Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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<Snipped quote by KillBox>

I'm working on a homework assignment (holycrackerjacksalmostfinished!), so that works for me.

Cracker Jacks though...
<Snipped quote by KillBox>

Awesome. =]

I'm hopping off soon though. Perhaps tomorrow?
@The Muse of EruWe can work something out ^^
@ScarlettWaters16 Aye... My fault. I'll do that in a minute~
Walking into the great hall, Darius lets out a muffled sigh. "It is good to be home, finally..." he whispered to himself. Scanning around the room he picked up a few familiar faces and a few not known to him as well. Walking over to the small group of people that represented the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he put an arm around the shoulder of another boy. "Cap'n, I'm home~" He said in a sing-songy voice. "Your favorite utility player is back and he is most definitely ready to play~" He chuckled. Reaching out for a glass of pumpkin juice from the table, he looked about for a seat near the person he recognized out of the groups of students scattered about in the great hall. "Hey is that Genevieve over there? And is that the captain of the Hufflepuff team? Their keeper I think he is?"

Darius was dressed in his black robe, the crest of Gryffindor embroidered on the left chest region. His hair was tied back and seemingly tidy. However, if one was observant enough, they can see that he has been traveling a lot, by magical or muggle means. His robe was not the cleanest and his hair is longer than he usually keeps it. His belonging have been transported into his room and his pet polar bear is now waiting for him there as well.
"Why am I so amazing? Because I'm West Philadelphia born and raised, in the playground is where I play most of my games..."
Name: Darius Di' Stefano
Appearance: 5'8", athletic build, olive-colored skin, black of hair, medium length and usually kept in a ponytail.

House: Gryffindor

Classes taken:
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Short bio:
Darius was born in Italy to magical parents. His father was an auror and his mother was a potions master, giving him talents in both areas. As he was growing up, his parents taught him how to embrace his talents and how to live in a muggle world where people were not likely to understand him and his talents. When he became of age, he was enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Going through Platform 9-3/4 was nothing new to him. As he waltzed through the mythical gate, he knew he was ready to embrace the world he was born for.

Darius is playful but not overly mischievous. He is rather confident in himself and can come off to those that do not know him as arrogant. He is polite to his seniors and caring for his juniors. Brave, yet not foolhardy. Strict with himself yet lenient with others.

Cypress, with a unicorn tail hair core

Patronus: A dog (Beagle)

Hobbies:He play Quidditch for Gryffindor. His main role is a chaser but he can be employed as a beater or the makeshift seeker if needed.

Pets: A polar bear cub. Pure white in color and weighing about 200 lbs.

Personal possessions:

An Yajirushi, imported directly from Japan after the 2014 Quidditch World Cup. He uses this as his day-to-day broom.
Small pendent, encrusted with one sapphire. An iPod, charged via magic and a set of headphones to go with it, muggle clothing, more shoes than he should really have, some hats in order to blend in in the muggle world, and the usual student possessions.

To be made in game
I just want to say that everyone should call hatakekuro Blondie from now on. Just saying.

Also, since my character is a 5/6th year...should I just start by saying he had some issues he had to take care of and thus was out of school for a while or how would character relationships work?
"Why am I so amazing? Because I'm West Philadelphia born and raised, in the playground is where I play most of my games..."
Name: Darius Di' Stefano
Appearance: 5'8", athletic build, olive-colored skin, black of hair, medium length and usually kept in a ponytail.

House: Gryffindor

Classes taken:
Defense Against the Dark Arts

Short bio:
Darius was born in Italy to magical parents. His father was an auror and his mother was a potions master, giving him talents in both areas. As he was growing up, his parents taught him how to embrace his talents and how to live in a muggle world where people were not likely to understand him and his talents. When he became of age, he was enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Going through Platform 9-3/4 was nothing new to him. As he waltzed through the mythical gate, he knew he was ready to embrace the world he was born for.

Darius is playful but not overly mischievous. He is rather confident in himself and can come off to those that do not know him as arrogant. He is polite to his seniors and caring for his juniors. Brave, yet not foolhardy. Strict with himself yet lenient with others.

Cypress, with a unicorn tail hair core

Patronus: A dog (Beagle)

Hobbies:He play Quidditch for Gryffindor. His main role is a chaser but he can be employed as a beater or the makeshift seeker if needed.

Pets: A polar bear cub. Pure white in color and weighing about 200 lbs. (I can most definitely change this to something else if it is too...outlandish ^^ )

Personal possessions:

An Yajirushi, imported directly from Japan after the 2014 Quidditch World Cup. He uses this as his day-to-day broom.
Small pendent, encrusted with one sapphire.

To be made in game
I'm down for a heist type RP. If you're still looking PM me and we can work out the logistics and plot-related details ^^
I'm interested in Normalcy.

I enjoy slice of life rps very much and romance is always ok with me. PM if you're still looking and we can work out the details of the plot ^^
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