Avatar of iAmAnEnemy
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    1. iAmAnEnemy 4 yrs ago
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Maybe I should go with a more standard character sheet. Doing it in a more IC way such as the above will result in me getting carried away, accidentally stepping on the toes of the lore and worldbuilding in the process. It is wise for me to remain safe and stick to the basics. No?
I'm interested. Been looking for a true adventure RP for a while. Count me in.
No, it's OK. I don't want people to have to bend over backwards to try and fit me into the game.

But thank you anyway.

If you want, I'll give up my spot as red. I do like the RP but I'm sure another will pop up (or I can even make my own). If you really want in, I'd be willing to step out.
Furthermore, what docthe rest of you think?

As far as what, exactly?

Also, I noticed some blockage on Ranger colours versus player demand. While I'm not trying to steer the train (it's not my train to steer), don't be afraid to say, in this case, make a new colour so that whoever reserved green gets green, but the player who is here NOW can join in on the fun. That way, whichever friend it is wanting to join may join without someone else needing to sit it out.

Unless, of course, they don't mind sitting out. I won't speak for anyone here. Just trying to see if we can all get in on the fun.
Well I love just about everything Tokusatsu related and am good with any color, so count me on board

No luck for Kamen Rider on the forum after a brief search. I'm with you there.
I'll happily take red. Grew up with the series so it's time to get in the seat! But more on the planning here since, you know, this is the idea exchange, do we have a consensus on what we're doing as far as plot? Are we leaning or are we going for a more original take? I prefer the latter but I'm fine with either, and it's also not my RP so I won't say what NEEDS to happen and what doesn't.

As far as the Mighty Morphin' goes, and feel free to give me an Agent Gibbs smack upside my head if already covered, but we're sticking with straight Zordon Era concepts, right? So no Mega Battle mode, no Battleizer, and no special Rangers (other than White and Green of course)?

Again, just read the whole thread and didn't see these things mentioned. If they have been, I apologize. As far as motif/plot ideas, I'd be willing to offer some or chat with anyone about coming up with some, if that's how you guys wanna play this. Just let me know!
How is it sci-fi and fantasy? Can the in-game avatar appearance be whatever we wish?
In Yo. 9 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
First time joining. Have a bunch of ideas and will probably post them in a few. So hi!
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