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Expllo said
Just gonna say a few things about your CS, one being that it'd be more useful if you'd use the original CS instead of your own. Just my personal take on it, it helps find certain things. And your abilities should have cool downs, just to avoid spamming. Also, multiple times you refer to your character as he? ^_. ....I'm pretty sure money isn't needed to get into the Academy too, but, that's not a 100% thing.Shikai Activation Power(Optinal): The shikai's only power is a boost to his physical senses and a speed boost giving him 1.5 times normal attack speed and plus 3 meters per turn.Not sure what you mean by activation power? S/he gets this random boost just by activating their Shikai? Usually activating a Shikai/Bankai releases your Spirit Energy....All Zanpakuto are different though, and it doesn't seem too OP. But you should add a limit as to how many turns they can have this ability before it runs out, would be too much if they're speed and senses are boosted just by having Shikai activated. I'd say around 3-5 post, then it runs out.Shikai Power 1:Name: Black fanEffect: Cutting attackDescription: When she swings his sword a black fan launches from it, solidifying from his reiatsu. Once solidified it will keep spinning even when blocked until it runs out of energy. A direct hit has the potential to either cut someone in half or leave a deep gash should they not manage to completely dodge. It takes a broad swing to fire it. If an enemy already knows she is going to use it it is easy to predict. She rarely uses it, seeing a kido based weapon as a disgrace to the 11th squad. I think the wound should depend on how much reiatsu is actually added into the black fan, considering it's being formed out of it. Don't think it'd be fair if your character only added a bit of their reiatsu, then when hit someone they're sliced in half. If it's allot of reiatsu added, then it might have the ability to slice someone in half, but if it's a little reiatsu I think it should just do the same damage as a small blade.Shikai Power 2: Name:Hammer swingEffect: Increased swing impactDescription: August focuses the energy that would go into launching a black fan, but instead of launching it he adds it to the force of his swing, making the blow much more devastating. This attack requires a broad swing to launch, and the sword will glow black. This is most useful when the enemy does not expect it, and is usually used after devil fan. Can you add more to what it does exactly? Does it just make their swing stronger? Does the energy blow the person back? Etc.Shikai Power 3:Name: Wrath of ThunderEffect:Cutting attackDescription: August, focusing her reiatsu onto her blade, delivers a close range cut that is fast. Its true effectiveness comes when dealing with shunpo user. As this attack has the speed to intercept people mid-shunpo, delivering a stun and a cut to the opponent.I don't see how focusing reiatsu to a blade allows your character to interrupt shunpo on it's own seeing as to how your character would have to be fast enough to catch someone using shunpo herself....It really doesn't matter if you can focus reiatsu into a blade, it's really a matter of your own speed if you're able to intercept someone mid-shunpo then you're able to use the speed of the ability to attack your opponent. Can you also explain how it stuns them? Like, by brute force, shock, etc.Shikai Power 4:Name: Pillar of FlamesEffect:Ranged cutting attackDescription: August, focusing her reiatsu upon her blade, delivers a upwards slash as sends a pillar, about two stories tall, of compressed reiatsu out from the tip of her blade. The true effects of this attack comes when it makes contact with a solid structure. As it does, it fans out and travels along the ground. As the reiatsu travel, if it were to make contact with another solid entity, it rises up again, dealing damage.Uhhhh.....Yeah, that's very powerful and continuous on it's own. I'd be fine with it if they could only use it only once per day, and even if they use it it would have to take up most, if not all their reiatsu due to how much is being released and then some after it explodes again hitting solid entities over and over again, plus how far it travels. I'd be fine with it how it is if it were used as a future Bankai ability, but just for a Shikai without mention/reason of being some sort of prodigy or being trained by a much more powerful Shinigami....I don't think this ability will work out unless you nerf it like I mentioned above. Or take out this part:'The true effects of this attack comes when it makes contact with a solid structure. As it does, it fans out and travels along the ground. As the reiatsu travel, if it were to make contact with another solid entity, it rises up again, dealing damage.'Or simply wait until acquired Bankai to use it as it is. Also, unless I'm blind, I didn't see any mention of what type your Zanpakuto is. I'd say a Kido type or Unknown, more likely Kido though.

Ok. Um, yes, its from a different gendered character, but this one is a she..XD

Onto the skills.

The activation boost is kinda like Ichigo and his bankai. How it condenses and boosts his speed. This is in the same principle.

Skill 1:Agreed. Will edit.

Skill 2: It just boosts cutting power as well as general weight behind the attack should it not cut through on the first try.

Skill 3: Its more condensing of reiatsu rather than focus per se. With a condensation of reiatsu, at least in the bleach universe, as I understand it, one can push their bodies to perhaps something beyond their limits, Which, in this case, is like catching a moving bullet. The stunning comes from the blunt impact of a person moving in shunpo against a blade that is at least moving as fast.

Skill 4: Its not quite continuous. It splits once. And in its first "pre-split" form, it moves in a straight line. Thus its easily dodged. With the fanning, it splits to 5. Which also moves in a straight line. It just covers more ground.
AbigailTenshi said
@Killbox Well your character looks good but there's a CS template that's needed to be followed ^_^ Since this is a Bleach RP, there's more to the CS.If you have any questions just ask ^_^ You don't have to have watched Bleach to join, but it's best if you use the to help you if you don't have any Bleach knowledge :PI've said Bleach one too many times in that sentence o.O xD

I've watched the entirety of Bleach. Even the fillers. Also, I thought this form would work since its from a different site...Also, I think I've covered all the necessary information, with some extra bits in there is all.
Oh? Is this form not ok?...
OK, there is my character sheet! Hopefully its approved XD
I'm currently at work. So, I will be submitting a character sheet later today. Hope to have some fun.
Hello! New here, thought I'd try this rp out.
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