Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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*Shoots Kurisa*
Character was accepted.
Kurisa, ya bitch~ Um, Kyoichi will be here, captain of Sq 5?
Kyoichi simply nodded when the acting head captain called out their next action. Following along, he shunpo'ed to the specific location as well. Upon arrival, he took a look to see that almost everyone that was with them earlier had arrived. "Very well. Captain Shuiji and Yoshimatsuto is it ok for me to set up a temporary communication station in order to reach out to more shinigamis that are still alive out there from all the various squads? From the looks of it we will need all the bodies we can find, working towards the same cause. However, with my plan, one possible drawback is the fact that we will be communicating on all wavelengths available to us. This means that the enemy, whoever they are, would be able to tap in on that too... At this point, I have no solutions to that problem. If you two allow me to do so, please help me with a solution to that problem..."
@AxelNope. *Passes recruitment papers on desk* Sign.
Guys, I'm still here, just dealing with some physical illnesses and hectic work/personal life. I will have a reply up this weekend. *Bows and poofs out*

Nodding, Kyoichi responded "I see..." In his mind, he was thinking that now he has two people that he has to defeat to uphold his name. One man was the killer of his former captain, the other took away from him everything that he loved. Clutching his two swords slightly, he listened to all the suggestions of the other people present while scanning the crowd to see if there was anyone there from his squad. "Well, as the sole representative of Squad Eight, I say we go with the captain of Squad Twelve as the acting leader of our group. However, I do not believe that he should be called 'Head Captain' but that is neither here nor there, so no big deal..." After kyoichi voiced his opinion, he turned back to the captain of Squad Thirteen and said "and Ma'am, I'd be honored if I could join your group since you are one of the captains present and we were asked to form into groups for now..."

-Sword Quest-

Quickly turning around, Kyoichi was surprised by the cook standing right next to him, holding a menu.

"Well hellooo there young man. Like I said, the special of the day is nabeyaki udon, served with a side of ryukiri beef. Interested?" The chef said, with a small grin on his face. "Uh. Yeah. Please. I'll have one those..." "ALRIGHT! Coming right up. Yukihira special, Nabeyaki udon with ryukiri beef!" The chef said. While the chef was saying so, Kyoichi took a sip of his tea and had his eyes closed for those three seconds. When he opened his eyes to thank the chef properly, the chef was no longer next to him but was back at the stove, furiously cooking away. Kyoichi thought to himself "Just how fast is this man....unnaturally fast..." Kyoichi focused his mind to seek out if the chef had a trace of reiatsu. To his surprise, the chef did and was not trying to hide it. However, its potency does not warrant the speed the chef has shown. Thus, Kyoichi attributed that to the chef has lived in the Soul Society for a while and thus picked up that amount of reiatsu. The reason for his speed was still unknown...

And just when was Kyoichi served his tea....?
I'll have a response/post up within the next 24 hours.
-In the human world-

Kyoichi woke. He was taking a simple nap when the even had transpired. Grunting, he stood up from the grassy field and looked about. "Just what in the hell happened..." He said to no one in particular. He spotted three captain, particularly the captains of Squad Four, Nine and Thirteen. Having not heard what was said before he woke, he approached the captain of Squad Thirteen and said "Ma'am, just what is happening? Are we on a special mission or something? There is sure a lot of shinigamis here for a mission..."

-Sword Quest-

Moving through the mountain path, Kyoichi had spotted a small diner, oddly placed considering the locale. "Yukihira's...sounds interesting..." Securing his sword and backpack, he stepped through the curtained doors of the small diner. "WELCOME!" The chef called out. "Have a seat wherever you'd like sir." The chef continued, without even turning around. "The menu is on the wall. The special today is Scalding Hot Nabeyaki Udon, served with a side of ryukiri beef!" Kyoichi was nodding along to the whole nabeyaki udon part but when the ryukiri beef bit came about, he furrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at the chef.

To his surprise, the chef wasn't at the stove...
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