| Samuel “Sam” Wilkins || Code Name |Kilo
| Age |30
| Gender |Male he/him/his
| Race |Gifted
| Gifted Class |Omega
| Allegiance |Rebellion
| In-Depth Appearance |Due to certain elements within the Hunters knowing his appearance, Sam can seldom be readily observed. He is usually covered in multiple layers of clothing and has a hood or cap of some kind on as well. He carries a small weight strapped around his right wrist, usually concealed. If someone gets closer, they will notice that his right hand is missing everything but the thumb and index. His dressing habits have produced a relatively fair complexion over the years. His slow movements along with the bulky apparel often get him mistaken for a much bigger man.
| Personality |♦ Analytical ♦ Cautious ♦ Confident ♦ Predictable ♦
The lesser twin in both mind and body, Sam was always deferential to his sister. While he was weak and sickly when the powers initially manifested, she handled them without issue. As such, much of his early years were defined through this deference. As he grew older, the gap between them would shrink, and with that his confidence finally grew. The scars remained. Even though he approached life with confidence due to the sheer power of the gift, he never saw himself as her equal. The fact that both his family and former allies had been actively working with the Hunters made him overly cautious. What some would describe as careful planning and preparation, others would see as cowardice. He would never want to openly fight his twin or others of her level. In all avoidable situations, Sam would most likely run, a fact well known by his enemies – making him a rather easy opponent to plan against.
| Likes & Dislikes |✔ Safety, Having a backup plan, Being accepted, Being covered up, Having a boring day
✘ Rash people, Poor planning, Panic, Sleep, Being relaxed
Abilities and SkillsGravitokinesis – While still developing, Sam’s power is formidable even at its current stage. While in theory, gravity could affect many things such as time or light itself, the man is nowhere near powerful enough to accomplish any such feats. Currently he is mostly confined to weight displacement and manipulation.
Idea: Sam serves as a conductor of the gravitational transference.
Limitation: If he is touching two things, the transfer is near immediate and total. If he’s touching a car and a man, the man could become as burdened by gravity as the car or the car could become as light as a man. All such dealings will always affect his own gravity as well, often in unpredictable ways – sometimes the load on him will lessen and sometimes increase as a result of being the conduit.
As range increases, Sam’s power of transference lose about 10% of their potency every meter beyond his reach. This is only true if he’s already touching one component of the transference, but if both are out of reach, then the loss is doubled and distance instead counted between the manipulated points.
The bigger the transference is, the longer it takes.
Consequence: Sam does not know how to revert any manifestation of his power, and as was the case with Feather – it appears to be quite long lasting. His past experiences lead him to ignore any potential uses on his teammates, and focuses on enemies and objects instead.
| History |Born out of wedlock to a pair of disgraced government officials, Sam and Hope were looked at more as investments than as children from an early age. When their powers first began manifesting, their father left – knowing he came from a long line of people without Gifts and not fully believing the children were even his. In what could later be described as a short-sighted decision, their mother looked to her old government contacts for assistance. This is how the pair was first flagged in the system. While the gift of gravity quickly got them both labeled omega due to fear and misunderstanding, there was still a significant power difference between the twins.
It was unclear what exactly happened to the mother after the children were taken away, but they weren’t able to see her again. The years that followed were training, indoctrination and examination. Hope took to it much better than he and was getting the brunt of the interest in those days.
The day would come and they’d get a chance to escape the Republic during one of the Rebellion riots. For the twins, this was the catalyst of separation. While both had the chance to get away, Hope had little interest in doing so. She found her place within what was likely to become a group of Hunters later on. The success was enough to forget any thoughts of other family or a life before the Republic.
The next couple of years were rough. Running mindlessly at first, it would take Sam a good number of years before he could ever stop and surround himself with anything more than temporary accomplices. One such person was Emma, who brought him into the fold of the Rebellion. It was never clear whether this was a genuinely extended hand or value seen in his Gift, but he took the opportunity and slowly built his place within the rebels.
It wasn’t long before he became a field operative. It was during one such mission that an uncontrolled transference would live multiple team members dead, Sam maimed, and Emma forever known as Feather. She didn’t stick around for long, opting to leave, moving as far away from Sam as she could.
It would be a long time before he ever saw Feather again, a Hunter and going for his head.
While Sam had become quite well known within his cell of resistance, his reputation wasn’t the greatest. He was often theorized to have done more harm than good to their cause, crippling his cell, and causing one of the better operatives to join their enemies.
| Family |Hope – twin sister
| Strengths |- Power of his gift.
- Contacts in the resistance.
- Knowledge of Hunter tactics
| Weaknesses |- His twin sister is a Hunter with a very similar, but stronger power.
- Codename Feather – a previous Rebellion operative turned Hunter following Sam’s accidental transference.
- Very reliant on the gift in a confrontation
| Florence and the machine - Heavy in your arms |