Avatar of immacamoqueen


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
Current I'm sorry guys, replies will come this week. Work has been killer.
1 mo ago
I'll try to reply in the morning once I'm off - I'm so tired.
1 mo ago
No replies today guys, work killed me - still have to work tonight and then I shoot a horse show in the morning for my photography business.
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2 mos ago
Life was a nightmare and I've been away for nine months, but I'm back now.
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11 mos ago
Replies are a work in progress - work has been killer and I'm taking care of my horses while barn owner is out of town.
1 like


I have a full time job, a serious dating relationship, a social life, and other hobbies besides role playing! So if I don't reply or I go MIA for a few days its just life taking over and me needing to deal with it. I also babysit my younger brother on my days off when my mom has to work, so I am usually on here when I babysit.

As for role playing...

Most Recent Posts

@Dynamo Frokane sure, please message me!
The Rules ​
I play female characters only, so I’m looking for someone who is comfortable playing male characters that are for the most part dominant.​
Please be eighteen years old or older since I’m in my early twenties.​
I’m looking for people who can write roughly one to four paragraphs per reply with proper spelling.​
I am not the grammar police, accidents happen - so don’t dare grammar police me, please.​
NO GOD MODDING - DO NOT CONTROL MY CHARACTER: small reactions are fine, but just don’t get crazy.​
Replies please AT LEAST once a day, however the more you can reply the better - I am normally fairly active.​
I understand when life gets in the way, but you need to communicate that with me! I am working Monday through Saturday, if we role play - I can give you time frames as well if needed.​
Please check out my F-List for limits and kinks​
I prefer either of description or realistic photos, not a huge fan of anime - but if that’s all you can find, it will work.​
Certain topics do require some knowledge of said topic, research can help with that if you want to take that route.​
Romance is a must for my role plays, however they have other themes mixed in with them.​
Please message me if you are interested in role playing with me!​

About Me
I’m a twenty-two-year-old female, soon to be twenty-three, I work full time, train horses and dogs on the side. I am newly single and have a life outside of role playing – so I can’t always reply. Just because I’m online doesn’t mean I can reply! I only play female characters, so I need my partners to play a male, I am active however. I reply once a day if not more. I really don’t have that much to tell. I do own two dogs and two horses, so I can get caught up with their care – the horses more than the dogs, especially with it being winter and having to do blanket changes as well as set up feed. But that’s what sucks when you don’t own your own property (sigh) but hopefully it won’t be much longer before I can have them in my own back yard!

Ghost Adventures
Zak Bagans – OC Female Psychic
Aaron Goodwin – OC Female Psychic
Billy Tolley – OC Female Psychic

The Outsiders
Soda Pop Curtis – OC Dallas’ Sister
Keith “Two-Bits” Matthews – OC Dallas’ Sister

Assassin’s Creed
Altair – Fellow Assassin’s Sister
Ezio – Fellow Assassin’s Daughter
Connor – Achilles Friends Daughter
Arno – Old Family Friend
Shay – Childhood Friend
Jacob – Female Assassin

Roman Reigns – OC Diva
Dean Ambrose – OC Diva
Seth Rollins – OC Diva

Lord of the Rings
Legolas – Childhood Friend

Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Clone Commander/Captain – Female Jedi
Jedi Master – Jedi Apprentice
Jedi – Female Citizen
Jedi – Jedi
Clone Commander/Captain – Female Citizen

Professional Hockey Player – Team Photographer
Professional Hockey Player – Fan
MMA Fighter – Ring Girl
MMA Fighter – Fan
PBR Rookie – PBR Veterans (2 or so years of experience) Girl
PBR Rookie – High School Sweetheart
College Football Star – Cheerleader
College Football Star – Normal Girl
College Baseball Star – Cheerleader
College Baseball Star – Normal Girl

Paranormal Team Lead Investigator – OC Female Psychic
Paranormal Team Member – OC Female Psychic
Vampire Clan Leader – Vampire Loner
Vampire Clan Leader – Lower Clan Members Girl
Vampire Clan Leader – Human
Vampire Clan Leader – Rival Clan Leader
Werewolf Pack Alpha – Werewolf Loner
Werewolf Pack Alpha – Lower Pack Members Girl
Werewolf Pack Alpha – Human
Werewolf Pack Alpha – Rival Pack Leader

Mafia Don's Son – Rival Mafia Don's Daughter
Mafia Don's Son – Right Hand Man's Daughter
Mafia Don's Son – Normal Girl
Mafia Don's Son – Debtee's Daughter
Young Mafia Don – Member's Daughter
Young Mafia Don – Rival Member's Daughter
Mafia Don's Son – Rival Member's Daughter​
Mafia Don's Son – Member's Daughter

Human Princess – Human Prince
Human Princess – Human Knight
Human Princess – Human Ranger
Human Princess – Elf Prince
Human Princess – Elf Knight
Human Princess – Elf Ranger
Elf Princess – Elf Prince
Elf Princess – Elf Knight
Elf Princess – Elf Ranger
Elf Princess – Human Prince
Elf Princess – Human Knight
Elf Princess – Human Ranger
WWII Soldier – High School Sweetheart
Pirate Captain – Saloon Girl
Rancher's Daughter – Rustler
Rancher's Daughter – Young Ranch Foreman

Other Non-Grouped Pairings
Once Upon A Time: Captain Hook – OC Female (From the beginning)
Once Upon A Time: Captain Hook – OC Female (Becoming a pirate)
Once Upon A Time: Captain Hook – OC Female (Pirate)​
@Raging Fenrir kind of yes, but message me and we might be able to figure something out.
Princess - Prince/Young Warrior King
Character A is a soon to be eighteen year old princess, a few days short of her eighteen birthday. Character A’s father had met her mother through an arranged marriage, the pair ruled over the kingdom of Chaswen. The king of Chaswen was a human and came from a long line of humans, however his wife - the queen of Chaswen was a wood elf and she came from a long line of wood elves. The kingdom of Chaswen was blessed with a son, five years later they were blessed with a daughter. However, with the birth of their daughter came tragedy - the queen passed away hours after giving birth to her daughter due to complications. The king never remarries, deciding to raise his two children alone as he rules over the kingdom of Chaswen. The king made sure he raised his children to become the leaders they were meant to be, making sure that his daughter was taken care of by promising her hand in marriage to the prince of the kingdom of Rexroth who was two years older than Character A.
Character B is a twenty year old prince of the kingdom of Rexroth, though the young man prefers to lead his people into battle - when his father was still alive. Character B was an only child, therefore when his father was killed when he turned eighteen years old - the young man must step up to king with the aid of a small group of advisors. Character B’s fathers death put a stop to the young man entering into battle with his men, leaving the closest to battle he can get is tournaments and training with his men. As both Character A and B grew, the two would attend balls together - aware that they were to marry one another after the princess turned eighteen years old. Their father’s made sure to keep the two close, knowing their agreement had been that the two had to remain loyal to one another - staying pure until their marriage. The marriage was to band an alliance between the two kingdoms in preparation for one of the larger kingdoms to attack, banding the kingdoms together would create a kingdom large enough to stand a chance if war broke out.
Character A’s father passed away shortly after Character B’s, however the king of Chaswen put his son in charge until his daughter married. At that point in time, Character A’s brother was supposed to step down and hand the throne - leaving the kingdom of Chaswen behind. Character A’s brother was supposed to leave the kingdom of Chaswen to be with his wife in her kingdom of Miroellan, the two had married when Character A’s brother was eighteen years old. Her brother had left shortly after the wedding to live with his wife, returning to his home kingdom once his father fell ill. Things only seemed to get worse, Character A and B didn’t see each other after her brother took over rule, however letters were exchanged until her fathers death when Character A was sixteen years old - leaving her brother to reign for two years. After her father’s death, her brother even put a stop to the letters exchanged between the two kingdoms - however the one thing he could not stop was the wedding.
Character A’s brother made it clear that his wife was to stay in her home kingdom, but he did not sleep alone - having a different woman in his room every night. Her brother told the kingdom that his wife had passed away, loosing their first born child as well. Yet he still wrote her, promising his loyalty to her and her alone. As Character A’s birthday approaches, her brother requests a festival and a tournament since Character B was set to arrive the night before his sisters birthday. Her brother planned on using the festival and tournament to hide how bad he had let the kingdom fall into a horrible place, he forced the people to pay high, unfair taxes - taking a majority of the kingdoms money for himself, his guards roughed up whomever they pleased. The guards would throw whoever they pleased in jail, threatening the citizens to get money, food, items of value, and even sleeping with a man’s wife. They did whatever it took to take advantage of the citizens, they lived in fear of Character A’s brother and his army.
The citizens did love their young princess, she would defend them against her brothers guards, his army, and her brother even if it put her own safety in danger. The blood between the two of them did not save her, even though the princess was trying to protect her people from the cruel rule of her brother. Character A was often on the receiving end of her brother’s anger, normally leaving bruises littered against the young woman’s body. When Character B arrives, the first couple moments are quite awkward due to the fear inside the both of them that the other wants nothing to do with the other but as Character A shows Character B around the kingdom it becomes clear that her brother is behind the letters stopping. Character B decides that he will put her brother in his place during the tournament, both men being injured during the battle (nothing real serious, just something to kind of scare the spectators). The tournament is set to take place on Character A’s birthday, so Character B dedicates his win to her as a gift.
After her birthday, Character B plans out his proposal to Character A. Character B plans out a special ride out of the kingdom until he found the perfect spot to pop the question to the young princess, when they announce their engagement to her kingdom - it pushes her brother over the edge. As time passes and their wedding draws near, threatening letters begin to arrive - addressed to Character A, threatening her safety if she marries Character B. The young princess ends up kidnapped two nights before the wedding, after a ball in their honor. The day before the wedding Character B sets out to find her, it takes him all day to locate her - deciding to stay in a small town overnight - taking the last room that was available which happens to be a one bed room. They have no other option, so they take it - staying the night and moving out the next morning to return to Chaswen with hours to spare before their wedding. The young couple focused on getting ready for their event, after the ceremony Character B will look into who kidnapped his bride.
But other side notes are that she will be kidnapped when she is pregnant with their child, her brother will be a struggle to get our of the throne, etc.​
My Character

Name – Ashley Marie Prescott
Nickname – Ash
Age – Twenty-one years
Body Build – Slender with womanly curves to drive men crazy
Tattoos (if any) – dream catcher on right ribcage and infinity symbol on left wrist
Piercings (if any) – belly button and ears
Scars (if any) – none

Your Character

Name –
Nickname –
Age –
Body Build –
Tattoos (if any) –
Piercings (if any) –
Scars (if any) –
Photos –
The small city of Beaufort, South Carolina was buzzing – clearly excited that their small town had managed to make it onto a stop for something big such as the PBR. Normally a circuit such as the PBR would stop at one of the larger cities in the area, forcing residents of smaller towns to travel to the show. Yet this year they were lucky enough to be included, the town had been buzzing for a good month to prepare. The shop owners were busy making sure to their family owned store look just as professional as the big box stores, making sure they had enough stock to last through the crowd that would surely flood their city. The local radio station was giving away tickets with a chance to win back stage passes to be behind the chutes, a chance to meet the riders and all that fun stuff.

The staff at the local fair grounds were busier than anyone else in town, trying to make sure the arena was disked up – the panels and chutes were in good working order. The week prior they had gone through and replaced needed boards, repainted and replaced the announcing equipment in the announcers’ booth. They were out there at least fourteen hours a day working, trying to make their small town compete with the looks of the bigger towns while keeping their small-town charm. They were hoping that somehow, they would be able to convince the PBR that coming to town wasn’t a mistake and that they needed to continue to come to small towns such as their own, the arena crew only stopped working when the animals were dropped off the night before the show.

Time had passed rather quickly the first night of the show, the day passed in a blur for Ash – she had decided to pass time by helping the staff that oversaw the upkeep all year around by helping them direct the PBR staff on where everything was and how to get there. She had planned ahead, bringing a spare set of clothes with her that she changed into before the event started. Once she changed, she left her curly brunette hair down around her shoulders, a black tank top, a dark pair a tight fitting bootcut jeans and black cowboy boots. She had done her make-up, figuring since she was single there was nothing wrong with looking nice and having fun. Her clothing fit her slender body rather well, showing off the curves of her hips and her breasts – yet she wasn’t too bothered by the lingering eyes.

She was in fact quite used to it, it had been something she had gone through in high school – given she had dated the same guy from seventh grade all the way up till about a year ago and he had chased those lingering eyes away every chance he got. Ash still wasn’t sure why they had broken up after so many years together, the only thing she could really think of is he hit it big – signed a deal with the PBR and didn’t want to be with some little small-town girl. She hadn’t dated since that break up, in fact – she wasn’t even interested. It had been a year for everything to do with men, whether it be dating or sex. He had been the first guy she slept with and the last, she wouldn’t admit it to just anyone – only her closest friend that she still had some of the things he bought her, that she missed him.

But still to this day, she didn’t know why he ended things – she still had hurt from it, she was still upset by it. But she wasn’t going to let some chance encounter that he could possibly be here ruin her night or her weekend since she managed to somehow win a back-stage pass for the entire weekend though they would be in town for the next week before they packed up and shipped out to the next town, plus for all she knew – her ex landed himself some little buckle bunny who was only interested in him if he won. Yet it still felt strange coming to an event like this without him, all throughout high school and after high school when he rode at the fair or other amateur events – she would be there supporting him win or lose, even hospital trips. Fake ring engagement ring and all so she could ride with him.

Ash sighed softly and paused, hearing a cat whistle that was clearly targeting her before someone put there arm against the gate next to her to stop her from moving any further. “Well hey there pretty little thing.” A man’s voice spoke, clearly faking a country accent as she rolled her eyes – glancing toward the younger man who stood next to her. “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing back here all alone, hm? Looking to have a good time tonight? I’d sure love to have a pretty little thing like you on my arm, make all the other guys jealous and me one lucky man.” He added, flashing her a quick smile as he looked her up and down, letting out a long whistle once more. This guy was just saying all the wrong things and working his way into getting slapped in her book, yet slapping him would get her throne out.

“This ‘pretty little thing’ has a name and I ain’t interested in your fake little country boy act, believe me – I dated a country boy. I can tell a fake accent from a real one, the one I have is real. So, I would strongly suggest you back off.” Ash pointed out, keeping her voice as low as she could while still getting her point across. Yet the man didn’t seem to take the hint, only inching closer to her with a stupid smile on his face. She was trying so hard not to hit him, for the first time in a long time sexual advances were making her uncomfortable – but everyone seemed too busy to notice anything going on. The young woman sighed, biting her lip a moment as she crossed her arms – meeting the man’s eyes a moment as she raised an eyebrow. “Fake isn’t my type.” She muttered, coldly.

She could only hope that would get her point across to him, yet he only looked over his shoulder quickly to see if anyone was making their way toward him. “Where’s your cowboy then, hm? Doesn’t seem like he’s too worried about you if he ain’t around. Especially dressed like this and back here, you just scream single and ready for a fun night. So how about ya let me show ya a good night, how’s that sound?” He asked, dropping the accent he’d been faking. Yet he still wasn’t backing down and his comments just made her cringe. Was he that desperate to get laid tonight? It honestly struck a cord within her, Jason normally wouldn’t let a conversation get this far before stepping between her and the other guy – hell, he’d have stepped in the instant this guy called her a pretty little thing.

“Is it really that hard to just leave me the hell alone? I’m not interested, okay? Stop wasting your time, okay? It’s not working, plus it’s not really any of your business if I’m single or not. And if I’m not…I’m pretty sure, whoever I’m dating would be more than happy to handle things.” She muttered, watching the man carefully as he chuckled, glancing toward the chutes as the buzzer went off. Ash took her chance to try and try to move away while he was distracted, yet he was quick to catch her by the arm and pull her back to where she once stood. She bit her lip once more, pulling her arm away from him as she glared at him, “Don’t touch me.” She snapped, watching the man as he smiled once more, cocking his head to the side as he looked her up and down once more.

“Awe, ain’t that cute – ya know, it ain’t too hard to tell your single.” He muttered, leaning closer to her.
The Plot

High school wasn't that long ago, maybe a few years if your lucky and sometimes high school rivalries never really die down – especially when your from a small country town. Even in a small town, big dreams can grow – they can make you or break you. Now growing up in a small town, everyone knows your name and secrets are hard to keep, if you do make it big - It's even harder to forget your name. The PBR is where you want to be if you want to become a professional bull or Bronc rider, it's the biggest name in the sport. It should just bring a smile to your face when you get to return to your home town when your on the professional circuit, traveling all over North America. It doesn't give you much time to start any sort of relationship with anyone because you don't have time to get to know them. But it gives you plenty of time to think of your mistakes – like the girl you left behind that you'd dated since seventh grade all the way til when you ended things right before you left. Returning home brings mixed emotions, but after a night out on the town you find a number with no name on your hand. No harm in seeing who you'd hit it off with right? What better place to meet than the old family owned diner, a place you took you’re ex on your first date. Well, low and behold it’s your ex – the one you never lost feelings for. Yet she is still upset that you ended things before you left, you hadn't offered her to go with you. It hurts you to know you caused her that type of pain – the type you were trying to stop from causing her. With some convincing will she take you back? Or will one of the other cowboys steal your girl away from you? Do you have what it takes to win her back into your arms in such a limited amount of time?

Requirements for Male

Possessive over female character
Dominant in and out of the bedroom
A show off to impress the female character
Doesn’t like other guys talking/flirting/looking at female character
Will get into a fight with other guys over female character
Romantic toward female character
Sweet and caring toward female character


Must be able to play males
Must be able to reply with at least one paragraph (eight sentences)
Needs to be at least one post a day unless otherwise noted
Must have a character sheet and knowledge on the topic - PLEASE
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