Avatar of iFain


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Current Going to a vacation until may 6th, my replies would be limited until then
6 mos ago
Changed my nickname! Was Kyux before
4 yrs ago
I'm going to have access to a computer 2morrow and will replyy
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Hii there!

Writer Information:

♡ I am a woman, but I play all roles, male, female, gay male (dom/sub)
♡ I am 30 y/o
♡ Been writing since I am 15 or so.(So, half of my life)
♡ Can post daily.
♡ I am on GMT +2
♡ Post length - I tend to match my partners, but I'm pretty sure I'm considered low casual to hogh advanced.
♡ English is not my native tongue, but I think I'm pretty proficient in it. That being said, I do tend to translate sometimes from my mother tongue so it might sound odd haha.

What I am searching for in my writing partner:

¤ Writing level same as or close to my own.
¤ Please be 18+, I do not fade to black. While smut is not the main idea in my rp's, I think it is a part of life, and I like other mature themes too.
¤ Be cool with swearing, drugs, alchohol, violence and abuse.
¤ Chat with me! I like discussing our character and sending memes and stuff haha :)
¤ Be active - I understand life happens, but I expect you to post at least once a day.


So, right now I have two ideas which I'd like to rp, but in general I am open to suggestions:

Fandoms I enjoy:

¤ Hazbin Hotel
¤ The Hunger Games
¤ Attack on Titan
¤ Avatar the Last Airbender
¤ Demon Slayer
¤ Grey's Anatomy
¤ Harry Potter
¤ Twilight

Pairings I like:
Vampire x Vampire hunter/Human/Young vampire
Student x Teacher
All kinds of mythical creatures.

I rp on discord or in PM'S.

Please PM me if you are interested! Thank you for reading so far.

Most Recent Posts

@Blackmist16 Not at all
So, I'm in a relationship for 5 years now. I've been role-playing for much longer. Anyway, at times the role-playing takes a more mature tone, meaning sex scenes and such. I dont know if I should feel guilty about those or not? Cause on the one hand, it is basically the same if I was reading a book with the same scenes, but on the other, its writing those scenes with someone else, which is what makes me feel guilty. Any insights?
Hii, are you still up for more participants?
A Pokemon idea would be neat.

Pm me :)

Been looking for a long term partner! I'm a casual writer ( about two or three pararaphs per post , of course if its intro then longer) Im online almost everyday, so I cn promise to post at least once a day. I dont expect my partners to do so, but at least once every other day.

I can play MxM, FxM - I dont mind playing the male or the female.

So as for ideas, I didnt have something cut out but maybe we can work something out.

Also, these are fandoms and I prefer playing OC's not canon characters, that being said i dont mind if you take canons.

Regarding mature themes:

I don't mind violence, gore, blood, drugs, death , however sex - I prefer to fade to black. I love romance and all but when it comes to sex scenes I prefer not to play them out. Also, I wouldn't like smut to be the center of the roleplay.

so plot ideas :

I always wanted to do a proper Pokémon roleplay but never got the chance to,
You know the jist, a pokemon trainer going out on a journey and meets friends, and together they have adventures.
We can do:
Pokemon coordinator X trainer
Trainer X Trainer
Team Rocket (or any other evil team) X Trainer

Whatever you have in mind.

Harry Potter:

We can either do next gen kind of thing where the death eaters come back and try to take over the magical world, or the muggle world and enslave the muggles.

I was thinking here that MC (male or female, doesn't matter) is a Hogwarts student, and has a power that he\she can do the spells without a wand, so the deatheaters force him\her to join them, and spy Hogwarts' staff from the inside. and YC would be a classmate noticing something is wrong.

The 100:

Here I would actually like to do some canon pairings:

Mc X John Murphy
Mc X Bellamy

again, my chara can be either male or female.

If you have any other ideas that include fantasy, original plots and whatever, feel free to PM me.
Writer info:
Name: Faina
Age: 26
Time zone: GMT +2 (Israel)

RP info:

- Casual to low advanced writer. I usually write about two paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less.

- I only do 1x1 PM RP. I'm up for group rp's as well, but im kinda of bad at keeping up with those.

- I will RP on gmail, facebook, google docs.

- I love using chractersheets and face claims! send me gifs send me pictures, anything!

- 18+ only. I'm 26 and ask that my partners are 18+ at the very least

- Third person only. Past tense.

- I don't mind fade to black but I also don't mind playing out the smut if its part of the roleplay, but I do not want it to be the focus of the story, it gets boring.

-Talk to me outside of the roleplay! Lets come up with ideas together!

- If I don't like or dont feel a roleplay anymore, ill tell you, I expect the same responsibility from you.

- I am on daily. I post minimum once a day unless something serious happens

Things I enjoy in RP:
Romance, Drama, Fighting scenes **** , Blood, dark themes.

Fandoms I'm willing to try;
- The 100
- The Hunger Games
- Twilight
- Pokemon
- Avatar TLA
- Legend of Korra
- Grey's Anatomy

Open to ideas and pairings.

I can play male, female characters, whatever you wish.
Hello, Name is Kyux, been on this site since 2008 +-, and after a long hiatus back in business!

Writer info:
Name: Faina
Age: 26
Time zone: GMT +2 (Israel)

RP info:

- Casual to low advanced writer. I usually write about two paragraphs, sometimes more, sometimes less.

- I only do 1x1 PM RP. I'm up for group rp's as well, but im kinda of bad at keeping up with those.

- I will RP on gmail, facebook, google docs.

- I love using chractersheets and face claims! send me gifs send me pictures, anything!

- 18+ only. I'm 26 and ask that my partners are 18+ at the very least

- Third person only. Past tense.

- I don't mind fade to black but I also don't mind playing out the smut if its part of the roleplay, but I do not want it to be the focus of the story, it gets boring.

-Talk to me outside of the roleplay! Lets come up with ideas together!

- If I don't like or dont feel a roleplay anymore, ill tell you, I expect the same responsibility from you.

- I am on daily. I post minimum once a day unless something serious happens

Things I enjoy in RP:
Romance, Drama, Fighting scenes **** , Blood, dark themes.

Fandoms I'm willing to try;
- The 100
- The Hunger Games
- Twilight
- Pokemon
- Avatar TLA
- Legend of Korra
- Grey's Anatomy

Open to ideas and pairings.

I can play male, female characters, whatever you wish.
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