Avatar of Hillan


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5 mos ago
Current "When you have an unfair system the only thing you have to do in order for that system to be used against you, is to wait."
10 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
10 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sep>

I'm just lazzzzy. I'll have something up before the weekend. Shame me enough and maybe tonight.

Shameful display. You shame your grandmother, your grandfather, your dog and your pet pelican.

That do it?
Toss up between a Platypus which harnesses an Australian's capacity to swear and a superhero based in Seattle who becomes more powerful in the rain as the most OP characters ever created...

Atlantean would've had a field day, huh.
I'd like to apologise to all those that choose to help the police outside the bank because now you're all just going to be stood out in the rain

Them's fighting words
Nice work peeps!
There's still some people who haven't gotten out their second posts. A heads-up. I'm going to count inactivity from Wednesday this week, and you'll be removed from the game by Monday if you still haven't posted by then, so you got another week to go. I'll probably try and become more strict with it as we move forward to try and keep pace. The idea is afterall to post twice a week, which, frankly, I think we've managed quite well so far.

And nothing might rally the troops like a painful loss.
Happy Monday to you too!

<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

Hana's going to yeet herself out the window and fly into danger like the giant green moth to a lamp that she is. She could bring people along with her, but that's a smart move.

And we know better...

Unless someone wants to volunteer to be taken on the self-yeet ride?

Man she's gonna be all pikachu face when we arrive before her.

I can't wait.
Smort. I'm figuring I'd give people some breathing room to build some anxiety about going on a mission. A certain Green Lantern or Blue Beatle might wanna head out without the rest of the team, etc. If you decide your character wants to stay behind, they'll have a part to play there, too.

I do realize that our massive cast will become quite troublesome to plot for till we build up proper group dynamic like in the show where we can split up into squads and tackle different sections of a mission, or different missions all together. So, I hope people lean into the yank of it all.
<Snipped quote by Roman>

If we ever do a time skip, depending on how intertwined Johnny gets with the team, I might have him leave the group and become a crew-chief, using his inherent abilities on the track (or maybe having him get some power blocking device so he doesn't feel like he's cheating). More short term, like I went over pretty briefly in my CS, I'd like to lean into some more Knight Rider/alien type stuff with an evil doppleganger of The Car showing up and having Johnny + Carly duke it out with that thing.

Power-wise I haven't really thought about much I'd change. Maybe having Johnny flesh out his own powers somewhat or have The Car get some cool new gadgets (though I want to reel back on this a bit so Carly doesn't become a car version of the scarab).

I look forward to Johnny fighting EvilJohnny (Who has a moustache).

Hah! One party is going to get a whole lot more than the other one. By that, I mean Hana gets a vacation day. Kryptonian Green Lantern means no one has to come to work tomorrow.

Or the Luthor in him goes mad with power and he's their assignment tomorrow.
Weird wardrobe malfunction episode when Julian and Hana takes the other's ring.

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