Avatar of Hillan


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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
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10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

What's the plan for the remaining of the Season? I'm thinking of coming back with a different character as I still don't have any tangible ideas for Thawne. It'd be nice to know if I should hold off for next season.
Hi I’d like to apply to be Jace’s proctologist scarred by his patient’s IBS. Thanks. : )


Name: Johannes Mikhail Khorenstai
Gender: Armenian
Character Brief:
I want to truly dig deep into the depths of such a well established character as Yohannes Khorenstai and his slavic history, digging deep into his background and his trauma in Yugoslavia, and the terrors he suffered at the hands of Jace's family. His life in the KGB and his relationship with the Australian Ice Cream factory, Peters Ice Cream. I want to really explore ideas that the novels never had the guts to. He'll be searching for the Macadonian murderers who burned his life to the ground. Johannes ins out for blood in a John Wick kind of way.

Rectal blood.

I call Conservative Asshole StepBro

No OC's allowed. This is Canon characters only. Read the lore, dude.

I'm going to put my phallic object inside of Jason's dad's spherical hole.

Location: New York City, New York - Streets

The aliens poured into the streets, as Jason was sneaking about, avoiding their gaze and their attention for as long as he could. Every moment was a gift in situations like this - in a sense, this was no different than when Bane juiced up half of Gotham on venom and Bruce was taken out of commission. Leaving Jason alone to rescue the hostages and save the day. Being an underdog against forces far greater than those he could overpower wasn't news to the Boy Wonder.

That didn't make it any less scary.

He grappled onto a rooftop, scanning the area, from his belt he detached a small electrical spy-drone that would fly across the streets, surveying the scene and gathering intel for him. He needed to know where the civilians in need were. As he did, he caught a glimpse of a massive boy in a black shirt and with black hair, beating one of the aliens up with his bare hands.

"Either Superman took a dip in the Lazarus pit, or that's a new player." He commented, seeing the building he had been fighting next to, and how it's left side wall was about to collapse. Right onto of a young girl and her grandmother, who had gotten pelted in the side of the head with debris, knocked to the ground and bleeding. The.. Amazing-Kid or whatever wasn't paying attention, too focused on the fight ahead, and perhaps a more valuable use of his powers, left the scene to go fight the aliens.

Robin flipped off the roof, swinging his hook to the next one, vaulting over a lamppost as he did. Landing next to the pair. He produced the bo-staff from his belt and extended it, holding back the wall as he handed the still attached grapple to the girl, while he still held onto it with one hand. Scooping up the elderly lady with his other hand, he said, calmly.

"Hold onto me." Assuring the women that they would be fine. He pulled the grapple and yanked all three of them away, just as the staff gave way to the wall. The staff snapped in half, leaving the two about evenly shaped sticks behind. As he went to join the others in their fight, he heard the loud thuds, slowly coming towards him. It was one of the Aliens. Gravely injured, his face was burnt and beat up, probably from the flying girl's energy blasts.

But he was pissed. Real fucking angry.

Jason wasn't a stranger to fighting with simple rebar, so, the pieces of the Titanium alloyed staff Batman had given him were certainly a step-up from his rebar days.

He rolled to the side, whistling at the alien, dragging it's attention away from the girls. His red batarang popped out of his glove, throwing it with the one hand as he dashed to the weapons next to the crumbled wall, the projectile soaring in the air like a discus, before coming back, the alien hardly even saw it coming as it pierced his neck.

However, the four inch blade didn't seem to bother him too much. That's never a particularly good sign. If anything, it just pissed him off. He rushed at Jason, his wings seemingly limp from whatever massive hit he took. The Robin thanked his lucky stars for any advantage he could get on his side here. It charged at him from his left side, Jason got his hands on the sticks and leapt under the alien, rolling behind him and stabbing the pointy, broken piece of one of the sticks into the aliens heel. It was like stabbing a brick wall.

The blade pierced and the beast got pissed. Turning around and Jason dodged to the left, he should've bobbed to the right as he now got caught with the backhand of the behemoth, knocking him to the ground like he was a rat.

His head spun from the tumble. The monster limped towards him until the spear in his heel broke, than he didn't care about his bleeding foot, only interested in tearing the Boy Wonder's head off. Jason threw a handful of explosive marbles at him, packed with C-4, exploding in his face and disorienting him, stumbling backwards. Robin stalked him from the side, swinging the stick with both hands as hard as he could, he came with a downward diagonal strike towards the alien's head, striking the Batarang as hard as he could on the outer side, making it rip through the behemoth's body as it careened blood from it's throat.

He collected himself, grabbing the other shard of his staff before heading to find his would-be allies. He ran a scan on the alien he had just downed as he ran through the streets. It was still alive, somehow. Just unconscious. He couldn't quite figure out just how freaking tough these things were. But, it certainly gave him a whole new respect for Bruce and his willingness to face down with the intergalactic heavy-hitters the Justice League danced with on the regular.

He came swinging into the fray, as the remaining stragglers of the alien forces would charge the small group of heroes, raining explosives down onto them, drawing a line in the concrete.

"You guys come here often?" The Robin tried to joke, reading the sticks in his hands. The knuckles on his gloves sparked with excitement as the tasers were activated, transferring the electric current into the broken staff.

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