Avatar of Indie Deme
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    1. Indie Deme 7 yrs ago


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@Doc Doctor

Midst his roll, Aries was caught and piledrived. With a bone shattering loss of consciousness, he felt no pain. Though the moment he would eventually wake in the hospital, it would surely don on him all at once. That pain would be a blessing, especially if it was all over his entire body. It would have meant that he wasn’t made into a paraplegic or a quadriplegic. The fever dream that would have lied alongside him until he woke, would consist of an endless hunger for revenge.
So again, to stay completely transparent, I haven't really read anything since the last time I posted in here. I just noticed that things stopped progressing.

@Rilla Out of curiosity, as the admin, after reading some of the various suggestions here, what do you think you'll be doing with the arena? If you need time to think and consider still, that's fine. I'm not a guild regular, and won't be here forever, but as someone who will be here for the time being, I'm interested in your thoughts. Just tell us what you found as good ideas, if there were any.
@Doc Doctor

Instinctually it seemed Aries had no taste for sand. He was indeed successfully tripped. Though, his fall wasn’t violent, but rather smooth instead. The moment Charlie’s foot reached Aries’, his weight had shifted forward, which stimulated Aries to innately bare out his forearms to protect his face. He was determined to not eat sand. Combined with the intuitive human reflex to guard his face, was also Aries’ training. While falling forward, it was revealed that his forward momentum was completely turned into a combat roll that steered to Charlie’s right. The man aimed to not only strike Charlie’s right leg and knock him over via his roll, but to offer the opportunity of a reset in position three mesley feet away from him. Aries' would have been still crouched, facing his adversary with his southpaw dukes up. This simple maneuver of his Aries' should have been tricky enough to evade since he was practically under Charlie.

Third time's the charm, Aries thought sardonically.

There was plenty of musty sand to go around. He already had his serving full with sand being sprinkled all over his tracksuit from his ground maneuvers. He had to of smelled like iron by now. The stench was almost enough to distract him from the throb within his foot.
I'll be honest. I haven't read all the responses, but since when haven't achievements been a good idea? They allot pride and suitable reward as well as gives something to work towards. Newbies should look in the arena and see these achievements and they ought to think, hey, I might want this one or that one. All they have to do next is find another person seeking the same badge and win. And if they lose, try again. A punishment for breaking time limit or just going inactive should be implemented. If you tell your opponent that you're busy and need to postpone, then sure, you'll get some extra time. But if you don't provide any sort of notice, your record is damaged maybe not forever, but for the rest of the season. However long that may be.

As for the safe space, I don't think it's too much to ask for the judge or opponent to point out what went wrong in your post then suggest a method of correction to be a reference at a later date. Of course, everyone wouldn't do that, but it ought to be encouraged to promote healthy learning.

The arena ought to be just as educational as it is a place to allot honor. Viewing both from the outside ought to be pretty enticing. I know it would be for me.
A story driven tournament without a predetermined victor would not only be fun from my perspective but inviting to the rest of the guild as well.

We label the tournament as the start of a change in the arena, newbie friendly, none of the matches are ranked, someone establishes lore and a character sheet for the tourney, and promote it as something educational than the usual winner get's instant gratification, bragging rights, and hate from all those they defeated.

From there, you randomize the entrants against one another and they fight until they naturally come to a disagreement and need a judge. The judge then determines the outcome, explains why, and shares what could have been done better. The players should be reminded that winning doesn't mean anything in this tournament, even if you come out on top, you're still going to be offered advice.

The thing that will probably never change is the participant disagreeing with the judge's ruling. That's where the toxicity comes from if any of us were confused or blinded to it.
@Doc Doctor

Hot pain etched into Aries metatarsals.

“Fuck,” he spat out like venom as the surrounding muscles throbbed.

The man had slammed his foot into the heel of his now named opponent, Charlie. On the adversary's behalf, he used quite the deft maneuver. The technique deserved recognition. Aries had never experienced it before. Therefore there was only one thing he could do—vow to make it his own.

Fortunately for Aries, they both donned footwear to cushion the bone on bone collision that occurred between them. For if that wasn’t the case, one of them would have had a broken foot without a doubt. And Aries was doubtful that those odds would have been in his favor. Due to the sting within his foot, Aries didn’t dare rise right after such a devastating assault. Though, that didn’t mean he squandered his time either. Upon collision he did curse, then almost instinctually without thought, and all while remaining crouched, he limped hopped a pace forward with his left foot damn near instantaneously. And then continuing fluently, he swirled back around to create a backward sweep with his right leg. This sweep would have hooked his right knee back with Charlie’s right knee back in order to thwomp him backward into the rough sand.

Simultaneously with this second sweep, he brought his left arm from it’s guarding position to up under Charlies left leg. The goal of this was to catch the ankle in order to make sure it was more difficult for him to evade with one grounded leg. He also wanted to protect himself from Charlie’s notorious heel and to help flip Charlie back. If successfully caught, Aries was going to ensure that Carlie experienced a hard knockdown on the back of his skull. It would have been enough for the sand to completely bury away his consciousness. Unlike the first sweep the moved counterclockwise, this second one moved clockwise. Likewise, the reach of his left arm followed the clockwise momentum of his body as to not twist his back. Lastly, the right arm remained fixed to keep his guard up.
Someone take this cocky bastard out <3
@Doc Doctor

Aries found challenge in not judging a book by its cover. His opponent arrived with a rather sluggish strut into the arena. He was confident, a bit too self-assured considering he was a flabby war veteran. The man’s tattoos convinced Aries of this. ‘DE OPPRESSO LIBER’, that was the American motto of the military. It meant to free the oppressed if he wasn’t mistaken. Though, this man before him had the expression crossed out. His reason for doing so was none of Aries concern, only a distraction that admittingly fueled his interest.

Without notice, Aries allowed for a patronizing smile to creep between his lips. His head tilted up, smugly. He couldn’t help it. The cover of the book was criticized without even a skim through its back description. And Aries conclusion was that he already knew the book. If he was a military man himself, he’d be exactly the same as him. Their cocky attitudes were a dime a dozen around here. The only difference between them was that one of them never killed before, whereas the other had a murderous allure. One that wasn’t frightening, but left you with a charming curiosity even though you knew. You had to know. It was obvious. Of course, he took a life, it came with the job that the tattoos vouched for.

Aries welcomed the man’s approach. As he matched him for 5 yards in, then decided to take a stance, Aries knew things would grow stale if he didn’t make haste. His feet devoured the distance between them, leaving the already dusty light of the area to grow slightly thicker behind and around the two combatants when he came to a halt. There wasn’t nearly enough sand afoot to effect either fighters sight. Once close enough he threw out a couple right jabs at the man’s already guarded jawline while protecting his own with his left. These were simple pokes with no real harmful intent. If connected, the man's jaw might have been mildly sore.

“Got a name?” Muttered Aries, his face dark with intensity midst the sandy light. “Mine's Aries.”

Immediately after, he dropped down with his fists above his head and forearms over his face. Fluently, his right leg launched out a crunching swipe from under his opponent's knees. If this was a successful assault, the victim would have been left on their rump with a thump and a couple of red sore calves. Regardless of the outcome, Aries remained in his low guard that hugged the sandstone ground.

“War endures,” he read off his foes chest. “As you can imagine, with a name like mine, I like it.”

Aries was the name of the Greek god of war after all. The ink should have been on his body.
RP Combat is toxic by nature. I say that because all RP be it plot or battle or tabletop is an agreement between two or more players. Basic plot stuff, the players decide what's canon. In battles, the judge gets to decide what's canon and it's up to the players to deal with it or to rage quit. And lastly, in tabletop stuff, the dice and DM mainly decides.

So in a fight where both players want to win, naturally, neither will agree to lose. Unless one, or both of them are mature enough to see where the fault is. But in case that isn't the case, that's why we have judges. With that being said, don't argue with your opponent. Point out the game changer you found to your opponent, if they don't agree with it, then tell the judge. If the judge doesn't agree with it, then forfiet or commence the match.

On that note, why do judges like to make players edit their post? That's why matches never finish. If a player forgets to dodge an attack, then they take the hit. If the hit was lethal, then gg. No resets, that's shenanigans. Idk if that goes on here, but many sites do that and it's not the answer.

What makes RP battles fun and interesting is that it's essentially a game of chess as we all pretty much know. You aren't likely to win by just throwing punches and kicks. It's not impossible to win that way, just unlikely because it's basic. But if you set up something like wetting up the whole arena through the course of a fight with your water powers, then shocking it via technology in the setting, then you're likely to win if you can avoid the shock as well. That's called strategy. In the cases where strategy are involved, it's less likely for the opponent to argue. It's all about outwitting them, and they were bested. And forgetting to evade, or typing a description that wouldn't actually provide a successful evasion or block, would fall under the chess category of I fucked up and made the wrong move. Now I have to accept it.

Players mainly need to learn acceptance and to enjoy the idea of salty runbacks (rematches) and general development within themselves. In a RP fight mainly you develop, not your character, and that's so gratifying. But as is on most sites, no one wants to lose, and the opponent that was shocked will want to edit their post, or try to justify why a shock wouldn't kill them, or BS some sort of miracle escape maneuver. When they could just say, gg, that shit wont be happening next time. I'm proud of my descriptions at least. Hey, you gotta admit that I nailed a solid hit on you, heh.

The only way to fix this is to just RP to challenge yourself more than defeating the opponent. Like any fighting game, if you expect to win most of the time, you're a fool. You're going to lose way more than you win. And naturally, there may be that one guy who never loses, but that shouldn't concern you. Especially if that's never been you. You can expect to win most of the time if you never won a few of the times or even accepted the idea of losing all the damn time. You can't skip steps.

The goal should be to write a fun match, and to make your opponent go damn, you're a tricky bitch aren't ya. If you lose, yet accomplished that, then you won. A nice way to write a fun match is to fight seriously for every three rounds they come together to RP a cool scene for a round or two then back to fighting seriously.

All it really is just being a good sport. Take a hit, express pain in regards to that hit in every other post or so after, try to trick your opponent, work on your blend of description and fluency, and call it a day.

Also, in regards to taking a hit, don't sleep on that idea. Taking hits are often opportunities. If someone is coming in to punch you, and you say you try to grab their punching arm, but miss and take that hit. Well then your arm logically should be close enough to grab their punching arm now. Try to grab that shit, and when they say that they moved their arm before you could grab it, tell the judge because that's not likely. If the judge disagrees with you still, then hell, fight onward or just leave. Life goes on. Or try the same trick only with better wording. Blah, blah.

Sorry for the rant
Aries: 6' tall, 175 lb, 74" arm reach, 45" leg reach (UFC longest is 48")
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