
Clark Joseph Kent ♦ Intern ♦ Metropolis ♦ Truth and justice.
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"True strength comes from lifting up those that have fallen."
Clark Kent, Kal-El Of Krypton, The Man Of Steel, Last Kryptonian.
Intern at the Daily Planet and last in his fantasy Football league. Just joking, Clark wasn't invited to play Fantasy Football.
Clark is a nerdy kid from Smallville, Kansas. By all accounts, a perfectly normal, albeit, maybe a little weird, young man. He went to High School, then studied at an online college, majoring in journalism and photography. Spent his teenage years chasing the 'Wall Of Weird' with his High School buddies. All the while yearning for, searching and eventually dreading a destiny. This is the tale of how mild mannered Clark Kent becomes The Man Of Tomorrow, and how he protects his city, and all of the world.
His first journey into heroism isn't stopping a meteor from crushing the planet, nor is it lifting an airplane out of the sky. But it'll be about him tackling the concept that there's a world outside of Smallville, and all of the dangers and excitement that brings.
Clark is 22 years old and has just moved to Metropolis to fulfill his destiny, and it starts with a red T-shirt, a blue jean jacket and a internship serving coffee to the reporters at the Daily Planet.
Intern at the Daily Planet and last in his fantasy Football league. Just joking, Clark wasn't invited to play Fantasy Football.
Clark is a nerdy kid from Smallville, Kansas. By all accounts, a perfectly normal, albeit, maybe a little weird, young man. He went to High School, then studied at an online college, majoring in journalism and photography. Spent his teenage years chasing the 'Wall Of Weird' with his High School buddies. All the while yearning for, searching and eventually dreading a destiny. This is the tale of how mild mannered Clark Kent becomes The Man Of Tomorrow, and how he protects his city, and all of the world.
His first journey into heroism isn't stopping a meteor from crushing the planet, nor is it lifting an airplane out of the sky. But it'll be about him tackling the concept that there's a world outside of Smallville, and all of the dangers and excitement that brings.
Clark is 22 years old and has just moved to Metropolis to fulfill his destiny, and it starts with a red T-shirt, a blue jean jacket and a internship serving coffee to the reporters at the Daily Planet.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Why Truth be told, Superman is my favorite Superhero, and honestly, maybe one of my favorites in all of fiction. But he wasn't always. There was a time where I thought the boyscout routine, the do-gooder and godlike powers got stale after you realized every other hero can also fly and lift heavy stuff, but face far more challenge than Clark. But then I realized what Superman is about, at least the parts that resonate with me te. And there in lies my motivation to play him and show what made him my favorite after all.
It comes down to the heart of the character, the constant burden of carrying the world on his shoulders, sometimes quite literally. The knowledge that being the most powerful being on the planet, yet still just a regular guy. The powers to be a god, but lacking the hybris to do so. Superman, at his core, is someone who always considers others in every action he does. I want to chronicle the alien who proves we humans can be better, Superman is the best of us because he brings out the best in us. I want to tell his story, and how he got there.
It comes down to the heart of the character, the constant burden of carrying the world on his shoulders, sometimes quite literally. The knowledge that being the most powerful being on the planet, yet still just a regular guy. The powers to be a god, but lacking the hybris to do so. Superman, at his core, is someone who always considers others in every action he does. I want to chronicle the alien who proves we humans can be better, Superman is the best of us because he brings out the best in us. I want to tell his story, and how he got there.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
TBD As the IC Progresses.
S A M P L E P O S T:
"Y'know, my dad always told me that I could achieve anything, as long as I put my heart into it and worked hard. The sky's the limit, he would say. I'm starting to think that maybe... He was wrong. I don't think the sky's where it stops. Not for any of us." The black haired man said, chewing lightly on a pencil, trying to think of a way to solve the riddle presented to him on the paper in his hand. He scratched the back of his head, pushing his glasses back up when he grabbed the pen from his mouth again.
"Crossword giving you problem, Smallville?" his brown-haired coworker mocked from the other side of the lunch room. Well, coworker, she was Lois Lane and she was technically his boss. Or at least higher up in the food chain than him. The way she had explained it to him on his first day here, two weeks ago was Lois was a dolphin, Perry White was a great blue whale, and Clark... Well, Clark was a guppy.
"Yeah, it's a real tough one today." Clark murmured, having just filled in 'Sky'.
"Try 'Ahab' That usually does it." Lois added, grabbing her lunch from the fridge, the salad box that said 'Olsen' on it. Clark shook his head. "I don't think Ahab was the 22nd President of the United States". Lois raised her eyebrow. "It's Grover, man."
"Cleaveland. Like the state. C-L-E-A-V-E-L-A-N-D" Lois spelled it for him and he couldn't help but to snicker a little about it. "That's not how you spe-" He was interrupted by Lois walking past him, back to her desk to eat her lunch. She was always working after all. "Good talk, miss Lane." Clark concluded, returning to his crossword.
A few minutes later, Jimmy Olsen, the up and coming hotshoot photographer for the paper walked into the room, looking for his lunch. It was gone. He let out a loud groan. Clark picked up sirens thanks to his extraordinary hearing, and if there was one thing to know about Mr.Kent, was that he tried to be where the sirens were.
He put down the crossword and turned to Jimmy. "Hey, Jimmy! I'm just about to do a coffee run for Mr.White, I'll grab you a sandwich from McLarens while I'm out. Meatball sub, right?" Jimmy nodded. "Yeah, extra marinara, thanks Clark!" Clark smiled, walking towards the exit, taking the stairs in favor of the elevator, the sirens moving past him now. Once he knew nobody could see him in the staircase, he ran towards the roof, instead of towards the lobby. Once he emerged onto the roof, the grabbed the backpack he had left there. He took off his glasses and dress shirt, revealing his red under-shirt, grabbing the blue denim jacket from the bag as well as the pair of aviator goggles he had there and the black ball cap.
Once geared up, he ran towards the edge of the building and stepped off, in one leap, he had cleared a block and a half, flying through the air.
"Crossword giving you problem, Smallville?" his brown-haired coworker mocked from the other side of the lunch room. Well, coworker, she was Lois Lane and she was technically his boss. Or at least higher up in the food chain than him. The way she had explained it to him on his first day here, two weeks ago was Lois was a dolphin, Perry White was a great blue whale, and Clark... Well, Clark was a guppy.
"Yeah, it's a real tough one today." Clark murmured, having just filled in 'Sky'.
"Try 'Ahab' That usually does it." Lois added, grabbing her lunch from the fridge, the salad box that said 'Olsen' on it. Clark shook his head. "I don't think Ahab was the 22nd President of the United States". Lois raised her eyebrow. "It's Grover, man."
"Cleaveland. Like the state. C-L-E-A-V-E-L-A-N-D" Lois spelled it for him and he couldn't help but to snicker a little about it. "That's not how you spe-" He was interrupted by Lois walking past him, back to her desk to eat her lunch. She was always working after all. "Good talk, miss Lane." Clark concluded, returning to his crossword.
A few minutes later, Jimmy Olsen, the up and coming hotshoot photographer for the paper walked into the room, looking for his lunch. It was gone. He let out a loud groan. Clark picked up sirens thanks to his extraordinary hearing, and if there was one thing to know about Mr.Kent, was that he tried to be where the sirens were.
He put down the crossword and turned to Jimmy. "Hey, Jimmy! I'm just about to do a coffee run for Mr.White, I'll grab you a sandwich from McLarens while I'm out. Meatball sub, right?" Jimmy nodded. "Yeah, extra marinara, thanks Clark!" Clark smiled, walking towards the exit, taking the stairs in favor of the elevator, the sirens moving past him now. Once he knew nobody could see him in the staircase, he ran towards the roof, instead of towards the lobby. Once he emerged onto the roof, the grabbed the backpack he had left there. He took off his glasses and dress shirt, revealing his red under-shirt, grabbing the blue denim jacket from the bag as well as the pair of aviator goggles he had there and the black ball cap.
Once geared up, he ran towards the edge of the building and stepped off, in one leap, he had cleared a block and a half, flying through the air.
P O S T C A T A L O G:
Issue 01: You're not in Kansas Anymore Parts. 1 - 3