vietmyke said
Hey, Eisen, can we expect an IC this weekend?
From what it looks like it seems only he will know. Probably won't get an answer until he's capable of freeing up enough time to get on a computer.
vietmyke said
Hey, Eisen, can we expect an IC this weekend?
Blackbeard said
Sorry to say I'm going to be backing out of this. Good luck and I hope it gets going soon!
Renny said
Well can't say I blame him, its taking a while and its looking as if it won't start. But darn it, I'm took excited for this to leave.
Sep said
If Eisen doesn't post today, I mean he's busy with the Navy but everyone else willing I'll throw up and IC and get us doing some establishing posts. If he doesn't show up in a couple of days after that I'll plot and give us stuff to do.Though I'll only do that if you folk want me too.
Renny said
You don't think he'll be too upset about that do you? I mean, if it all comes down to him abandoning it -I don't think he will- but if it does than I'm all for you taking over. You have a good knowledge of the universe and it'll help keep us moving forwards.
Sep said
Well I wouldn't be taking over right now more of just pushing it on until he's back.
Renny said
Well I like the idea, I'm all for it. It gives my reason for studying some justice :) What about everyone else though?
Sep said
I got a feeling Enalais and VIet will be for it as we've been in a collab. Hell, Blackbeard(If you're still sub'd) would you stay for this?
TheBigJon said
You could prob try PMing him.
Sep said
Well I'll wait and see what other people think if they want me to start us up or not.
Sep said
I dunno if you ever noticed this or not.But there is an edit button.
Sep said
Well I'll wait and see what other people think if they want me to start us up or not.