Since we're set in the DC Universe, who are you hoping makes an appearance in the RP? Furthermore, who do you want the team to go up against?
And if you're not a huge DC fan, what sort of threats are you hoping we face? Do you have any ideas you'd love to see happen whether as a story arc or even just an interaction between two or more characters?
I assume anything I'd say on the topic might be considered spoilers. But, I also don't truly believe in keeping my cakehole shut about possible plots just because I'm the GM. As some of you who's played with me in Comic Book games prior might be aware, I've got something of a on-again, off-again relationship with the second rival to the scarlet speedster, Eobard Thawne haunts my brain almost as much as he tries to haunt Barry's life. Now, I'm not sure I'd end up popping in the demented speedster into the game, but I'd love to find an excuse.
A far more realistic villain to be used is The Shade, who might just shake up the constitution of The Light, Richard Swift is a poorly utilized, incredibly versatile character in the comics. Sole commander of a power that rivals the speed force. That man's not really to be fucked with, and that kind of underused goodness could certainly be really freaking fun.
I look forward to writing Lex Luthor and Vandal Savage, both vying for the role of 'true leaders' in The Light. Adversarial yet admiring the other's resourcefulness. And I think both of their characters in the YJ-show are some of the best representation either's ever had. Lex is playing 4D chess every move he makes in the entire series, and Vandal is quite literally playing 4 Dimensional chess against an existential threat.
As for heroes, Red Hood, B'Wana Beast, Doctor Fate (Who's definitely not so happy with us being less that order-ly.) are all very likely suspects to show up given the chance. But I'm also completely for you guys introducing and utilizing heroes who are members of the Justice League or the titans when the need arises. Shooting me a PM ahead of time's appreciated, just so I could make sure they're not planned for anything else in the immediate future.
I also love the mythos of the angels and demons of DC. So expect to see at least one Rhyming Demon Lord come and whoop our asses back to the dark ages.