans
Throwing Knives
Rope Darts
Climbing Claws
Drystone (For sharpening weapons)
Gourd of water
Steel wire
Smoke Bombs
Large Red Potions (x3)
Medium Red Potions (x3)
Magic Resistance Potions (x2) [Black]
Antidote/Medicine (x1) [Green]
Kuroi felt eyes fall on him as he sat there in his meditative state. The ears atop his head twitched and turned in the direction of Belladonna as if having heard her footsteps move towards the way they came from a week ago. His eyes open and met with the young girl's for a minute, catching her silent indication that she wished to go to the world above once again. The vulpine followed her gaze and soon began to follow her after she disappeared alongside her companion. His footsteps were quiet as he inconspicuously made his way above, making sure no eyes set themselves on him for longer than necessary. As he arrived at the surface, he felt the sunlight strike him and fresh air bless his lungs. Letting out a happy exhale, Kuroi walked forth, his arms spread out slightly from his body as if to enjoy the city ambiance and the fresh air he had longed for.
It didn't take the vulpine much time to catch the scent of the human girl again. He pressed forward, quickly but silently until he arrived at Belladonna's group. He crept up behind her and looked over her shoulder at the flyer advertising the ball, raising his eyebrow.
"A ball...? Not the best of times to celebrate anything." He says softly as if to announce his presence.
Ever since his voluntary encounter with the Dark Elf, faun, and the human, Kuroi had calmly resided within Ra Monde, causing no trouble for anyone. His mornings were spent reading whatever he could get his hands on whereas his afternoons consisted of training by himself - kata, shadowing, and tending to his tools and weapons. His eyes came upon the faun and the human multiple times throughout the week (after all, it was hard not to encounter the same people in an encampment of no more than a few hundred) but decided not to approach either, especially after such a dramatic first meeting a few days ago. Normally, he would have taken time to talk to the people he had just met, but the tension that emanated from the human girl and the anxiety from the faun had him presume it would be better if he kept his distance for a while. Instead, he filled his evenings and all forms of socialization teaching the youth and old alike in the encampment, having started a small training group or so under the supervision of the guards.
Halfway through the week, Kuroi had already assembled a group of four or five male youths and had them train with whatever weapons they had on them as well as their fists and feet. Evening after evening, Kuroi emphasized the need for pressure testing and trained his temporary students in engagement strategies, basic knife work, and how to handle oneself without a weapon on them. There were times when Kuroi considered inviting the faun to train with the group he had put together but left him to his own accords instead. As night fell (or at least, when Kuroi assumed it did), Kuroi would stalk the Dark Elf who had led him here from afar, examining his mannerisms and any subtle actions that would give away any sort of machinations he may have had in mind. Although he did not resort to eavesdropping or outright espionage, the vulpine kept a close look on the leader of the Golden Death throughout the week, not wanting to be caught by surprise in case any plans were put into action.
Present Time
After the week was over, Kuroi found himself gathering around the pavilion where Baraian spoke over to the residents of the encampment, filling them with rebellious and encouraging words. The vulpine did find merit in the Dark Elf's words but had already silently withdrawn himself from any planned bloodshed that would take place in the streets. He had a status and a prestigious family name to uphold, any sort of actions of a rebellious nature coming him would be silent and subtle. Like mostly everyone else, Kuroi despised the overlord Alkenroth, but he was not ready to throw away his life, honor, and his family so freely. Surely, there were many others (and most likely little to none within Ra Monde) who took a similar stance on such socio-political matters.
As soon as Baraian finished speaking, his eyes fell onto the human girl who stepped up onto the pavilion, watching her be crowned the leader of the Golden Death in front of its supporters. Although cheering and clapping may have suddenly surrounded him, Kuroi was unmoved by such matters. His steely glare did not soften as he merely looked forth at the Dark Elf and the young girl who had been forced into a position of leadership.
What are you planning, Baraian...? Kuroi thought to himself, his eyes not leaving either of his focuses.
With a hefty sigh, Kuroi turned around and walked past the men he had been training throughout the week, "Training is canceled. I require time for...reflection..." said the duelist, being the first to leave the crowd.
Were it not for his prestige in the world above, the vulpine's mannerisms could not be mistaken for someone who had no wish to taint their fame. To the more perceptive individuals, he already imagined that him taking his early leave from the speech gave off at least a slight aura of disagreement. Kuroi returned to the tent that had been assigned to him and sat down in front of it, closing his eyes as he began to ponder on the matter and everything that had just been announced.