I'm sure @CorneredBliss will have her own glorious reaction, but man oh man. It's like now I'm expecting Rut (RutilianJoe aka ExceedingTheNines) to show up again too haha. Bring the whole freakin' Collusion cast back together.
Should somebody post before Monday, could they perhaps include a quick comment from Nicholas? I'd hate it to pass up the chance for him to joke at his own expense when everybody else is.
Jessabelle's words were a lot less kind than those of the other woman but the comment from the neighboring carriage made Nicholas laugh.
"I appreciate the sentiment! Perhaps I should shave my head to be more like our friend here. Or maybe grow one feet taller? Ah, but then again, I don't think my ego would survive rapid changes like that. I guess I will have to wait until I can show everybody my beautiful pe- uh, personality."
Dang it.
I wanted to chat with Marcus, then Nicholas.
And now I ended up on the other wagon.. Oh well... :(
Also, the carts are travelling right next to each other. The roads are wide enough to allow this. So people can still speak to others in the cart next to their own.
apologies for my absence recently. It's been a long day. ^^;
I'll try to get something posted, and if anyone wants to try and start a conversation with Jessabelle then I'm down for a collab as well. I see some people already arranged some things, so this is directed at those who don't have anything planned.