The question that first came from Connor-who-was-apparently-not-Mitt (she'd really have to work out the logistics of that strange nickname - or maybe have her hearing checked, one of the two) was pretty much the last one she might have expected. Why would she compile those equations? Well... Honestly, she'd never really thought much on the whole deep philosophical 'why,' and so she chose to run with the more mundane answers as Connor's large, calloused fingers wrapped easily about her whole hand.
"Thank you for saying so, Connor. Really. My father's a physicist, scheduled to wake for the Tenth Shift, and I am... Well, was I mean, an engineering student before The Change. But Dad made sure all his kids knew, from the time we could count our wee little fingers and toes, that numbers weren't just so much chicken scratch. Seen the right way, numbers can describe the entire framework of the universe."
Pauline grinned at the memory as the grey-eyed man, Owen Reece, Leader of Knuckleheads, set his scratched and bloodied hand in her tender care. Using a few of the alcohol prep pads, she carefully held that expressive, long-fingered hand in her own as she cleaned away the worst of the blood, savoring the warmth and strength she could feel.
"He calls them the biggest box of pastel paints God ever gave us." She glanced up to Owen's face as she set aside an alcohol-soaked cotton ball, an even wider smile surprised from her lips when she caught his glance from behind the veil of an ornery tendril of hair. For a split second Pauline fought the urge to tuck that rebel hair back behind his ear, all the better to see the laughter she was sure sparkled in those eyes, and instead finished bandaging the disinfected scratches Handsome laid open.
Owen had questions, a great many questions - a fact for which Pauline was eternally grateful. All his questions, quickly asked and then left half-forgotten as his quick mind leapt from thought to thought, meant for the moment at least she could pick and choose her answers. And for now Pauline left the mystery of her nonexistent file and the nonexistent job she performed unsolved, by the simple blessing of Owen's curiosity about the equations Connor was still studying on her tablet. All she had to do was hold her tongue - well, hold her breath really as Owen looked over her work with Connor - and the question of what job she held during the Second Shift passed by swiftly enough for the moment.
It was not that Pauline believed she could truly get away with hiding how it was she came to wake during Second Shift - well, not for any great length of time anyway. But it was simply so tempting, so lovely to bask for even a few brief moments in the simple joy of being seen by these two men for the good work she accomplished, and not what had been done to her.
She never imagined though, never dared so much as hope for the chance she'd be offered a place here in Hangar Six so swiftly. Pauline was caught between the sudden urge to burst into huge tears of happiness, or just jump up and down shouting for joy like a complete fool - or maybe do a victory lap or two around the hangar.
In the end, she finally chose none-of-the-above, simply clapping her fingers lightly over her lips in stunned, happy surprise, her gaze turned toward Connor hopefully. He would have the final say it seemed, and she'd simply have to be patient - even if it wasn't her strongpoint. The mechanic had been assigned the duty of cat collection for now, but Pauline really did not believe it would be necessary for Connor to break out welding gloves and a mask.
She knelt by the chair, offering her hand to Handsome as she whispered softly to that beautiful cat, to see if she could coax him out herself. "Yes, I knew Steve - not closely I mean, but well enough I suppose. No, I didn't work with him." Pauline took a deep breath as she settled herself to the newly cleaned floors. She crossed her legs easily, offering a warm lap and those soft, pale hands for the wayward cat though she turned to look up to Reece, her gaze steady. 'Go on Pauline - tell him the truth. Owen's going to find out eventually anyway - and you really don't want to look cagey or shady, and jeopardize the chances for your first real job by telling half-truths... '
"And no, you wouldn't have a file on me Owen, because there isn't one in Hangar Six."
Pauline quickly looked to Handsome again, pursing her pretty lips as she tried to call him closer. "Steve wasn't a bad man, the mechanic before you Connor. But he was a very sad man. I don't believe it was the job, so much as... Well, so much as despair. Over everything. I did offer these past couple months, to come help him out, to tighten up the training programs - even just clean his office if he would let me."
"But he wouldn't - as I'm sure you saw when you first walked inside. For Steve, I think it finally just became easier to be mad than to be sad. A couple weeks ago, he finally just lost it and told me to 'get the hell out of here' - pardon my language - and that he'd call security if I came back while he was still awake. The MPs are really nice, and it would be so embarrassing to get arrested for trying to find a productive job."
Pauline shrugged her shoulders lightly as her gaze turned up to Connor and Owen once more, smiling so sweetly. "So I just waited a few more weeks until all of you woke for Third Shift. I hustled myself down here, looking to be a little useful and at least try to wow you all with my mad, time and space-bending cleaning skills." She winked playfully up at the men for a moment, before the expression on her lightly freckled face became serious once more.
"But in all honesty, I think Steve is far happier for now, in the oblivion of cryosleep. Maybe when we arrive at Canaan, he'll find a little hope again."