I remember when I used to be into nostalgia.
8 yrs ago
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, there's a few white fluffy clouds in the sky. I am closing the curtains and going back to bed.
8 yrs ago
"What kind of solicitor doesn't have sweets on their desk?!"
8 yrs ago
"His multiphasic torpedo will penetrate your rift / and cause a quantum singularity in your transwarp conduit!"
8 yrs ago
"You make a pretty good sheep."
I live somewhere in the wilds of East London with a couple of friends, a pet rat and a collection of RPG books that is slowly consuming our house. I've suggested possibly getting rid of some of them, but it's pretty much got to the point where the books are the only thing keeping the building upright and if I move any of them the whole thing could come crashing down.
In terms of games - well, I'll consider anything, except that. As can probably be gathered from my posts, I find myself generally playing characters that let me bit a little bit light-hearted. I am reasonably certain that I can play serious characters, but I know that getting to post things which makes me chuckle as I write them keeps me far more engaged. I like fandom-y things (because I can't, apparently, still get enough Undertale, Adventure Time and various Nintendo stuff, good job brain), and non-fandom-y things, and will one day get around to rebooting a RP I'd made on here seven years ago.
Okay, the post that was due yesterday is up, and I think that brings everyone up to roughly the same page in terms of GM posts.
I'm going to be crazy busy tomorrow (visiting and delivering cake-goodness to a friend who insists living out in the wilderness that is Walthamstow), but it's looking likely that I'll have some time to myself to sit down and reply to posts properly on Saturday afternoon. If I can squeeze a post in at that time, I'll do so.
Plans are coming together in my brain-meats, fuelled aided by cake and sugary tea.
I'm still hoping to play the Ship's Cook / Steward. Species wise, I have a hankering to do something strange, and have an idea about a species of alarmingly large caterpillar-ish creatures that eventually undergo metamorphosis, breed, and die based on some seasonal occurrence on their native planet. Escaping the planet seemed like a good idea on how to avoid the "death" part of this process, and so smuggling himself off-planet and joining up with a pirate crew made a certain amount of sense. Plus, brightly coloured caterpillars are downright adorable, and a huge one is either extremely adorable or really bloody terrifying. Maybe both!
It was either the threat of drowning or the almost-inspiring speech that Fiddlesticks gave which drove the bees into action. Faced with the twin threats of a watery death and another motivational pep-talk, the bees nodded to one another and marshalled their forces, which also happened to make plenty of noise.
Team A, who were loudly arguing about proper procedure, what the 'super' will do if they fail and exactly which of their number is one day away from retirement, took the left and... found a dead end. It looked like this pipe would go on for a little way further, but had been converted into a food cache by a civilisation of tiny insects. Given the damp and entirely unsanitary conditions, the food would no doubt be labelled as "Almost Fresh!" if it were to appear on the shelves of some unscrupulous SpaceMarket. A few of the bees retched at the smell, and they buzzed their way back down to Fiddlesticks to report on their findings, all the while trying to clean themselves with their cute little hands.
"It's a mess, a real mess," the spokesbee for Team A muttered, "you can get forensics down there pronto, but they'll tell you what I'm telling you right now. If you want a nasty soup, that's the way to go. If you want outta here, left is a no-go."
Team B marched down the right hand pipe, singing motivational songs about the importance of teamwork and friendship and the benefits of recycling. Morale amongst the team was ludicrously high, save for the occasional sudden argument about exactly what Team B's theme song should be. The group were quite divided on that issue, both wanted a ridiculously up-beat pop track, but neither side could settle on exactly how awesome the 'kick-ass guitar solo bit in the middle' should be. Illuminated by the GloBrellas, they could see their pipe was of relatively new construction, having not yet given in to a lifetime of rust and grime. However, it twisted about, a lot, bending this ay and that to avoid some older construction. A couple of rats huddled together in the darkness, gnawing on a discarded pizza crust. Finally, the pipe turned upwards, and the bees poked their head out - this pipe intersected a tunnel, running left and right. Pale little rat-creatures formed a steady line of traffic, running to the left.
The Team B representative fluttered back to Fiddlesticks as fast his little bee wings could carry him, to report back and to ask for advice as to which way to go. Given the deadlock over the theoretical guitar solo in a song that will never exist, it was probably for the best that they'd seek direction from Fiddlesticks about something as important as which direction to take.
"Commander, we've got a problem, the pipe, we can either go left, or right. My vote is for left, but we need firm, decisive leadership! We're on a knife-edge in terms of morale! The Mind-Blowingly Awesome Guitar Soloists are threatening to form their own squad," the Team B representative paused to catch his breath, "and they're taking Jerry, who's got this great idea for costumes!"
The B Team, or as they were officially called, Team C, trekked forwards. It reminded them of their time in the 'urban jungle', where they were paid to help a sweet old lady walk her dog in the park. The team agreed that it was a great mission, full of exploding cars, running gun battles and a bit at the end where they all laughed and jumped up in the air to celebrate right before something else exploded. As far as funerals for sweet little old ladies went, it was a memorable one. None of this ever happened, but the bees were happy pretending that it did. Team C followed their pipe until it joined up with a large, concrete tunnel. Water dripped from a pipe in the ceiling, which could probably be climbed up by somebody man-sized, though it'd be a bit of a squeeze. A hand-rail, set into the wall of the concrete tunnel, would make it very easy to explore further along to the left or right.
Team C sent back their messenger. Somewhere between here and there, he'd found a bit of trash he could roll up and use as a cigar. It made him feel like a real mercenary, and he couldn't wait to get back to his team to show off his new accessory.
"So, I'm your official liaison for this job," the bee chewed on the fake cigar, and then spat it out, because it tasted somehow worse than something you'd expect to find washed up in a sewer, "and we've got a decision to make. Big bit of tunnel we're at here, there's the left, there's the right, and there's also a chance to get up. My money's on right, because only commies go left."
If it makes it easier to visualise, I can draw out the information that the Cleaner Bot has gathered. Hopefully this all makes sense, is easy enough to follow and at least vaguely interesting to read. Turn 2 will begin with your next set of orders. I am being incredibly mean by saying that your first set of orders was Turn 1, but the GM Hat compels me to do so.
Summary: Team A reports a dead-end. Team B faced with a choice between left and right. Team C faced with a choice between left, right, and up.
@Holy Soldier - firstly, let me apologise, it's taken me way too long to get a reply in, and as somebody who is (just about) managing to run their own game here, I appreciate that player wrangling, especially when it comes to schedules, is somehow both a mostly thankless task and a pain in the rear.
I'm really having trouble trying to get a post written, as I've not really been able to piece together the actions going on in the Castle. I really don't want to drop out the game, so I was wondering whether or not it would be an okay compromise for Quina to arrive once the dust had settled? It feels, to me, entirely in-keeping with the character that he or she would turn up once things are done, only to get shouted at angrily debriefed by her or his best friend Guile.
Why doesn't the US use the metric system? I'm glad most things are in metric over here, but still, I want the main measurement to be metric. Its so easy...
I was going to go "it is easy, I use it and it's a great", but I still think of distance in terms of miles, so I'm clearly not 100% behind metric.
There's this guy cosplaying as Kefka Palazzo. Everyone seems really into it.
I have to salute his commitment, that was crazy, and I'd probably have turned into a nervous self-conscious wreck within the first minute of trying something like that. Having said that, if I were to do a Quina cosplay, I'd probably aim to find some way to hide my face, and then I'd end up feeling considerably less self-conscious. I think it's more likely I'd just end up filling out whatever my friend's group do, and rely on safety in numbers.
you get to have thick hair. lol. Mine si getting thinner and thinner.
But white hair is pretty neat! Thick hair is fine until it comes to doing anything with it. I have a bear hat which basically serves as a means of hiding the fact that I have hair. As a tactic, it's fine for the winter when nobody really bats an eyelid at anyone wearing a warm, fuzzy hat. In the summer though, it's a much harder look to pull off.
I live somewhere in the wilds of East London with a couple of friends, a pet rat and a collection of RPG books that is slowly consuming our house. I've suggested possibly getting rid of some of them, but it's pretty much got to the point where the books are the only thing keeping the building upright and if I move any of them the whole thing could come crashing down.
In terms of games - well, I'll consider anything, except [i]that[/i]. As can probably be gathered from my posts, I find myself generally playing characters that let me bit a little bit light-hearted. I am reasonably certain that I [i]can[/i] play serious characters, but I know that getting to post things which makes me chuckle as I write them keeps me far more engaged. I like fandom-y things (because I can't, apparently, [i]still[/i] get enough Undertale, Adventure Time and various Nintendo stuff, good job brain), and non-fandom-y things, and will one day get around to rebooting a RP I'd made on here seven years ago.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I live somewhere in the wilds of East London with a couple of friends, a pet rat and a collection of RPG books that is slowly consuming our house. I've suggested possibly getting rid of some of them, but it's pretty much got to the point where the books are the only thing keeping the building upright and if I move any of them the whole thing could come crashing down.<br><br>In terms of games - well, I'll consider anything, except <span class="bb-i">that</span>. As can probably be gathered from my posts, I find myself generally playing characters that let me bit a little bit light-hearted. I am reasonably certain that I <span class="bb-i">can</span> play serious characters, but I know that getting to post things which makes me chuckle as I write them keeps me far more engaged. I like fandom-y things (because I can't, apparently, <span class="bb-i">still</span> get enough Undertale, Adventure Time and various Nintendo stuff, good job brain), and non-fandom-y things, and will one day get around to rebooting a RP I'd made on here seven years ago.</div>