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4 yrs ago
Current Having a puppy and trying to train it despite never ever raising a dog ever before and getting conflicting opinions sucks.
4 yrs ago
Alcohol helps numb the fact ive done nothing useful these last 7 months.
5 yrs ago
three day weekend. nothing to do but get drunk and hope something interesting happens for once in this boring town -.-
5 yrs ago
Oh boi, elf tiddies!
5 yrs ago
all this talk about warrior nostalgia hits hard in the gut.


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Just got back on without comp troubles

anyways, thanks @The Harbinger of Ferocity,@NuttsnBolts(btw thank you for being a Tau fan :D), and @Pair of Hearts, That's helped me a bit. I just didn't feel on par due to factors that really shouldn't play into it. As for me opening a roleplay with my roleplaying friends,that's kind of hard. I only roleplay with 2 people,and one of them hasn't been on for over a month. And it's extremely hard to find people to roleplay with that I can get along with. I will attempt to find some more, I'm sure there are some that are into Medieval Fantasy/Sci-Fi roleplays.

It's been a while, I should get on more. Just for this thread,of course. I'm going to get to work straight away and start my own series of rants and hopefully not ruin the flow of this current conversation. no promises.

Rant 1: my weaknesses in roleplaying and my apparent lack of ability or motivation to fix them.
This one is pretty much self explanatory except for what I am not so good at in this hobby of mine. I've been at the level I have in terms of roleplaying for about a year and a half or so, where I'm able to post a somewhat decent reply that satisfies whom I roleplay with. The posts are usually not too long and not too short, just enough to fit into what I would describe as a half-step above Casual roleplays. And this is what dissatisfies me. I've attempted to increase my understanding of many words in the english language not commonly used in day-to-day affairs,as well as the general length of my posts to no avail. I'm constantly stuck in this little void and I can't seem to muster the motivation and the brainpower to produce a post that flows easily and explains what I want it to easily. Another problem related to this is that I am appallingly horrible at sentence structure in my own native language, to the point where I doubt myself constantly when I write papers. I want out but I just can't seem to find my bearings in this vast sea.

Rant 2: Lack of muse and experience in non-1x1 roleplays. I am also not really good at roleplays with more than one other roleplayer in them. I used to a lot back a few years ago, but I had many bad experiences with them and thus stopped looking for them. The last time I was a part of a multi-roleplayer thread was 5 months ago and it only lasted 2 weeks due to inactivity and generally bad muse. Also, many of the threads that I see just don't strike me as interesting. All the threads that do have multiple roleplayers and an interesting premise tend to be in the advanced section, in which I have trouble due to said inconveniences in the first rant.

I have a few more, but I feel a bit better now that I've...gotten what I think are inconveniences on me off of my chest.

Something I know all Imperial Guard players will enjoy...
<Snipped quote by The Mage>

I love rock. Unless you were being sarcastic and I missed it....then ignore me.

I mean classic Rock and Metal.

not 1990's and up rock and metal.

although Disturbed and A7X are good.

Wow.... noone here likes rock or metal?


Nothing Else Matters.....I guess
<Snipped quote by The Mage>
(hoping that means "boots on the ground")

That's a very recent trend, I assure you.
-However, most RPs I've tried to solo-GM (regardless of story) have died.

I've been trying to find some good dedicated co-GMs that know the general history, lore, and those random bits of info (like at the very least seen an Mle RSC 1917 field stripped and compared to an M1 Garand, and view WW1 era automatics in context* rather than for use as flavor-weapon for Call of Duty style "high-speed low-drag" yolo-fests).

*Context being, the French automatics were made by illiterate 16 year old girls since 75% of the male French population was sitting in the trenches. In short, they had to be so simple, you could field-strip it, look at the parts, and say to yourself: "Shit, I could build this fucker on a good weekend." Same reason why the French elected to use strip-fed MGs rather than belts, it took about 3 seconds to stamp enough ammo-strips to hold a full can of ammo... time spent sewing a fabric belt for a Vickers or assembling a lewis-pan's spring-assemblies...

And someone who can find a reason why discussion on French armaments is *not* a tangent upon a tangent when discussing an RP to be set in Russia.

Yes, it means Boots on the Ground

yeah, it's the hardest to find good Dedicated Co-GMs. and I do like me fix of War History, but I don't go that in-depth. So I wouldn't be able to help you there xD

It's also the hardest when making your own independent, Sci-Fi esque roleplays as everyone wants the action to be fast.

Since you seem really good at remembering this, I should have you help me xD

also, it's fine Silver. Sometimes you just want to focus on other things :3

Unless your like that one guy whom made a roleplay and quit mid-first mission and then did it again when he remade it.

then it's not fine

@Silverwind Blade

Right when I was changing my mind


I hope whatever your situation is gets better.

I do really like this roleplay, hell I'd say that if you even Restarted it many times I'd join back every time. I have a weird craving for Aerial threads lately..... and Warfare threads in general.

Well, atleast I can relax and start work on my own thread I've had floating around in my head for a while.

also, @Foster my only question would be how you'd get that to work. to me, it seems almost all roleplays where you play BotG it dies. That's one thing I'm worried about for my own thread....
I am sad to say that I will be gone for the next two weeks. The OS is making up some major BS about how much they care and they're sending me back to the local high school. I'm going to be in my room for the next few weeks, sulking at the fact that I am passing but won't pass.

Anyone, please feel free-and I mean PLEASE feel free- to use my character. as long as it doesn't break his character. I'm sad to say this, because I know that in two weeks a lot can happen. please stay strong guys. when I return I'll resume trying to help with finding more recruits.
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