Location: Forest outside Roshmi | Time: Afternoon | Interactions: Bowyn @Helo, Clara @Princess, Kenia @Tae
A loud and menacing roar reverberated in the air, sending shivers down her spine. If that didn't daunt her enough, the appearance of the dragon certainly did. Tough scales, deadly fangs, and sharply curved talons. Zephyrine was so stricken that she hadn't even noticed Arwen getting tossed carelessly to the ground. Everything seemed to fade into the background as her eyes focused on one thing. The beast. As she watched the wyvern soar up to the sky, she felt a sudden fear - it blew through her body like a gust of wind.
Zephyrine was not prepared for the sudden move of the creature, swooping downwards with the intention to kill. She stumbled backwards, her mind being ravaged by pure panic. As the dragon rapidly closed the distance between them, Zephyrine's fight-or-flight instinct reared up, her scarlet wings fluttering with speed. She soared swiftly backwards, missing the wyvern's attack by just a hair's breadth, it's claw managing to tear away the lowest fabric of her dress. At the thought of what could've happened if she had been a second too late, every muscle in her body tensed.
"T-That was close!" Zephyrine shrieked, but she wasn't sure her voice actually made a sound. The small voice in her conscience was telling her to run - abandon the others and save herself - but she reasoned with it. What would she do afterwards? She might find herself in an even more unfavorable situation in the future, and when that happens, she would be all alone. She bit her lip and agonizingly came to a decision. The survival of the others would be much more beneficial to her in the long run. 'Yes.. That is the only reason why I am choosing to stay.'
Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through her leg and caused her to wince. Zephyrine looked down, only to realize there was a gash on her inner thigh, just right above her knee. Her awareness of the wound made it hurt even more, and she hissed. Fortunately, only the tip of the wyvern's claw had managed to graze her. Otherwise, the scene before her would be much more grim.
Zephyrine's face darkened as blood trickled down to her ankle, her fear long forgotten. Currently, she was too vexed by the possible scar this wound could leave on her unblemished skin. She realized her emotions were slightly out of place, but she couldn't help it. No person or beast had ever managed to tarnish her complexion before. Her fear was dulled, replaced by pure disdain. Only as the wyvern released a mencacing growl did the fear return slightly in the background of her mind.
Before Zephyrine could open her mouth to vocalize her grievances, emotions of grief and rage ripped through her consciousness - but it wasn't coming from her. It was coming from the wyvern. Just what had caused it to be in so much anguish? Zephyrine intended to communicate with the wyvern, but before she could make an attempt, it got ready to pounce. It descended quickly and headed towards them, it's talons ready to strike.
"Kenia, watch out!"