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The enveloping swirl of light narrowed quickly in to pin point stars as A Little Luck dropped out of hyperspace. The remainder of the trip had been uneventful. Pax Gerrig even managed to get enough sleep to synch with the local-night day cycle of Abridon. From this distance the emerald forests and swirls of clouds on the cerulean planet spoke words of peace into the void of space.

“Looks like a nice place to visit,” he said to himself, but the astromech tootled a happy whistle. Pax rolled his eyes at the droid. “What do you think they have down there for food? I was hoping for some-“ Pax trailed off when he saw the Dreadnaught class cruiser pouring gouts of energy into Republic ships. Bright green and red lances of plasma lanced between the vessels as both sides scrambled to launch their starfighters into the fray. A savage smile burned its way from between Officer Gerrig’s lips.

“Astro droid, what is your designation?” Pax shouted over the adrenaline dumping into his veins. The letters T5-R4 flashed to the screen with a questioning chirp. “Well, Tee-five, todays the day you became a warrior.” He flipped the switch to activate his deflector shields. “I want you take control of the tail gun and blast any Sith fighter that starts tailing us. Also, start the arming process for the fusion torpedoes. I want two ready within the next thirty seconds and the remaining four ready to follow them.” The integrated droid sounded baleful in its new responsibilities but the words <Yes, master,> made their way to the display terminal. “None of this master bantha poodoo. Unlink the blaster cannons. I’m going to need rapid shots with those fighters.” <Yes, sir.>

He thumbed a button on the control stick and activated his helmet mounted mic. “Attention, Republic blockade cruiser, this is Investigator Gerrig. Requesting the remnants of your fighters to form up on me. I have an idea that just might save some of us.”

“Gerrig, this is… well I guess Captain Dalton now. Form up on Nexu Squadron over the remains of blockade cruiser Bastion while we jettison the pods.” Pax could hear the fear in Dalton’s voice even through the garbled comlink. “Transmitting the frequencies and transponder codes, Investigator.”

As his approach vector brought him closer to the cruiser, great gobs of what had been molten armor plating formed a cloud of debris. The broken spine of the cruiser erupted under another volley from the Sith Star Dreadnaught. A gout of flame and pulverized cots burst from what must have been the barracks. Almost instantly the fire died away and cots lazily flew past A Little Luck to be collected in some distant gravity well. Two of the original four Republic fighters fought desperately to contain the Sith and prevent them from blasting the jettisoned escape pods. As soon as Pax piloted his shuttle within range, T5 painted five targets on screen.

“Tee-five, select the two Sith starships closest to planet side and lock the torpedoes onto their signature. Nexu Squadron,” he rocked as a Sith cannon bolt grazed his forward shield, “engage the targets planet side. Keep a distance but light ‘em up with blaster fire.” A clicked acknowledgement keyed over the comlink as T5 began a 2.3 second countdown to weapons lock. The droid droned a low pitched hum, indicating that A Little Luck’s targeting sensors had locked on a split second before Pax trigger the torpedoes. Bright pink comets of energy traced their way toward the Sith fighters as they juked away from Nexu’s blaster cannons.

Pax Gerrig settled into the hunt and turned his attention to the next pair of fighters just moments before the torpedoes found their quarry. He bellowed predatorily as he settled into the hunt. “Nice shooting Nexu!” he keyed over the mic. More debris and energy pummeled his craft. “Just three more fighters to go before we can take the fight to that Dreadnaught.”

An immediate hush fell over the battlefield and the Sith Starfighters disengaged. A curtain of energy tore into one of the Republic Starfighters on his starboard flank. The second disintegrated in a vapor cloud with his port side stabilizer under fire from the Dreadnaught’s battlements. A cold lump filled his stomach as he became the prey. He pulled a tight turn and spun back to the planet. “Tee-five, shunt all energy to aft shields. Randomize a two percent adjustment to my evasive maneuvers until we get within two seconds of the atmosphere.” The same baleful moan from the droid filled the speakers in his helmet. “Contact Dalton, Rorwoor, or anyone else with the taskforce and find me a rendezvous. Things are about to get bumpy.”
eyesonlyhacker said

Thanks Eyes!
eyesonlyhacker said
if you could, maybe link those with their CS.

Not sure how to do that :( sorry. I'm really new to this.
The swirl of hyperspace did not bother Pax Gerrig nearly as much as the vast emptiness between systems. He sat alone at the command console of his small intersystem shuttle, A Little Luck, and double checked his navigation calculations as a nervous habit. The cockpit was small enough to be a coffin and the air smelled recycled and stale.

“At least it’s only another twelve hours,” he spoke to the integrated astromech droid. He decided to spend the rest of his time prior to landing looking over intelligence reports, eating his ship prepared meal, and sleeping in his cot in the cramped cargo hold that doubled as a cell when he transported suspects. “I mean look at this stuff. There’s not a whole lot that would make the Sith want to take this system. There has to be something more going on.” The astro droid chirped an affirmative response. “And here I am talking to the damn droid.”

It had been close to 36 hours since Gerrig had slept. The day before ended up filled with reviewing data and preparing himself and his gear for the days ahead. As much as he hated saying it, he could not sleep because he was excited to join the Taskforce. It had been a while since he tracked down a Sith and he missed doing what he did best. Gerrig had become synonymous with ‘justice’ among RepSec officers in the core. The only part he dreaded about arriving on planet was working under the Jedi. Master Rorwoor had been assigned to the Taskforce and Pax was to report to him along with his commanding officers and RepSec Intelligence.

“Wonder if the smug bastard will even understand Basic,” he mused to the droid. A message appeared on the screen asserting that Jedi were guardians of justice. “Yeah we’ll see about that. Never liked ‘em. You know the story of Taris, right?” As he finished his sentence, a frosty steel ball of fear settled in his stomach. Slowly, afraid to see what he knew was not there, he turned his head. Out in his periphery he saw his wife.

“You’re not real! I saw you get killed. You weren’t on the ship. I checked before we left!” He spat the practiced words without effect. She still stood there, silent and watching, as he fumbled in a bulkhead compartment for his injector. “What do you even want? You just stand there!” He loaded the cartridge into the injector and put it against his arm. As he pressed the cold nozzle against his forearm he risked eye contact with the apparition. Her eyes poured sadness and regret into his soul. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “You’re just not real.” Pax pushed the button on the rear of the stylus injector with his thumb to flood his system with sedative. As soon as he looked down to activate the injector she disappeared from site.

Groggily, he stood and searched the small interior of his ship to ensure that her ghost had not hidden somewhere. He sat and cleaned his carbine in silence. After, he donned his armor and helmet and lay down on the cot. He checked the chronometer on his forearm to see that his mania had only lasted 12 minutes. Only 11 hours and 48 minutes until Abridon. Pax Gerrig flipped down the visor to seal himself in his climate controlled shame.
“I love you,” he whispered. “I really miss you.”
Figured we could use a Dramaits Personae:
Lucina Coltims- Jedi Apprentice
Creo Be'llis – Echani Jedi Knight
Rorwoor- Jedi Master
Airus Hollows- Jedi Sentinel
Sergeant Austacar Condar- Trooper
Krix-Sith Force User
Zaheed Kast- Mandolorian Mercenary
Naraal Vrail- Sith Force User
Creed Valerin- Mandolorian Mercenary
Kadan Vicitius- Sith Warrior
Jailee Stormbringer- Sith Infiltrator
Mumbin Marsune- Gungan Warrior
KallaTatha- Wookie Sith Warrior
Sela Kade- Sith Force User
Pax Gerrig- Republic Security Force Investigator
Darth Crusade- Sith Lord
Sep said
Well I'll wait and see what other people think if they want me to start us up or not.

I'd be good with that.
Name: Pax Gerrig
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Age: 23
Homeworld: None- Father was offworld during the destruction of Taris with his family. His mother's family is from Dantooine where they are farmers outside of the Jedi Enclave. Since the age of 14 he has traveled with a merchant on a freighter as cabin boy, mechanic, and when he matured, security.

Physical Appearance: Pax is good looking with cropped brown hair and blue eyes. His jawline is angular and which lends an aggressive appearance to his features. His smiling eyes ruin any attempts at intimidation. He is tall and of average build. His hands have some scarring from being burned while working with a hyperdrive motivator. Being self conscious, he always wears gloves.

Personality: Pax can make just about anyone laugh. Working on a intersystem freighter, the Luck of Corellia, taught him that many situations can be diffused with humor. Most other situations can be settled with a vibroknife. He is trusting to a fault and fiercely loyal. When he joined Republic Security forces at 18 he learned what he was capable of. His smiling eyes hide the killer that he is capable of unleashing on enemies of Justice.

Skills: While traveling around the Outter Rim, Pax Gerrig learned some twi'lek, how to understand a bit of shyriiwook from the freighter's cook, and how to swear proficiently in huttese from his mentor and captain, Lem Batu. He is capable of simple mechanical fixes to a variety of vehicles. Since he was a refugee and grew up in poverty, he learned how to fix what is broken rather than buy new. He is a skilled marksman, more than proficient in bar fights, and skilled in tactical planning. He has been trained by RepSec to be a peace officer for 4 years and an investigator for 1 year. Since he is sent between systems often, he has been issued a personal hyperspace capable shuttle, A Little Luck, which he pilots proficiently. He is capable of plotting hyperspace routes and intersystem navigation.

Equipment: Pax wears standard issue Republic Security uniform and armor. As an investigator, he traded the standard issue helmet for a full coverage helmet with retractable facemask and HUD. He carries a standard issue carbine and pistol. He also carries a vibroknife given to him by Lem Batu, captain of the Luck of Corellia, when he joined RepSec. His helmet is also equipped with a neural band. Pairing this with his strong will makes him impervious to all but the strongest mind tricks.

Flaws: Pax Gerrig's father blamed the Jedi and Sith equally for the destruction of Taris. If they had feuded elsewhere, innocents would not have had to die. This prejudice against force wielders was inherited by Pax. Gerrig had a wife that served aboard Luck of Corellia. She was killed in a firefight between criminals known as The Order, led by Shem Harwic, during a failed drug deal with an opposing cartel. At times, he hallucinates that he sees her.
I absolutely love Star Wars and loved the "Republic" Games that were set around this time frame. Any room for one more? I'm flexible.
Name: Jason Russell
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Appearance: Jason Russell is a 6' tall man with brown hair and blue eyes. His hair is cropped short and his pitifully scraggly beard gives him a baby face. He is handsome, but not overly so. He is of an average build but is athletic enough to survive an apocalypse up until now.
Clothing: Since the outbreak, he has started wearing his dark, navy blue EMT pants outside of work. He wears his dad's old leather jacket over whatever T-shirt is not smattered in gray matter.
Equipment: Trauma shears, basic trauma kit, IV start kits, safety glasses, stethoscope, water bottle and a few snacks, and a backpack to carry it all in
Weapons: Glock 19, a rescue knife, and a broken piece of IV pole
Bio/Background: (this can be only a few sentences, just give us a rough idea of how they got to where they are)
Occupation Pre-Apocalypse: Jason Russell was an EMT that often brought patients to NEA Baptist Hospital. He is an "average Joe" working man with a wife and a 2 kids. He worked hard at his job to support his family even until the day the world changed forever. His wife, Nidya, has fallen ill and he's trying to get to the hospital to get the medical supplies he thinks he needs to help her.
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