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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

Don't worry about thinking in terms of posting-rounds. I think it's completely fine to do a bit of back to back posting, provided the posts have substance. I'm not a big fan of collabs, because I think they add a lot of fluff and comes off as being tougher to read - but discuss with the person you're gonna interact with about what you wanna get done in an few posts, much like we've done with the relationships and it'll all work out just fine. As illustrated by the frankly, above expectation work done on the relationship-sheet.

Just wondering @Hillan, because I left it ambiguous in my CS, who would be the Green Lantern(s) Hana has interacted with? I didn't put anything down, because I didn't want to assume. I meant to ask earlier, but it kept slipping my mind. And if I missed it in the OOC, sorry about that. I have to admit I sleep on occasion and miss the fun stuff.

Take your pick of the human Lanterns. Again, we're 15-years into the existence of the League. It's a fair bet that anyone who's wore the GL-title and was born on Earth is one of Earth's GL's. But also, if you'd rather Guy's a Red Lantern, John's a Blue and Kyle's finally figured out a way to make art pay, that'd be cool, too. I'm giving you the right to decide who you want to be in your story, because they're closest to your proxy.

And, incidentally, it means I didn't, and won't, have to plan everything out ahead ;)
First villain wave:
Ape Archer
Archer from Mars
Archie the Archer
Black Arrow
Crimson Archer
GAMA the Mechanical Archer
Iron Archer
John Centaur
Lord Kalesque
Rainbow Archer

"We seem to be finding a disproportionate number of archers as villains..."

"This is just what happens when we move to Seattle."

... Surely, you made like, 90% of those up. Right?

Man, Julian's gonna have a bad day when a guy in green leather breaks into the Penthouse and yells in a very deep voice that he's failed this city.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

You'll get Ra's Al Ghul and like it, young man!

I mean... I'd take the chance to have Ra's send Sensei to beat the snot out of all our brawlers.

Since we're set in the DC Universe, who are you hoping makes an appearance in the RP? Furthermore, who do you want the team to go up against?

And if you're not a huge DC fan, what sort of threats are you hoping we face? Do you have any ideas you'd love to see happen whether as a story arc or even just an interaction between two or more characters?

I assume anything I'd say on the topic might be considered spoilers. But, I also don't truly believe in keeping my cakehole shut about possible plots just because I'm the GM. As some of you who's played with me in Comic Book games prior might be aware, I've got something of a on-again, off-again relationship with the second rival to the scarlet speedster, Eobard Thawne haunts my brain almost as much as he tries to haunt Barry's life. Now, I'm not sure I'd end up popping in the demented speedster into the game, but I'd love to find an excuse.

A far more realistic villain to be used is The Shade, who might just shake up the constitution of The Light, Richard Swift is a poorly utilized, incredibly versatile character in the comics. Sole commander of a power that rivals the speed force. That man's not really to be fucked with, and that kind of underused goodness could certainly be really freaking fun.

I look forward to writing Lex Luthor and Vandal Savage, both vying for the role of 'true leaders' in The Light. Adversarial yet admiring the other's resourcefulness. And I think both of their characters in the YJ-show are some of the best representation either's ever had. Lex is playing 4D chess every move he makes in the entire series, and Vandal is quite literally playing 4 Dimensional chess against an existential threat.

As for heroes, Red Hood, B'Wana Beast, Doctor Fate (Who's definitely not so happy with us being less that order-ly.) are all very likely suspects to show up given the chance. But I'm also completely for you guys introducing and utilizing heroes who are members of the Justice League or the titans when the need arises. Shooting me a PM ahead of time's appreciated, just so I could make sure they're not planned for anything else in the immediate future.

I also love the mythos of the angels and demons of DC. So expect to see at least one Rhyming Demon Lord come and whoop our asses back to the dark ages.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

The Light's Queen Bee has her agent Brother Blood in charge of a legacy project, Project H.I.V.E whose mission statement is to bring forward a new generation into the Light and eventually become a legitimate counter-force to the Titans.

...but their first cake-walk assignment is to prove they have "The Right Stuff" by running over a speed bump; a ragtag "team" of misfits calling themselves Renegades in the Pacific North West...

That... Wasn't what I had planned for HIVE. But, uh.
It might be now.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>

My assumption has been that the Titans here are more or less the Young Justice team that appears in the show, but with the Titans title.

It's left inherently ambiguous, as is the League. More of a 'cross that bridge when we get to it' sort of deal.
But, it's a fair bet that the Titans are made up of every Protegé that isn't still a sidekick or dead.
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

I think Evans' chest might be bigger.

You just wait.

I see that you guys are full currently (that was super fast). I was wondering if you would be willing to accept more people if positions opened from people dropping out of the rp?


Yep! If spots opens up, we'll re-recruit.
<Snipped quote by Hillan>

It's one to two paragraphs if you squint.

Maybe if I read it from the moon.
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