Also, Ding Dong Daddy needs to show up and steal a briefcase containing Julian's most prized possession so @rocketrobie2 can lead a sub-team in a massive race against a bunch of supervillains

<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
As you said, a confrontation with the league would be extremely interesting, especially given certain character's connections to the various members, such as Julian and Supes, Hayden and Captain Marvel, Hana and whichever GL is there, among others!
For me personally, an interaction between Gabi, Selene, and Wonder Woman, is something I really want to see play out, given their relationship with one another (or lack of in Gabi's case).
As for potential villains, I'm not too sure. That said, I'd love to see the various sub-teams that are developed to be thrown into wildly different scenarios that test each member differently. For example, seeing Cece, a character already questioning her beliefs due to being around demi-gods and magicians, being thrown into a setting that completely challenges her faith.
Also, I wanna see some inter-team drama, because that's always fun
<Snipped quote by Natty>
CeCe vs Darkseid when.
That said I'd honestly like to see CeCe and Cyborg interact somehow.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
I really don't see Cece and Cyborg as a fun interaction. I think someone like Cliff Steele would have more of an impact on her.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
Fair point, I was just going with her closest canon counterpart, but yeah that'd be cool too.
I'd definitely like to see us go up against the Titans at some point, probably before the League if that ever happens.
I'd definitely like to see us go up against the Titans at some point, probably before the League if that ever happens.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
I didn't even consider the Titans! I'm very intrigued to see that lineup. The Justice League is easy to guess to an extent, give or take a few members, but there are many wildly different interpretations of the Titans to pick and choose from
<Snipped quote by Natty>
When not specified, I always default to the cartoon lineup of Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven and Beast Boy. But it'd be cool to have them be made up of Nightwing, Aqualad, Red Arrow, Troia, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg and Beast Boy. Maybe a few others to put them on a more equal footing with us.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
My assumption has been that the Titans here are more or less the Young Justice team that appears in the show, but with the Titans title.
I'd also like to see us face a Speedster, be it Kid Flash, Impulse, a Thawne, Zoom whatever.
Simply cause we don't have one, so I feel like it would be interesting.
Surprised nobody applied as one.
I'd also like to see us face a Speedster, be it Kid Flash, Impulse, a Thawne, Zoom whatever.
Simply cause we don't have one, so I feel like it would be interesting.
Surprised nobody applied as one.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
Julian just has to use his powers and we basically have one.
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
but it's not the same.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
Upgrades to Cece's legs?
Since we're set in the DC Universe, who are you hoping makes an appearance in the RP? Furthermore, who do you want the team to go up against?
Upgrades to Cece's legs?
Since we're set in the DC Universe, who are you hoping makes an appearance in the RP? Furthermore, who do you want the team to go up against?
And if you're not a huge DC fan, what sort of threats are you hoping we face? Do you have any ideas you'd love to see happen whether as a story arc or even just an interaction between two or more characters?